HSSB :: Volume #4

#304: Attracts the Martial Saint thing

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Absolute Abyss, by Xin Dongping, created in recent years. 绝渊,由辛东平,于近年创造。 Nine Nether Evil Demon, then has existed since ancient times. 九幽邪魔,则古已有之。 Pre-Great Cataclysm, then exists. 大破灭之前,便存在。 Before Great Cataclysm approaches the time, the person has then had to do with Nine Nether Evil Demon, some people of Fallen Demon, some people extinguish the demon. 大破灭来临前的时代,人便与九幽邪魔打过交道,有人堕魔,也有人灭魔。 Some methods of occurring, experience Post-Great Cataclysm, present Eight Extremities World, mostly is lost, the unusual person knows. 由此而生的一些法门,经历大破灭后,如今的八极大世界,大都失传,少有人知。 Demon Crushing Arrow, is one of them. 碎魔箭,便是其中之一。 Broken demon, broken demon, as the name suggests, broken demon vitality. 碎魔,碎魔,顾名思义,破碎魔的生机。 The demon does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, after extinguishing, in the Nine Nether deep place rebirth, but Demon Crushing Arrow, then interrupts this process forcefully, delivers the demon death. 魔不死不灭,灭后于九幽深处重生,而碎魔箭,则强行截断这一过程,送魔永眠。 Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, Primordial Rune later stage realm powerhouse Fallen Demon , was still not true Nine Nether Evil Demon. 大宗师九重,元符后期境界的强者堕魔,也仍然不是真正的九幽邪魔 The personnel demon called, possibly was more appropriate. 用人魔来称呼,可能更合适一些。 However Transcending Great Martial Scholar, after dying rebirth, then there is a certain probability to change into true Nine Nether Evil Demon, enjoys the energy of Demon Exterminate Rebirth. 但是超凡大宗师,死后重生,则有一定概率化为真正的九幽邪魔,享有魔灭重生之能。 Martial Saint, if Fallen Demon, then after can definitely die, in the Nine Nether rebirth. 武圣,如果堕魔,则肯定可以死后在九幽重生。 Yan Zhaoge prepares Demon Crushing Arrow, specially is waiting for this moment. 燕赵歌准备碎魔箭,就是专门等着这一刻。 The cavity that the Xin Dongping looks at chest expands unceasingly, in looks at this cavity expansion process, instead curls own body outward, from inside to outside will swallow. 辛东平看着自己胸口不断扩大的空洞,看着这个空洞向外扩张过程中,反卷自己的身体,从里向外将自己吞噬。 His raise one's head looks at Yan Zhaoge again: You......” 他再抬头燕赵歌:“你……” Yan Zhaoge facial expression ice-cold, vision like fire: You think Fallen Demon is multipurpose?” 燕赵歌神情冰冷,目光如火:“你以为堕魔是万能的吗?” Xin Dongping face upwards the deep sigh, spreads without any sound, can only from the speech shape of the mouth, distinguish the content reluctantly. 辛东平仰天长叹,没有任何声音传出,只能从说话口型,勉强辨别出内容。 Really, has not solved you first, compared with underestimating a Yan Di bigger fault...... 果然,没有先解决掉你,是比低估燕狄更大的失误…… Nearby Yuan Tian. The facial expression of this moment indignation also gradually vanishes, on the face full is disappointed. 一旁的袁天。此刻怨愤的神情也渐渐消失,脸上满是怅然。 He is not a Absolute Abyss people, Xin Dongping is unable to control to direct him. 他并非绝渊中人,辛东平也无法控制使唤他。 But he is actually Nine Nether attracts. In the heart has asked that therefore fits in easily with Xin Dongping. 但他却为九幽所吸引。心中有所求,于是同辛东平一拍即合。 Thinks. Yuan Zhengfeng closes up attacks Martial Saint, cannot separate body, there is Xin Dongping to be the planted agent to eradicate Grand Pure Great Array, the only match is only sacred armament Grand Pure Robe. 原本以为。元正峰闭关冲击武圣,分不开身,又有辛东平做内应破除太清大阵,唯一的对手只是圣兵太清袍 The outside, Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion, must cope with Flame Demon on East Sea. 外界,碧海城浊浪阁,要对付东海上的炎魔 Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall, will seize the chance to start to Broad Creed Mountain mostly, diverts Broad Creed Mountain's another ally Vast Mountain. 大日圣宗天雷殿,也多半会趁机对广乘山下手,同是也牵制广乘山的另一个盟友苍茫山 Beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people all. Even if there is accident, the important matter is hard to bring about, by own Esteemed Martial Saint, at least can the whole body draw back. 天时地利人和俱在。哪怕出现意外,大事难成,以自己武圣之尊,至少可以全身而退。 Has succeeded, harvests thing that oneself want, is not successful, the worst result will not have anything to lose. 