HSSB :: Volume #4

#312: Touches your badly beaten

In the sky that wild black hole, not only Nine Nether to terror, distortion Space has formed the gigantic destructive power. 天空中那狂暴的黑洞,不仅仅通向恐怖的九幽,扭曲的空间更形成了巨大的破坏力。 Was involved in martial artist, many people of bodies when approaching black hole, then burst Space has torn into shreds the body forcefully! 被卷入其中的武者,有多人身体在靠近黑洞时,便被破裂的空间强行撕碎了身体! Severely wounded Great Sun Saint Sect retired elder Panbo Tai, has sent out the startled day to roar: Yan Zhaoge! Yan Di!” 已经重伤的大日圣宗太上长老潘伯泰,发出惊天怒吼:“燕赵歌燕狄!” In the roaring sound, his half body was embezzled by black hole, but Space has the fold distortion. 怒吼声中,他半截身体被黑洞吞没,但是空间产生褶皱扭曲。 The severe wound is incapable of resisting in Panbo Tai of body, the personal appearance cut in two at the waist by the terror void strength directly! 重伤在身的潘伯泰无力抵抗,身形直接被恐怖的虚空之力腰斩! With Huang Guanglie and Yuan Zhengfeng and the others same rank, able to move unhindered in society many years of Transcending Great Martial Scholar Panbo Tai, directly die in void! 黄光烈元正峰等人同辈分,纵横世间多年的超凡大宗师潘伯泰,直接陨落于虚空中! Great Sun Saint Sect this generation of Head of the Seven Sons of the Great Sun Shining Monarch, Heavenly Thunder Hall's Lin Tianfeng, Heavenly Thunder Hall's retired elder, was involved in black hole together. 大日圣宗这一代大日七子之首普照君,天雷殿的林天峰,还有天雷殿的一位太上长老,则一起被卷入黑洞内。 In sky terrifying dark red great array, with that black hole, in this moment, seizes the soul to absorb the soul, makes a massacre, will invade the Broad Creed enemy, ruins all. 天空中恐怖的暗红大阵,与那黑洞,在这一刻,夺魂摄魄,制造一场大屠杀,将入侵广乘的敌人,尽数葬送。 In black hole, the one point golden light vicissitudes, struggle unceasingly, is sacred armament, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler. 黑洞中,一点金光浮浮沉沉,不断挣扎,正是圣兵,大日衡天尺 But at this moment loses Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler that the master stimulates to movement, although the strength is strong, finally gradually thoroughly was actually whirled away by black hole, again disappearing trace! 但此刻失去主人催动的大日衡天尺,力量虽强,却也最终渐渐被黑洞彻底卷走,再不见了踪影! Under Huang Guanglie covers to work loose from dark red great array radiance, flies away by far, looks back to look, at this time on looks at sacred armament, was embezzled by black hole finally. 黄光烈从暗红大阵光辉笼罩下挣脱出来,远远飞开,回首望去,这时就看着自家圣兵,终于被黑洞吞没。 Arrives from the East Martial Saint at this moment, the air/Qi clashes toward the top of the head, several want to spit blood. 东来武圣这一刻,气往头顶冲,几欲吐血。 Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, his Great Sun Saint Sect treasure, the legacy many years, is the Sect symbol, are Great Sun Saint Sect stand erect important taking advantage of the world. 大日衡天尺,他大日圣宗镇山之宝,传承多年,一直是宗门象征,也是大日圣宗屹立于世的重要依仗。 In Sect does not have Martial Saint , before or looks like his Huang Guanglie, closes up, is Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler supports Great Sun Saint Sect not but actually, maintains the prestige not to fall, fights with other Sacred Ground. 宗门中没有武圣的时候,又或者像他黄光烈之前闭关的时候,便是大日衡天尺匡扶大日圣宗不倒,维系威名不坠,与其他圣地争锋。 Even if Sect for a while deterioration, there is an enough inside story, making other people not dare to violate lightly. 哪怕宗门一时积弱,也有足够的底蕴,让其他人不敢轻犯。 