HSSB :: Volume #4

#311: Yan Zhao Ge’s seizes life!

The Trembling Thunder Peak top, traces interweave, seems average not wonderful, as if the child uses the wooden club in ground doodle. 震雷峰顶,一道道纹路交织,看上去平平无奇,就仿佛孩童用木棍在地上涂鸦似的。 But previous moment has not seen slightly pattern of special place, stamps the feet along with Yan Zhaoge, the next moment, on ordinary pattern, shines dim radiance. 前一刻还不见丝毫特异之处的图纹,随着燕赵歌跺脚,下一刻,平凡的图纹上,亮起朦胧光辉 Yan Zhaoge inspires slowly, the expiration, then mentioned own palm slowly. 燕赵歌徐徐吸气,徐徐呼气,然后提起自己的手掌。 He knees down suddenly, then a palm strikes in the array pattern center that Trembling Thunder Peak top. 他骤然单膝跪地,然后一掌拍击在震雷峰顶的阵纹中央。 Flashes radiance array formation, fast revolves. 闪动光辉阵法,飞快运转起来。 In the Broad Creed Mountain group peaks, is correct a strange air current to shoot up to the sky suddenly. 广乘山群峰之间,突然有道道诡异气流冲天而起。 The air current altogether is divided into nine, in each air current, has the dark red ray to flash before, not measured strangely. 气流一共分为九道,每道气流中,都有殷红光芒闪现,诡异莫测。 Yuan Zhengfeng that just and Huang Guanglie fights, eyes flash, in two pupils appears Grand Pure Great Array array pattern. 正和黄光烈交手的元正峰,目光一闪,两眼瞳孔中都浮现太清大阵阵纹 Then, array pattern in his left eye eye pupil dissipates gradually. 然后,他左眼眼瞳里的阵纹渐渐消散。 When his body, there is talisman seal together to flash radiance, before , just went out, Elder He keeps on him. 在他身体背后,也有一道符印闪动光辉,正是之前刚刚出关时,何长老留在他身上的。 Leaves behind talisman seal again at the same time, Elder He also by fastest speed, sound transmission Yuan Zhengfeng explained situation. 再留下符印的同时,何长老也以最快速度,传音元正峰说明情况 Yuan Zhengfeng this moment one point does not feel surprised, stimulates to movement the Grand Pure Robe strength, resists Huang Guanglie with every effort. 元正峰此刻一点也不感到惊讶,催动太清袍的力量,尽力对抗黄光烈 Huang Guanglie only felt that Yuan Zhengfeng takes to own pressure changes is suddenly small. 黄光烈只感觉元正峰带给自己的压力突然变小。 Old in Jianghu Arrives from the East Martial Saint not, therefore feels joyful, is Yuan Zhengfeng the spent force, he is clear. 老于江湖东来武圣并没有因此感到欣喜,元正峰是不是强弩之末,他非常清楚。 Yuan Zhengfeng is the same with him, perfectly goes out, the body condition just when the peak, does not have the slight issue. 元正峰和他一样,都是完满出关,身体状态正值巅峰,没有丝毫问题。 The strength weakens, because of the strength of Grand Pure Great Array, no longer completely in addition holds merely on Yuan Zhengfeng's. 力量衰减,仅仅是因为太清大阵之力,不再全部加持在元正峰的身上。 Then, did Grand Pure Great Array another part of strengths, where go to now? 那么,太清大阵的另外一部分力量,现在去了哪里? On Trembling Thunder Peak, the Yan Zhaoge's left eye eye pupil, has the white light to flash before suddenly, in the white light three golden light dodge to pass, the next moment, Grand Pure Great Array array pattern then appears in the Yan Zhaoge left eye eye pupil. 震雷峰上,燕赵歌的左眼眼瞳,骤然有白光闪现,白光中三点金光一闪而逝,下一刻,太清大阵阵纹便出现在燕赵歌左眼眼瞳内。 The Yan Zhaoge right hand palm according to summit ground, left hand turns toward the baldheaded sky to stretch out. 燕赵歌右手手掌按在山顶地面上,左手则向着秃顶天空伸出。 