HSSB :: Volume #4

#301: Carries the coffin to return to Broad Creed!

( Ps: Today fifth watch, total in addition 80 / 79, has an affair for riverside pledge in addition 4 / 4, fifth watch did not finish, later also has the renewal! (ps:今日第五更,总加更80/79,为“河边窃玉偷香”盟加更4/4,五更不是结束,稍晚还有更新! Sought everybody monthly ticket and legal copy subscription do not stop! Finally sprint, thank you!) 求大家月票和正版订阅也不要停!最后冲刺,谢谢大家!) In city that person rune is, Yan Zhaoge is built in rune, both eyes closes. “人”字符所在的城池中,燕赵歌立于符纹上,双目闭合。 Dark void, in white light great array, together with Yan Zhaoge own position, already two golden luminous spot sparkles. 黑暗的虚空,白光大阵里,连同燕赵歌自身所处位置,已经有两个金色光点闪耀。 Only has the representative Heaven position luminous spot not to shine throughout. 唯有代表天位的光点始终未曾亮起。 Yan Zhaoge is waiting for patiently, but at this moment, in his heart moves suddenly. 燕赵歌耐心的等待着,但就在这时,他心中突然一动。 Opens eyes, Yan Zhaoge looks down, sees on oneself left hand hand back, demon seal that soon thoroughly dissipated keeps the mark, suddenly aggravated! 睁开眼,燕赵歌低头看去,就见自己左手手背上,本已经快要彻底消散的魔印留痕,突然加重了许多! „...... Eldest Uncle-Master!” Yan Zhaoge at heart thump a sound. “……大师伯!”燕赵歌心里咯噔一声响。 Demon seal keeps the mark to aggravate, is not the Nine Nether reason, but initially together seal Nine Nether Shi Tie, had the accident. 魔印留痕加重,并不是九幽的缘故,而是当初一起封印九幽石铁,出了意外。 At this moment, Yan Zhaoge felt that Grand Pure Great Array revolves loudly. 就在这时,燕赵歌感觉太清大阵轰然运转。 The mind consciousness in Space, in white light great array, the third luminous spot shines finally! 脑海意识空间中,白光大阵里,第三个光点终于亮起! Heaven position establishes finally! 天位终于确立! Heaven, Earth and Human three homing, together affects in Grand Pure Great Array, the Grand Pure Great Array strenuous vibration! 天、地、人三才归位,一起作用于太清大阵,太清大阵剧烈震动! Is centered on sky over Broad Creed Mountain, massive array pattern flash brilliance to shine, toward keeps extending the expansion in all directions. 广乘山上空为中心,大量阵纹闪动光华亮起,向着四面八方都不停延伸扩展。 The world as if once more becomes illusory, just likes a picture scroll, violent distortion fluctuation. 天地仿佛再次变得虚幻,犹如一幅画卷,猛烈的扭曲波动。 In the Yan Zhaoge strong center of pressure the anxiety, the double palm gathers, then separates suddenly, on always always, together ejects. 燕赵歌强压心中忧虑,双掌并拢,然后猛然分开,一向上一向下,一同击出。 A palm to the day, a palm to the place, takes Yan Zhaoge as the key position, the spiritual qi pulsation in Grand Pure Great Array, changes approaches suddenly. 一掌向天,一掌向地,以燕赵歌为枢纽,太清大阵中的灵气脉动,骤然变向。 Also war in Broad Creed Mountain sky Foreign Dimension and Xin Dongping of Yan Di. Immediately felt is not right. 还在广乘山上空异域空间内和燕狄大战的辛东平。立刻感觉到不对。 In his double pupil, with two palm places, altogether four rune. broken altogether comes! 他双瞳里,和两手掌心处,一共四个符纹一起破碎开来! No matter Xin Dongping again how diligently, Grand Pure Great Array control. In this moment, leaves him to go far away! 