HSSB :: Volume #4

#308: Broad Creed fights Great Sun!

The Huang Guanglie power and influence is dreadful, covers entire Broad Creed Mountain. 黄光烈威势滔天,笼罩整个广乘山 Yan Zhaoge on Trembling Thunder Peak, is no exception. 燕赵歌震雷峰上,也不例外。 He gains ground, Huang Guanglie of vision tranquil looking straight ahead clouds, in the line of sight can see clearly the appearance of opposite party, but in sensation, actually only then white piece. 他抬起头,目光平静直视云端的黄光烈,视线中能看清对方的模样,但在感知里,却只有白茫茫一片。 That feeling, compared with looking straight ahead Greater Yang, must make one feel deeply worried. 那种感觉,比直视太阳,都还要更令人感到焦灼。 Has that flash, Yan Zhaoge gives birth to itself not to have the feeling in this world, seemed purified by that infinite radiance. 有那一瞬间,燕赵歌生出自己已经不存在于这个世界上的感觉,仿佛被那无穷光辉净化了似的。 Huang Guanglie in sky, the heart has a feeling, felt that Yan Zhaoge's vision gaze, his line of sight also immediately looks like to Trembling Thunder Peak, looks at peak Yan Zhaoge. 天空中的黄光烈,心有所感,感觉到了燕赵歌的目光注视,他的视线也当即向震雷峰看来,看着峰顶的燕赵歌 Along with the condensation of Huang Guanglie line of sight, that covered the Broad Creed Mountain's strength, instantaneously toward the Yan Zhaoge focus. 随着黄光烈视线的凝聚,那原本笼罩广乘山的力量,也瞬间朝着燕赵歌聚焦。 The strength of inexhaustible sunlight, congeals in this moment in one point, passed through void, has burnt down void, pierced void! 无穷无尽的日光之力,在这一刻凝结于一点,穿越了虚空,焚烧了虚空,洞穿了虚空! The Heavenly Celestial Peak top, Yan Di stands up, in hand Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased wields, the Grand Pure Robe long wide sleeve such as the day, flutters. 乾天峰顶,燕狄站起身来,手中天刀龙衎一挥,太清袍广袖如天,飘荡开来。 Slashing the Heaven and Splitting the Earth sabre intent, splits the sunlight fearlessly. 斩天裂地刀意昂然而起,分裂日光。 In Yan Di's behind, Elder Zhang and Elder Gong complexion is not relaxed. 燕狄的身后,张长老宫长老的脸色都不轻松。 Huang Guanglie at this moment, has not calculated true take action. 黄光烈此刻,还不算真正出手 On Trembling Thunder Peak, the Yan Zhaoge look is tranquil, looks at Huang Guanglie, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest: Arrives from the East Martial Saint, Broad Creed disciple Yan Zhaoge was face to face courteous.” 震雷峰上,燕赵歌神色平静,看着黄光烈,拱了拱手:“东来武圣当面,广乘弟子燕赵歌有礼了。” Huang Guanglie sizes up Yan Zhaoge one up and down, after long time, superficial saying: Pure Martial Way cultivation and strength, you in the future whether side by side your father Yan Di, the noise that regardless of the time being, but in same cultivation realm, under the same age, you make Yan Di is bigger.” 黄光烈上下打量燕赵歌一眼,半晌后,轻描淡写的说道:“单纯武道修为与实力,你日后能否比肩你爹燕狄,姑且不论,但在相同境界,相同年龄下,你比燕狄闹出的动静还大。” Was a pity that the old man has decided to extinguish Broad Creed today, kills Yan Di.” “可惜,老夫已经决定今日灭广乘,杀燕狄。” You, then do not remain.” “你,便也不留了。” A Huang Guanglie hand stretches out forward, the palm place blossoms in radiant splendor, white piece. 黄光烈一只手向前伸出,掌心处大放光明,白茫茫一片。 Great Sun Saint Sect legacy, the head of Great Sun Seven Arts. 大日圣宗嫡传,大日七法之首。 The light shines, the world becomes known! 光明普照,天下大白! Once in Panbo Tai has shown the unique skill, at this moment arrived in the Huang Guanglie hand, is another scene. 曾经在潘伯泰手里施展过的绝技,此刻到了黄光烈手中,又是另外一番景象 People at present no longer white light twinkle, instead a darkness. 恍惚间,众人眼前不再白光闪烁,反而一片漆黑。 The light shone peak, lets feeling that all people produced themselves nearly to lose one's sight. 光明亮到了极致,让所有人产生自己近乎失明的感觉。 Under the palm potential of Huang Guanglie, as if in society, only then he is the truth, is only ruler, is only bright, the remaining people completely all belongs to dies out dark. 黄光烈的掌势之下,仿佛世间只有他才是真理,是唯一主宰,是唯一光明,余者尽皆归于黑暗寂灭。 East the sunrise, daybreak, true Greater Yang raised in the horizon slowly. 日出东方,破晓时分,真正的太阳已经在地平线上冉冉升起。 But at this moment, Broad Creed Mountain high and low, actually as if marches into the dark night. 