HSSB :: Volume #4

#307: Steps on Mountain Sect!

Yan Zhaoge to south to going, sees only the Immeasurable ray to shoot up to the sky. 燕赵歌向南望去,只见无量光芒冲天而起。 Original daybreak, the sunlight is dim, is now, area Broad Creed Mountain, is changed makes by the dark night the daytime instantaneously. 本来破晓时分,日光还非常黯淡,可是现在,广乘山一带,瞬间由黑夜变作白昼。 Inexhaustible, by far initially Demon Saint Yuan Tian boundless strength, from south to north, sweeps away. 无穷无尽,远胜当初魔圣袁天的磅礴力量,自南向北,一路横扫。 If faces Demon Saint Yuan Tian, but can also have the resistance the thought that this moment heart faintly has the desperate feeling and dilutedness. 如果说面对魔圣袁天,还能生出对抗的念头,此刻心底则隐隐生出绝望感和无力感。 Sky over Broad Creed Mountain, vast in territory Grand Pure Great Array, shakes in this moment loudly. 广乘山上空,幅员辽阔的太清大阵,在这一刻轰然震荡。 great array as if has own life, was frightened, did not have the array pattern of internal organs such as stomach in void, immediately has shone, the strength revolves peak, appears own trace. 大阵仿佛有自己的生命,受到惊吓,本来无形藏于虚空里的阵纹,在第一时间亮了起来,力量运转到极致,显现自身痕迹。 But facing infinite ray that approaches unceasingly, shivering of Grand Pure Great Array, is getting more and more fierce. 但面对那不断靠近的无穷光芒,太清大阵的颤抖,越来越厉害。 Yan Zhaoge unemotionally looks at this, took a deep breath. 燕赵歌面无表情看着这一幕,深吸一口气 Does not need to guess also knows that came from Great Sun Saint Sect, can have existence of such power and influence to have one, that is Great Sun Saint Sect that resigning old Sect Master, Arrives from the East Martial Saint Huang Guanglie. 不用猜也知道,自大日圣宗而来,能有如此威势的存在只有一个,那便是大日圣宗那位卸任的老宗主,东来武圣黄光烈 Nowadays Great Sun Saint Sect's Number One Powerhouse. 现如今大日圣宗的第一强者 This always closes up these years, now a dynasty goes out, first directly soars Broad Creed Mountain. 此老闭关这些年,如今一朝出关,第一时间就直奔广乘山而来。 But looks at his appearance, clearly is the merit becomes completely goes out, the cultivation strength succeeds goes a step further. 而看他模样,分明是功成圆满出关,修为实力成功更进一步。 Facing Demon Saint Yuan Tian, Transcending Great Martial Scholar has sacred armament in the hand, strength of the war, has sacred armament and Grand Pure Great Array in addition holds, possibly defeats Yuan Tian. 面对魔圣袁天,超凡大宗师圣兵在手,还有一战之力,有圣兵太清大阵加持,更可能击败袁天 But Huang Guanglie at this moment, is Yan Di wears Grand Pure Robe, in addition holds the Grand Pure Great Array strength, will be not necessarily able repelling. 但此刻的黄光烈,便是燕狄身披太清袍,加持太清大阵的力量,也未必能将之击退。 Let alone, does not think that Yuan Tian weapons is High Grade Spirit Armament. 更何况,不想袁天兵刃乃是一件上品灵兵 Huang Guanglie this line, is likely bringing Great Sun Saint Sect's sacred armament, Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler! 黄光烈此行,很可能带着大日圣宗的圣兵,大日衡天尺 Esteemed Martial Saint, is Huang Guanglie such Martial Saint, sacred armament in the hand, the strength is soul-stirring. 武圣之尊,还是黄光烈这样的武圣,圣兵在手,力量更是惊心动魄。 The Huang Guanglie speed is too fast, comes too sharply, although he or Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler leaves the Shining Peak sound is very big, but a Broad Creed Mountain side is very difficult to obtain the news promptly. 黄光烈速度太快,来得太急,虽然他或者大日衡天尺离开普照峰的动静都很大,但是广乘山一方很难及时得到消息。 , Broad Creed Mountain guards outside martial artist fortunately only, ahead of time contracts to Mountain Gate, is insufficient conveniently to be swept away by Huang Guanglie. 唯一值得庆幸的是,广乘山戍守外地的武者,都提前向山门收缩,不至于被黄光烈一路顺手横扫。 Absolute Abyss the chaotic eruption, Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall main strength threatens the border, a Broad Creed Mountain convenience can judge, the date of Huang Guanglie going out has approached absolutely. 