HSSB :: Volume #4

#315: Broad Creed new Sect Master

Great Sun Saint Sect, Heavenly Thunder Hall, we just now start.” The Yan Zhaoge's vision line of sight looks at carefully Grand Pure Great Array in sky. 大日圣宗,天雷殿,咱们才刚开始。”燕赵歌的目光视线端详天空中的太清大阵 Said that flashes radiance array pattern, at this time started to be hidden in void. 道道闪动光辉阵纹,这时已经开始重新隐没于虚空之中。 Yan Zhaoge lowers the head looks at at present Broad Creed group peak, road dark red air current that before braved, at this time also vanished does not see. 燕赵歌低头看着眼前广乘群峰,之前冒起的道道暗红色气流,此时也已经消失不见。 After Nine Netherworld Soil of special processing, with transformation from now on Demon Territory great array, after Broad Creed Mountain Grand Pure Great Array unifies, gives birth to astonishing might. 经过特殊加工的九幽冥壤,同改造过后的魔域大阵,与广乘山自己太清大阵结合后,生出惊人的威力 However, as on Yan Zhaoge demon seal keeps the mark to vanish, wants to open wide the channel to Nine Nether again, is not easy. 不过,随着燕赵歌手上魔印留痕消失,想要再洞开通往九幽的通道,却是不易了。 But even if so, Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array also in the original foundation, to bring it up a level. 但即便如此,广乘山的太清大阵也在原有的基础上,更上一层楼。 Present Grand Pure Great Array, in current entire Eight Extremities World major array formation, is topest existence. 现在的太清大阵,在目前整个八极大世界各大阵法中,都是最为顶尖的存在。 Xin Dongping and Absolute Abyss create great destruction, spoils of war that but seizes from their here , is quite rich, many unexpected wondrous uses, can make the Broad Creed Mountain strength greatly promote. 辛东平绝渊造成巨大破坏,不过从他们这里缴获的战利品,却也极为丰厚,有诸多意想不到的妙用,可以让广乘山实力大大提升。 In Yan Zhaoge this moment palm, is holding a quiet blue jade, the flashing light blue light. 燕赵歌此刻手掌里,托着一枚幽蓝色的玉石,闪动淡淡蓝光。 The gloss is dim, seems micro cannot observe, but color actually incomparably purely. 光泽黯淡,看上去微不可察,但是颜色却无比纯粹。 This jade named Blue Demon Jade, is from Earth Territory, is only the quantity is extremely scarce, usually in almost cannot see. 此玉名为蓝魔玉,产自地域,只是数量太过稀少,平日里几乎完全见不到。 In miniature bag that Xin Dongping carries along, has massive Blue Demon Jade, quantity not only many, but also the quality is extremely good. 辛东平随身携带的缩影囊中,却有大量的蓝魔玉,数量不仅多,而且品质极好。 Yan Zhaoge holds appreciatively Blue Demon Jade, finger is stroking gently in the jade surface together, thinks does not speak. 燕赵歌把玩着一块蓝魔玉,手指在玉石表面摩挲,思索不语。 Besides Blue Demon Jade, Xin Dongping and in the savings of Yuan Tian and the others, his Heavenly Pool Transforming Jade, Ghostly Body Condensation Cream and other upscale treasures, making people feel eyes cannot take it all. 除了蓝魔玉之外,辛东平袁天等人的积蓄中,还有他天池化玉鬼躯凝膏等多种高档宝物,让人感到目不暇给。 This time, Broad Creed Mountain counter-attacks Fire Territory that Great Sun Saint Sect seizes once more , many harvests, Yan Zhaoge asked people to pay attention several types of treasures specially, including previous plundering, has consumed fire patterned jade tablet and Underground Fire Marrow and other things completely now. 这一次,广乘山再次反攻大日圣宗占领的火域,也将有许多收获,燕赵歌已经请人特意留心几样宝物,包括上次掠夺,如今自家已经消耗殆尽的火纹圭玉地底火髓等东西。 It can be prediated that this is big bumper harvest. 可以预见,这将又是一次大丰收 Meanwhile, west side Wind Territory also spreads news, the Broad Creed Mountain powerful counter-attacks, went south from Gan Region, captures the place of Qin Region Great Sun Saint Sect seizes. 同时,西边风域也传来消息,广乘山强势反攻,已经从甘洲南下,攻入大日圣宗占领的秦洲之地。 Follows up a victory with hot pursuit, is not lenient. 乘胜追击,绝不手软。 Huang Guanglie is wounded, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler loses, Great Sun Saint Sect can only destroy the tooth to swallow toward the stomach at this time once more. 黄光烈负伤,大日衡天尺失落,大日圣宗此时只能再次打碎了牙往肚里咽。 When Huang Guanglie recovers finally, preparation starts to counter-attack time, Broad Creed Mountain has emitted in addition the same thing. 