HSSB :: Volume #4

#309: Yuan Zheng Feng goes out!

Panbo Tai and Shining Monarch and the others, turns toward on Broad Creed Mountain to fall together. 潘伯泰普照君等人,一起向着广乘山上落下。 Elder Zhang and Elder Gong and the others serious looks at opposite party. 张长老宫长老等人都神情严肃的看着对方。 The line of sight of Panbo Tai looks directly to Yan Zhaoge on Trembling Thunder Peak: „The Yan Family young child, you kills the old man grandchild, today is when then pay with a life!” 潘伯泰的视线直接就向震雷峰上的燕赵歌看去:“燕家小儿,你杀老夫外孙,今日便是偿命之时!” Shining Monarch sizes up the Broad Creed eight peaks up and down. 普照君上下打量广乘八峰。 Before this, war of Broad Creed Mountain with Absolute Abyss, the destruction trace that creates mostly is eliminated. 此前,广乘山绝渊之间一场大战,造成的破坏痕迹已经大都被消除。 However that was pared the summit, Parting Fire Peak that sharpens, was still demonstrating to people, a Broad Creed Mountain beforehand bitter experience what kind of great misfortune. 但是那被削去山顶,重新变尖的离火峰,仍然在向世人展示,广乘山之前遭遇怎样的一场大劫。 But now, single layer bigger catastrophe, following, does not give the Broad Creed Mountain people the opportunity of panting for breath. 而现在,又一重更大的浩劫,接踵而至,不给广乘山众人以喘息之机。 Shining Monarch said lightly: Broad Creed Mountain in vain is one of the Eight Extremities World Six Greats Martial Way Sacred Ground, is actually the shelter, communicates Nine Nether in secret, establishes Absolute Abyss, the intention guides Arrival of the Nine Nether my Eight Extremities World, causes the Evil Demon tumultuous times, life utter misery.” 普照君淡淡说道:“广乘山枉为八极大世界六大武道圣地之一,却是藏污纳垢之地,暗中沟通九幽,建立绝渊,意图引导九幽降临八极大世界,致使邪魔乱世,生灵涂炭。” Your Broad Creed Mountain is the calamity common people, everybody must execute it.” “你广乘山为祸苍生,人人得而诛之。” Elder Zhang and other numerous Broad Creed martial artist, on the heard this face change color, flies into a rage. 张长老一众广乘武者,闻言都脸上变色,勃然大怒。 A voice of female resounds: Great Sun Saint Sect, is really such impudent and shameless.” 一个女子的声音响起:“大日圣宗,果然还是这样厚颜无耻。” Making noise, is actually Fu Enshu, her eyebrow is but actually vertical: Fights Flame Demon, your Great Sun Saint Sect is present at work does not strive, has a mind to maintain the strength, now humble sect prevents Arrival of the Nine Nether continuously, with the Absolute Abyss bloody battle, extermination, you actually will pick up a bargain.” 出声者,却是傅恩书,她眉毛倒竖:“战炎魔,你大日圣宗就出工不出力,有心保存实力,如今本门连续阻止九幽降临,更与绝渊血战,将之诛除,你们却来捡便宜。” Outside fights the Number One Sacred Ground elegant demeanor that never sees you to brag, only has civil wars between Human Race several big Sacred Ground, actually anxiously plays the power and prestige.” “外战从来不见你们自诩的第一圣地风采,唯有人族几大圣地之间的内战,倒是巴巴的来耍威风。” The Fu Enshu anger shouted to clear the way: Now also dares to sprinkle to smear humble sect, seriously Height of shamelessness!” 傅恩书怒喝道:“如今还敢来泼污本门,当真无耻之尤!” Shining Monarch said indifferently: My Sacred Sect now, is not eliminates the Eight Extremities World's traitor within, but also this world ringing does the universe, cut off the Arrival of the Nine Nether possibility?” 普照君漠然说道:“我圣宗现在,不就是来清除八极大世界的内奸,还这人世一个朗朗乾坤,断绝九幽降临的可能吗?” His line of sight sizes up Broad Creed Mountain high and low: You are planning Arrival of the Nine Nether at this moment, my Sacred Sect prevents especially, is what is all about.” 他视线打量广乘山上下:“你们此刻正在筹谋九幽降临,我圣宗特来阻止,就是这么一回事。” Shining Monarch shakes the head: Before this has not thought really that solemn Sacred Ground Broad Creed Mountain, unexpectedly is the Nine Nether running dog.” 普照君摇头:“此前也是真没想到,堂堂圣地广乘山,竟然甘为九幽走狗。” The Elder Zhang complexion is ugly, Elder Gong is also a crabby, is angry saying: Your Great Sun Saint Sect can only internal, not foreign, looks according to the old man, you are Flame Demon and Nine Nether the class planted agent!” 