绝渊之乱爆发,大日圣宗天雷殿大兵压境,广乘山一方便可以判断出,黄光烈出关之日绝对已经临近。 Absolute Abyss brings pressure using Great Sun Saint Sect to Broad Creed Mountain, is Great Sun Saint Sect taking advantage of Absolute Abyss a blade? 绝渊利用大日圣宗广乘山施加压力,大日圣宗又何尝不是借绝渊为刀? After holding one's ground, Broad Creed Mountain then starts to inform the transfer powerhouse return to the mountain. 稳住阵脚之后,广乘山便开始通知外调的强者回山 Yan Zhaoge looks at that covers the white light of world. 燕赵歌看着那笼罩天地的白光。 At this time, Ah Hu mounted Trembling Thunder Peak, shouted said: Young Master, is that Huang Guanglie? He really went out in these days!” 这时,阿虎登上震雷峰,呼喊道:“公子,那是黄光烈吧?他果然就在这几天出关啊!” Yan Zhaoge nods: Xin Dongping is the card this time is beginning, he has succeeded, has Arrival of the Nine Nether, he failed, has Great Sun Saint Sect to cope with us.” 燕赵歌点头:“辛东平就是卡着这个时间动手的,他成功了,有九幽降临,他失败了,有大日圣宗来对付我们。” Ah Hu face chest cavity by distant place radiance according to white sheet: Young Master, you said that his has brought Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler?” 阿虎的脸膛被远方光辉照得一片白:“公子,你说他带没带大日衡天尺啊?” He comes is too quick, humble sect receives the message without enough time.” Yan Zhaoge said: But, he has brought mostly, if Great Sun Saint Sect cleaned up to place in their side Absolute Abyss traitors within, now does not have any extra worries.” “他来的太快,本门来不及收到消息。”燕赵歌言道:“不过,他多半是带来了,如果大日圣宗清理掉了安插在他们那边的绝渊内奸,现在是没什么后顾之忧的。” East Sea Flame Demon causes trouble, Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion are processing. 东海炎魔作祟,碧海城浊浪阁在处理。 Vast Mountain has Heavenly Thunder Hall to stare, although Heavenly Thunder Hall also possibly takes advantage own, but many will pull restrain Vast Mountain. 苍茫山则有天雷殿盯着,虽然天雷殿也可能打自己的算盘,但多少都会牵制住苍茫山 Painting Saint Old Man Mo, does not participate in the Human Race interior battle. 画圣墨老人,不参与人族内部争斗。 Great Sun Saint Sect, truly does not have extra worries. 大日圣宗,确实没有后顾之忧可言。 Although Huang Guanglie in life most self-satisfied time, but also was many years of old Jianghu, must cope since has been continuously eye-sore Broad Creed Mountain, this necessity pursues in safe the capping, strikes the effect that must kill, must make Broad Creed Mountain remove from Sacred Ground thoroughly. 黄光烈虽然正是人生中最志得意满的时候,但也是多年的老江湖了,要对付的又是一直以来的眼中钉广乘山,这次必然追求泰上压顶,一击必杀的效果,要彻底让广乘山圣地除名。 Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, will be brought by him mostly together. 大日衡天尺,多半会被他一起带来。 This sacred armament on Huang Guanglie, in his son, Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, on Primordial Rune later stage Huang Xu, is two matters, might is no comparison between them completely. 这件圣兵黄光烈手上,和在他儿子,大宗师九重,元符后期黄旭手上,完全是两回事,威力不可同日而语。 Yan Zhaoge turns the head to ask Ah Hu: Matter that just now said that arranged?” 燕赵歌转头问阿虎:“方才说的事情,都安排好了?” Ah Hu replied hastily: Yes, Young Master, Locking Heaven Gorge that side Elder Fang is preparing and ensure the one point aura does not reveal, these Nine Netherworld Soil, I also press your instruction, buries in that nine places.” 阿虎连忙答道:“是的,公子,锁天峡那边方长老在准备,保证一点气息不泄露,那些九幽冥壤,俺也按你的指示,埋藏在那九个地方。” Yan Zhaoge nods: That is good.” 燕赵歌点头:“那就好。” Then, no longer said anything, Yan Zhaoge looks down traces that own under foot, is delimiting, outlined a simplicity gradually, plain, as if contained the unique mysterious battle formation. 接下来,不再多说什么,燕赵歌重新低头看自己脚下,正在划出的一道道痕迹,渐渐勾勒成一个简单,古朴,却又仿佛蕴含独特奥妙的阵势。 The Heavenly Celestial Peak top, Yan Di wears Grand Pure Robe, sits cross-legged to sit, Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased traverse in kneecap. 