HSSB :: Volume #4

#303: You want long life, I deliver you death!

Compares Xin Dongping, in the Yuan Tian heart Demon Will is actually not intense. 相较于辛东平而言,袁天心中魔念其实并不强烈。 However at this moment, the threat of death, causes him to the fresh hope, achieved peak. 但是此刻,死亡的威胁,使得他对生的渴望,达到极致 Realm of Martial Saint, first able to move unhindered, is doomed, so long as he does not step on Sacred Ground rank Sect Mountain Gate on own initiative, the unusual person can how him. 武圣之境,一世纵横,注定只要他不主动去踩圣地级别宗门山门,就少有人能奈何得了他。 But now, the Yuan Tian entire life first time visits Sacred Ground rank Sect Mountain Gate, here is very likely to become his land of buried bones! 但现在,袁天生平第一次踏足圣地级别宗门山门,这里就很可能成为他的埋骨之地 At this moment, Yuan Tian clear feeling threat of death. 这一刻,袁天清楚的感受到了死亡的威胁。 The situation forces him to make the choice. 局势迫使他必须做出选择。 Fallen Demon, the retrieval fresh hope, or dies in Broad Creed Mountain! 堕魔,重获生的希望,或者死在广乘山 Yuan Tian has chosen the former. 袁天选择了前者。 With his same person, Xin Dongping. 与他一样的人,还有辛东平 Xin Dongping at this moment, is exceptionally tranquil, the feeling that even indistinct decoys go home, calmly welcomed this moment. 此刻的辛东平,异常平静,甚至隐约有一种游子归家的感觉,静静迎来这一刻。 The Yan Zhaoge sound is low and deep: Father, Eldest Uncle-Master died.” 燕赵歌声音低沉:“爹,大师伯陨落了。” The Yan Di eye shoots the cold brightness, grasps Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased right hand, the five fingers is tightening suddenly. 燕狄目射寒光,握着天刀龙衎右手,五指骤然收紧。 Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping heard this, on the face not the happy expression, instead is more vigilant. 袁天辛东平闻言,脸上并无喜色,反而更加警惕。 Xin Dongping is gazing at Yan Zhaoge, shakes the head slowly: Now says these, did not have any significance, but the old man biggest fault, did not despise your father Yan Di, but has not solved you ahead of time.” 辛东平注视着燕赵歌,徐徐摇头:“现在说这些,没什么意义了,但老夫最大的失误,不是小看了你爹燕狄,而是没有提前解决你啊。” The Yan Zhaoge vision ice-cold looks at each other with Xin Dongping, said indifferently: In my opinion is, if can early determine that you are Lord of Absolute Abyss. That already killed you.” 燕赵歌目光冰冷同辛东平对视,漠然说道:“在我看来则是,如果能早早确定你就是绝渊之主。那早就弄死你了。” Xin Dongping heaved a deep sigh: Said uselessly.” 辛东平长叹一声:“多说无益。” He is staring at Yan Zhaoge: Today is not perhaps good, the old man injury is too serious. Fallen Demon can only restore the injury reluctantly, does not have a more further possibility.” 他盯着燕赵歌:“今天恐怕是不行了,老夫伤势太重。堕魔只能勉强恢复伤势,没有更进一步的可能。” Old man has hoped can be borrowed Fallen Demon this step. Enters into Saint Realm successfully, but has missed that one point throughout, otherwise, if today can Transcending the Mortal World, the old man probably give a try, has to make up for the beforehand fault the opportunity.” “老夫一直希望能得到借堕魔这一步。成功迈入圣境,但始终差了那么一点,否则,今日如果能超凡入圣,老夫要试试看,有没有弥补之前失误的机会。” In Yan Zhaoge hand were many a long bow, in addition also three black-pitch arrow, flashing light golden light. 燕赵歌手中多了一张长弓,此外还有三支乌黑箭矢,闪动淡淡金光 Old mixed wool, peaceful dies.” Yan Zhaoge coldly said. “老杂毛,安静的去死吧。”燕赵歌冷冷说道 At the same time was saying. Yan Zhaoge has lifted the Deep Green Gallop bow in hand. 一边说着。燕赵歌已经抬起手中的苍驰弓。 This Middle Grade Spirit Armament, his present cultivation was unable to stimulate completely strength. 这件中品灵兵,他现在的修为还无法完全激发其中力量。 However was enough. 但是已经足够了。 Yan Zhaoge simultaneously builds two pitch-black arrow on the bowstring, then pulls open the bow, is similar to the bosom full moon. 燕赵歌将两根乌黑的箭矢同时搭在弓弦上,然后将弓拉开,如同怀抱满月。 The bowstring gets sucked into him to point in the flesh and blood, position that two bunches of arrow fronts aim , seems Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian body surrounding empty space. 