张长老脸色难看,宫长老也是个暴脾气,大怒道:“你大日圣宗只会对内,不会对外,依老夫看,你们才是炎魔九幽之流的内应吧!” Shining Monarch coldly said: „The Absolute Abyss root, the Absolute Abyss founder, Lord of Absolute Abyss, is your Broad Creed disciple, is next to the Yuan Zhengfeng's No. 2 character, Xin Dongping, this matter present has spread over the world, is not you quibbles several to deceive.” 普照君冷冷说道:“绝渊的根源,绝渊的缔造者,绝渊之主,是你广乘门下,仅次于元正峰的二号人物,辛东平,此事如今已经传遍天下,不是你们狡辩几句就能欺瞒的。” Elder Zhang sinking sound track: Xin Dongping already by humble sect cleaning up gateway, Demon Saint Yuan Tian, one and suffers extreme penalty, Absolute Abyss attacks humble sect, considers the destruction, not being able to allow you to sprinkle the dirt.” 张长老沉声道:“辛东平已经由本门清理门户,连带魔圣袁天,也一并伏诛,绝渊攻击本门,亦告覆灭,容不得你泼污。” A sound in the distant place resounds: Is you give up a rook to save a king, lulls the trick of world person intentionally.” 一个声音在远方响起:“不过是你们自己弃车保帅,故意麻痹天下人的伎俩罢了。” With the speaking voice, several forms appear in the sky. 随着说话声,几个身影在天空中浮现。 Is the person of head is a middle-aged man and a white hair old man. 为首之人乃是一个中年男子和一个白发老者。 In the middle-aged man hand grasps one to flash the purple light long bow, is Heavenly Thunder Hall Chief Elder, Lin Tianfeng. 中年男子手中握着一张闪动紫光的长弓,正是天雷殿首座长老,林天峰 His old man, cultivation is higher, is Heavenly Thunder Hall's retired elder, steps into Transcending realm many years of top Great Martial Scholar, has lived in seclusion Heavenly Thunder Hall Mountain Gate for many years, this year actually rare leave the mountain. 他身旁的老者,修为更高,乃是一位天雷殿的太上长老,踏入超凡境界多年的顶尖大宗师,一直隐居天雷殿山门多年不出,今年却难得出山 After two people, some numerous Heavenly Thunder Hall powerhouses. 两人身后,更有众多天雷殿强者。 Their group's arrival, is makes Broad Creed Mountain have the reactionary forces in the ascendant up and down the sensation of asphyxia. 他们一行人的到来,更是让广乘山上下产生黑云压城城欲摧的窒息感。 Just now opens the mouth the person of speech, is Lin Tianfeng, he stands firm to say in void: I and other today believed you, the retreat, lowers one's guard in light of this, tomorrow when will be Arrival of the Nine Nether Eight Extremities World.” 方才开口说话之人,正是林天峰,他在虚空中站定说道:“我等今日信了你们,就此退去,麻痹大意,明日就是九幽降临八极大世界之时了。” Panbo Tai in one side coldly said: Rubbish that many to do with them?” 潘伯泰在一旁冷冷说道:“跟他们废话那么多干什么?” Leave alone is any reason, today Broad Creed Mountain being doomed destruction!” “别管是什么原因,今日广乘山注定覆灭!” Panbo Tai coldly is staring at Broad Creed Mountain high and low, coldly is staring at Yan Zhaoge: On the same day in Eastern Tang, you unites Green Sea City to compel to draw back my Sacred Sect, the shame that today reversal of the wheel of fortune, initially received, my Sacred Sect all also returns to you.” 潘伯泰冷冷盯着广乘山上下,冷冷盯着燕赵歌:“当日在东唐,你们联合碧海城迫退我圣宗,今天风水轮流转,当初受的耻辱,我圣宗全部还回给你们。” Today, Eight Extremities Six Great Sacred Grounds, Broad Creed Mountain removes!” “今天,八极六大圣地,广乘山除名!” Broad Creed Mountain faces the powerful enemy up and down, although feels the gigantic pressure, but on to Elder Zhang and Elder Gong, Fu Enshu and other big shot, to other disciple martial artist, is ready in full battle array. 广乘山上下面临强敌,虽然感受到巨大压力,但上至张长老宫长老,傅恩书大佬,下至其他门人武者,都严阵以待。 On Trembling Thunder Peak, Yan Zhaoge both hands hug alternately in the front, the line of sight in Panbo Tai, Shining Monarch and on Lin Tianfeng and the others, back and forth moves with that aloof and above mundane things Huang Guanglie. 震雷峰上,燕赵歌双手交叉抱在胸前,视线在潘伯泰普照君林天峰等人身上,和那高高在上黄光烈之间来回移动。 Facing the death threat of Panbo Tai such Transcending Great Martial Scholar, Yan Zhaoge looked unafraid. 面对潘伯泰这样超凡大宗师的死亡威胁,燕赵歌面无惧色。 He in very earnest analysis situation, the at present scene, needs him for his arrangement now, chooses a goal properly. 他现在只是在很认真的分析局势,眼前场面,需要他为自己的安排,妥善选择一个目标。 Or chooses a target. 或者说,选一个靶子。 Yan Zhaoge turns the head to look to the back side of the mountain Swamp Pond Peak direction, the heart said: Does not know that Grand Master can catch up, according to time that he initially estimated that should also these two days to...” 