HSSB :: Volume #3

#300: Forever Iron Lion King!

Both hands of Shi Tie, make an effort together, then sews him in ground High Grade Spirit Armament Yin Dragon Spear, drew out by little by little. 石铁的双手,一起用力,那将他钉在地上的上品灵兵阴龙枪,被一点一点拔出。 Yin Dragon Spear each pulls up outward tiny bit, the body of Shi Tie must bear the gigantic pain. 阴龙枪每向外拔起一分一毫,石铁的身体就要承受巨大的痛苦。 array formation in long spear and ground forms the linkage, merges into one organic whole, changes to the shackles of trapped|sleepy lion together! 长枪与地面上的阵法形成联动,融为一体,共同化作困狮的枷锁! In this shackles being embed flesh and blood, each attempts except below movement, will let Shi Tie covered with blood! 这枷锁嵌进血肉中,每一个试图将之除下的动作,都会让石铁自己血肉模糊! The Shi Tie expression does not have the half minute to vacillate, spells to try, draws out long spear. 石铁表情没有半分动摇,拼尽全力,将长枪拔出。 However, just like Sima Chui said that by doing so, was too slow! 但是,正如司马垂所说,这样做,太慢了! After getting out of trouble, although Shi Tie still had the strength of again war, but Xu Fei and Ying Longtu their side could not wait! 脱困之后,石铁虽然仍有再战之力,但是徐飞应龙图他们那边等不及了! Under the butte, the Sima Chui strength is getting stronger and stronger, even starts by the golden tornado, toward summit Xu Fei and Ying Longtu assault! 孤峰之下,司马垂的力量越来越强,甚至开始透过金色龙卷风,向着山顶的徐飞应龙图袭去! Black Flood Dragon bracing cold, plunges the summit with raw hate day rune and Xu Fei two people! 道道黑色蛟龙般的气劲,凶狠扑向山顶的“天”字符徐飞二人! both sides realm strength disparity is too big, even if Sima Chui severe wound, is not can resist, Xu Fei is well aware, but he looks unafraid, protects Ying Longtu resolutely behind. 双方境界实力差距太大,司马垂即便重伤,也不是自己可以抵挡,徐飞对此心知肚明,但他面无惧色,毅然将应龙图护在身后。 Only those who make Xu Fei anxious is, under foot mountain peak vacillates, day rune does not guarantee! 唯一让徐飞揪心的是,脚下山峰动摇,“天”字符不保! The Heaven, Earth and Human three methods are hard to establish, is unable to recapture Grand Pure Great Array control from Xin Dongping! 天、地、人三才之法难以奠定,便无法从辛东平手上夺回太清大阵控制权 The outside also has Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall and other powerful enemies must throw immediately. 外界还有大日圣宗天雷殿等强敌马上就要扑上来。 Broad Creed Mountain danger! 广乘山危矣! Ying Longtu asked at a loss: Senior Apprentice Brother, Master?” 应龙图茫然问道:“师兄,师父呢?” The voice has not fallen, a majestic lion roar, in the distant place resounds! 话音未落,一声雄壮的狮吼,在远方响起! Sima Chui under mountain turns head to look in consternation that his line of sight passes through Space, falls above that desert. 山下的司马垂愕然回头看去,他的视线穿越空间,落在那大漠之上。 Was sewn by Yin Dragon Spear in ground Shi Tie, right hand grips Yin Dragon Spear spear shaft, left hand holds up high! 阴龙枪钉在地上的石铁,右手握住阴龙枪枪杆,左手高高举起! Shi Tie left hand grasps the fist. bright brilliance condenses, illuminates the penetrating square world! 石铁左手握成拳。璀璨光华凝聚,照彻四方天地! Next flash, left fist of Shi Tie. Strength of stimulation of movement destruction, pounds loudly on Yin Dragon Spear spear shaft! 下一瞬间,石铁的左拳。催动毁灭的力量,轰然砸在阴龙枪枪杆上! The stuffy thunder-like sound resounds. High Grade Spirit Armament Yin Dragon Spear, broke off by Shi Tie forcefully! 雷般的声音响起。上品灵兵阴龙枪,被石铁强行折断! The Yin Dragon Spear break, above the winding purple light chains and black hurricane are unable to fetter the Shi Tie body again. 阴龙枪断裂,缠绕其上的紫光锁链和黑色飓风再也无法束缚石铁的身躯。 However wild strength in this moment , the instantaneous complete eruption, instead shakes Shi Tie! 但是狂暴的力量在这一刻,也瞬间全部爆发,反震石铁 Shi Tie keeps silent, the body raises upwardly. 石铁默不作声,身体向上升起。 creak...... 吱嘎…… creak...... 吱嘎…… Break spear shaft, with his statures, spreads the grating fricative once more. Soul-stirring. 断裂的枪杆,和他的身躯之间,再次传出刺耳的摩擦声。惊心动魄。 Sima Chui unbelievable looks at Shi Tie: You were insane! Thus, you died!” 司马垂难以置信的看着石铁:“你疯了!