不管辛东平再如何努力,太清大阵控制权。在这一刻,都离他远去! In the city, Yan Zhaoge cried loud and long, was up and down the separated double palm, gathered in the same place. 城池中,燕赵歌长啸一声,一上一下分开的双掌,重新并拢在一起。 Grand Pure Great Array that under Heaven, Earth and Human three symbol functions, in sky surges, instantaneous serene, returns to normal. 天、地、人三符作用下,天空中波荡的太清大阵,瞬间风轻云淡,恢复正常。 Yan Zhaoge the first strength of Grand Pure Great Array. in addition holds day rune to be, but is actually not able to succeed. 燕赵歌第一时间将太清大阵之力。加持到“天”字符所在,但是却无法成功。 Directs to gather strength of great array, wields great array control, either the array formation attainments enough are skilled, either the cultivation strength is profound enough. 引聚大阵之力,执掌大阵控制权,要么阵法造诣足够精通,要么修为实力足够高深。 Xu Fei and Ying Longtu dissatisfied this condition, day rune whereabouts, only then Shi Tie can undertake. 徐飞应龙图都不满足这个条件,“天”字符所在之处,只有石铁可以承担。 But now is actually unable to add holds strength of great array...... 可是现在却无法加持大阵之力…… Yan Zhaoge sip tight lip: Eldest Uncle-Master had an accident.” 燕赵歌抿紧嘴唇:“大师伯真的出事了。” Ah Hu heard this one startled: Young Master, you said Elder Shi he......” 阿虎闻言一惊:“公子,你说石长老他……” Yan Zhaoge closes the eye not to speak, the double palm of closing up separates, grasps the fist. Another hand extends the index finger, turns toward own left eye eye pupil one point. 燕赵歌闭上眼睛不说话,合拢的双掌重新分开,一手握成拳。另一只手则伸出食指,向着自己左眼眼瞳一点 In his left eye eye pupil, appears immediately mysterious complicated road array pattern. Gathers a as if scaling down non- several fold together Grand Pure Great Array. 他的左眼眼瞳中,顿时浮现玄奥繁复的道道阵纹。共同汇聚成一个仿佛等比例缩小无数倍的太清大阵 Yan Zhaoge gets hold of the fist, a fist makes forward, Martial Way fist intent surges. 燕赵歌握紧拳头,一拳向前打出,武道拳意激荡。 Grand Pure Great Array in eye pupil, changes to light avatar immediately, falls into the eyeground deep place thoroughly. 眼瞳中的太清大阵,顿时化作光影,彻底落入眼底深处。 Yan Zhaoge closes one's eyes, stands still a moment later, in opening eyes, in the left eye erupts the dazzling white light, in the white light. Three golden luminous spot bright are eye-catching. 燕赵歌重新闭眼,静立片刻之后,在睁开眼,左眼中爆发出耀眼的白光,白光里。三个金色光点璀璨夺目。 Gets up!” Yan Zhaoge holds Ah Hu, one step takes. “起!”燕赵歌一把抓住阿虎,一步迈出。 In the sky Grand Pure Great Array array pattern shines. As if Heavenly Connection Great Way, receives and instructs Yan Zhaoge to speed along. The speed is not completely weak in the top Great Martial Scholar powerhouse. 天空中太清大阵阵纹亮起。仿佛通天大道,接引燕赵歌飞驰。速度完全不弱于顶尖的大宗师强者。 Yan Zhaoge walks in array pattern, is similar to passes through void, has delimited the horizon rapidly, hurries to toward the butte that day rune is. 燕赵歌阵纹中行走,如同穿越虚空,飞速划过天际,向着“天”字符所在的孤峰赶去。 Reaching to the sky mountain peak appears in the field of vision, the Yan Zhaoge vision sweeps falls, discovers the mountain peak distant place, on the earth the desert of towering appearance length and breadth. 