As Yan Zhaoge puts out a hand, in the sky appears Grand Pure Great Array array pattern, coincides with the [say / way] strange red air current that on the Broad Creed hills shoots up to the sky. 随着燕赵歌伸手,天空中浮现太清大阵阵纹,与广乘群山上冲天而起的道道诡异红色气流相合。 Grand Pure Great Array array pattern of original flashing white ray, was caught strange red at this moment gradually. 本来闪动白色光芒的太清大阵阵纹,这一刻渐渐被染上一层诡异红色。 At the same time, under back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak mountain, in Locking Heaven Gorge. 同一时间,后山坎水峰山下,锁天峡中。 Here, high pagoda towers. 在这里,一座高塔耸立。 The high pagoda shape appearance, guided the Arrival of the Nine Nether Demon Territory great array key position core with before, that Golden High Tower, exactly the same. 高塔的形状模样,和之前引导九幽降临魔域大阵枢纽核心,那座金色高塔,一模一样。 This high pagoda, is not a golden color, above does not have the black array pattern winding of chains, tower top not strange red light door. 只是,这座高塔,并非金色,上面也没有锁链似的黑色阵纹缠绕,塔顶没有诡异的红色光门 Entire high pagoda, sends out the dark red ray all over the body. 整座高塔,通体散发出暗红色的光芒。 These rays, after the Yan Zhaoge special technique processes, outward does not diverge, goes into hiding in dark Locking Heaven Gorge. 只是这些光芒,经过燕赵歌特殊手法处理后,并不向外发散,隐匿于黑暗的锁天峡中。 This dark red high pagoda, like former Trembling Thunder Peak top the Yan Zhaoge quarter array pattern, does not have any strength aura to reveal. 这暗红高塔,就像之前震雷峰燕赵歌刻下的阵纹一样,也没有任何力量气息流露出来。 On Red High Pagoda, a person's shadow sits well, is Fang Zhun. 红色高塔上,一个人影端坐,正是方准 He had waited calmly, hold back troops without moving, when just now the enemy attacks the mountain is most critical, still did not have any sound. 他一直静静等待,按兵不动,哪怕方才敌人攻山最危急时,也仍然没有任何动静。 At this time felt the change of Broad Creed Mountain and Grand Pure Great Array, in Fang Zhun both eyes has the none remaining to flash before. 这时感受广乘山太清大阵的变化,方准双目中有精光闪现。 He only makes a simple movement, that was sets out to leave that Dark Red High Pagoda. 他只做一个简单的动作,那就是起身离开了那座暗红色的高塔 As Fang Zhun sets out to leave, before dark red high pagoda silently, immediately one bright. 随着方准起身离开,之前悄然无声的暗红高塔,顿时一亮。 Nine strange dark red air currents between Broad Creed hills, surfaces the boat to the day, in Grand Pure Great Array array pattern with sky coincides, under while sneaks, common gathering in Locking Heaven Gorge. 广乘群山之间的九道诡异暗红气流,一边上浮向天,与天空中的太清大阵阵纹相合,一边则潜入底下,共同汇聚于锁天峡中。 Nine thick chains run out from void in baseless, with is dark red Ze, twines above high pagoda. 九道粗大的锁链凭空自虚空中冲出,同为暗红色泽,缠绕在高塔之上。 Red High Pagoda thunders the vibration, the build has not grown, instead starts to reduce gradually. 红色高塔轰鸣震动,体型没有增长,反而开始渐渐缩小。 On Trembling Thunder Peak, Yan Zhaoge takes the overall situation, raise one's head looks to the sky. 震雷峰上,燕赵歌总揽全局,抬头望向天空。 In there, Grand Pure Great Array array pattern, turned into piece of dark red completely. 在那里,太清大阵阵纹,已经完全变成一片暗红色 Yan Zhaoge left hand makes a fist, a boxing leaves forward. 燕赵歌左手握拳,向前一拳击出。 On the left hand hand back, a talisman seal trace, shines suddenly, that came from the seal Sand Region Gate of Nine Nether demon seal to keep the mark. 左手手背上,一个符印痕迹,骤然亮起,那源自封印沙洲九幽之门的魔印留痕。 