燕赵歌转头看向后山兑泽峰方向,心道:“不知道师祖能不能赶上,按照他老人家当初预估的时间,应该也就这两天才对…” Although the idea is not necessarily consistent with Yan Zhaoge, but this moment powerful enemy threatens the border, on Broad Creed Mountain also has other martial artist, the subconsciousness looks to back side of the mountain Swamp Pond Peak. 虽然想法未必同燕赵歌一致,但此刻强敌压境,广乘山上也有其他武者,下意识看向后山兑泽峰 Since there, more than one year have protected the Broad Creed old person, for Broad Creed Mountain, are carrying on a risk. 在那里,有一个多年以来一直守护广乘的老人,为了广乘山,在进行一次冒险。 But quick, these Broad Creed martial artist looks are dim. 但很快,这些广乘武者神色都黯淡下来。 Not to mention that old person is takes the danger of life and death, to succeed or die trying. 且不说那个老人是冒生死之险,不成功便成仁 Even if succeeds, will not be in such a short time. 即使成功,也不会是在这么短的时间内。 In the sky broadcasts the Huang Guanglie sound: Yan Di, told you clearly, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, the old man brought along.” 天空中传来黄光烈的声音:“燕狄,明白告诉你,大日衡天尺,老夫随身带来了。” Reason that does not use , because you are the rare talented person, your life war, the old man makes your brilliance bloom in front of last the world person.” “之所以不用,是因为你是难得人才,你人生最后一战,老夫让你的光彩绽放于世人面前。” But you, if places hopes in Yuan Zhengfeng, that takes advantage of the untimely death heart, Yuan Zhengfeng, he slow old man far more than one step.” “但你若是寄希望于元正峰,那就趁早死心吧,元正峰,他慢了老夫何止一步。” By his old injury, even if he can visit Saint Realm successfully, at least takes one year, the old man knows that he closes up for several months.” “以他的旧伤势,就算他能成功踏足圣境,也至少需要一年时间,老夫知道他闭关不过才几月。” You think that the old man breaks your Broad Creed Mountain, can use for over a half year? You tried to keep off the old man half quarter first to say again.” “你以为,老夫破你广乘山,要用半年以上?你先试试能不能挡老夫半刻钟再说吧。” The Huang Guanglie sound resounds through the world, in the entire Central Heaven Region reverberation: Let alone, old man merit line goes out completely, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler in the hand, is Yuan Zhengfeng also becomes Martial Saint, today this Broad Creed Mountain, the old man also steps on!” 黄光烈的声音响彻天地,在整个天中洲回荡:“更何况,老夫此次功行圆满出关,大日衡天尺在手,便是元正峰也成武圣,今天这广乘山,老夫也踩定了!” At this moment, the Broad Creed Mountain back side of the mountain, vacillates suddenly fiercely, great boundless, as if must spread with the as high as Heaven boundless will! 就在这时,广乘山后山,猛然剧烈动摇起来,一个宏大无边,仿佛要与天齐高的磅礴意志从中传出! Old Barbarian Huang, the wind was big, dodged your tongue.” 黄老蛮,风大,闪了你的舌头。” The gigantic light beam, raises from Swamp Pond Peak, the direct impact horizon, in the light beam, a form is partly visible. 巨大光柱,自兑泽峰升起,直冲天际,光柱之中,一个身影若隐若现。 Under Swamp Pond Peak, has defended Elder He that the pass/test protects buddhist law unable to attend to joyfully, both hands hand signal changes, rune raises together, falls in the light beam that person of carrying on the back. 兑泽峰下,一直守关护法的何长老顾不上欣喜,双手手势变化间,一道符纹升起,落在光柱里那人的背上。 That person holds up the palm to the day, rune that above Yan Di sabre light Grand Pure Great Array gathers, immediately departs, falls into that person of palm. 那人向天举起手掌,燕狄刀光之上太清大阵所汇聚的符纹,顿时飞出,落入那人掌心。 Lost the Grand Pure Great Array help to resist, the Huang Guanglie terrifying power moved mountains to press immediately. 失了太清大阵帮忙抵挡,黄光烈的恐怖力量顿时排山倒海压过来。 But the Swamp Pond Peak above that form one step takes, before arrived at the Yan Di body, lifts the hand is a palm! 兑泽峰上空那身影一步迈出,已经到了燕狄身前,抬手就是一掌! Under the wild strength clashes, obstructs a day of great hand to destroy golden light that Huang Guanglie Three Yangs Awaken Fist concentrates directly! 狂暴力量对撞下,遮天巨手直接打碎黄光烈三阳启泰所凝的金光 In the world resounds exploding of Huang Guanglie to drink: Yuan! Zheng! Feng! 天地间响起黄光烈的爆喝:“元!正!峰!
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