HSSB :: Volume #4

#305: To Great Sun Saint Sect their backup „gift”

Some massive high quota large packages are providing, welcome everybody to receive the red package. 有大量高额大包正在发放,欢迎大家来领取红包。 Yan Zhaoge opens respectively belongs to Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian miniature bag. 燕赵歌分别打开属于辛东平袁天缩影囊 As the present age top powerhouse, these two big shot private property, naturally is quite rich. 作为当世顶尖的强者,这两位大佬的私产,自然颇为丰厚。 However the majority of things, the Yan Zhaoge eye sweeps. 不过其中大部分东西,燕赵歌眼睛都只是一扫而过。 The good thing, the strange thing, the precious thing has, but after can put, slowly reorganizes, now Yan Zhaoge inspects mainly possibly becomes the thing that Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian two people trade. 好东西,稀奇的东西,珍贵的东西不是没有,但都能放到以后慢慢整理,燕赵歌现在检视的主要是可能成为辛东平袁天二人交易的东西。 Most possible is related the rare treasure with Nine Nether and Naraka. 最可能的便是同九幽地狱有关的异宝。 Yuan Tian walks the trader traveling alone, is Esteemed Martial Saint, the family property is rich, ascends the sky into to experience dangers freely the excavation, the collection treasures the treasure and resources. 袁天走单帮,身为武圣之尊,家产丰厚,上天入地自由历险发掘,收集许多珍惜宝物与资源。 However, his family property, how again is on the other hand thick, is unable to compare with Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect such Sacred Ground level influence. 不过,相对来说,他一个人的家底,再怎么厚实,也无法同广乘山大日圣宗这样的圣地级势力相比。 But even if, the Yuan Tian net worth, is so richer than the Xin Dongping individual. 但即便如此,袁天的身家,都比辛东平个人要丰厚。 Although Xin Dongping is ancient elder that Broad Creed Mountain have several, but regarding the transfer of Broad Creed Mountain resources, there is a limit, the Broad Creed Mountain resources are many, but is not the Xin Dongping private property. 虽然辛东平广乘山有数的宿老,但对于广乘山资源的调用,也有极限,广乘山资源是多,但不是辛东平的私产。 The Broad Creed Mountain's family property, with Xin Dongping individual net worth, is two matters. 广乘山的家底,和辛东平的个人身家,是两码事。 Naturally, this comparison premise, only calculates Xin Dongping in the resources that Broad Creed Mountain can transfer. 当然,这个比较的前提,是只计算辛东平广乘山可以调用的资源。 But Xin Dongping, another status, Lord of Absolute Abyss. 辛东平,还有另一个身份,绝渊之主 Eight Extremities World now world, he very possible is away from the Nine Nether recent that person. 八极大世界当今之世,他很可能是距离九幽最近的那个人。 Actually Xin Dongping has harvested anything from Nine Nether and Naraka, this was very difficult to say. 辛东平究竟从九幽地狱那边收获了什么,这就很难讲了。 If he has the chip to attract Demon Saint Yuan Tian, Yan Zhaoge believes that stems from here. 如果他有筹码吸引魔圣袁天,燕赵歌相信,就是源于这里。 Heavenly Pool Transforming Jade, should not be...” 天池化玉,应该不是…” Return to Nether Divine Herb, should not be...” 返幽神药,应该不是…” Ghostly Body Condensation Cream, should not be...” 鬼躯凝膏,应该也不是…” Yan Zhaoge thorough examination, after the moment, vision stays on the thing in Xin Dongping miniature bag: Nine Netherworld Soil...” 燕赵歌仔细检查,片刻后目光停留在辛东平缩影囊里的一样东西上:“九幽冥壤…” Slightly after thinking moment, Yan Zhaoge again inspects Yuan Tian miniature bag, this time quick has then discovered the target. 略微思索片刻后,燕赵歌又再一次检查袁天缩影囊,这次很快便发现了目标。 In the palm holds the black small spheres of several pearl sizes, Yan Zhaoge to size up the moment, takes out, own Astral Qi penetration. 手掌中托着几枚珍珠大小的黑色小圆球,燕赵歌打量片刻,取出其中一枚,将自身罡气贯入其中。 Yan Zhaoge both eyes closed, the mind is quiet, at present is correct a air current to circle indistinctly, invisible does not have. 燕赵歌双目闭合,心神沉静下来,眼前隐约有道道气流在盘旋,无形无相。 Appreciates carefully, as if contains several points of various line of variable wondrous truth unexpectedly. 仔细体味,其中竟似乎蕴含几分诸行无常之妙谛。 