成功了,收获自己想要的东西,不成功,最坏的结果也不会有什么损失。 This is the true idea of Yuan Tian. 这是袁天的真实想法。 On the one hand stemming from the consideration of situation, on the one hand is also stems from is in itself the self-confidence of Saint Realm powerhouse. 一方面是出于对局势的考虑,一方面也是出于自己身为圣境强者的自信。 Even if by Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di fathers and sons from Cloud Truth County Yan Family ancestral home, were transferred Broad Creed Mountain beyond expectation directly, falls , in Grand Pure Great Array. Yuan Tian also still thinks. 哪怕是被燕赵歌燕狄父子出乎意料直接从云真郡燕家祖宅,挪移到广乘山,陷在太清大阵中的时候。袁天也仍然这么想。 But afterward, he discovered that he thought mistakenly. 但后来,他发现他想错了。 Broad Creed Mountain, is his land of buried bones. 广乘山,便是他的埋骨之地 Previous is buried in Martial Saint here. Is Black Nightmare Mountain last generation of Mountain Lord, now is one's turn his Yuan Tian. 上一位葬身在这里的武圣。乃是黑魇山最后一代山主,如今则轮到他袁天 Could not feel that the how intense regret, the Yuan Tian life gale roams about aimlessly greatly, the will is firm and resolute, the decision that oneself make, easily will not vacillate. 感觉不到多么强烈的后悔,袁天一生大风大浪闯过来,心志坚毅,自己做下的决定,不会轻易动摇。 In the heart is unavoidably disappointed, oneself belittled the world hero. 只是心中难免为之怅然,自己还是小觑天下英雄了。 The cavity of Yuan Tian chest, is getting bigger and bigger, from inside to outside swallows his form. 袁天胸口的空洞,也越来越大,将他的身影自内而外吞噬。 With his same destiny person. Xin Dongping. 与他相同命运的人。还有辛东平 Their personal appearance, with covering their black air/Qi. Was purified in the world together, is the same to other Fallen Demon. Vanishes in puff of smoke thoroughly. 两人的身形,和笼罩他们的黑气。一同被净化于天地间,同其他的堕魔者一样。彻底灰飞烟灭。 Yan Zhaoge grasps the Deep Green Gallop bow, coldly looks at this, is silent long time. 燕赵歌手持苍驰弓,冷冷看着这一幕,沉默不语良久。 Xin Dongping, Transcending Great Martial Scholar, the Eight Extremities World current Great Martial Scholar powerhouse, is first three existences. 辛东平,超凡大宗师,八极大世界目前的大宗师强者,稳居前三的存在。 Yuan Tian, number Demon Saint, Eight Extremities World at present one of the only Six Greats Martial Saint. 袁天,号魔圣,八极大世界目前仅有的六大武圣之一。 Today completely all falls from the sky on Broad Creed Mountain, their demise, Yan Zhaoge accomplishes! 今日尽皆陨落在广乘山上,他们的灭亡,燕赵歌一手造就! Yan Di wears Grand Pure Robe, but actually holds Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased, arrives at side Yan Zhaoge's, the sinking sound asked: Big Apprentice Brother?” 燕狄身披太清袍,倒持天刀龙衎,来到燕赵歌的身旁,沉声问道:“大师兄呢?” Yan Zhaoge the matter process, with from Xu Fei and Ying Longtu there hear, the concrete process that Shi Tie falls from the sky says to the Yan Di hear. 燕赵歌将事情经过,和从徐飞应龙图那里听来的,石铁陨落的具体过程讲给燕狄听。 After Yan Di hear, keeps silent. 燕狄听后,默不作声。 „The Eldest Uncle-Master remains, put in ice coffin, at this moment on Heavenly Celestial Peak.” Yan Zhaoge said in a soft voice. 大师伯的遗体,盛放在冰棺中,此刻在乾天峰上。”燕赵歌轻声说道。 Yan Di nods, left Foreign Dimension with Yan Zhaoge together, falls top on Broad Creed Mountain prominent peak Heavenly Celestial Peak. 燕狄点点头,同燕赵歌一起出了异域空间,落在广乘山主峰乾天峰顶上。 At this moment, the war on Broad Creed Mountain has subsided gradually, Absolute Abyss martial artist was almost suppressed kills cleanly. 此刻,广乘山上的大战已经渐渐平息,绝渊武者几乎被剿杀干净。 Experiences a war, the past attractive mountain, currently also has the feeling of sores all over the eye. 只是经历一场大战,往日的灵秀青山,现在也有满目疮痍的感觉。 Especially the back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak direction, Demon Territory great array is unceasingly feeble, but has not vanished thoroughly. 尤其后山坎水峰方向,魔域大阵不断衰弱,但还没有彻底消失。 Yan Zhaoge turns around to say to Yan Di: I help Second Uncle-Master, suppresses Demon Territory great array thoroughly.” 燕赵歌转身向燕狄说道:“我去助二师伯,彻底镇压魔域大阵。” Yan Di stands in front of putting Shi Tie remains ice coffin, the slight bow, has not spoken. 燕狄站在盛放石铁遗体的冰棺面前,微微点头,没有说话。 Yan Zhaoge has gotten down Heavenly Celestial Peak, hurries to Ridge Water Peak. 