HSSB :: Volume #4

#331: Fire Phoenix Swallowing the Moon, Dragon Roaring at the Ninth Firmament

After the first round competition, according to the result, first against fourth, second against third, launches the second round competition. 第一轮比试后,根据结果,第一对阵第四,第二对阵第三,展开第二轮的比试。 Therefore, as third place Feng Yunsheng, her following match is second place Fan Qiu. 于是,作为第三名封云笙,她接下来的对手是第二名樊秋 But another showdown, launches between Meng Wan and Green Sea City Chen Suting. 而另外一场对决,则在孟婉碧海城陈素婷之间展开。 Feng Yunsheng and Fan Qiu withdrew from Greater Yin Royal Crown radiance to cover first, only remaining Meng Wan and Chen Suting two people kept. 封云笙樊秋先退出了太阴冠冕光辉笼罩,只剩下孟婉陈素婷二人留在其中。 Bright chilly moonlight, hiding the sky and covering the earth, boundless boundless, at this moment as if changes into piece of white light sea. 皎洁清寂的月光,铺天盖地,茫茫无际,此刻仿佛化为一片白色光海 In the sea of light moonlight, Meng Wan their personal appearance are partly visible. 淡淡月光的海洋中,孟婉两人的身形若隐若现。 Chen Suting lifts right hand, sets up the palm like the blade, chops toward Meng Wan. 陈素婷抬起右手,立掌如刀,向着孟婉劈出。 In the moonlight sea, immediately appears a black great boat, braving the wind and the billows, separates the sea tide, flushes away toward Meng Wan. 月光海洋中,顿时现出一艘黑色巨舟,乘风破浪,分开海潮,向着孟婉冲去。 During the great boat navigation, curls up the numerous ocean waves, hiding the sky and covering the earth. 巨舟航行之间,卷起重重海浪,铺天盖地 Above the vault of heaven, the bright moonlight hangs, in moonlight, as if the pure white royal crowns, sprinkle light radiance, in addition hold on that black great boat, making the imposing manner of great boat even more uncommon, floods the at present world gradually, as if must cross the infinite sea of bitterness, arrives in the other shore. 天穹之上,明月高悬,月华之中,仿佛有一顶纯白色的冠冕,洒下淡淡光辉,加持在那黑色巨舟上,使得巨舟的气势越发不凡,渐渐充斥眼前的世界,仿佛要横渡无穷苦海,抵达彼岸。 Moreover Meng Wan at the same time, the look is indifferent to fame or gain, elegant noble and pure. 另外一边的孟婉,神色恬淡,典雅高洁。 She opens mouth to send out clear phoenix cry, from low to high, not how broad overbearing, but actually resounds through the entire moonlight world in this moment. 她张嘴发出一声清亮的凤鸣,从低到高,并不如何恢宏霸道,可是在这一刻却响彻整个月光世界。 the next moment, the Meng Wan in person personal appearance vanishes. 下一刻,孟婉本人的身形消失。 Then, half black and half white's fire phoenix, shoots up to the sky from the moonlight sea, vibrates Nine Firmaments. 然后,一只半黑半白的火凤凰,自月光海洋中冲天而起,震动九霄 The Fire Phoenix flying apsaras, in the bright moonlight around sky circles, but makes all people feel what is shocking, that round bright moonlight under the encirclement of fire phoenix, reduces unexpectedly gradually 火凤飞天,绕着天空中的明月盘旋,而让所有人感到震惊的是,那轮明月在火凤凰的环绕下,竟然渐渐缩小 Quick, the bright moonlight in the sky hanging, becomes, only then pearl size, but in that Fire Phoenix clear whining noise, opens mouth suddenly, entire swallows the bright moonlight unexpectedly.( ’) 很快,天空中高悬的明月,变得只有明珠大小,而那火凤清鸣声中,突然张嘴,竟然将明月整个吞下。(’) Green Sea City's Chen Suting sees that the complexion immediately changes. 碧海城的陈素婷见状,脸色顿时一变。 Sees Fire Phoenix to drop from the clouds, dives toward the black great boat. 紧接着,就见火凤从天而降,向着黑色巨舟俯冲。 The chilly quiet cold moonlight is not blazing, actually as if coagulated the time. 清寂幽冷的月光并不炽烈,却仿佛凝固了时光。 The boundless moonlight follows fire phoenix to fall together, the anchorage the black great boat on sea surface, then the fire phoenix black and white wings vibrated. 茫茫月光伴随火凤凰一同落下,定住了海面上的黑色巨舟,然后火凤凰黑白双翼振动。 previously is with overpowering momentum, the black great boat of sweeping away all obstacles, starts on sea surface immediately crookedly, then turns over gradually, finally in submersion 先前气势磅礴,所向披靡的黑色巨舟,顿时在海面上开始歪斜,然后渐渐翻转,最后沉没中 Chen Suting stands is freezing, the complexion is somewhat pale. 陈素婷站在原地不动,脸色有些苍白。 