However, this truth, seemed twisted, reveals several points of lawless feeling. 但是,这份道理,似乎被扭曲了,流露出几分无法无天之感。 Although twists, but has the unique mysterious ideal condition. 虽然扭曲,可是自有独特的玄奥意境在其中。 Yan Zhaoge opens eyes, is staring at the black small sphere of palm place. 燕赵歌睁开眼来,盯着掌心处的黑色小圆球。 Said that they are more appropriate for the tree seed. 或者,称它们为树籽更加合适。 Really is the tree seed of Impermanence Demon Tree. “果然是无常魔树的树籽。 Said is the soil, but as if one group of fog, are indistinct spreads the Nine Nether aura, absorbs the person heart and soul. 说是土壤,但却仿佛一团云雾似的,从中隐约间传出九幽的气息,摄人心魄。 Nine Netherworld Soil leaves Nine Nether, will then have the change, no longer has the full assurance to cultivate Impermanence Demon Seed, grows into Impermanence Demon Tree. 九幽冥壤离开九幽,便会产生变化,不再有十足把握培育无常魔籽,长成无常魔树 Pre-Great Cataclysm, Impermanence Demon Sect have unique rare treasure Impermanence Demon Pond, after can let Nine Netherworld Soil leaves Nine Nether, not live the change, for a long time maintains the original potency, so can not depend upon Nine Nether to cultivate Impermanence Demon Tree. 大破灭之前,无常魔宗自家有独一无二的异宝无常魔池,可以让九幽冥壤离开九幽之后不生变化,长久保持原有效力,如此得以不依靠九幽而培育无常魔树 But along with Great Cataclysm, Impermanence Demon Pond early vanishes into thin air, Impermanence Demon Tree also therefore vanishes in human world. 但随着一场大破灭,无常魔池早化为乌有,无常魔树也因此在人间绝迹。 Yan Zhaoge has a look at Impermanence Demon Seed, has a look at that again already some variations Nine Netherworld Soil, thinks with rapt attention. 燕赵歌看看无常魔籽,再看看那已经有些变异的九幽冥壤,凝神思索起来。 Earth Territory, although the mutation, changes into deathtrap Naraka, but after is not true Nine Nether.” Yan Zhaoge feels own chin: „Hasn't Nine Nether arrived at Eight Extremities World truly, Nine Netherworld Soil where Xin Dongping this male servant does?” 地域虽然异变,化为死地‘地狱’,但毕竟不是真正的九幽。”燕赵歌摸着自己的下巴:“九幽没有真正降临八极大世界,辛东平这厮从哪里搞到的九幽冥壤?” Walks toward Ridge Water Peak, while thinking Yan Zhaoge stops the footsteps suddenly. 一边往坎水峰走,一边思索的燕赵歌突然停下脚步。 Ah Hu follows after behind, stunned looks at young master. 阿虎跟在身后,愕然看着自家公子。 The Yan Zhaoge vision flashes, raises head to look to the sky, Grand Pure Great Array hidden entered gradually again void. 燕赵歌目光闪动,仰头看向天空,太清大阵已经渐渐重新隐入虚空。 Only has that side back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak, under the Yan Zhaoge's operation, the array formation strength falls continuously, helping Fang Zhun suppress Demon Territory great array. 唯有后山坎水峰那边,在燕赵歌的操纵下,阵法力量源源不断下落,帮助方准镇压魔域大阵 Black Demon Territory great array, gradually dispirited. 黑色的魔域大阵,逐渐萎靡。 Before dreadful black Demonic Aura, covered entire Ridge Water Peak, turned toward the surrounding other places to proliferate. 之前滔天黑色魔气,覆盖整个坎水峰,更向着周围其他地方扩散。 Now, then has taken back to Ridge Water Peak, Ridge Water Peak is delivered from oppression, rich Demonic Aura only under the mountain area Locking Heaven Gorge makes the final struggling resistance at this moment. 现在,则已经收回到坎水峰下,坎水峰重见天日,浓郁魔气此刻只在山下锁天峡一带做最后的挣扎抵抗。 The vault of heaven that Yan Zhaoge raise one's head looks at is empty, in the left eye radiance flashes. 燕赵歌抬头看着空无一物的天穹,左眼之中光辉闪动。 By his strength inspiring, broad brilliant array pattern, once more presents in the sky. 受他力量引动,道道恢宏绚烂的阵纹,再次在天空中呈现。 The Yan Zhaoge's line of sight, in top of the head Grand Pure Great Array, under Demonic Qi Domain with at present Ridge Water Peak moves, finally the vision falls, in demon seal of own left hand hand back keeps on the mark. 燕赵歌的视线,在头顶太清大阵,和眼前坎水峰魔气界域之间移动,最后目光落在自己左手手背的魔印留痕上。 After long time, Yan Zhaoge has restrained thoughts, takes a step the line , to continue direction Ridge Water Peak. 