等到黄光烈终于养好伤,准备开始反击的时候,广乘山放出了另一样东西。 Grasps in the Xin Dongping hand, complete Absolute Abyss member list, many other Five Great Sacred Grounds people. 掌握在辛东平手中,完整的绝渊成员名单,其中不乏其他五大圣地中人。 The truth of this list, naturally needs to screen carefully, does not have Xin Dongping, therefore cloth diversion, exerts falsely accusing to frame, lets possibility that the Eight Extremities World's person confuses own situations. 这份名单的真伪,自然需要仔细甄别,并非没有辛东平故布疑阵,施加诬告陷害,让八极大世界的人自乱阵脚的可能。 But value, is similarly self-evident. 但其中的价值,也同样不言而喻。 The Broad Creed Mountain situation establishes, suddenly presses Great Sun Saint Sect unable to gain ground. 广乘山大势奠定,一时间压得大日圣宗抬不起头来。 Meanwhile, Mountain Territory Sacred Ground Vast Mountain also in unceasingly brings the pressure on Heavenly Thunder Hall. 与此同时,山域圣地苍茫山也在不断向天雷殿施加压力。 Those who let the Yan Zhaoge heart live to be sigh with emotion, do not look that Vast Mountain stands on the side of Broad Creed Mountain from beginning to end, Broad Creed war Broad Creed Mountain diverted Heavenly Thunder Hall. 燕赵歌心生感慨的是,别看苍茫山从始至终站在广乘山一边,广乘大战更为广乘山牵制了天雷殿 But if Huang Guanglie dies in the Broad Creed Mountain under foot, that Vast Mountain's standpoint was hard to ascertain, perhaps will link Green Sea City to have the different kind thoughts. 但如果黄光烈死在广乘山脚下,那苍茫山的立场就难以捉摸了,甚至连碧海城或许都会生出别样的心思。 Gambling between top influences, always because of current political situation change, but changes. 顶级势力之间的博弈,总是因时局变动而为之改变。 When Yuan Zhengfeng and the others returns to Broad Creed Mountain, is long time the later matter. 元正峰等人重返广乘山,已经是多日之后的事情了。 After putting in order that Broad Creed Mountain works as one up and down, oneself Mountain Gate, finally restored the past appearance. 经过广乘山上下齐心协力的整饬,自家山门,终于重新恢复往日的模样。 Only quite special then sharpened Parting Fire Peak peak, in expert by Sect, bevelling once more, is only the mountain peak overall altitude, was shorter than a section the past. 唯一比较特殊的便是被削尖的离火峰峰顶,由宗门中的高手,将之再次削平,只是山峰整体高度,比从前矮了一截。 Also shortly after Yuan Zhengfeng return to the mountain, the Broad Creed Mountain circular world, had the announcement of choice Absolute Abyss the chaotic beginning to end. 也就在元正峰回山之后不久,广乘山通告天下,有选择的公布了绝渊之乱的始末。 News that as well as, Demon Saint Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping completely all die. 以及,魔圣袁天辛东平尽皆陨落的消息。 Regarding the Xin Dongping real status, Broad Creed Mountain had not refused to talk about, but warned sternly the world person, oneself cleaned up the gateway. 对于辛东平的真实身份,广乘山并没有讳言,而是正告天下人,自家清理门户。 Although early has the hearsay, but was announced truly by Broad Creed Mountain, made the world vibrate. 虽然早有传闻,但真正由广乘山自己公布出来,还是让天下为之震动。 Except for Absolute Abyss chaotic issue, attacks regarding Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall's, meaning that Broad Creed Mountain naturally has not let off gently. 除了绝渊之乱的问题,对于大日圣宗天雷殿的攻击,广乘山自然也没有轻轻放过的意思。 both sides clings to his own interpretation, one wrangled unavoidably, was only Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall's imposing manner, saw that somewhat was dark weakly. 双方各执一词,免不了一番扯皮,只是大日圣宗天雷殿的气势,怎么看都有些暗弱。 But in later, the Broad Creed Mountain circular world, Old Sect Master Yuan Zhengfeng abdicates once more officially, hereafter no longer holds the post of Broad Creed Sect Master, but transfers retired elder, with concentration cultivation. 而在随后不久,广乘山再次通传天下,老掌门元正峰正式退位,此后不再担任广乘掌门,而是转为太上长老,潜心修行 Broad Creed lineage/vein, new Sect Master, holds the post of by Yan Di of beforehand Acting-Sect Master power and responsibility. 广乘一脉,新任掌门,由之前代行掌门权责的燕狄担任。 father of Yan Zhaoge, Yan Di, officially becomes Broad Creed Mountain new generation Sect Master. 