HSSB :: Volume #4

#313: Aggrieved Heavenly Thunder Hall Hall Master

Yan Zhaoge speech leisurely, but in the words the meaning, is not polite. 燕赵歌说话慢条斯理,但话里意思,并不怎么客气。 Not is only Great Sun Saint Sect, before Absolute Abyss chaotic time, launches Inversing Sun Seed to disturb the Grand Pure Great Array person, besides Great Sun Saint Sect, Heavenly Thunder Hall mixed a foot similarly. 不仅仅是大日圣宗,之前绝渊之乱的时候,发射反日子干扰太清大阵的人,除了大日圣宗以外,天雷殿同样掺了一脚。 If not to alert Vast Mountain's Chopping the Heaven Axe, this Heavenly Thunder Hall Hall Master Shen Li, feared that also will step on Broad Creed Mountain. 若不是为了戒备苍茫山的斫天斧,这位天雷殿殿主沈雳,怕也是会踩上广乘山来。 Although Lin Tianfeng and the others dies, but Broad Creed Mountain high and low, to the Heavenly Thunder Hall's anger, ratio to Great Sun Saint Sect small many. 林天峰等人虽死,但广乘山上下,对天雷殿的怒火,比对大日圣宗小不了多少。 Baldy Shen, must illuminate the words that you spoke, in my opinion, your Heavenly Thunder Hall and Great Sun Saint Sect, are the Nine Nether traitors within.” Yuan Zhengfeng wears Grand Pure Robe, the under foot takes a step, walks in the direction toward Shen Li: humble sect and Absolute Abyss bloody battle, extermination, will prevent Nine Nether finally successfully in my Broad Creed Mountain, arrives in Eight Extremities World.” 沈秃子,要照你们这么说的话,在我看来,你们天雷殿大日圣宗,才是九幽内奸。”元正峰身披太清袍,脚下迈步,向着沈雳所在方向走去:“本门绝渊血战,最终将之剿灭,更成功阻止九幽在我广乘山,在八极大世界降临。” In fighting process, your Heavenly Thunder Hall and Great Sun Saint Sect harass humble sect Grand Pure Great Array together.” “大战过程中,你天雷殿大日圣宗一起扰乱本门太清大阵。” Afterward collaborates to get the gate, what's wrong, can revenge for Absolute Abyss? Must enterprise that continues them not to complete, lets Arrival of the Nine Nether?” “事后又联手打上门来,怎么,要替绝渊报仇吗?要继续他们未完成的事业,让九幽降临?” Shen Li coldly snorted, the aura goes far away instantaneously. 沈雳冷哼一声,气息瞬间远去。 Own retired elder, Chief Elder, two big weight figures, together with other massive powerhouses, fold together in Broad Creed Mountain. 自家一位太上长老,一位首座长老,两大重量级人物,连同其他大量强者,一起折在广乘山 It is not able to revenge did not say that oneself must flee to the wilderness. 无法报仇不说,自己还要落荒而逃。 This Azure Thunder Martial Saint, oppression in heart, it can be imagined. 这位青雷武圣,心中的憋闷,可想而知。 But at this moment, is beyond control he not to retreat. 但此刻,由不得他不退走。 Some matters, let alone Shen Li is well aware, never forgot, even if he has forgotten for a while, just now Yuan Zhengfeng with a Huang Guanglie war, can make him recall immediately. 一些事情,别说沈雳心知肚明,从来不曾忘记,就算他一时忘了,方才元正峰黄光烈一战,也可以让他立刻回想起来。 Not long, Hand Equal of Heaven Yuan Zhengfeng, is in the peer existence of cream of the crop. 曾几何时,“齐天手元正峰,乃是自己同辈人中最顶尖的存在。 Although Invincible like his disciple Yan Di did not call the name, Ge Ya one generation , the bird's eye view was life-long, but Yuan Zhengfeng in the past years, once created own legend. 虽然不像他的弟子燕狄一样无敌称名,盖压一代人,俯瞰终生,但元正峰在当年,也曾创造属于自己的传说。 Visits the Great Martial Scholar peak, Realm of Transcending, Yuan Zhengfeng must be earlier than contemporaries Huang Guanglie, Shen Li, Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping, not to mention age slightly small Song Wuliang and An Qinglin. 踏足大宗师顶峰,超凡之境,元正峰比同龄人黄光烈沈雳袁天辛东平都要更早,更别提年龄稍小的宋无量安清霖了。 In the past, everybody also young, that time of just prominence, Yuan Zhengfeng is most outstanding that was also favored, in the peer, was most likely, the quickest achievement Realm of Martial Saint person. 当年,大家都还年轻,刚刚声名鹊起的那个时代,元正峰是最优秀的那一个,也是被看好,同辈人中,最有可能,最快成就武圣之境的人。 Because the past old sick and wounded, Yuan Zhengfeng has been detained Realm of Transcending, this had Huang Guanglie and catching up of Shen Li and the others. 