这样子,你自己死定了!” The gale is centered on Shi Tie, has blown the surrounding big desert. 大风以石铁为中心,吹过周围的大沙漠。 The sand dust is billowing, the body of Shi Tie stands. 沙尘滚滚间,石铁的身体重新站立起来。 As if never idol but actually, even if disrupts, even if crooked, still will stand finally also erect! 仿佛一尊永远不倒的神像,即便碎裂,即便歪斜,最终也仍然会重新屹立! In the Shi Tie hand grabs Yin Dragon Spear half spear shaft, the tiger circle stares, waves toward Sima Chui suddenly! 石铁手中抓着阴龙枪的半截枪杆,虎目圆瞪,猛然朝着司马垂一挥手! Yin Dragon Spear half spear shaft, changes to together the black lightning. Shoots at Sima Chui crazily! 阴龙枪的半截枪杆,化作一道黑色闪电。狂射向司马垂 Sima Chui wants to fend, actually discovered one with day rune and golden tornado test of strength at the same time, rune and golden tornado holds by day! 司马垂想要闪避,却发现自己与“天”字符和金色龙卷风角力的同时,也被“天”字符和金色龙卷风吸住! The personal appearance is unable to move. Sima Chui eye socket wants to crack, can only front branch out a hand, black light that keeps off to flying! 身形无法移动间。司马垂目眦欲裂,只能面前分出一只手,挡向飞来的黑光! Bang!” “轰!” On black light erupts the astonishing brilliance, firmly like Vajra, bright like meteor. 黑光上爆发惊人光彩,坚固如金刚,璀璨如流星。 Sima Chui arm direct broken, is his body! 司马垂的手臂直接破碎,接着是他的身体! broken, broken, broken, explodes again loudly! 破碎,破碎,再破碎,轰然爆裂开来! Three big Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar. Last person, Flood Dragon King Sima Chui. Was cut to kill by Iron Lion King Shi Tie at the scene! 三大元符后期大宗师。最后一人,“蛟王司马垂。被铁狮子王石铁当场斩杀! Loses the diversion of Sima Chui, golden tornado returns to loudly normal. The strength stimulated to movement peak. 失去司马垂的牵制,金色龙卷风轰然恢复正常。力量被催动到极致 Day rune and butte above array pattern coincides completely, an invisible air current extends, blends with Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array! “天”字符与孤峰上空的阵纹完全相合,道道无形气流延伸出去,同广乘山的太清大阵交融! Heaven, Earth and Human three positions, final Heaven position, finally establishment. 天、地、人三才之位,最后的天位,终于确立。 Saw with own eyes that day rune establishes finally thoroughly, Xu Fei cannot attend to thinks that dashes to descend the mountain, flushes away to Shi Tie, Ying Longtu follows close on him behind. 眼见“天”字符终于彻底奠定,徐飞顾不得多想,飞奔下山,向石铁冲去,应龙图紧跟在他身后。 The distant place desert, above the earth, a form stands upright, such as motley statue. 远方沙漠,大地之上,一个身影挺立,如斑驳的雕像。 The statue covers entirely the crack from top to bottom, is scarred, motley ruined, as if not know that goes through how much stormy times. 雕像浑身上下布满裂纹,伤痕累累,斑驳破败,仿佛不知经历多少风雨。 But actually still by imposing manner not but actually, throughout stood erect there, just likes haunches the vault of heaven the pillar. 但却仍然以不倒的气势,始终屹立在那里,犹如撑起天穹的支柱。 The Xu Fei surface presently sad appearance, kneels down in the face of this form, silent speechless. 徐飞面现悲色,跪倒在这个身影面前,沉默无言。 Shi Tie opens eyes, difficult raise one's head looks to the sky. 石铁睁眼,艰难的抬头看向天空。 Another light flow, toward oneself behind, flushes away in the Broad Creed Mountain direction together. 一道又一道光流,向着自己身后,向着广乘山方向冲去。 Shi Tie wants to turn the head to look at that side Broad Creed Mountain, actually could not achieve. 石铁想要转头去看广乘山那边,却已经做不到了。 But his at present appears several pictures, that exists in the memory deep place, engraves the picture above soul, leading him to pass through the long time. 但他眼前还是浮现出几幅画面,那存在于记忆深处,镌刻于灵魂之上的画面,带着他穿越悠悠时光。 Therefore parental early premature death, oneself difficult and diligently is living. 父母早早亡故,自己艰难而又努力的活着。 Some, a middle-aged man appeared in front of oneself on the 1st, asked that is willing to learn the military from him. 某一日,一个中年男子出现在自己面前,笑着问,愿不愿意跟他学武。 That is closing up in the Broad Creed Mountain back side of the mountain now, similarly puts together the master who tries for Broad Creed, Yuan Zhengfeng. 