One such as Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Robe, Vast Mountain's Chopping the Heaven Axe. 一如广乘山的太清袍,苍茫山的斫天斧 But Great Sun Saint Sect in recent years, reason that sits quietly the Eight Extremities Number One Sacred Ground throne, because of his Huang Guanglie Esteemed Martial Saint, exists with Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler sacred armament, is Eight Extremities World is before this alone one, then can cover presses other Sacred Ground heads. 大日圣宗近年来,之所以稳坐八极第一圣地宝座,就是因为他黄光烈武圣之尊,与大日衡天尺圣兵同时存在,是八极大世界此前独一份儿,遂能盖压其他圣地一头。 Huang Guanglie closes up laboriously for many years, before Battle of Eastern Tang was counter-attacked Fire Territory by Broad Creed Mountain, suppresses has not been going out. 黄光烈辛苦闭关多年,之前东唐之战广乘山反攻火域,都强忍着没有出关。 This dynasty breaks the price record, merit line of complete, cultivation succeeds goes a step further, the momentum seriously startled day, making entire Eight Extremities World look askance. 此次一朝破关而出,功行圆满,修为成功更进一步,声势当真惊天,让整个八极大世界为之侧目。 Including ally Heavenly Thunder Hall originally, starts to feel restless. 连原本的盟友天雷殿,都开始感到不安。 From the beginning reason that Huang Guanglie attacks the mountain has not used Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, on the one hand misplaces the Yuan Zhengfeng going out time, has to oneself absolutely self-confidently. 黄光烈一开始攻山之所以没有动用大日衡天尺,一方面是错估元正峰出关时间,对自身又有绝对自信。 On the other hand, then to frighten Heavenly Thunder Hall and Vast Mountain. 另一方面,便是为了震慑天雷殿苍茫山 Huang Guanglie this time goes north Heaven Territory with Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, is similar to Great Sun flies high seriously, the air/Qi swallows ten thousand li (0.5km) like the tiger, as if must sweep away the world to be ordinary. 黄光烈此次携大日衡天尺北上天域,当真如同大日凌空,气吞万里如虎,仿佛要横扫天下一般。 originally is present age Eight Extremities Number One Sacred Ground Great Sun Saint Sect, regardless of the strength or the momentum, rises suddenly in this. 本就是当世八极第一圣地大日圣宗,不论实力还是声势,都在此暴涨。 The first goal is Sect Master shuts the life and death pass/test, simultaneously just suffered a great misfortune Broad Creed Mountain. 第一个目标又是掌门闭生死关,同时刚刚遭受一场大劫的广乘山 The war has not started, the result as if has been doomed. 大战还没开始,结局仿佛就已经注定。 Successfully broke the price record until afterward Yuan Zhengfeng, shows the astonishing strength, Huang Guanglie is also confident. 及至后来元正峰成功破关而出,更展现出惊人实力,黄光烈也信心满满。 At best is only somewhat regrettable, the superiority of one's own side so is no longer distinct. 充其量只是有些遗憾,己方的优势不再那么明显。 But even if unable to capture Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate, oneself and subordinates Great Sun Saint Sect people, can the whole body draw back, suppresses in the surrounding, forcing Yuan Zhengfeng and the others not to dare to leave Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate, does not dare to leave Grand Pure Great Array. 但即便无法攻下广乘山山门,自己和麾下大日圣宗众人,也可以全身而退,在外围进行压制,逼迫元正峰等人不敢离开广乘山山门,不敢离开太清大阵 Then, other Heaven Territory four regions besides Central Heaven Region, as well as the Wind Territory's land, Great Sun Saint Sect can receive in the pouch, advances freely and quickly. 