只是因为昔日旧伤患,元正峰一直滞留超凡之境,这才有了黄光烈沈雳等人的后来居上。 Wastes time many years of Yuan Zhengfeng, now finally stepped over that Taoism threshold, Transcending the Mortal World, immediately makes many person dust-laden memories of recover. 蹉跎多年的元正峰,如今终于迈过那道门槛,超凡入圣,立刻就让很多人尘封的记忆复苏。 Previous Six Greats Martial Saint, are few except for Old Man Mo old rank old take action, the depth is difficult to distinguish outside, other people, under same cultivation realm, are not the Yuan Zhengfeng's matches. 此前的六大武圣,除了墨老人年龄大辈分老出手少,深浅难辨以外,其他的人,在同境界下,都不是元正峰的对手。 Awe-inspiring many years of Huang Guanglie, initially Realm of Martial Scholar, Realm of Great Martial Scholar, fought with Yuan Zhengfeng, 1 victory, under various situations has not lost to the Yuan Zhengfeng's number of times, a finger of hand cannot count. 威风八面多年的黄光烈,当初宗师之境,大宗师之境,与元正峰交手,未尝一胜,各种场合下输给元正峰的次数,一只手的手指都数不过来。 Heavenly Thunder Hall Hall Master Shen Li, in the past Great Martial Scholar cultivation time and Yuan Zhengfeng fight, collapses completely. 天雷殿殿主沈雳,当年大宗师修为的时候与元正峰交手,也是一败涂地。 Today, although Yuan Zhengfeng initially treads Saint Realm, but also makes Shen Li difficult to offend its front. 今日,元正峰虽然初踏圣境,但也让沈雳难撄其锋。 Let alone, Yuan Zhengfeng also has sacred armament Grand Pure Robe along! 更何况,元正峰还有圣兵太清袍随身! If left Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate, Huang Guanglie does not have Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler also to dare with a Yuan Zhengfeng war, Shen Li does not have sacred armament in the hand, can only turn around walks. 如果说,离开了广乘山山门,黄光烈没有大日衡天尺也敢与元正峰一战的话,沈雳没有圣兵在手,只能掉头就走。 Shen Li retreats, Yuan Zhengfeng does not make him relaxed, direct type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm has pressed. 沈雳退走,元正峰却不让他轻松,直接一式广乘天掌压了过去。 Direction that the distant place, Shen Li is , the vault of heaven as if caves , the horizon as if twisted. 远方,沈雳所在的方向,天穹仿佛塌陷,地平线似乎扭曲了一下。 Stuffy snort|hum transmits from afar, the Shen Li engagement, body thunder ray, does not suppress the injury completely, retreats rapidly. 一声闷哼远远传来,沈雳完全不接战,身化雷光,强忍伤势,飞速退走。 Shen Li flies, way East Heaven Region boundary, before here Broad Creed martial artist, has contracted. 沈雳一路飞行,途径天东洲地界,这里广乘武者之前已经收缩。 Heavenly Thunder Hall martial artist comes out after Earth Territory, in this gallops, Lin Tianfeng they went to Central Heaven Region Broad Creed Mountain, other people build the rear base here. 天雷殿武者地域出来后,在此驰骋,林天峰他们去了天中洲广乘山,还有其他人在此建立后方基地。 But at this time, these person looks at Hall Master leaps, billowing thunder ray has curled all people in consternation together, does not stay, flies to escape in the Earth Territory direction, passes through Earth Territory, returns to Thunder Territory. 但这时,这些人愕然看着自家殿主飞跃而过,滚滚雷光将所有人一起卷了,并不停留,朝地域方向飞遁,穿越地域,返回雷域 Lin Zhou then, sees to have Shen Li one person, in consternation: Grand Master, my father and Grand Uncle-Master Yue they...” 林舟便在其中,见只有沈雳一人,不由愕然:“师祖,我爹和岳师叔祖他们…” Shen Li is pale the face, did not say a word. 沈雳铁青着脸,一言不发。 The Lin Zhou complexion instantaneously becomes pale. 林舟脸色瞬间变得惨白。 He calmed down, took a deep breath, wants to ask again. 他定了定神,深吸一口气,想要再问。 However looks at Shen Li that terror complexion, Lin Zhou opens mouth, actually cannot make the sound. 但是看沈雳那恐怖的脸色,林舟张开嘴,却又发不出声音。 Grand Master should eat has selected small defeat, is sad, meets this appearance...” Lin Zhou in said to oneself at heart: Father they will not have matter.” 