fire phoenix falls before her near at hand the place, black and white blaze clears, appears the Meng Wan form. 火凤凰落在她面前近在咫尺的地方,黑白火焰散尽,现出孟婉的身影。 Before was swallowed by fire phoenix, vanishes in the horizon bright moonlight, when did not know, has reappeared hangs in the sky. 之前被火凤凰吞噬,消失于天际的明月,不知何时,又已经重现高悬于天空中。 Meng Wan looks at Chen Suting, said in a soft voice: Senior Apprentice Sister Chen, you let me win.” 孟婉看着陈素婷,轻声说道:“陈师姐,承让。” looks at Meng Wan and Chen Suting come out from the moonlight world together, during besides the Great Sun Saint Sect's person, all people falls into to be silent. 看着孟婉陈素婷一起从月光世界里出来,除了大日圣宗的人以外,所有人都陷入沉默之中。 Knows that Meng Wan is very strong, outshines others, but as formidable as this degree, makes people suddenly somewhat speechless. 都知道孟婉很强,一枝独秀,但强大到这个程度,还是让人一时间有些无言。 Once, on initial 2-3 Trial of the Greater Yin, with the Meng Wan fight inextricably involved, even if were defeated can also let Chen Suting that the Meng Wan notch tried, now faces Meng Wan, finally actually collapsed completely. 曾经,在最初两三次太阴之试上,同孟婉斗得难解难分,即便落败也能让孟婉豁尽全力的陈素婷,如今面对孟婉,结果却是一败涂地。 In Fire Phoenix Swallowing the Moon that moment, both sides then decided the victory and defeat actually. 火凤吞月的那一刻,双方其实便已经分出胜负。 The past powerful enemy, completely has been thrown by Meng Wan now after behind, was difficult to follow. 昔日的劲敌,现在已经被孟婉完全抛在身后,难望其项背。 The Great Martial Scholar powerhouse who Green Sea City leads, the face darken, regarding Green Sea City, loses to other people, loses to the Great Sun Saint Sect's person, makes people feel really oppressed. 碧海城带队的大宗师强者,脸色阴沉,对于碧海城来说,输给其他人也就罢了,偏偏输给大日圣宗的人,着实让人感到憋闷。 But this ancient elder is not good to display, can only extend says the comfort, attack that Chen Suting receives, is older than him. 但这位宿老还不好表现出来,只能宽言安慰,陈素婷所受的打击,比他更大。 Then is Turbid Wave Pavilion Pavilion Lord An Qinglin, at this moment also once more sizes up Meng Wan one. 便是浊浪阁阁主安清霖,此刻也再次打量孟婉一眼。 She naturally had known about Meng Wan, but looks at today to compete with, cannot help but regarded as important several points to Meng Wan. 她对孟婉当然有所了解,但看了今日比试,对孟婉不由得更加看重几分。 Great Sun Saint Sect's Meng Wan, she on Trial of the Greater Yin, like your father Yan Di, with present you, the status in same cultivation realm martial artist is simply same.” Broad Creed Mountain's Elder Mo decides looks at Meng Wan, after long time, sighed was saying: Above peak, bird's eye view all living things, nearly unshakeable dominant strength and constriction.” 大日圣宗的孟婉,她在太阴之试上,简直就像你父亲燕狄,和现在的你,在同境界武者中的地位一样。”广乘山的莫长老定定看着孟婉,半晌后叹息着说道:“巅峰之上,俯瞰众生,近乎不可动摇的统治力和压迫感。” Yan Zhaoge heard this, shows a faint smile, has not spoken. 燕赵歌闻言,微微一笑,没有说话。 At this moment, in the moonlight world, after Meng Wan and Chen Suting withdraw, Feng Yunsheng and Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu, visits together. 此刻,月光世界里,孟婉陈素婷退出后,封云笙浊浪阁的樊秋,一起踏足其中。 After they salute upon meeting, the Fan Qiu double palm gathers, is bracing forth together. 两人见礼之后,樊秋双掌一合,然后在一起向前推出。 One seems like the exquisite paper umbrella, appears in the moonlight world, the paper umbrella opens, flies the midair. 一把看似小巧的纸伞,出现在月光世界里,纸伞打开,飞上半空。 the next moment, scene in moonlight world suddenly changed. 下一刻,月光世界中的景象骤然变了。 That seems like not the big paper umbrella, after opening, as if camouflages the vault of heaven unexpectedly, under the umbrella is the single layer world, above the umbrella is actually another single layer world. 那看似不大的纸伞,在打开后,竟仿佛遮蔽天穹,伞下方是一重世界,伞上方却是另一重世界。 Feng Yunsheng raise one's head looks, at present is suddenly dense a piece, bright bright, as if sprinkles the moonlight of world, vanishes unexpectedly completely. 封云笙抬头望去,眼前蓦然黑压压一片,皎洁明亮,仿佛洒满天地的月光,竟然全部消失。 Including below moonlight sea, as if gradually is diverging. 连下方的月光海洋,似乎都在渐渐散去。 In her at present, only then the limitless darkness, the darkness must swallow her. 