Grand Pure Great Array array pattern in sky shakes loudly, then lowers a ray of light column, covers Yan Zhaoge. 天空中的太清大阵阵纹轰然震荡,然后降下一道光柱,笼罩燕赵歌 Is centered on Yan Zhaoge, array pattern extends the expansion toward the surrounding one after another, one after another rune encirclement combination. 燕赵歌为中心,一道又一道阵纹向着外围延伸扩张,一枚又一枚符纹环绕组合。 Grand Pure Great Array array pattern of another reduction, appears in the Trembling Thunder Peak top. 又一座缩小的太清大阵阵纹,出现在震雷峰顶。 Big small two array formation, form two gigantic apertures, surrounds mountain peak. 一大一小两座阵法,形成两道巨大的光圈,环绕山峰 Two ray of light links, in one beyond one, clockwise, anti-clockwise, rotates. 道光环,一内一外,一个顺时针,一个逆时针,同时转动。 The outside world, the Broad Creed hills, shake in this moment together. 外间世界,广乘群山,在这一刻一起震荡。 Red High Pagoda in Locking Heaven Gorge, rapid reduction, but Grand Pure Great Array in sky, revolved at this moment peak. 锁天峡中的红色高塔,飞速缩小,而天空中的太清大阵,这一刻运转到了极致 When Red High Pagoda vanishes thoroughly, the dark red Grand Pure Great Array center, presents a small sunspot impressively. 红色高塔彻底消失的时候,暗红色太清大阵中心,赫然出现一个小小的黑点。 This sunspot increases unceasingly, finally changes into existence of black hole! 这黑点不断变大,最后化为黑洞似的存在! As if to endless unknown place, but actually spreads the scary aura. 仿佛通往无尽未知之地,但从中却传出骇人的气息。 Around Broad Creed Mountain, Shining Monarch and Lin Tianfeng and the others, shocking looks at this. 广乘山周围,普照君林天峰等人,都震惊的看着这一幕。 Their intuition does not feel right, wants to retreat, actually already without enough time. 他们直觉感到不对,想要退走,却已经来不及。 dark red Grand Pure Great Array breaks up loudly, changes to the everywhere strange red light, covers attacks the Broad Creed Mountain's enemies. 暗红色太清大阵轰然崩解,化作漫天诡异红光,笼罩攻打广乘山的敌人们。 One is one, starts from Shining Monarch and Lin Tianfeng and the others, from top to bottom, all Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall to this's martial artist, were covered completely by the red light, then the body cannot help but flies to that black hole! 有一个算一个,自普照君林天峰等人开始,自上而下,所有大日圣宗天雷殿到此的武者,全部被红光罩住,然后身体不由自主飞向那黑洞 The Shining Monarch running together of two syllables in rapid speech drinks greatly, palm radiance Immeasurable, the runic array Temple of Heaven stands, eight **** the date reappeared, displays shines the unique skill that the world became known brightly. 普照君急声大喝,手掌光辉无量,符阵天坛立起,八****日浮现,施展光明普照、天下大白的绝技。 Lin Tianfeng shouted angrily, whole body thunder ray sparkle, the blue and purple thunder and lightning runic array Temple of Heaven concentrates to stand, displays Heavenly Thunder Hall absolute art Nine Rotations Thunder King Sabre, inundated the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap to wreak havoc. 林天峰怒喝一声,全身上下雷光闪耀,青紫雷电符阵天坛凝立,施展天雷殿绝学九转雷王刀,漫天雷霆肆虐。 Made into severely wounded Panbo Tai by Yan Di, at this time also struggled is stimulating to movement own strength, must resist pulling of at present strange array formation. 燕狄打成重伤的潘伯泰,这时也挣扎着催动自身力量,要抵挡眼前诡异阵法的拉扯。 Heavenly Thunder Hall Transcending Great Martial Scholar that then fights with Elder He, sends out fully, Martial Way Spirit Image stands, shakes the day to move. 