那是如今正在广乘山后山闭关,同样为了广乘拼尽全力的师父,元正峰 That time master, when the maturity, obviously was not old, like beforehand...... 那时的师父,正值壮年,不显苍老,就像之前的自己一样…… Among the scene changes, oneself practice martial arts with single-hearted devotion, the master is bringing child return to the mountain, led to come back like the past years. 场景变化间,自己专心练武,师父带着一个孩子回山,就像当年带着自己回来。 That child is young, but vision is quiet, experienced like an adult. 那个孩子年纪还小,但是目光沉静,老成的仿佛大人 That is suppressing Demon Territory great array in the back side of the mountain now, prevents Arrival of the Nine Nether this side human world two Junior Apprentice Brother Fang Zhun. 那是如今正在后山镇压魔域大阵,阻止九幽降临这方人间的二师弟方准 After that the master also one after another leads some children, becomes own Junior Apprentice Brother, sometimes, oneself must pass on technique for the master. 在那之后,师父又陆续带回来些孩子,都成为自己的师弟,有些时候,自己还要代师传艺。 And has a young doll, is a Uncle-Master losing female, was favored fiercely by the master, lawless, Master even/including afterward had a headache. 其中有个小女娃,是一位师叔的遗女,被师父宠得厉害,无法无天,连师父后来都为之头疼。 Only then put on a serious face, the doll will fear, sticks out one's tongue, timid is peaceful. 只有自己板起脸来,女娃才会怕,吐吐舌头,怯怯的安静下来。 That is Junior Apprentice Sister Fu. 那是傅师妹 Finally, oneself have grown up, to become famous to set up ten thousand, has appeared the old master, leading a youth to come back, said that this is Little Apprentice Brother, is his final disciple, last disciple. 最后,自己都已经成年,扬名立万了,已经显得苍老的师父,带着一个少年回来,言道这是小师弟,是他的关门弟子,最后一个弟子。 The small age, then tip reveals completely, spirited upward youth. 小小年纪,便锋芒毕露,昂扬向上的少年。 That is at this moment in Grand Pure Great Array, with Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping life-and-death fight Yan Di. 那就是此刻正在太清大阵中,与袁天辛东平殊死搏斗的燕狄 In addition, many same side, some also, some already not. 除此之外,还有许许多多的同门,有的还在,有的已经不在了。 The old people pass away, but there is new youngster entered the sect. 老人们逝去,但有新的年轻人入门 If at present self-satisfied love disciple Xu Fei and Ying Longtu. 眼前的得意爱徒徐飞应龙图 With is the Broad Creed future, Yan Zhaoge, Feng Yunsheng and Sikong Qing and the others...... 同为广乘的未来,燕赵歌封云笙司空晴等人…… The picture keeps fluctuating, finally stay is motionless. 画面不停变幻间,最后停留不动。 During the wife is pregnant is injured, persists in giving birth to child, was soon, then passed away. 妻子怀孕期间受伤,坚持生下孩儿,可是不久之后,便去世了。 Only by oneself gratified is the child day-by-day grows healthy and strong, from the lively boy, to the intelligent youth, grows into the tall and straight youth finally, becomes the lifetime pride. 唯一让自己欣慰的就是孩子一天天茁壮成长,从活泼的男童,到聪颖的少年,最后长成挺拔的青年,成为自己一生的骄傲。 Afterward, the son also found a wife to give birth. 后来,儿子也娶妻生子。 Before that has never thought that oneself have the pleasures of old age time, enjoying family happiness, life most joyful time. 在那之前,从未想过,自己也有含饴弄孙的时候,尽享天伦之乐,人生最快乐的时光。 In the daughter-in-law Ying Yuzhen bosom is holding grandson Shi Jun, walks arm in arm side Shi Songtao, the family of three, the smile looks. 儿媳赢雨真怀中抱着孙儿石钧,依偎在石松涛身边,一家三口,微笑看过来。 Little Shi Jun extends a chubby pair of small hand toward oneself...... 小石钧向着自己伸出胖乎乎的一对小手…… The picture in Shi Tie mind, frames finally here. 石铁脑海中的画面,最后定格在这里。 The isolated hill that the distant place, day rune is, there golden tornado directs poly eight side spiritual qi, is connected with Grand Pure Great Array. 远方,“天”字符所在的孤山,那里金色龙卷风引聚八方灵气,同太清大阵相连。 In the sky, said that array pattern shines, Grand Pure Great Array shakes once more! 天空中,道道阵纹亮起,太清大阵再次震荡! This indicated that Earth and Human positions, has established. 这说明,地位和人位,也都已经奠定。 Three connect, Grand Pure again changes! 三才交汇,太清再变! Shi Tie shows a faint smile, closes both eyes slowly.( To be continued.) 石铁微微一笑,徐徐闭上双目。(未完待续。)
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