HSSB :: Volume #4

#314: Vexed Great Sun Saint Sect

Under Yuan Zhengfeng leads, Broad Creed Mountain launches counter-attacks comprehensively, regains to lose. 元正峰带领下,广乘山展开全面反攻,收复失地。 Loses Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler while Huang Guanglie, the opportunity of oneself also being wounded, Broad Creed Mountain is simultaneously in power does not forgive the person, once more captures Fire Territory. 趁着黄光烈失去大日衡天尺,同时自身也负伤之机,广乘山得势不饶人,更一路再次攻入火域 The progress of situation, making Great Sun Saint Sect martial artist feel somewhat familiar... 事态的进展,让大日圣宗武者感到有些熟悉… Initially Battle of Eastern Tang time, probably is this appearance, at first win later on lose. 当初东唐之战的时候,好像就是这番模样,先赢后输 Not only before , wins lost completely, toward leaving to lose including own initial capital. 不仅将之前赢的全部输了回去,更连自己的老本都往出输。 The familiar process, familiar posture, comes one again time... 熟悉的过程,熟悉的姿势,再重来一次… Therefore that type vexed the feeling that wants to spit blood, is exactly the same, even still have it. 于是就连那种窝囊得想要吐血的感觉,都一模一样,甚至犹有过之。 When knows this war, unexpectedly buckle oneself sacred armament Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler time, entire Great Sun Saint Sect from top to bottom, suddenly could not speak. 当知道这一战,竟然折损了自家圣兵大日衡天尺的时候,整个大日圣宗从上到下,一时间都说不出话来。 On Shining Peak, no longer the sunlight is at this moment bright, but is rarely presents several points of cloud of gloom dreary appearance. 普照峰上,此刻不再阳光灿烂,而是难得呈现出几分愁云惨淡的模样。 retired elder Panbo Tai, Head of the Seven Sons of the Great Sun Shining Monarch, performs all folds in the Broad Creed Mountain under foot. 太上长老潘伯泰,大日七子之首普照君,尽皆折在广乘山脚下。 Evening Glow Monarch sits in the main hall, complexion is very ugly. 夕照君坐在大殿中,脸色无比难看。 He also went to Heaven Territory, error in thought that stays in the Southern Heaven Region suppression place, does not have further with Broad Creed Mountain. 他也去了天域,一念之差,留在天南洲镇压地方,没有进一步跟去广乘山 Otherwise is very difficult to imagine, besides Huang Guanglie, under situation that all people are annihilated, he can escape death by a hair's breadth. 否则很难想象,除了黄光烈以外,所有人都全军覆没的情况下,他能幸免于难。 But Evening Glow Monarch while was feeling slightly rejoices, felt ashamed and embarrassment that is hard to speak. 夕照君在微微感到庆幸的同时,更感到难以言说的羞耻和难堪。 Great Sun Saint Sect these goes on a punitive expedition against Heaven Territory Broad Creed Mountain, was unable with arriving in high spirits to return disappointed to describe, hits simply badly beaten, almost kills under Broad Creed Mountain. 大日圣宗这一趟征伐天域广乘山,已经不能用乘兴而来败兴而归形容了,简直撞得头破血流,差点撞死在广乘山下。 Before embarking the high-spiritedness, self-satisfied, as if completely has become the joke. 出发前的意气风发,志得意满,仿佛完全成了笑话。 Current Sect Master Huang Xu, the surface sinks like the water, the vision looks to front quiet room. 现任宗主黄旭,面沉如水,目光看向面前的静室 After Huang Guanglie return to the mountain, then enters in quiet room the training recuperation, restores Yuan Zhengfeng to take to his injury. 黄光烈回山之后,便入静室内修养调理,恢复元正峰带给他的伤势。 After the injury restores, bumped into Yuan Zhengfeng and Grand Pure Robe in the place outside Broad Creed Mountain, Huang Guanglie still strength of the war. 伤势恢复后,那么在广乘山以外的地方碰上元正峰太清袍,黄光烈仍然有一战之力。 If Yuan Zhengfeng catches up to step on Shining Peak, that situation completely in turn, even if there is a wound in the body, Huang Guanglie does not fear. 如果元正峰赶来踩普照峰的话,那局势就完全反过来了,即便有伤在身,黄光烈也不惧。 When for all that initially just went out wants to sweep away the world the rising trend, stops suddenly, was interrupted around the middle. 只是虽然如此,当初刚刚出关时直欲横扫天下的上升势头,戛然而止,被拦腰截断。 Loses Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, may not withstand the pain. 