HSSB :: Volume #4

#310: Pay with a life!

A form appears before the Yan Di body, seems is not big, but the old man of medium stature. 一个身影出现在燕狄身前,看上去并不高大,不过中等身材的一名老者。 But this old man stands there, body actually as if with as high as Heaven. 但这老者站在那里,身躯却仿佛与天齐高 Impressively Broad Creed Mountain Old Sect Master, Yuan Zhengfeng! 赫然正是广乘山老掌门,元正峰 Huang Guanglie in sky, overlooks Yuan Zhengfeng: You such quickly go out unexpectedly, more successful ultra sends into the Saint?” 天空中的黄光烈,俯视元正峰:“你居然这么快就出关,更成功超发入圣?” „Before you close up, did old injury restore?” Huang Guanglie understands quickly: „Do you achieve? If the injury were already good, why did not close up earlier, to wait to be cloudy my?” “你闭关之前,旧伤势已经恢复了?”黄光烈很快明白过来:“你怎么做到的?若是伤势早就好了,为什么不早些时候闭关,难道就为了等着阴我一下?” Yuan Zhengfeng smiled: You have not thought that bored, is your luck is not merely good, my luck is good.” 元正峰笑了笑:“没你想得那么无聊,仅仅是你运气不好,我运气好。” Old Sect Master that on looks at Heavenly Celestial Peak goes on as if nothing had happened, Broad Creed Mountain martial artist completely all exudes one to cheer. 看着乾天峰上谈笑自若的老掌门,广乘山武者尽皆发出一声欢呼。 But is headed by Shining Monarch, Panbo Tai and Lin Tianfeng and the others Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall martial artist, the facial expression is not relaxed. 而以普照君潘伯泰林天峰等人为首大日圣宗天雷殿武者,神情都再不轻松。 Yuan Zhengfeng not only success ascended to Saint Realm, goes out all people expected that must early leave are too more, this makes them feel to be caught off guard. 元正峰不仅成功登临圣境,出关更比所有人预想中要早出太多,这着实让他们感到措手不及。 Here is Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate is at after all, Yuan Zhengfeng occupies the advantage of home game, has the Grand Pure Great Array in addition to hold, even if Huang Guanglie successfully to bring it up a level in Realm of Martial Saint, whether to exceed Yuan Zhengfeng Broad Creed Mountain here, is the unknown number. 这里毕竟是广乘山山门所在,元正峰占据主场之利,有太清大阵加持,即便黄光烈武圣之境成功更上一层楼,能否在广乘山这里胜过元正峰,也是未知之数。 Huang Guanglie visual Yuan Zhengfeng, said slowly: Your Transcending the Mortal World, even if you went out, how?” 黄光烈目视元正峰,徐徐说道:“就算你超凡入圣,就算你出关了,那又如何?” To old man, not big distinction!” “对老夫而言,并无大的分别!” Then, Huang Guanglie both hands lift together upwardly, then the double palm braces forth averagely. 说罢,黄光烈双手一起向上抬起,然后双掌平平向前推出。 Boundless golden light gathers in his both hands, in the world other rays, are dim, as if condenses Huang Guanglie both hands all. 磅礴金光聚拢在他双手之间,天地间其他光芒,都黯淡下去,仿佛尽数凝聚黄光烈双手。 During the golden light sparkles, is similar to vault of heaven real Great Sun, reduces to highly from the ground less than ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), destruction line of eruption strengths of inexhaustible thermal energy, all centralized in this. 金光闪耀间,如同如同天穹上真实的大日,高度降低到距离地面不足万丈,无穷无尽的热力和毁灭行的爆发力量,尽数集中于此。 Supreme Yang Fist Scripture, Great Sun Arrives from the East! 至阳拳经,大日东来 The Arrives from the East Martial Saint Huang Guanglie honorific titles, then from this incur come! 东来武圣黄光烈的尊号,便是由此招得来! The wild strength, destroys to draw the potential of decaying, lets the Broad Creed Mountain surroundings world, turns into the furnace completely, changes into a golden light shining world. 狂暴力量,摧毁拉朽之势,让广乘山周围天地,完全变成熔炉,化为一片金光灿灿的世界。 But in this world, the palm of gigantic stretches out suddenly, as if integrates among the surrounding area world oneself fingers and palms together. 但在这世界中,突然有一只巨大的手掌伸出,仿佛将方圆天地一起纳入自己指掌之间。 Yuan Zhengfeng visual Huang Guanglie: Old Barbarian Huang, blames me, was detained in Great Martial Scholar Realm was too long, made you forget, our same cultivation realm time, you were my defeated.” 元正峰目视黄光烈:“黄老蛮,怪我,在大宗师境界滞留了太久,以至于让你忘了,咱俩同境界的时候,你一直都是我手下败将。” The gigantic palm overturns, dizzy, that bright Great Sun, seemed grasped by Yuan Zhengfeng unexpectedly in the hand. 巨大手掌翻覆间,天旋地转,那煌煌大日,竟仿佛被元正峰抓在手里。 