但此刻,广乘山上下,却仿佛重新步入黑夜。 Above since Heavenly Celestial Peak, has guarded Broad Creed Mountain gate Grand Pure Great Array, array pattern radiance, is also dim in this moment, candlelight that as if must extinguish. 乾天峰上方,一直以来守卫广乘山门的太清大阵,阵纹光辉,在这一刻也黯淡下去,仿佛要熄灭的烛光。 The summit, Yan Di Grand Pure Robe, a ray shines, or black or yellow, is vast and vigorous. 山顶,燕狄身上的太清袍,点点光芒亮起,或黑或黄,浩渺而又雄浑。 However under the Huang Guanglie palm potential, these ray points lightens , the point extinguishes. 但是在黄光烈掌势之下,这些光芒点点亮起,又点点熄灭。 The terrifying ray sweeps away the world, as if must entire cancel from the earth Broad Creed Mountain. 恐怖的光芒横扫人世,仿佛要将广乘山整个从大地上抹去。 The Yan Di vision is calm, fearless fearless facing formidable Huang Guanglie. 燕狄目光波澜不惊,无惧无畏面对强大的黄光烈 Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased that his took a deep breath, in the hand purple light extinguishes gloomily, raises high. 深吸一口气,手中紫光黯灭的天刀龙衎,高高扬起。 As Yan Di lifts the blade, purple radiance above sabre edge, glitters! 随着燕狄举刀,刀锋之上的紫色光辉,重新闪烁! Grand Pure Robe keeps fluttering, said that Pure Qi spreads, the Broad Creed eight peaks shake together. 太清袍不停飘扬,道道清气散布出去,广乘八峰一起震荡。 Without Ridge Water Peak that Demon Territory great array has covered, produces the resonance with other eight peaks, was twined by Grand Pure Robe Pure Qi. 没有了魔域大阵笼罩的坎水峰,也和其他八峰一起产生共鸣,被太清袍的一道道清气缠绕。 gigantic rune that above Heavenly Celestial Peak, the Grand Pure Great Array condensation becomes, starts to further reduce! 乾天峰上方,太清大阵缩聚而成的巨大符纹,开始进一步缩小! In the Yan Di hand Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased, a purple light straight Heavenly Connection border, shrinks the rune center to be connected with Grand Pure Great Array. 燕狄手中天刀龙衎,一线紫光通天际,与太清大阵缩成符纹中心相连。 In the dragon roar sound, purple light expands unceasingly, finally just likes Heaven supporting pillar. 龙吟声中,紫光不断扩张,最后恍若天柱 Grand Pure Robe sends [say / way] Pure Qi, twines on the purple light beam, unifies with Grand Pure Great Array. 太清袍所发道道清气,缠绕在紫色光柱上,与太清大阵结合。 Yan Di aspirates the sound, a blade chops to fall forward! 燕狄吐气开声,一刀向前劈落! Similar to Heaven supporting pillar collapses, the heaven tilts, the infinite vault of heaven changes to purple long sabre together. 如同天柱倒塌,苍天倾覆,无穷天穹一起化作紫色长刀 Cannot see on sabre edge of boundary distantly, mounts pattern, Grand Pure Great Array condenses. 遥遥望不见边际的刀刃上,镶嵌一枚图纹,正是太清大阵所凝聚。 Said that Pure Qi flees within, or black or yellow radiance, spreads above sabre edge. 道道清气窜动间,或黑或黄的光辉,也在刀锋之上流传。 Grand Pure Great Array and Grand Pure Robe boundless mighty force, is at this moment outspoken to hold on Yan Di , helping him to wield this to be certainly strong a blade! 太清大阵太清袍的磅礴伟力,此刻全都毫无保留加持在燕狄身上,助他挥出这绝强一刀! purple light flashes, finally no longer makes the white light alone enjoy renown in Qian. 紫光闪动间,终于不再让白光专美于前。 The dark retreat, the light re-enters Broad Creed. 黑暗退去,光明重回广乘 Broad overbearing purple sabre light, breaks that infinite white light loudly. 恢宏霸道的紫色刀光,轰然破开那无穷白光。 The Great Sun Saint Sect numerous powerhouse, looks at this, on the face also appears the color of acclaiming, but, was not worried. 大日圣宗一众强者,看着这一幕,脸上也都浮现赞叹之色,不过,并不担心。 In Great Martial Scholar, you truly may call Invincible.” Huang Guanglie nods: But, is only in Great Martial Scholar.” 大宗师里,你确实可称无敌。”黄光烈点头:“不过,也只是大宗师里。” Present you, but also is tender.” “现在的你,还嫩。” Huang Guanglie said that stretches out forward, the palm that the five fingers open, the index finger and thumb take back, only remains other middle fingers, then turns toward Broad Creed Mountain and Yan Di distant one point. 黄光烈说罢,向前伸出,五指张开的手掌,食指和大拇指收回,只剩其余三指,然后向着广乘山燕狄遥遥一点 In his middle finger, the ring finger and on the little finger middle finger fingertip, performs to shine golden radiance. 