失去大日衡天尺,更是不可承受之痛。 Huang Xu looks at quiet room long time, takes back vision, turns the head, the line of sight has swept on the at present Great Sun Saint Sect numerous high level. 黄旭看着静室半晌,收回目光,转过头来,视线在眼前大日圣宗一众高层身上扫过。 His voice is low and deep: Defends stubbornly to treat the help, fortifies at every step, after my father recovery, Fire Territory was still my Sacred Sect, boundary that both sides confronted, was still separation of Heaven Territory and Fire Territory.” 他声音低沉:“固守待援,步步为营,家父伤愈后,火域仍然是我圣宗的,双方对峙的地界,仍然是天域火域之隔。” numerous Great Sun Saint Sect high-level big shot nod. 一众大日圣宗高层大佬们都点头。 The grandson of Huang Guanglie, child of Huang Jie Huang Xu, stands in the corner of crowd final side, does not have the feeling. 黄光烈之孙,黄旭之子黄杰,站在人群最后方的角落中,毫无存在感可言。 Huang Jie is self-possessed, but on the face shows with rapt attention the thinking expression. 黄杰对此泰然自若,只是脸上露出凝神思索的表情。 Huang Xu looked at Huang Jie one, Huang Jie at this moment, fully returned to normal. 黄旭看了黄杰一眼,此刻的黄杰,已经完全恢复正常。 Just now when Huang Guanglie just return to the mountain, positive news came, the astonished expression that on the Huang Jie face appears suddenly, making him have a vivid memory. 方才黄光烈刚刚回山,确切消息传来时,黄杰脸上突现的惊愕表情,让他记忆犹新。 Then is father's Huang Xu, hard to see to Huang Jie that appearance, exactly said extremely that he had for a long time has not seen. 便是身为父亲的黄旭,也极少见黄杰那副模样,确切的说,他已经有很久没有见到了。 When initially Battle of Eastern Tang Great Sun Saint Sect suffered a loss, after Huang Jie knows, light review: Does not handle affairs densely, was seen through the inverse operation by the opposite party.” 哪怕当初东唐之战大日圣宗吃了大亏,黄杰知道后,也只是淡淡点评一句:“行事不密,被对方看穿反算了。” Other people diverge, the Huang Xu vision falls on Huang Jie. 其余人散去,黄旭的目光落在黄杰身上。 Huang Jie stops pondering that raise one's head said: Yuan Zhengfeng goes out ahead of time, is actually not anything, although does not know that actually he how made his injury convalesce, but this also in scheduled.” 黄杰停止思考,抬头说道:“元正峰提前出关,其实不算什么,虽然不知道他究竟是如何令自己的伤势痊愈,但这还在计划内。” Huang Xu nods. 黄旭点头。 The deduction that they initially made, the worst plan, is Yuan Zhengfeng goes out Huang Guanglie must be earlier. 他们当初做的推演,最坏的打算,是元正峰黄光烈出关还要更早。 In that case, Great Sun Saint Sect ********, clings to tenaciously Shining Peak fully, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler also under situation, Broad Creed Mountain and other influences want to step on Great Sun Saint Sect's Mountain Gate, is not easy. 那样的话,大日圣宗就********,全力死守普照峰,大日衡天尺还在的情况下,广乘山等势力想踩大日圣宗的山门,也没那么容易。 Finally Huang Guanglie one step goes out first, is Yuan Zhengfeng happen to catches up, early goes out with normal situation, that is also immaterial. 结果黄光烈先一步出关,便是元正峰正好赶上,也与正常情况下更早出关,那也无关紧要。 At best is unable thorough destruction Broad Creed, but under Huang Guanglie and Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler pressure, can press Yuan Zhengfeng and Grand Pure Robe cannot leave Grand Pure Great Array, then Great Sun Saint Sect can embezzle Heaven Territory with ease, further expands oneself. 充其量是无法彻底覆灭广乘,但在黄光烈大日衡天尺的压力下,可以压得元正峰太清袍不能出太清大阵,如此一来大日圣宗可以轻轻松松侵吞天域,进一步壮大自身。 In inverse proportion, the powerhouse is stronger, victory will belong to Great Sun Saint Sect finally. 此消彼长,强者越强,胜利终将属于大日圣宗 This is Huang Guanglie goes out completely, after strength cultivation further, solid gigantic superiority that brings. 这是黄光烈圆满出关,实力修为更进一步后,带来的实实在在的巨大优势。 The open and aboveboard soldier, the situation oppresses others, is bullies you not to put together me directly. 堂堂正正之兵,大势压人,就是欺负你正面拼不过我。 