燕赵歌下了乾天峰,向坎水峰赶去。 On Heavenly Celestial Peak, Ah Hu, Xu Fei and Han Long'er did not need to defend the coffin at this time again, descends the mountain along with Yan Zhaoge together, eliminates the enemy remnants. 乾天峰上,阿虎徐飞憨龙儿这时也不用再守棺,一起随燕赵歌下山,肃清残敌。 Young Master, after you enter Foreign Dimension, I tried this to relate other Broad Creed Mountain martial artist on mountain.” Ah Hu then walks then said. “公子,你进异域空间后,俺尝试这联系了山上的其他广乘山武者。”阿虎便走便说道。 Yan Zhaoge long put out a breath: On mountain present situation how?” 燕赵歌长长吐出一口气:“山上现在情况如何?” Ah Hu replied: Elder He is defending Old Sect Master the place of closing up, there safe and sound, had not been disturbed.” 阿虎答道:“何长老守着老掌门的闭关之地,那里安然无恙,没有受到打扰。” „Before Elder Zhang, caused heavy losses by Xin Dongping, the injury is quite serious, but life unobstructive.” 张长老之前被辛东平重创,伤势颇重,不过性命无碍。” Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong was also seriously injured, situation is better than Elder Zhang.” 锁天峡首座宫长老也受了重伤,情况张长老好一些。” Yan Zhaoge nods, before this resident Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate top powerhouse, and just stepped into Realm of Transcending father Yan Di besides Old Sect Master Yuan Zhengfeng, three people, are Xin Dongping and two retired elder Zhang Kun, He Ning. 燕赵歌点点头,此前常驻广乘山山门的顶尖强者,除了老掌门元正峰和刚刚踏入超凡之境的老爹燕狄以外,共有三人,便是辛东平和两位太上长老张昆,何宁 Xin Dongping revolts is cut to kill, the Elder Zhang severe wound, Elder He is Yuan Zhengfeng defends the pass/test, cannot withdraw the body. 辛东平叛变被斩杀,张长老重伤,何长老元正峰守关,脱不开身。 Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, Primordial Rune later stage powerhouse, then there is Eldest Uncle-Master Shi Tie, Second Uncle-Master Fang Zhun and Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong, as well as once Elder Wang. 大宗师九重,元符后期的强者,则有大师伯石铁,二师伯方准锁天峡首座宫长老,以及曾经的王长老 Now, Elder Wang revolts by Eldest Uncle-Master Shi Tie is cut to kill personally, Shi Tie gives self up to take the righteousness, the Elder Gong severe wound, Fang Zhun suppresses Demon Territory great array, feared that is not relaxed. 现在,王长老叛变被大师伯石铁亲手斩杀,石铁舍身取义,宫长老重伤,方准镇压魔域大阵,怕是也不轻松。 Below Primordial Rune later stage, other numerous Broad Creed martial artist casualties. 元符后期以下,还有其他众多广乘武者死伤。 This great misfortune, Broad Creed is not relaxed. 这一场大劫,广乘过的不轻松。 But opposite Absolute Abyss nearly is annihilated, Abyss Lord Transcending Great Martial Scholar Xin Dongping, foreign aid Esteemed Martial Saint Demon Saint Yuan Tian, as well as Sima Chui, Elder Wang and Black Nightmare Mountain two big ancient elder, at least four Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar powerhouses, were cut to kill all. 而对面的绝渊则近乎全军覆没,渊主超凡大宗师辛东平,外援武圣之尊魔圣袁天,以及司马垂王长老黑魇山两大宿老,至少四名元符后期大宗师强者,被尽数斩杀。 Other everything invades Broad Creed Mountain's Absolute Abyss martial artist, is the casualty completely. 其他凡是入侵广乘山的绝渊武者,更是死伤殆尽。 But Yan Zhaoge and Broad Creed Mountain have not been able to relax completely. 燕赵歌广乘山还不能完全放松下来。 The Yan Zhaoge line of sight turns the head to look to the south, there is the direction that Fire Territory is. 燕赵歌视线转头看向南方,那里是火域所在的方向。 Turns the head to look at the East again, there is the direction that Earth Territory is , the Heavenly Thunder Hall's person then launches Inversing Sun Seed from there, disturbs Grand Pure Great Array. 再转头看东方,那里是地域所在的方向,天雷殿的人便是从那里发射反日子,干扰太清大阵 Yan Zhaoge vision ice-cold, has hefted in oneself hand two miniature bag. 燕赵歌目光冰冷,掂了掂自己手里两个缩影囊 Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian Fallen Demon body dies, although will not leave behind the skeleton, but their things, preserved. 辛东平袁天堕魔身死,虽然不会留下尸骨,但他们的东西,还是保存下来了。 Old Fellow Xin, makes me have a look, why you are the thing, attracts Martial Saint to take risks?”( To be continued.) 辛老头,就让我看看,你是凭什么东西,吸引一个武圣铤而走险?”(未完待续。)
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