在她眼前,只有无边无际的黑暗,黑暗要将她吞噬。 Beyond the moonlight world, people at present scene, is the moonlight world suddenly divides into two, the upper half was still bright, although moonlight not blazing dazzling, but boundless endless, made person mind cannot help but immersion. 月光世界之外,众人眼前景象,就是月光世界突然一分为二,上半部分仍然明亮,月光虽然不炽烈刺眼,但是茫茫无尽,令人的心神不由自主沉浸其中。 That round bright moonlight, still hung in the vault of heaven most place above, the moonlight scatters on the paper umbrella. 那轮明月,仍然高悬于天穹最上方,月光散落在纸伞上。 But the lower half of world, is actually a darkness, does not see slightly luminously. 但世界的下半部分,却是一片漆黑,不见丝毫光亮。 An umbrella opens, as if day covers same camouflages the above sky, making the person under umbrella unable to see slightly the bright. 一顶伞张开,仿佛天盖一样遮蔽上方天空,让伞下的人看不见丝毫亮光。 Even if places beyond the moonlight world, the people can also feel indistinctly that in the dark world under that umbrella, there is a aura that dies out extremely coldly to surge. 而即便身处月光世界以外,众人也都能隐约感觉到,那伞下的黑暗世界中,有极寒寂灭的气息涌动。 As if all eternal frozen, not having one point to be bright, does not have the one point quantity of heat, in silent, direction perishes. 仿佛一切都将被永恒冰封,没有一点光明,也没有一点热量,于无声无息间,走向灭亡。 Yan Zhaoge sees that raises the eyebrow slightly: Compared with fourth Trial of the Greater Yin time, is not only individual Martial Way cultivation promotes, Greater Yin Unique Skill also has the further improvement and promotes.” 燕赵歌见状,微微扬眉:“比起第四次太阴之试的时候,不仅仅是个人武道修为增进,太阴绝技也有进一步改良和提升啊。” Only compares Greater Yin Unique Skill might, is not inferior in Great Sun Saint Sect family background Meng Wan and Yun Xiuqing.” “只比较太阴绝技威力,不逊色于大日圣宗出身的孟婉云秀清呢。” Great Sun Saint Sect people looks at this, look also slightly serious several points. 大日圣宗众人看着这一幕,神色也略微郑重几分。 The Meng Wan expression has not changed, the vision is staring in the moonlight world lower half that profound darkness. 孟婉表情则没有丝毫变化,目光只是盯着月光世界里那下半部分,深邃的黑暗。 Suddenly, in the world of silent, resounds the vigorous overbearing dragon roar sound. 蓦然,寂静无声的世界中,响起雄浑霸道的龙吟声。 In the darkness, half black and half white's light dragon shoots up to the sky suddenly, hits from below uprightly on the paper umbrella 黑暗里,一条半黑半白的光龙骤然冲天而起,从下方正撞在纸伞上 The paper umbrella swayingly, UU reads( www.uukanshu.com) almost to be turned by the light dragon top. 纸伞晃晃悠悠,UU看书(www.uukanshu.com)差点被光龙顶翻。 light dragon roared willfully, hit the paper umbrella unceasingly, the momentum was scary. 光龙恣意咆哮间,不断撞击纸伞,声势骇人。 Above paper umbrella, under moonlight, Fan Qiu tight pursing the lips lip, facial expression unprecedented seriousness, agitates own fully, anchorage paper umbrella , the dark world under anchorage that umbrella, falls into locked in a seesaw struggle to refuse to compromise with light dragon, does not make the opposite party have opportunity make a comeback. 纸伞上方,月光下,樊秋紧抿着嘴唇,神情前所未有的郑重,也鼓动自己的全力,定住纸伞,也定住那伞下的黑暗世界,同光龙陷入拉锯僵持,不让对方有机会翻盘。 A light dragon overbearing claw, stresses several fissures on the umbrella cover directly. 光龙霸道的一爪,直接在伞面上抓出几道裂痕。 By the fissure, the moonlight falls, making the dark world under umbrella immediately bright several points. 透过裂痕,月光落下,让伞下的黑暗世界顿时明亮几分。 The bathing moonlight, that black and white light dragon strength even more is also powerful. 沐浴月光,那黑白光龙的力量也越发强盛。 Both hands that Fan Qiu extends forward, make an effort to press together downward. 樊秋向前伸出的双手,一起向下用力一按。 The paper umbrella is suddenly turning round a revolution, the revolving strength, unloaded immediately the hit of light dragon one side. 纸伞突然滴溜溜一转,旋转的力量,将光龙的撞击顿时卸到了一边。 The moonlight falls, the fissure on paper umbrella, starts to heal. 月光落下,纸伞上的裂痕,开始愈合。 both sides in this moonlight world, launches one to engage in fierce battle intensely. 双方在这月光世界中,展开一场激烈鏖战。
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