Huang Jie said: „The biggest accident, is Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array, that unexpected sudden change, I must suspect that simply Broad Creed Mountain and Nine Nether Absolute Abyss collaborated.” 黄杰言道:“最大的意外,是广乘山的太清大阵,那出人意料的突然变化,我简直要怀疑广乘山九幽绝渊真的联手了。” Although to take action with just reasons, screwed on one to be unjustly discredited toward Broad Creed Mountain greatly, but Huang Xu and Huang Jie fathers and sons naturally knows that was how a matter. 虽然为了师出有名,往广乘山头上扣了一口大黑锅,但黄旭黄杰父子自然都知道是怎么一回事。 Present age in Six Great Sacred Grounds, must look most hates Absolute Abyss one, perhaps was Broad Creed Mountain. 当世六大圣地之中,要找最痛恨绝渊的一个,恐怕就是广乘山了。 Huang Xu heard this, the complexion is cloudy immediately: Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler...” 黄旭闻言,脸色顿时阴沉下来:“大日衡天尺…” Huang Jie said: Present situation, the approximate equivalent to grandfather has not closed up, before Yuan Zhengfeng does not have to become Saint, was slightly worse than that time, my Sacred Sect to the Broad Creed Mountain superiority no longer, both sides re-entered the power balance, um, watched this Battle of Broad Creed process, possibly our also slightly inferiority some.” 黄杰言道:“如今的局势,大致相当于祖父没闭关,元正峰成圣之前,比那时候稍微恶劣一些,我圣宗相对于广乘山优势不再,双方重回均势,嗯,看这次广乘之战的经过,可能我们还稍微劣势一些。” But, compares in other Four Great Sacred Grounds, our two families superiority, gigantic.” “不过,相较于其他四大圣地,我们两家的优势,都更加巨大了。” Huang Jie said: Then, to my Sacred Sect, was a crucial phase, needs to focus on the overall situation.” 黄杰言道:“接下来,对我圣宗而言,是个关键时期了,需要着眼全局。” After he slightly, said: To Broad Creed Mountain, the beforehand understanding, now looks like insufficient.” 他稍微顿了顿之后说道:“对广乘山,之前的了解,如今看来还是不够。” Huang Jie lowered the head, looks at ground: „... Broad Creed Young Master Yan Zhaoge, is noteworthy further, a bigger effort, a more careful observation, always thought that before enough took seriously him, but felt now, somewhat despised.” 黄杰低下头来,看着地面:“…广乘公子燕赵歌,值得更进一步注意,更大的力度,更细致的观察,以前总觉得已经足够重视他了,但现在感觉,还是有些轻视了。” This Broad Creed great misfortune, all sorts of unscheduled changes, always felt that behind has the shadow of this person, this person of disposition has not the small flaw, has may supply the place of use, but always has astonishing method beyond expectation.” “这次广乘大劫,种种计划外的变化,总感觉身后有这个人的影子,此人性格存在不小缺陷,有很多可供利用之处,但却总有出人意表的惊人手段。” Huang Xu said: „Your second one's zodiacal year, cannot leave behind commemorating.” 黄旭言道:“你第二个本命年,没能留下纪念啊。” Huang Jie heard this, gained ground, hard to see smiles: Polarity, first misjudging of life, the memory is profound.” 黄杰闻言,抬起头来,少见的一笑:“正相反,人生的第一次失算,记忆非常深刻。” He turns the head to look is at the direction that to north Heaven Territory, muttered: Meanwhile, is first time such intense wants to kill a person, is contemporaries...” 他转头看向北方天域所在的方向,喃喃自语:“同时,也是第一次这么强烈的想要杀死一个人,还是个同龄人…” ...... …… Heaven Territory Central Heaven Region, on Broad Creed Mountain, Grand Pure Great Array of Yan Zhaoge looks at top of the head static revolution, the look is tranquil. 天域天中洲,广乘山上,燕赵歌看着头顶静静运转的太清大阵,神色平静。 After long time, his line of sight goes to the south, then looks to Northeast: Enemy perishes my not losing hope, slightly a little slightest sign of trouble, like seeing the shark of blood throws.” 半晌后,他的视线投向南方,然后又看向东北:“敌人亡我之心不死啊,稍微有点风吹草动,就像见血的鲨鱼一样扑上来。” Yan Zhaoge narrows the eye: Always be only seized thief on the thousand th, did not have thousand day against clever truth.” 燕赵歌眯缝起眼睛:“从来只有千日捉贼,没有千日防贼的道理。” Great Sun Saint Sect, Heavenly Thunder Hall, you should not think that we such do consider as finished?” 大日圣宗,天雷殿,你们该不会以为,咱们就这么算了吧?”
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