如此一来,除了天中洲以外的天域其他四洲,以及风域的土地,大日圣宗都可以收入囊中,纵横驰骋。 But Huang Guanglie has not thought that sky appears seizes life. 黄光烈怎么也没有想到,天空惊现夺命阵。 His prompt strain, the brave soldier breaks the wrist, possibly was held by that black hole including his in person. 要不是他及时应变,壮士断腕,连他本人都可能被那黑洞吸住。 Now, oneself withdrew actually, but this time treads near the Broad Creed Mountain's Great Sun Saint Sect powerhouses, is annihilated. 现在,自己倒是脱身了,可是此次踏临广乘山的大日圣宗众强者,全军覆没。 Lost Sect Supreme Treasure Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler! 更丢了宗门至宝大日衡天尺 At this moment, Huang Guanglie even felt that he does not know how should confess with the Great Sun Saint Sect all previous dynasties founder. 这一刻,黄光烈甚至感觉他不知该如何跟大日圣宗历代祖师交代。 Some significance, Huang Guanglie, before steps on Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate Yuan Tian, has made the same mistake, incurs to suffer a defeat and flee. 某种意义上来说,黄光烈,和之前来踩广乘山山门袁天,犯了相同错误,以至于招致败亡。 Two big Martial Saint, as Eight Extremities World present age existence of cream of the crop, Old in Jianghu, before the motion, will hold back one trick, the prevention suddenly has the accident. 两大武圣,作为八极大世界当世最顶尖的存在,也都老于江湖,行动之前,都会留一手,预防突发意外。 Accident that but they face, is really above the imagination, beforehand is hard to estimate. 但他们面对的意外,实在超乎想象,事先难以预估。 Therefore two person tragedies. 于是两个人都悲剧了。 Although Huang Guanglie fell Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, oneself work loose reluctantly, but Yuan Zhengfeng has not let off him. 黄光烈虽然落了大日衡天尺,自己勉强挣脱出来,但元正峰可没有放过他。 Type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm hits loudly, Huang Guanglie has not held one's ground, can only resist reluctantly. 一式广乘天掌轰然打来,黄光烈还没稳住阵脚,只能勉强抵挡。 But after a Yuan Zhengfeng palm, immediately meets a blade again! 元正峰一掌之后,立刻再接一刀! Behind Broad Creed Heavenly Palm, is following close on Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre. 广乘天掌后面,紧跟着无量天刀 Huang Guanglie shouted angrily, staggered to be repulsed, fled by far, did not stay. 黄光烈怒喝一声,踉跄败退,远远遁走,再不停留。 Arrives from the East Martial Saint goes out completely, wants to sweep away the world the first war, in Broad Creed Mountain under foot meeting broken blood stream. 东来武圣圆满出关,欲要横扫天下的第一战,在广乘山脚下碰了个头破血流。 Yuan Zhengfeng has not been busy pursuing, visits in world, the line of sight looks to another direction: Your two did, say?” 元正峰没有忙着追赶,踏足天地间,视线看向另一个方向:“你们两位,怎么说?” In there, two extreme formidable aura exist, in confronting alert, but this moment attention places on Broad Creed Mountain sky that terrifying black hole. 在那里,有两个极端强大的气息存在,彼此之间原先在对峙戒备,但是此刻注意力则都放在广乘山上空那个恐怖的黑洞上。 As after having buried Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall people, black hole of that terror, finally starts to vanish slowly. 随着埋葬了大日圣宗天雷殿众人之后,那恐怖的黑洞,终于开始慢慢消失。 Yuan Zhengfeng...” Low and deep such as get lost the thunder-like sound to transmit: Seriously your Broad Creed Mountain this, plays attractive!” 元正峰…”一个低沉如滚雷般的声音传来:“你广乘山这手,当真玩的漂亮啊!” Direction that Yuan Zhengfeng static gaze sound conveys: Shen Li, your Heavenly Thunder Hall wants to grab my Broad Creed bargain, should expect the fate of failure.” 