Real man did not raise was brave in the past, you were still in the lead compared with me now one step, I also acknowledged that this time you, individual cultivation strength, still won me, as soon as planned.” “好汉不提当年勇,你现在仍然比我领先一步,我也承认,此时的你,个人修为实力,仍然更胜我一筹。” But with is Martial Saint, now between you and me disparity, initially the distance between Martial Saint and Great Martial Scholar compared with it, but wanted much slightly.” “但同为武圣,现在你我之间的差距,比之当初武圣大宗师之间的距离,可是要小了不少的。” Yuan Zhengfeng type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm falls loudly, the terrifying Great Sun racket will extinguish directly! 元正峰一式广乘天掌轰然落下,直接将恐怖的大日拍灭! However place that now, we fight, is in my Broad Creed Mountain.” “而现在,我们交手的地方,可是在我广乘山啊。” Under normal situation, must step on Mountain Gate of others family|home, the both sides cream of the crop powerhouse, attacks a mountain side, cultivation realm are least most little must be higher than match realm to be good. 正常情况下,要踩别人家的山门,双方最顶尖强者,攻山一方,修为境界最少最少要高出对手一个境界才行。 This is under premise that in the both sides same cultivation realm cultivation strength treats everyone equally. 这是在双方同境界修为实力不分高下的前提下。 Annihilation of golden sun, everywhere stream of fire disperses, changes to under boundless golden fire Yuluo. 金色大日的溃灭,漫天流火飞散,化作茫茫金色火雨落下。 The flame is bright. 火光明亮。 Actually shines upon a Shining Monarch and the others complexion dimness. 却映照得普照君等人脸色一片黯淡。 The distant place, two extremely formidable aura, approach rapidly. 远方,两道极为强大的气息,飞速靠近。 fierce violent, vigorous sincere. 一个刚猛暴烈,一个雄浑厚重。 Two each other collision entanglement, while simultaneously turns toward the Broad Creed Mountain direction to clash. 二者一边彼此碰撞纠缠,一边同时向着广乘山方向冲来。 Yuan Zhengfeng and Huang Guanglie two people of look steadily forward. 元正峰黄光烈二人目不斜视 Who newcomer is, they are clear. 来者是谁,他们都清楚。 One is Eight Extremities World at present one of the cream of the crop powerhouses, Heavenly Thunder Hall Hall Master, Azure Thunder Martial Saint, eight sides are thunderous Shen Li. 一个是八极大世界目前最顶尖强者之一,天雷殿殿主,青雷武圣,“八方雷动”沈雳 One is Eight Extremities World is only at present one of the several sacred armament, belongs to Vast Mountain's sacred armament, Chopping the Heaven Axe. 一个则是八极大世界目前仅有的几件圣兵之一,属于苍茫山的圣兵,斫天斧 Is approaching Broad Creed Mountain's simultaneously, these two big formidable aura, speed gradually slow , to continue to pester confronts, actually no longer approaches Broad Creed Mountain. 在靠近广乘山的同时,这两大强大的气息,速度都渐渐慢了下来,继续纠缠对峙,却不再靠近广乘山 Huang Guanglie has not paid attention to the person, his palm spreads out, a handle golden color long ruler, suddenly appears in the hand. 黄光烈没有理会来人,他手掌摊开,一柄金色长尺,蓦然出现在手中。 sacred armament that Great Sun Saint Sect has, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler! 大日圣宗所拥有的圣兵,大日衡天尺 sacred armament in the hand, a Huang Guanglie imposing manner rises suddenly once more, then grasps Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, toward Broad Creed Mountain and Yuan Zhengfeng strikes. 圣兵在手,黄光烈一身气势再次暴涨,然后手持大日衡天尺,向着广乘山元正峰打落 As if the Great Sun stroke empties, the weight horizon is ordinary, boundless mighty force, irresistible. 仿佛大日划空而过,衡量天际一般,磅礴伟力,不可阻挡。 sacred armament falls in the Martial Saint hand stimulates to movement the strength, is terrorist, is far from Huang Xu such Great Martial Scholar can hope to attain. 圣兵落在武圣手中催动力量,其中恐怖,远非黄旭那样的大宗师可以企及。 But on Broad Creed Mountain, Yan Di has also slipped off Grand Pure Robe. 但在广乘山上,燕狄也已经褪下太清袍 The Yuan Zhengfeng both arms open to the two sides, Grand Pure Robe adds the body, the boundless strength promotes once more, with day scaled height of burst. 元正峰双臂向两边张开,太清袍加身,磅礴力量再次提升,与天比高。 Type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm rumbles once more, the frontage shakes Huang Guanglie and Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler hardly! 再次一式广乘天掌轰出,正面硬撼黄光烈大日衡天尺 The wild strength clashes, the trim world slightly is swaying. 狂暴力量对撞,整片天地都在微微摇晃。 Void even faintly appears the crack, Space presents the breakage. 虚空甚至隐隐现出裂缝,空间出现破裂。 