乾天峰顶,燕狄身披太清袍,盘膝而坐,天刀龙衎横放在膝头。 Elder Zhang and Elder Gong side him, they seem like one such as ordinary, but some facial expression slightly dispiriteds, the severe wound has not recovered. 张长老宫长老在他身旁,两人看似一如平常,但气色都微微有些萎靡,重伤未愈。 Under that infinite bright oppression, Grand Pure Great Array starts to contract unceasingly, is getting more and more concise, getting smaller, contracts the insufficient mu gradually the surrounding area, changes into gigantic array pattern, hangs above Heavenly Celestial Peak, makes the final resistance. 在那无穷光明的压迫下,太清大阵开始不断收缩,越来越凝练,越来越小,渐渐收缩到不足亩许方圆,化为一枚巨大阵纹,悬于乾天峰上方,做最后的抵抗。 In that Immeasurable light, white clothing old man neither too fast nor too slow, takes a step. 在那无量光明中,一个白衣老者不疾不徐,迈步而出。 Huang Guanglie. 正是黄光烈 His double hand back after behind, overlooks below Heavenly Celestial Peak. 他双手背在身后,俯视下方的乾天峰 The vision does not look at Elder Zhang and Elder Gong completely, but falls on Yan Di, after sizing up one, said lightly: Your pay respects to join Broad Creed disciple, was really a pity.” 其目光完全不看张长老宫长老,而是落在燕狄身上,打量一眼后淡淡说道:“你拜入广乘门下,真是可惜。” Yan Di replied calmly: Is honored.” 燕狄平静答道:“是荣幸。” Long before, the old man had asked you, is willing the revolutions to throw my Sacred Sect disciple, you rejected.” Huang Guanglie said: Old man always does not give people the second opportunity, but for you, the old man is willing to break a case.” “很早以前,老夫曾经问过你,愿不愿转投我圣宗门下,你拒绝了。”黄光烈言道:“老夫向来不给人第二次机会,但为你,老夫愿意破一次例。” Here second time asked you, can be willing to throw my Sacred Sect disciple?” “这里第二次问你,可愿投我圣宗门下?” Yan Di smiles, did not reply that before right hand holds up Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased weighs in heart, left hand counts on the fingers on sabre edge gently a ball. 燕狄一笑,并不回答,右手举起天刀龙衎于胸前,左手屈指在刀刃上轻轻一弹。 Huang Guanglie sees that said indifferently: Second time asked you, was the last time, since you were impenetrably thickheaded, that did not need to talk too much.” 黄光烈见状,漠然说道:“第二次问你,也是最后一次,既然你冥顽不灵,那就无需多言。” Saying, the Huang Guanglie vision takes a fast look around Broad Creed Mountain, the mouth asks: Hears his son, is quite uncommon?” 说着,黄光烈目光扫视广乘山,嘴里问道:“听说他的儿子,也颇为不凡?” From it behind, Shining Monarch appears personal appearance, replied slowly: Cannot common sense it, unable to treat lightly.” 自其身后,普照君现出身形,徐徐答道:“不可以常理度之,不可以等闲视之。” coldly snorted resounds, the Panbo Tai form also appears in Huang Guanglie behind. 一声冷哼响起,潘伯泰的身影也出现在黄光烈身后。 Huang Guanglie said: „The appraisal that rising sun gives is also high, poured makes the old man have some curiosity.” 黄光烈说道:“旭儿给出的评价也蛮高的,倒真的让老夫起了些好奇心。” Comes out, making the old man have a look.” “出来,让老夫看看。” His voice billowing, as if ocean waves same vibration entire Broad Creed Mountain. 他声音滚滚而下,仿佛海浪一样震动整个广乘山 Has that cultivation low Broad Creed disciple, only felt that the soul as if must be shaken obtains the hole. 有那修为较低的广乘弟子,只感觉灵魂仿佛要被震得出窍。 Elder Zhang and Elder Gong changed complexion, Huang Guanglie this stance, seemed saying that does not depend on him saying that is killed by shock the Broad Creed Mountain high and low all people. 张长老宫长老都变了脸色,黄光烈这架势,就仿佛在说,不依他所言,就震死广乘山上下所有人。 The Huang Guanglie facial expression is light: Has killed my Sacred Sect many people, has gone bad my Sacred Sect many matters, disrespects to my Sacred Sect repeatedly, comes out, making the old man have a look is what kind of young hero.” 黄光烈神情平淡:“杀了我圣宗不少人,坏了我圣宗不少事,几次三番对我圣宗不敬,出来,让老夫看看是怎样的少年英杰。”
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