在他中指、无名指和小指三指指尖上,尽皆亮起金色光辉 Although light golden light, but as if contains the inexhaustible Cataclysm strength. 虽然只是淡淡金光,但是却仿佛蕴含无穷无尽的破灭力量。 Just now brightly shines compared with it, the world becomes known, but also wants the formidable strength! 比之方才光明普照,天下大白,还要强大的力量! Under three golden light, to just Supreme Yang, destroyed the hardest defenses. 三点金光之下,至刚至阳,无坚不摧。 Yan Di's sabre light, instantaneous is turbulent! 燕狄的刀光,瞬间动荡起来! Panbo Tai coldly said with a smile: You have Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre, my Sacred Sect has Supreme Yang Fist Scripture, Three Yangs Awaken Fist!” 潘伯泰冷冷笑道:“你有无量天刀,我圣宗至阳拳经,三阳启泰!” Huang Guanglie stimulates to movement Great Sun Saint Sect paramount martial arts, in Supreme Yang Fist Scripture kills move of Three Yangs Awaken Fist, incomparable fierce strength, toward Broad Creed Mountain and Yan Di bombardment in the past. 黄光烈催动大日圣宗至高武学,至阳拳经中的杀招三阳启泰,无比刚猛的力量,向着广乘山燕狄轰击过去。 Three golden light, north-south world! 三点金光,纵贯天地! Yan Di long aspirates, Splitting the Heaven Giant Sabre, is dividing horizontally, intercepts three golden light. 燕狄长长吐气,开天巨刀,横着劈出,截击三点金光 In the bellow, purple sabre light keeps swaying. 轰鸣声中,紫色刀光不停摇晃。 With process that in purple light sabre light fights, three golden light fuse, gradually reduction one point, on strength again a yet higher goal! 紫光刀光争锋的过程中,三点金光融合,渐渐化归一点,力量再上一层楼! The Yan Di look is calm, horizontal blade front, takes the defensive finally. 燕狄神色冷静,横刀胸前,终于采取守势。 Purple sabre light, just likes a backdrop, divides two world the world, is Broad Creed Mountain, while is that terror golden light. 紫色刀光,犹如天幕,将天地分割成两个世界,一边是广乘山,一边则是那恐怖的金光 purple light and golden light keep refusing to compromise. 紫光金光不停僵持。 Grand Pure Robe and Grand Pure Great Array add the body, Yan Di just likes holds up the day pillar, stands erect in the world, does not make Huang Guanglie jump over Thunder Pool one step lightly! 太清袍太清大阵加身,燕狄恍若擎天支柱,屹立于天地间,不让黄光烈轻越雷池一步! Current Eight Extremities World, Huang Guanglie has almost been possible to call Number One Powerhouse. 目前的八极大世界,黄光烈几乎已经可称第一强者 Yan Di by Realm of Great Martial Scholar, with the aid of Grand Pure Robe and Grand Pure Great Array, succeeds impediment. 燕狄大宗师之境,借助太清袍太清大阵,成功将之阻挡。 Nurses the Broad Creed Mountain gate, does not let the complementary waves of two strong collisions, affects other Broad Creed Mountain people. 更看护广乘山门,不让两强碰撞的余波,波及广乘山其他人。 If not care about other same side safety, Yan Di has the strength of counter-attack, is insufficient to take the defensive. 若是不顾及其他同门安危,燕狄更有反击之力,不至于采取守势。 Yan Di of attack, is strongest Yan Di. 进攻的燕狄,才是最强的燕狄 However nobody forgot that Huang Guanglie at this moment, is unarmed. 但是没人忘记,此刻的黄光烈,是赤手空拳。 Great Sun Saint Sect's sacred armament, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, has not entered the stage. 大日圣宗的圣兵,大日衡天尺,还没有出场。 On Trembling Thunder Peak, Yan Zhaoge and Ah Hu looks at this, Ah Hu swallows the spit: „After Huang Guanglie succeeds further, is seriously fearful, no wonder Old Sect Master said that anything must close up attacks Realm of Martial Saint.” 震雷峰上,燕赵歌阿虎看着这一幕,阿虎咽了咽吐沫:“黄光烈成功更进一步之后,当真可怕,难怪老掌门说什么都要闭关冲击武圣之境。” In the sky, Huang Guanglie turns the head to say to Shining Monarch and Panbo Tai and the others: Yan Di is the rare talented person, his life last war, the old man to the opportunity that he displays.” 天空中,黄光烈转头对普照君潘伯泰等人说道:“燕狄是难得的人才,他人生最后一战,老夫给他施展的机会。” As for Broad Creed Mountain, gave you.” “至于广乘山,交给你们了。” Shining Monarch and the others simultaneously nods, then, in sky one round **** the date raised, rapid pounded to fall toward Broad Creed Mountain again! 普照君等人齐齐点头,然后,天空中一轮****日升起,再飞速向着广乘山砸落!
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