HSSB :: Volume #4

#302: All must die!

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Above Foreign Dimension splits the slit, the terrifying destruction mighty current falls in torrents. 上方异域空间裂开缝隙,恐怖的毁灭洪流从中倾泻。 Yan Zhaoge raise one's head looks up to the horizon, left hand picks up upwardly, opens the five fingers, the palm to the Broad Creed Mountain summit sky over. 燕赵歌抬头仰望天际,左手向上托起,张开五指,掌心正对广乘山山顶上空。 the next moment, the Yan Zhaoge five fingers close up to grasp the fist. 下一刻,燕赵歌五指合拢握成拳。 Along with his movement of this making a fist, Grand Pure Great Array in sky revolves loudly, said that array pattern changes to up the mist, shuttles back and forth in the horizons. 随着他这个握拳的动作,天空中的太清大阵轰然运转,道道阵纹化作光岚,在天际间穿梭。 The light mist interweaves, forms the lattice, includes that Foreign Dimension unceasingly, radiance disappears gradually, but Foreign Dimension also becomes stable. 光岚交织,结成网状,不断包括那异域空间,光辉渐渐泯灭,但异域空间也重新变得稳固。 Void that before this fierce distortion rocks, returns to gradually normal, becomes transparent invisible, is unobservable. 此前剧烈扭曲晃动的虚空,渐渐恢复平静,重新变得透明无形,让人难以察觉。 Yan Zhaoge lowered the head, Absolute Abyss martial artist on coldly looks at Broad Creed Mountain. 燕赵歌重新低下头,冷冷看着广乘山上的绝渊武者 left hand that holds up, layer on layer pounds to below. 举起的左手,重重向下一砸。 During the above Grand Pure Great Array revolutions, the spoken parts light falls together, cuts the backdrop, just likes the lightning, imitates, if the day punishes! 上空的太清大阵运转间,一道道白光落下,划破天幕,犹如闪电,又仿若天罚! Absolute Abyss martial artist, under Grand Pure Great Array this terror peerless bombing, die without a burial site. 一个又一个绝渊武者,在太清大阵这恐怖绝伦的轰炸下,死无葬身之地 The Yan Zhaoge footsteps keep, carries ice coffin with Xu Fei and Ying Longtu, treads on Great Way that array pattern paves, leads the way, before arriving at Mountain Gate. 燕赵歌脚步不停,和徐飞应龙图一起扛着冰棺,踏在阵纹铺就的大道上,一路前行,来到山门前。 The group escort a coffin, to prominent peak Heavenly Celestial Peak above. 一行人扶灵,到了主峰乾天峰之上。 A Yan Zhaoge palm pats, is two insulation Great Martial Scholar meets a cruel death. 燕赵歌一掌拍下,又是两个绝缘大宗师粉身碎骨。 ice coffin of splendid attire Shi Tie remains, places in the summit ground, face of Yan Zhaoge looks at Shi Tie, took a deep breath, personal appearance to rising. 将盛装石铁遗体的冰棺,放在山顶地面上,燕赵歌看着石铁的面孔,深吸一口气,身形向上升去。 Holds in the Grand Pure Great Array strength in addition, Yan Zhaoge breaks the Space impediment successfully, enters in Foreign Dimension. 太清大阵的力量加持下,燕赵歌成功破开空间阻隔,进入异域空间里。 In Foreign Dimension, Yan Di and Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping three people, experience one to engage in fierce battle, this moment complexion some are not good, three people are wounded completely. 异域空间里,燕狄袁天辛东平三人,经历一番鏖战,此刻脸色也都有些不好,三人身上全部带伤。 Yan Zhaoge was staring at that once same side elder: Xin! Dong! Ping! 燕赵歌盯着那位曾经的同门长辈:“辛!东!平! A hand stretches out forward, Yan Zhaoge type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm falls. 一只手向前伸出,燕赵歌一式广乘天掌落下。 In the Foreign Dimension square world, appears flashes massively radiance array pattern, then also obviously melts the palm of gigantic. 异域空间的四方天地上,浮现大量闪动光辉阵纹,然后也显化巨大的手掌。 The movement of this palm, is synchronous with Yan Zhaoge, obstructs a day of great hand, depresses toward Xin Dongping loudly! 这只手掌的动作,与燕赵歌完全同步,遮天巨手,朝着辛东平轰然压下! The world in this Foreign Dimension, as if really turns over in this moment. 异域空间中的天地,在这一刻仿佛真的翻转过来。 When the Yan Zhaoge's personal appearance appears in Foreign Dimension, Xin Dongping face upwards to heave a deep sigh immediately. 燕赵歌的身形出现在异域空间中,辛东平顿时仰天长叹一声。 His line of sight falls on the Yan Zhaoge's left eye, sees in the Yan Zhaoge left eye eye pupil, maps the white light, three golden light sparkle. 他的视线落在燕赵歌的左眼上,就见燕赵歌左眼眼瞳里,映射白光,其中三点金光闪耀。 