高耸入云的山峰出现在视野中,燕赵歌目光扫落,发现山峰远处,大地上突兀的出现广袤的沙漠。 In the desert center, the form stands upright. 在沙漠中心,有一个身影挺立。 Yan Zhaoge brings Ah Hu to fall comes, sees Xu Fei and Ying Longtu, kneels in front of that bronze statue form. 燕赵歌带着阿虎落下地来,就见徐飞应龙图,都跪在那铜像般的身影前面。 looks at that form, Yan Zhaoge closes eye, begins supinely, cannot speak. 看着那身影,燕赵歌闭上眼睛,仰起头,说不出话来。 That resolute unyielding, strict fair Broad Creed Mountain Chief of Punishment Hall. 那个刚毅不屈,严明公正的广乘山掌刑殿首座 That having no interest authority, is bold in working as first Iron Lion King. 那个无心权位,勇于当先的铁狮子王 That silent few language, outside cold internal heat Eldest Uncle-Master...... 那个沉默少语,外冷内热的大师伯…… For Broad Creed Mountain, fights to the last minute, has drained away the drop of blood, to all people. 为了广乘山,战至最后一刻,流尽了自己最有一滴血,离所有人而去了。 We, turn back in order to help friendly forces Mountain Gate fast.” Xu Fei stands up, firm and resolute man tiger flood red, the sound by shivering gradually becomes steady: Grand Pure Great Array recaptures finally, but we have not been able to relax, must defeat the enemy thoroughly.” “我们,快速回援山门吧。”徐飞站起身来,坚毅的汉子虎目泛红,声音由颤抖渐渐变得平稳:“太清大阵终于夺回,但我们还不能放松,一定要彻底挫败来敌。” Saying, the Xu Fei vision somewhat is also dim: Was a pity that the master cannot see with one's own eyes this.” 说着,徐飞目光又有些黯淡:“可惜,师父不能亲眼看到这一幕。” Yan Zhaoge opens eyes: He can!” 燕赵歌睁开眼来:“他可以!” Turns the head to look to Xu Fei: Eldest Uncle-Master miniature bag that can come from Senior Apprentice Brother Shi Songtao there?” 转头看向徐飞:“大师伯石松涛师兄那里得来的缩影囊呢?” The Xu Fei eye is luminous, the Shi Tie relic is restrained by him, he takes out miniature bag, after opening, inside has third mate transparent ice coffin, two splendid attires Ying Yuzhen and Shi Jun mother and child's body. 徐飞目光亮起,石铁的遗物由他收敛,他取出缩影囊,打开之后,里面有三副透明冰棺,其中两副盛装着赢雨真石钧母子的躯体。 Yan Zhaoge received is emptying that ice coffin from Xu Fei, opens coffin lid. 燕赵歌徐飞手上接过空着的那副冰棺,将棺盖打开。 Xu Fei holds Shi Tie to border on the broken body, puts in ice coffin. 徐飞抱起石铁濒临破碎的身躯,放入冰棺中。 Yan Zhaoge closes up coffin lid, in looks at transparent ice coffin the Shi Tie remains, tight pursing the lips lip. 燕赵歌合拢棺盖,看着透明冰棺石铁的遗体,紧抿着嘴唇。 The Ah Hu looks at young master, only felt one as if face a at any time possibly eruption the volcano. 阿虎看着自家公子,只感觉自己仿佛面对一座随时可能爆发的火山。 Yan Zhaoge lifts, a shoulder peak, in own shoulder the ice coffin load. 燕赵歌手一抬,肩膀一耸,将冰棺担上自己的肩头。 We return to Broad Creed!” Yan Zhaoge calmly said. “我们回广乘!”燕赵歌静静说道。 His fist ejects forward, Grand Pure Great Array array pattern falls together, just likes the path. 他一拳向前击出,太清大阵一道阵纹落下,犹如道路。 Yan Zhaoge carries ice coffin, when takes a step to mount first. 燕赵歌扛着冰棺,当先迈步登上。 The Xu Fei three people, follow in him behind, direction Broad Creed Mountain. 