那与何长老交手的天雷殿超凡大宗师,也出动全力,武道灵相立起,撼天动地。 The Yan Di, Elder He and other Broad Creed Mountain powerhouses place in the red light, any was actually not affected, at this time launched the attack, made the dead beating to be remnant matches. 燕狄何长老广乘山强者身处红光中,却不受任何影响,这时发动攻击,将一个个对手打死打残。 Shining Monarch and Lin Tianfeng and the others originally is spelling to try to resist the red light, at this time was attacked again, immediately resists weak, was towed like lightning to black hole. 普照君林天峰等人本就在拼尽全力抵挡红光,这时再被攻击,顿时无力抵抗,闪电般被拖向黑洞 The feeling terrifying aura, people completely all call out in alarm: „... Nine Nether?!” 感受其中恐怖的气息,众人尽皆惊呼:“…九幽?!” That red light, turns toward Huang Guanglie in sky to throw! 那红光,更向着天空中的黄光烈扑去! Huang Guanglie coldly snorted, must repel the red light, but a Yuan Zhengfeng palm hits, Huang Guanglie diverts attention, was pulled immediately also taut by the red light! 黄光烈冷哼一声,要将红光击退,可是元正峰一掌打来,黄光烈一分心,顿时也被红光扯住! To work loose, the one side has Yuan Zhengfeng to stand in line but actually sea offensive to depress, keeping him definitely from dealing with the Yan Zhaoge stimulation of movement with single-hearted devotion variation Grand Pure Great Array. 想要挣脱,一旁却有元正峰排上倒海般的攻势压下,让他完全无法专心应对燕赵歌催动的变异太清大阵 Solemn Esteemed Martial Saint, sacred armament in the hand, Huang Guanglie also can only at this moment, but was held. 堂堂武圣之尊,圣兵在手,黄光烈此刻也只能无奈被吸住。 In a flash, black hole is near at hand! 转瞬之间,黑洞近在咫尺! In Huang Guanglie both eyes flashes through the dreadful anger. 黄光烈双目中闪过滔天怒火。 Is feeling the terrifying aura in that black hole, he clenched the teeth, looked in the hand Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler. 感受着那黑洞中的恐怖气息,他咬紧牙关,看了手中大日衡天尺一眼。 In the shocking rave sound, Huang Guanglie fell own Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler! 震天狂吼声中,黄光烈落了自己的大日衡天尺 Wild golden light flashes, covers Huang Guanglie red brilliance, with Yuan Zhengfeng that attacking to go forward, was shaken draws back. 狂暴金光闪动间,笼罩黄光烈的红色光华,与攻上前的元正峰,都被震退。 Huang Guanglie body golden light, goes far away instantaneously. 黄光烈身化金光,瞬间远去。 His both eyes blood red, turns head to look that sees the Great Sun Saint Sect inherited treasure, Eight Extremities World can be counted on one's fingers sacred armament Supreme Treasure, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, during the vibrations, was still inhaled that black hole, was escorted to legendary Nine Nether! 双目血红,回头看去,就看见大日圣宗祖传的镇山之宝,八极大世界屈指可数圣兵至宝,大日衡天尺,震动之间,仍然被吸入那黑洞,被送往传说中九幽 Sky over Broad Creed Mountain, the strange dark red great array revolution, as if changed to the bloody slaughterhouse at this time. 广乘山上空,诡异的暗红大阵运转,这时仿佛化作血腥的屠场。 black hole in sky, as if meat grinder, as if the grinding pan, as if the Heaven Swallowing giant beast opens the big mouth. 天空中的黑洞,仿佛绞肉机,仿佛磨盘,仿佛吞天巨兽张开大嘴。 Shining Monarch, Panbo Tai and Lin Tianfeng... 普照君潘伯泰林天峰 Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall's martial artist, was ruined in this! 一个又一个大日圣宗天雷殿的武者,被葬送于此!
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