Xin Dongping: Is this unique method, making you recapture Grand Pure Great Array?” 辛东平:“就是这个独特的法门,让你们重新夺回了太清大阵吗?” He also lifts the palm, similar type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm welcomed. 他也抬起手掌,同样的一式广乘天掌迎上。 The double palm intersection, the void shake, the Heaven and Earth boundary is fuzzy, seems keeping overturning. 双掌相交,虚空震荡,天与地的界限为之模糊,仿佛在不停翻覆。 A Yan Zhaoge palm racket to Xin Dongping at the same time, another hand, a fist ejects forward, the goal is his father Yan Di. 燕赵歌一掌拍向辛东平的同时,另一只手,一拳向前击出,目标是其父燕狄 Along with Yan Zhaoge this fist, Grand Pure Great Array taking advantage of the world infinite mighty force, floods into Yan Di within the body massively. 随着燕赵歌这一拳,太清大阵借天地无穷伟力,大量涌入燕狄体内。 Yan Di both eyes Divine Light radiate all around, Grand Pure Robe, the imposing manner also together surges upward. 燕狄双目神光四射,身上的太清袍,气势也一同高涨起来。 Said that Pure Qi to the all around dissipation, gradually with constructing Foreign Dimension Grand Pure Great Array establishes the relation. 道道清气四周散逸,渐渐同构建异域空间太清大阵重新建立联系。 Yan Di brandished a sabre, fierce matchless sabre intent sweeps across toward Demon Saint Yuan Tian! 燕狄挥刀,刚猛无俦的刀意向着魔圣袁天席卷! The father and son catch up together, Yan Zhaoge is gazing at fixedly Xin Dongping, roars, such as dragon hissing and tiger roaring. 父子二人一同发力,燕赵歌瞪视着辛东平,一声怒吼,如龙吟虎啸 The terrifying volcano, erupts in this moment thoroughly! 恐怖的火山,在这一刻彻底爆发! In the Yan Zhaoge long howl, the Broad Creed Heavenly Palm palm potential suddenly changes. 燕赵歌长啸声中,广乘天掌掌势猛然一变。 With Xin Dongping that it fights, feeling is most direct-viewing. 与之交手的辛东平,感受最为直观。 That no longer is strength that the world overturns, but is Heaven and Earth no longer exists! 那不再是天地翻覆的力量,而是天与地都不再存在! The world, before as if backs up to return the world inaugurates, all is a piece of primordial chaos condition. 世界,仿佛倒退回天地初开之前,一切还是一片混沌的状态。 not Yin and not Yang, not former and not later, without beginning or end, does not have indefinitely. 无阴无阳,无前无后,无始无终,无动无定。 The next flash, primordial chaos blasts open loudly! 下一瞬间,混沌轰然炸裂! As if myriad things Neuhut primordial chaos, then primordial chaos Cataclysm, the universe reopens! 仿佛万物纳于混沌,然后混沌破灭,宇宙重开! In a flash, entire Grand Pure Great Array has different kind change, as if repeats great antiquity heaven splitting and earth shattering! 一瞬间,整个太清大阵生出别样变化,仿佛重演洪荒开天辟地 This incomparably broad great strength, breaks Xin Dongping Broad Creed Heavenly Palm outrageously! 这无比恢宏的巨力,悍然破开辛东平广乘天掌 Xin Dongping is stunned, another hand sword light flashes, type Boundless Heavenly Sword, passes through the world, flies to cut toward Yan Zhaoge. 辛东平愕然,另一只手剑光闪动,一式无垠天剑,穿越天地,向着燕赵歌飞斩而来。 Yan Zhaoge aspirates the sound, both hands faces forward to stretch out together, then closes up to the middle a racket. 燕赵歌吐气开声,双手一起朝前伸出,然后向中间合拢一拍。 In Foreign Dimension, innumerable flash array pattern change to the palms of two gigantic, with Yan Zhaoge's movement synchronization, closes up to the middle, immediately sends sword light to clamp Xin Dongping between two palms. 异域空间内,无数闪光阵纹化作两只巨大的手掌,和燕赵歌的动作同步,也向中间合拢,顿时将辛东平所发剑光夹在两掌中间。 Yan Zhaoge coldly looks at Xin Dongping, that primordial chaos explosion terrifying power ideal condition appears again. 燕赵歌冷冷看着辛东平,那混沌爆炸般的恐怖力量意境再次出现。 Wild direct strength, again broken Xin Dongping Boundless Heavenly Sword! 狂暴直接的力量,再碎辛东平无垠天剑 Xin Dongping deeps frown, leaves retreat, no longer resists with Yan Zhaoge and Grand Pure Great Array hardly, but must converge with Demon Saint Yuan Tian. 辛东平眉头紧锁,抽身后退,不再与燕赵歌太清大阵硬抗,而是要与魔圣袁天汇合。 In there, Yuan Tian was also being divided to draw back by a Yan Di blade. 在那里,袁天也正被燕狄一刀劈退。 Yan Zhaoge took a deep breath, the double palm promotes averagely forward together! 