师祖应该只是吃了点小亏,心情不好,才会这幅模样…”林舟在心里对自己说道:“爹他们不会有事的。” Hits Broad Creed Mountain, finally has not hit, lost the face?” “打广乘山,最终没打下来,失了面子?” Lin Zhou clenches teeth: But Great Sun Saint Sect's Huang Guanglie went out, has Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler in the hand, there is Grand Master to divert Vast Mountain's Chopping the Heaven Axe, how possibly to overcome one just with mutually wounded Broad Creed Mountain that Absolute Abyss put together?” 林舟咬牙:“但大日圣宗的黄光烈都出关了,有大日衡天尺在手,又有师祖牵制苍茫山的斫天斧,怎么可能打不下一个刚刚跟绝渊拼的两败俱伤的广乘山?” Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion, on Flame Demon by East Sea was pulled restrain, is impossible stretches across Earth Territory to come the Heaven Territory help.” 碧海城浊浪阁,也都被东海上的炎魔制住了,不可能横跨地域天域帮忙。” Lin Zhou wants saying: Perhaps was obtained Grand Pure Robe by Great Sun Saint Sect, therefore Grand Master like this is breathless, this was most possible situation.” 林舟想道:“或许是被大日圣宗得到了太清袍,所以师祖才这样气急败坏,这是最可能的情况了。” If Broad Creed Mountain the destruction, then links sacred armament Grand Pure Robe also to fall into the Great Sun Saint Sect hand, that Great Sun Saint Sect's tendency, is really hard to resist, has several points to sweep away the world the indication. 广乘山如果覆灭,然后连圣兵太清袍也落入大日圣宗手中,那大日圣宗的势头,就真的难以抵挡,具备几分横扫天下的征兆。 To that time, Heavenly Thunder Hall must perhaps change, settles a dispute with Vast Mountain, collaborates with Green Sea City. 到了那时,天雷殿说不定就要改弦更张,与苍茫山讲和,与碧海城联手。 Even including Turbid Wave Pavilion, is hard to continue to cultivate one's own moral worth, has to abandon the neutral stand, otherwise also wants the supine Great Sun Saint Sect breath. 甚至连浊浪阁,都难以继续独善其身,不得不放弃中立立场,否则也要仰大日圣宗鼻息。 In the Lin Zhou heart comforts itself unceasingly. 林舟心中不断安慰自己。 If by any chance returns to Heavenly Thunder Hall, calmed down Shen Li and other remains behind the ancient elder emergency discussion, the outside also has the news to transmit, destroyed the Lin Zhou's hope. 但等回到天雷殿,冷静下来的沈雳和其他留守宿老紧急磋商,外界也有消息传来,打破了林舟的希望。 This had revealed gradually the Heavenly Thunder Hall younger generation first person of elegant demeanor Thunderous Young Master, alone closes in the room. 这位已经渐渐显露天雷殿年轻一代第一人风采的雷鸣公子,将自己一个人独自关在房间中。 Any person who passed by his room entrance, can feel that depressing and wild feeling, seems starting thunder storm. 凡是路过他房间门口的人,都能感受到其中那压抑而又狂暴的感觉,仿佛正在掀起一场雷霆风暴。 Including always with Yan Shan that Lin Zhou does not cope with, at this moment some do not dare to approach Lin Zhou there. 连一向同林舟不对付的燕闪,此刻也有些不敢靠近林舟那里。 After Heavenly Thunder Hall numerous big shot knows, is a sigh. 天雷殿一众大佬知道后,都是一声叹息。 Some, the door suddenly opened on the 1st, Lin Zhou went out. 某一日,房门突然打开,林舟从中走出。 On his face is cloudy, vision ice-colder dreary. 他的脸上乌云密布,目光更加冰冷阴郁。 I manage carefully, plans laboriously, must go against heaven's will changes to assign, finally the father leaves me to go.” The Lin Zhou expression is wooden, the vision looks to the Southwest horizon, there is the direction that Heaven Territory and Broad Creed Mountain are. “我小心经营,辛苦谋划,就是要逆天改命,结果父亲还是离我而去。”林舟表情木然,目光看向西南方天际,那里是天域广乘山所在的方向。 Quite a while, eventually futile effort, I try hard to be useful diligently, might as well drift with the current to consider as finished...” In the Lin Zhou's vision, has anger to raise suddenly: Must otherwise, simply make his heaven and the earth turning upside down!” “努力半天,终究还是徒劳,那我努力还有什么用,不如随波逐流算了…”林舟的目光中,骤然有怒火升起:“要不然的话,就索性闹他个天翻地覆!” „The destruction your Broad Creed Mountain, I did not vow am not a person!” “不覆灭你广乘山,我誓不为人!”
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