元正峰静静注视声音传来的方向:“沈雳,你天雷殿想来捡我广乘的便宜,就该料到失败的下场。” The Azure Thunder Martial Saint Shen Li aura is surging, vibration world four directions, including the anger of not being able to constrain: Snort, that black hole, is a domain channel of reversal, is there to Nine Nether?” 青雷武圣沈雳的气息波荡着,震动天地四方,其中有压抑不住的怒火:“哼,那个黑洞,是一个逆转的界域通道,那里是通向九幽吧?” Your Broad Creed Mountain really commits fornication with Absolute Abyss Nine Nether! Turbid Wave Pavilion cannot accommodate you, Painting Saint Old Man Mo will not sit by and do nothing again!” “你广乘山果然与绝渊九幽有染!浊浪阁也都容不下你们,画圣墨老人也不会再坐视不理!” Your Yuan Zhengfeng has become Martial Saint, can keep off the world person?” “你元正峰成了武圣,能否挡天下人?” The Shen Li sinking sound said: Chu Yan, how your did Vast Mountain say?” 沈雳沉声说道:“楚演,你苍茫山怎么说?” Wields Chopping the Heaven Axe Vast Mountain present age Sect Master, North Mountain Raises Deep Green Chu Yan silent did not speak, the Chopping the Heaven Axe vigorous aura shook slightly, but has not actually revealed the hostility to Broad Creed Mountain, reversion Gate of Nine Nether that but just now presented to the sky, dreaded very much. 执掌斫天斧苍茫山当代掌门,“北岳擎苍楚演默然不语,斫天斧的雄浑气息微微震荡,但却没有对广乘山显露敌意,只是对天空中方才出现的逆向九幽之门,很是忌惮。 Yuan Zhengfeng he he said with a smile: Shen Li, you mixed with Old Barbarian Huang for a long time, annoyed his to like toward the bad bad habit on other head slinging mud.” 元正峰呵呵笑道:“沈雳,你跟黄老蛮混久了,也惹上了他那喜欢往别人头上扣屎盆子的坏习气。” Shen Li coldly said: Your Broad Creed Mountain's Great Array of Mountain Defence revolves, opens wide the channel to Nine Nether unexpectedly, this does not have to quibble.” 沈雳冷冷说道:“你广乘山的守山大阵运转,竟然洞开通往九幽的通道,这无可狡辩。” On Trembling Thunder Peak, Yan Zhaoge catches the eye to look at day, the looks at summit by dark red turns into white Grand Pure Great Array again, leisure saying: Hall Master Shen has misunderstood, when exterminating Absolute Abyss, to prevent Arrival of the Nine Nether, humble sect spells to try, finally was depends on own Great Array of Mountain Defence the seal the Arrival of the Nine Nether gateway.” 震雷峰上,燕赵歌抬眼望天,看着自家山顶重新由暗红变成白色的太清大阵,慢悠悠的说道:“沈殿主误会了,在剿灭绝渊之余,为了阻止九幽降临,本门拼尽全力,最终是靠自家的守山大阵才封印了九幽降临的门户。” Then, making the humble sect Great Array of Mountain Defence burden very big, if were attacked by the foreign enemy again, unavoidably was unable to withstand the load, has the mutation, such result we were also very accidental, luckily, the channel was the reversion. “只是如此一来,使得本门守山大阵负担很大,如果再受到外敌攻击的话,难免不堪重负,发生刚才的异变,这样的结果我们也很意外,幸好,通道是逆向的。 humble sect has really made very big sacrifice, has taken very big risk by oneself for the Eight Extremities World's safety.” 本门实在是做出了很大的牺牲,以自身替八极大世界的安危承担了很大的风险。” Is Eight Extremities, is human world, my Broad Creed is bounden, does not count on anything to repay, but hopes fellow people of same belief, can forgive one or two.” “为八极,为人间,我广乘义不容辞,也不指望什么回报,只是希望各位同道,能体谅一二。” At least, do not come to touch humble sect Grand Pure Great Array, otherwise no one is able to guarantee, but also what happened.” “至少,就别来碰本门太清大阵了,否则谁也无法保证,还会发生什么事情。” Also is everybody unites in a concerted effort, altogether the disaster of anti- Nine Nether.” “也算是大家携手同心,共抗九幽之灾。”
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