燕赵歌之父,燕狄,正式成为广乘山新一代掌门 Broad Creed Mountain legacy, carries on time to continue newly. 广乘山传承,进行新一次延续。 No matter before this fight with Absolute Abyss, later and Great Sun Saint Sect's fights, many details are disclosed that the name of Invincible Yan resounds on the Eight Extremities World's earth officially. 不管是此前与绝渊的战斗,还是之后与大日圣宗的战斗,许多细节披露出来,燕无敌之名正式在八极大世界的大地上重新响起。 After Martial Scholar Realm dominates Invincible, Yan Di once more bird's eye view entire Eight Extremities World's Great Martial Scholar social stratum. 宗师境界称雄无敌之后,燕狄再次俯瞰整个八极大世界的大宗师阶层。 Vast Mountain Sect Master, North Mountain Raises Deep Green Chu Yan dispatches the disciple to congratulate, on the one hand congratulates Yan Di becomes Broad Creed Mountain new Sect Master, on the one hand also congratulates Yuan Zhengfeng Transcending the Mortal World, ascended to Realm of Martial Saint. 苍茫山掌门,“北岳擎苍楚演遣门人道贺,一方面恭喜燕狄成为广乘山新任掌门,一方面也是恭喜元正峰超凡入圣,登临武圣之境 Is giving Yuan Zhengfeng's to celebrate to paste on, Chu Yan called to Yuan Zhengfeng's, by Hand Equal of Heaven changing to Saint Equal of Heaven. 在给元正峰的贺贴上,楚演元正峰的称呼,由“齐天手”改为“齐天圣”。 Yan Zhaoge saw, the corners of the mouth show the light happy expression. 燕赵歌见了,嘴角露出淡淡笑意。 Broad Creed Mountain's custom, all previous Sect Master polite name, in the name of “Heaven”, from the founder Heaven Splitting Old Man Qiu Yuan outset, continuously until now. 广乘山的习俗,历代掌门尊称,都以“天”为名,自开山祖师开天翁邱原起始,一直到如今。 After own Grand Master took over Sect Master, in the past is no exception, the polite name that at that time prepared, is actually Saint Equal of Heaven. 自家师祖当年接任掌门后也不例外,当时准备的尊称,其实就是齐天圣 But Yuan Zhengfeng considers oneself not Transcending the Mortal World, cannot ascended to Saint Realm, therefore changed to Hand Equal of Heaven. 只不过元正峰考虑到自己并未超凡入圣,没能登临圣境,所以改成了“齐天手”。 Now, Saint Equal of Heaven finally name will follow reality. 如今,齐天圣终于实至名归。 Does not wait for Broad Creed Mountain oneself to officially inform, Vast Mountain Sect Master Chu Yan on own initiative changed the name, without doubt also expressed the sincerity that continues to form an alliance. 不等广乘山自身知会,苍茫山掌门楚演就主动改了称谓,无疑也是表达了继续结盟的诚意。 Actually to make what plan as for Vast Mountain in secret, that was a different matter. 至于苍茫山私下里究竟作何打算,那就是另外一回事了。 After all not only now Great Sun Saint Sect, rises including Broad Creed Mountain, is obviously strong other Four Great Sacred Grounds to plan. 毕竟现在不只是大日圣宗,连广乘山也重新崛起,明显强出其他四大圣地一筹。 Yan Zhaoge turns the head to look to own father Yan Di: East Sea Flame Demon still had not subsided randomly, Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion are also pestering with it, but after obtaining the news, sends out the person who congratulated, quick must arrive.” 燕赵歌转头看向自家老爹燕狄:“东海炎魔之乱尚没有平息,碧海城浊浪阁还在与之纠缠,不过得到消息后,也都派出道贺的人,很快就要到了。” „After Grand Master, you must take over the position of Sect Master, what politely calls, said? Actually I thought that is Invincible Yan most lining you.” 师祖之后,您也要接任掌门之位了,尊称什么的,怎么说?其实我觉得,还是‘燕无敌’最衬您。” Yan Di said: I to these, usually did not care, was decided by the master.” 燕狄说道:“我对这些,素来不在意,由师父决定好了。” After Yan Zhaoge nod, said: „The matter, I must start preparing something, when the time comes probably needs the Sect help to assemble some resources, um, outside Heaven Territory, needs to negotiate with other Sacred Ground.” 燕赵歌点头后,说道:“此间事了,我要着手准备一些事情,到时候可能需要宗门帮忙调集一些资源,嗯,天域以外,需要和其他圣地交涉。” The Yan Di vision looks that is serious: Daughter-in-law Ying Yuzhen about Big Apprentice Brother, with Little Jun'er?” 燕狄目光看过来,非常郑重:“关于大师兄的儿媳赢雨真,和小钧儿?” The Yan Zhaoge expression is earnest: Some ideas, although does not have enough assurance, but I try certainly.” 燕赵歌表情认真:“有些想法,虽没有足够把握,但我一定尽全力。”
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