弓弦深陷入他手指血肉里,两簇箭锋瞄准的方位,似乎是辛东平袁天身体周围的空当。 In this world, archery, is Martial Way one, Way of Archery. Are same as spear technique, swords art and sabre art, are in a class by itself. 在这个世界,射术,也是武道的一种,弓箭之道。和枪法剑法刀法一样,独具一格。 But this field of endeavor, is more difficult to practice, wants to have achievements. Is more difficult than other Martial Way, more tasteful talent. 只不过此道,更加难练,想要有所建树。远比其他武道更难,同时也更讲究天赋。 The Yan Zhaoge's archery is careless, recently started to practice. 燕赵歌的箭术马马虎虎,最近才开始练。 However. Today this situation, he wants unable to hit a target is very difficult. 不过。今天这个场合,他想射不中都很难。 Grand Pure Great Array revolves. Forms the strength of formidable imprisonment, was still sleepy Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian is in-situ. 太清大阵运转。形成强大的禁锢之力,把辛东平袁天仍然困在原地。 Yan Di's sabre intent falls with raw hate. Let them only to resist distressedly, side also has no time to divert attention again attended. 燕狄的刀意更是凶狠落下。让两人只能狼狈抵挡,再也无暇分心旁顾。 Although Fallen Demon, but before them, injury is too serious, at this moment is unable to resist with the Yan Zhaoge good Yan Di fathers and sons. 虽然堕魔,但他们之前伤势太重,此刻更无法与燕赵歌燕狄父子对抗。 But after Fallen Demon, the Xin Dongping look was instead tranquiler, looks at Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di fathers and sons, said lightly: This time, was old man makes a mistake.” 堕魔之后,辛东平的神色反而平静了许多,看着燕赵歌燕狄父子,淡淡说道:“这次,是老夫自己失误了。” On the one hand, has not removed Yan Zhaoge as soon as possible you, on the one hand, has underestimated your father Yan Di.” “一方面,没有尽早除掉燕赵歌你,一方面,低估了你父亲燕狄。” Today here dies a time, next time, we divide the victory and defeat again.” “今日在这里死一次,下次,咱们再分胜负。” Xin Dongping looks at Yan Zhaoge: youngster, are you also very as if familiar with Nine Nether Evil Demon?” 辛东平看着燕赵歌:“年轻人,你似乎对九幽邪魔也很熟悉?” You interrogate the Junior Apprentice Brother Liu process, the old man heard, you asserted his cultivation realm, even if Fallen Demon, is unable achievement True Demon rebirth's physique.” “你们审讯刘师弟的过程,老夫听说了,你断言他的修为境界,即便堕魔,也无法成就真魔重生之身。” Since such understood that you should know, cultivation of old man, although has not entered Saint Realm, but has the opportunity.” “既然这么了解,那你该知道,老夫的修为,虽然未入圣境,但却有机会。” Xin Dongping turned the head to look at Yuan Tian one: However Demon Saint, then can definitely achievement True Demon rebirth's physique.” 辛东平转头看了袁天一眼:“而魔圣,则肯定可以成就真魔重生之身。” The Yan Zhaoge arrow front is pointing at them, vision ice-cold. 燕赵歌箭锋指着他们二人,目光冰冷。 Xin Dongping sighed generously: Then is Martial Saint, the age also has the limit, the predestined time of death approaches, no one can escape.” 辛东平慨然叹道:“便是武圣,寿数也有极限,大限来临,谁都逃不过。” Countless person in sight but unattainable long life, the old man, formerly actually had not felt how urgent, the lifetime desire of old man, is not Senior Apprentice Brother Wang and Junior Apprentice Brother Liu their such.” “无数人可望而不可及长生,于老夫而言,从前其实并没有感到多么迫切,老夫的毕生愿望,也并非王师兄刘师弟他们那样。” Lives on dishonorably first, mediocre, does not have any meaning.” “苟活一世,庸庸碌碌,也没什么意思。” Xin Dongping said: But, realized today actually several points of advantage, the old man regretted, has not wanted such untimely death, if can in the rebirth from Nine Nether, when with Yuan Zhengfeng, has fought with your fathers and sons again.” 辛东平言道:“不过,今日倒是体会到了几分好处,老夫有憾,还不想这么早死,若能自九幽中重生,当与元正峰,与你父子再来斗过。” Yan Zhaoge does not have the thoughts to listen to Xin Dongping to speak, he at this moment besides controlling Grand Pure Great Array, Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian in dire straits in same place, attention centralized on the bow and arrow in hand. 