On Broad Creed Mountain, after Yan Di takes off Grand Pure Robe, has not been idling, inspires Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased, sabre edge points to Panbo Tai and Shining Monarch and the others. 广乘山上,燕狄脱去太清袍之后也没有闲着,一振天刀龙衎,刀锋直指潘伯泰普照君等人 In the dragon roar sound, startled day sabre intent shoots up to the sky. 龙吟声中,惊天刀意冲天而起。 Elder Zhang and Elder Gong and the others, although severe wound, but under Swamp Pond Peak, Elder He can take off the shackles finally, does not need to defend stubbornly same place. 张长老宫长老等人虽然重伤,但兑泽峰下,何长老终于可以脱去桎梏,不用固守原地。 Her double palm opens, to attacking the enemy of mountain attacks. 她双掌张开,也向攻山的敌人攻去。 Yan Di sabre momentum such as the day, under a blade imitates, if the day leans, the terrifying strength covers Shining Monarch, Panbo Tai, Lin Tianfeng and that Heavenly Thunder Hall's Transcending Great Martial Scholar completely! 燕狄刀势如天,一刀之下仿若天倾,恐怖的力量将普照君潘伯泰林天峰和那天雷殿的超凡大宗师全部笼罩! But those who make Panbo Tai and the others terrified is, their these many people face Yan Di, actually feels unable to resist! 而让潘伯泰等人悚然的是,他们这么多人面对燕狄,竟然感到抵挡不住! Four people completely are all repulsed, the Yan Di vision is staring at Panbo Tai, coldly said: You said that whom wants to pay with a life?” 四人尽皆败退,燕狄目光盯着潘伯泰,冷冷说道:“你方才说,要谁偿命?” In the Panbo Tai shouting angrily sound, takes up own High Grade Spirit Armament treasured sabre, type Sunset Burning the Heaven Sabre chops to Yan Di. 潘伯泰怒喝声中,抄起自己的上品灵兵宝刀,一式西斜焚天刀燕狄劈来。 Under a Yan Di blade, Panbo Tai weapons lets go, after he enters Transcending, achievement Martial Way Spirit Image, the sunset burns Heavenly Image, cleft in two by Yan Di directly! 燕狄一刀之下,潘伯泰兵刃脱手,他入超凡后成就的武道灵相,西斜焚天相,被燕狄直接劈成两半! The Panbo Tai startled anger occurred simultaneously, actually saw Yan Di to receive weapons: If not you harass Grand Pure Great Array, humble sect suppresses Absolute Abyss, is insufficient to use energy, my Big Apprentice Brother does not need dead a martyr, my Broad Creed Mountain will not have now such big casualties.” 潘伯泰惊怒交加,却见燕狄收了兵刃:“若非你们扰乱太清大阵,本门镇压绝渊,不至于那么费劲,我大师兄不用杀身成仁,我广乘山也不会有现在这么大的伤亡。” In tiger the cold brightness twinkle, Yan Di raises hand to grasp the fist suddenly, fist bright like Vajra! 虎目之中寒光闪烁,燕狄猛然举手握成拳,拳头璀璨金刚 absolute art that the head of Supreme Eight Extremities, Iron Lion King Shi Tie excelled, Vajra Body! 太上八极之首,铁狮子王石铁生前所擅长的绝学,金刚身 A Yan Di fist forwards loudly! 燕狄轰然一拳向前! Panbo Tai avatar kite with broken string is the same, was hit to fly horizontally! 潘伯泰人像断线风筝一样,被打得横飞出去! Shining Monarch and Lin Tianfeng and the others sees that on face completely all changes color, the personal appearance starts retreat. 普照君林天峰等人见状,脸上尽皆变色,身形开始后退 Huang Guanglie and Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, although is strong, but in Broad Creed Mountain main house gate, actually how has Yuan Zhengfeng and Grand Pure Robe that the Grand Pure Great Array in addition holds. 黄光烈大日衡天尺虽强,但在广乘山家门口,却奈何不得有太清大阵加持的元正峰太清袍 Fights at this moment, destruction Broad Creed Mountain was not feasible. 战到此刻,覆灭广乘山已经不可行。 Shining Monarch and in the Lin Tianfeng and the others heart makes a determined effort: Has a look at you to shrink for a lifetime in Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate!” 普照君林天峰等人心中发狠:“就看看你们能不能一辈子缩在广乘山山门里!” At this time, on Trembling Thunder Peak, gradually by Yan Zhaoge that numerous big shot neglected, the Shining Monarch some people in vision looking straight ahead sky and others: Grand Master does not go out, I need to consider that copes with Huang Guanglie, with leaves behind your other people, two matter which assurances are bigger.” 这时,震雷峰上,渐渐被一众大佬们忽略的燕赵歌,目光直视天空中的普照君一干人等:“师祖不出关,我需要考虑,对付黄光烈,和将你们其他人都留下,两件事哪个把握更大一些。” Now, I thought that I can not need to choose, two matters simultaneously strive.” “现在,我觉得,我可以不用选择,两件事情同时争取一下。” Yan Zhaoge vision ice-cold, stamps the feet. 燕赵歌目光冰冷,一跺脚。 The Trembling Thunder Peak top, array pattern shines! 震雷峰顶,阵纹亮起!
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