徐飞三人,跟在他身后,一路走向广乘山 Broad Creed Mountain on at this moment, the war had not subsided, both sides was still engaging in fierce battle. 此刻的广乘山上,大战仍未平息,双方仍在鏖战。 The Grand Pure Great Array regeneration change, making the people somewhat unable to find out the brains, appears hesitating. 太清大阵再生变化,让众人都有些摸不清头脑,显得迟疑 But in a while, the distant place sky, during the radiance sparkles, a path extends from the horizon ends of the earth, arrives in Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate! 但没过多久,远方天空,光辉闪耀间,一条道路自地平线天尽头延伸,一路抵达广乘山山门 People as far as the eye can see, a person, when takes a step the first line, the shoulder lifts up transparent ice coffin, walks to Broad Creed Mountain. 众人放眼望去,一个人当先迈步而行,肩头扛起一副透明冰棺,向广乘山走来。 Carries the person of coffin, the Broad Creed Mountain younger generation most outstanding talent. 抬棺的人,广乘山年轻一代最杰出的天才。 Yan Zhaoge. 燕赵歌 In ice coffin, is lying down a serene person. 冰棺中,躺着一个安详的人。 Iron Lion King, Shi Tie. 铁狮子王,石铁 Grand Pure Great Array [say / way] array pattern flashes, in world as if resounds the wail. 太清大阵道道阵纹闪动,天地间仿佛响起哀鸣。 At this time, a person shouted to clear the way in the Broad Creed Mountain emperor's wrath: Shi Tie! Yan Zhaoge!” 这时,一个人在广乘山上怒喝道:“石铁燕赵歌!” Actually was before plans the Sand Region Demon Territory great array strength, guided to let Arrival of the Nine Nether Elder Liu to Southern Heaven Region. 却是之前谋划将沙洲魔域大阵力量,引导至天南洲九幽降临刘长老 Locking Heaven Gorge was broken, he and Elder Wang ran away together. 锁天峡被破,他和王长老一起逃了出来。 At this moment sees Yan Zhaoge and Shi Tie, the personal enemy meets particularly is jealous! 此刻看见燕赵歌石铁,正是仇人相见分外眼红! Shi Tie, did you die? Dies well!” Elder Liu looks at ice coffin, laughs. 石铁,你死了?死得好!”刘长老看着冰棺,哈哈大笑。 Yan Zhaoge right shoulder is lifting ice coffin, raises the head to look at the day: Eldest Uncle-Master, your looks at we.” 燕赵歌右肩抬着冰棺,仰首望天:“大师伯,您看着我们。” Then, a left hand palm chops! 说罢,左手一掌劈出! In the bellow, the Grand Pure Great Array revolution of top of the head, the strength coincides with Yan Zhaoge's Broad Creed Heavenly Palm, changes into obstructs a day of great hand, a palm falls! 轰鸣声中,头顶的太清大阵运转,力量同燕赵歌的广乘天掌相合,化为遮天巨手,一掌落下! Elder Liu takes control to resist: Young thief!” 刘长老出掌抵挡:“小贼!” All struggle are the futile effort, the spirit rune disruption of fluttering, sea of fire that Tushita Palm curls up instantaneously extinguish. 一切挣扎都是徒劳,飘飞的灵符碎裂,兜率掌卷起的火海瞬间熄灭。 Elder Liu stimulated to movement Grand Pure Great Array type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm by Yan Zhaoge, pats directly on the earth! 刘长老燕赵歌催动太清大阵的一式广乘天掌,直接拍在大地上! The skeleton not saves! 尸骨无存! Yan Zhaoge is gazing on Broad Creed Mountain all evil spirits, the vision like the fire: You, all give me the Eldest Uncle-Master pad coffin bottom.”( To be continued.) 燕赵歌注视着广乘山上一切魑魅魍魉,目光如火:“你们,全都给我大师伯垫棺材底吧。”(未完待续。)
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