燕赵歌没心思听辛东平讲话,他此刻除了控制太清大阵,将辛东平袁天困死在原地以外,注意力都集中在手中的弓箭上。 Stimulates to movement Grand Pure Great Array in Yan Zhaoge, with the Yan Di's sabre intent converging attack, they cannot support finally again. 燕赵歌催动太清大阵,和燕狄的刀意夹攻之下,两人终于再支持不住。 The Xin Dongping body was ground by Grand Pure Great Array completely! 辛东平的身躯被太清大阵完全碾碎! Yuan Tian was beheaded by a Yan Di blade! 袁天则被燕狄一刀枭首! Although they die, but is actually correct a black air/Qi to go through many places, the dissipation in void, does not stay in the Eight Extremities World's air, but as if must pass through the impediment of domain, goes indescribably, inexpressible place. 两人虽死,但却有道道黑气辗转,散逸于虚空中,并不是停留在八极大世界的空气里,而是仿佛要穿越界域的阻隔,前往不可名状,不可言说的地方。 Black lacking in vital energy non- stress, is Yan Di's overbearing sabre intent, stimulates to movement the Grand Pure Great Array strength with Yan Zhaoge, is unable to touch. 黑气虚不受力,便是燕狄的霸道刀意,与燕赵歌催动太清大阵的力量,也无法触及。 both sides seems in the different world. 双方似乎处于不同的世界。 In the black air/Qi appears Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian shadow, the former is tranquil, latter indignation. 黑气中浮现辛东平袁天的影子,前者平静,后者怨愤。 The Xin Dongping opens mouth spoke, has not spread sound, but can distinguish approximately from the shape of the mouth, the content was, had another chance to meet. 辛东平张口说话,没有传出声音,但可以从口型大致分辨出,内容是,后会有期。 Yan Di looks at this, brow is tight, surface present scowl. 燕狄看着这一幕,眉头紧蹙,面现怒容。 Xin Dongping, your Transcending, Yuan Tian enters the Saint, your thorough can Fallen Demon, in the Nine Nether rebirth, somewhat hope that I am clear.” 辛东平,你超凡,袁天入圣,你们两人彻底堕魔,能不能在九幽重生,有几分希望,我清楚。” Yan Zhaoge the bow and arrow of attention from hand, diverted on Xin Dongping finally. 燕赵歌终于把视线从手中的弓箭,转移到了辛东平身上。 His moment expression, is similar to disaster Yun Tianjiang generally ice-cold dreary, but a pair of eye, seems actually burning the dreadful fire. 他此刻表情,如同殃云天降一般冰冷阴郁,但是一对眼睛,却仿佛燃烧着滔天大火。 But you are not clear, what you face is anything.” “但你不清楚,你面对的是什么。” Yan Zhaoge character by character, the enunciation is very clear: Bow, Deep Green Gallop, middle grade spirit, is unimportant, can not care.” 燕赵歌一个字一个字,口齿很清晰:“弓,名苍驰,中品灵品一件,并不重要,可以不放在心上。” Arrow, broken demon.” “箭,名碎魔。” Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian are stunned. 辛东平袁天愕然。 Yan Zhaoge said that loosened finger. 燕赵歌说完,松开了手指。 golden light dodges, black arrow vanishes suddenly does not see! 金光一闪,黑色箭矢骤然消失不见! Previous quarter, on the Deep Green Gallop bowstring. 上一刻,在苍驰弓弦上。 the next moment, hits that black air/Qi, the chest of hit Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian! 下一刻,命中那黑气,命中辛东平袁天的胸口! Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian lower the head, the vacant looks at chest breaks an eyelet. 辛东平袁天低头,茫然看着自己胸口破开一个小孔。 Then the eyelet expands to all around unceasingly, changes makes big hole. 然后小孔不断向四周扩大,变作大洞 big hole continues to expand. 大洞继续扩大。 Their body centers of gravity present the cavity, empty expands unceasingly outward, completely empty. 两人身体重心出现空洞,空洞不断向外扩张,空空如也。 The empty area is getting bigger and bigger, their bodies actually gradually vanish do not see, seemed from inside to outside swallowed by cavity. 空洞面积越来越大,两人的身体却渐渐消失不见,仿佛被身上的空洞自内而外吞噬。 To finally, personal appearance Cataclysm, vanished into thin air completely. 到了最后,身形完全破灭,化为乌有。 Covers their black air/Qi continually , seemed purified is the same. 连笼罩他们的黑气,也仿佛被净化一样。 You!” Xin Dongping unbelievable looks at Yan Zhaoge. “你!”辛东平难以置信的看着燕赵歌 Yan Zhaoge looks at each other with him, said indifferently: „Do you want long life?” 燕赵歌与他对视,漠然说道:“你想要长生?” I deliver you death.” “我送你永眠。”
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