燕赵歌深吸一口气,双掌平平向前一起推出! The endless raging tide, by dreadful potential, presses together toward Xin Dongping and Demon Saint Yuan Tian! 无尽狂澜,以滔天之势,朝着辛东平魔圣袁天一起压去! Meanwhile, a Yan Di blade, the fission world, broken is across the sky void, attacks to Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian! 与此同时,燕狄一刀横空,分裂天地,破碎虚空,也向辛东平袁天攻去! Palm intent and sabre intent unite in together, the dreadful raging tide submerges Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian directly! 掌意与刀意联合在一起,滔天的狂澜直接淹没辛东平袁天 Vast sword light, with the indistinct variable air/Qi, the wide scope annihilates broken! 浩瀚的剑光,与缥缈的无常之气,大范围湮灭破碎 Yan Zhaoge raises the palm to fall, Grand Pure Great Array keeps revolving, the astonishing explosive force of primordial chaos large explosion, outrageously a Xin Dongping arm scrap! 燕赵歌提掌落下,太清大阵不停运转,混沌大爆炸的惊人爆发力,悍然将辛东平一条手臂炸碎! Moreover one side, the Yan Di cut-throat blade, in the Yuan Tian hand first tone spirit armament long whip broken, in the chests and bellies is also the bloody wound. 另外一边,燕狄凶狠一刀,袁天手中上平灵兵长鞭破碎,胸腹之间也是血淋淋一道伤口。 If not draws back promptly, must cut up the chest and abdominal cavities to rip open the stomach directly. 若非退得及时,就要被直接开膛破腹。 Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian anxiously to retreat, the Yan Zhaoge palm potential change, a both hands cage, entire Foreign Dimension extrudes toward two people. 辛东平袁天急向后退,燕赵歌掌势一变,双手一笼,整个异域空间向着二人挤压。 Foreign Dimension in this moment, presents collapse unexpectedly, infinite mighty force while imprisoning Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian, crush their statures. 异域空间在这一刻,竟然出现塌缩,无穷伟力在禁锢辛东平袁天的同时,也碾压他们的身躯。 Yan Di raises the blade, on Grand Pure Robe the luminous spot of black and yellow interaction, massive to attach above Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased, said the Pure Qi winding knife. 燕狄扬刀,太清袍上黑与黄相间的光点,大量附着天刀龙衎之上,道道清气缠绕刀身。 A fierce and tough blade falls, presses Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian unable to move a single step, can only collaborate to deal fully. 凶悍一刀落下,压得辛东平袁天动弹不得,只能联手全力应对。 cultivation weak Xin Dongping, is started is ice cold sabre intent injures! 修为较弱的辛东平,更是已经开始为凌冽刀意所伤! Both hands that Yan Zhaoge empty gathers together, gather suddenly! 燕赵歌虚拢的双手,猛然一合! Grand Pure Great Array, suddenly reversal! 太清大阵,突然逆转! Among the counter rapid changes, has the astonishing strength, twisting, as if can tear an corner/horn Eight Extremities World! 顺逆急剧变化之间,产生惊人的力量,扭曲着,仿佛能生生将八极大世界撕裂一角! Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian complete miserable. 辛东平袁天全部一声惨哼。 The wound of Yuan Tian front, turns toward all around to encircle the expansion suddenly, almost must make him be split up! 袁天胸前的伤口,猛然向着四周围扩张,几乎要让他四分五裂! The body of Martial Saint, is firm, is formidable, but at this moment, borders on the disruption! 武圣之身,何等坚固,何等强大,但此刻,濒临碎裂! Another side Xin Dongping is more miserable, boundless Heavenly Image thorough Cataclysm, whole body blows out one group of rain of blood! 另一边的辛东平更惨,无垠天相彻底破灭,全身上下更是爆出一团血雨 The whole person as if must be ground one muddy fleshes! 整个人仿佛要被碾成一摊肉泥! Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian, in the vision flash before color decidedly. 辛东平袁天,目光中都闪现决然之色。 Drinks in the sound lowly, massive black Demonic Aura emerge from their within the body. 低喝声中,大量黑色魔气从他们体内涌现。 Their pupils, start to transfer shading yellow, simultaneously has bloody light to project! 两人的瞳孔,都开始转为暗黄,同时有血光从中射出! Demon?” Yan Zhaoge tyrannical smiles, killing intent is dreadful: I let your demon well!” “魔?”燕赵歌凶戾的一笑,杀意滔天:“我让你好好的魔!” miniature bag opens, draws a bow, three arrows, fall into the Yan Zhaoge hand!( To be continued.) 缩影囊打开,一张弓,三支箭,落入燕赵歌手中!(未完待续。)
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