半晌后,燕赵歌收敛了心思,重新迈步而行,继续走向坎水峰 To Locking Heaven Gorge, intruded in Demonic Qi Domain, arrives at central zone, sees Golden High Tower, at this moment already less than five meters high. 到了锁天峡,闯入魔气界域中,来到中心地带,就见一座金色高塔,此刻已经不足五米高。 Above the tower top, Fang Zhun sits cross-legged to sit, the complexion somewhat is slightly pale, but facial expression calmly safely, in the past not different. 塔顶之上,方准盘膝而坐,脸色微微有些苍白,不过神情镇定安然,与往常无异。 Under Golden High Tower, Feng Yunsheng holds black sabre but actually, stands there, seeing Yan Zhaoge to appear, on the face shows the expression that relaxes. 金色高塔下方,封云笙倒持黑刀,站在那里,看见燕赵歌出现,脸上露出松一口气的表情。 Yan Zhaoge nods to her, she also nods. 燕赵歌向她点点头,她也点头致意。 Zhaoge, you, since appears here, that explained that the outside general situation has decided?” On the Fang Zhun thin face shows the light happy expression. 赵歌,你既然出现在这里,那就说明,外面大局已定了?”方准清癯的面庞上露出淡淡笑意。 Yan Zhaoge to his ritual: Yes, Second Uncle-Master, Xin Dongping and Demon Saint Yuan Tian, already executed.” 燕赵歌向他一礼:“是,二师伯,辛东平魔圣袁天,都已经伏诛。” Invades humble sect Absolute Abyss martial artist, including several Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar, was suppressed kills cleanly, now is carrying on final eliminates wraps up.” “入侵本门绝渊武者,包括几名元符后期大宗师在内,也都被剿杀干净,现在正进行最后的肃清扫尾。” Yan Zhaoge was saying, slightly after one next , to continue saying: Second Uncle-Master... Eldest Uncle-Master he, died.” 燕赵歌说着,稍微顿了一下后,继续说道:“二师伯大师伯他,陨落了。” Calm free Fang Zhun heard this, has stared in a big way the eye suddenly. 一直淡定自若的方准闻言,猛然瞪大了眼睛。 Yan Zhaoge pledged that this is he since has known Fang Zhun, first time sees this Broad Creed Chief of Deacons' Hall to be so rude. 燕赵歌发誓,这是他自从认识方准以来,第一次见这位广乘执事殿首座如此失态。 Fang Zhun lowered the head, gains ground again, the complexion is gloomier, but the facial expression returned to normal: Relation guards same side outside, guarded that Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall seize the chance to intrude on.” 方准低下头,再抬起头的时候,脸色更加晦暗,但神情已经恢复正常:“联系戍守在外的同门,谨防大日圣宗天雷殿趁机进犯。” Yan Zhaoge nods: I also think that happen to have a tentative plan, must you discuss with Second Uncle-Master that is related with at present this Demon Territory great array.” 燕赵歌点头:“我也是这么想,正好有个设想,要跟二师伯你商议,和眼前这个魔域大阵有关。” Oh? Fang Zhun strange [say / way]: Can it be that do you want to retain this?” 哦?方准奇道:“你莫不是想要保留此阵?” Nearby Ah Hu and Feng Yunsheng also curious looks to Yan Zhaoge. 一旁的阿虎封云笙也好奇的看向燕赵歌 Yan Zhaoge stern [say / way]: Although retains, but does not retain this Demon Territory great array, but transforms, thus plays other role.” 燕赵歌正色道:“虽然是保留,但并不是保留这座魔域大阵,而是进行改造,从而起到别的作用。” Did not have with enough time has told other my father as well as elders, catches up to come to here hurriedly, wants to ask Second Uncle-Master you to take on some time, Great Sun Saint Sect they do not come, we extinguishing, if invades one's territory, humble sect also many make some preparations, after all Grand Master he can go out, is not good to determine.” “还没来得及跟我爹以及其他长老说过,匆忙赶来这里,是想请二师伯您担待一段时间,大日圣宗他们不来,咱们将之消弭,若是真的来犯,本门也好多做一些准备,毕竟师祖他老人家什么时候能够出关,还不好确定。” Fang Zhun calmly looks at each other with Yan Zhaoge, after long time, said: Good, I maintain temporarily here invariably, you asked Junior Apprentice Brother Yan they to come to consider in detail your method together.” 方准静静同燕赵歌对视,半晌后说道:“好,我暂时维持这里不变,你请燕师弟他们过来一起参详一下你的法子。” Yan Zhaoge said: Is having this intent, laborious Second Uncle-Master.” 燕赵歌说道:“正有此意,辛苦二师伯了。”
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