HSSB :: Volume #3

#299: Will not make you destroy Broad Creed

Shi Tie two fists simultaneously out, besides Yang Nie, will restore just some vitalities Sima Chui to hit the severe wound to spit blood once more! 石铁双拳齐出,除了杨涅之外,将刚刚恢复一些元气的司马垂再次打得重伤吐血! But his three matches, made a determined effort at this moment, in the rave sound, attacks once more to Shi Tie, life-and-death preying! 但他的三个对手,此刻也发了狠,狂吼声中,再次向石铁攻上,殊死搏杀! Yang Nie drinks in the sound coldly, whole body purple light wells up crazily, changes into purple Astral Wind, plunges Shi Tie. , 杨涅冷喝声中,全身上下紫光狂涌,化为道道紫色罡风,扑向石铁。⊙, Sima Chui holds oneself long spear stubbornly, resists the Shi Tie personal appearance, toward below earth sprint. 司马垂死死抓住自己长枪,抵住石铁的身形,向着下方大地冲刺。 Elder Wang also struggles to throw! 王长老也挣扎着扑上! Will not make you destroy Broad Creed!” “绝不会让你们毁了广乘!” In the Shi Tie roaring sound, left hand supports the Elder Wang tacks in the sole, fights with the fists, drops this in the same side Uncle-Master head of Nine Nether directly hits to explode! 石铁咆哮声中,左手架住王长老的铁掌,一拳打出,直接把这位堕于九幽的同门师伯脑袋打爆! But his personal appearance by the Yang Nie sabre light cling. 但他的身形被杨涅刀光卷住。 The top of the head sky, changes into purple completely. 头顶天空,完全化为一片紫色。 The earth under body, the extremely hot strength changes into the sand to melt the thousand li(500 km) fertile soil all! 身下的大地,酷热的力量将千里沃土尽数化为砂铄! In the world, is the wild black tornado, is rolling up and pushing along the Shi Tie body, changed to the desert the earth to fall to under falls! 天地之间,是狂暴的黑色龙卷风,卷动着石铁的身躯,向下方已经化作沙漠的大地摔落! Shi Tie puts out a hand suddenly, holds right hand that Yang Nie arms with knife, is dragging him together downward. 石铁猛然一伸手,抓住杨涅持刀的右手,拖着他一起向下。 Yang Nie does not move aside, stimulates to movement peak own strength, said that purple light penetrates below big desert. 杨涅也不躲闪了,将自身力量催动到极致,道道紫光贯入下方的大沙漠。 Sad and shrill radiance glitters, changes to purple array pattern, forms tyrannical array formation. 凄厉光辉闪烁间,化作一道道紫色阵纹,形成一个凶戾阵法 Then boundless purple light shoots up to the sky, as if innumerable sharp knife blade, prick the Shi Tie back together. 然后茫茫紫光冲天而起,仿佛无数利刃,一起刺入石铁后背。 Shi Tie as if completely cannot feel the ache, lifts own right fist, hits to Yang Nie! 石铁仿佛完全感受不到疼痛,抬起自己的右拳,打向杨涅 Yang Nie was held by Shi Tie left hand, does not move aside, can only helplessly looks at Shi Tie right fights with the fists in own chest! 杨涅石铁左手抓住,躲闪不得,只能眼睁睁看着石铁的右拳打在自己前胸! The destruction strength, complete condensation in one point, the fist of Shi Tie, is similar to unparalleled divine weapon, a fist hit to putting on the Yang Nie body! 毁灭般的力量,完全凝聚于一点,石铁的拳头,如同盖世神兵,一拳将杨涅身体打了个对穿! The flesh and blood, the internal organs, the skeleton, all, destroy completely! 血肉,内脏,骨骼,所有一切,全部打碎! Yang Nie stares the big eye, a blood spouts, splashes the Shi Tie whole face is. 杨涅瞪大眼睛,一口鲜血喷出,溅得石铁满脸都是。 Black Nightmare Mountain last Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, Primordial Rune later stage powerhouse, dead but will not close the eyes! 黑魇山最后一个大宗师九重,元符后期强者,死不瞑目 Fighting with the fists dead Yang Nie, the Shi Tie personal appearance also in long spear by the Sima Chui hand was attacked thoroughly falls falls under desert. 一拳打死杨涅,石铁的身形也被司马垂手中长枪冲击得彻底摔落在下方沙漠里。 That long spear, the nail seems to be same, sews Shi Tie on ground! 长枪,仿佛钉子一样,将石铁钉在地上! The Yang Nie body dies, that purple light array formation still in the display final function, said that purple light flies, as if purple chains, twine in Shi Tie and above that long spear, is in-situ the Shi Tie imprisonment! 杨涅身死,那紫光阵法还在发挥最后的作用,道道紫光飞起,仿佛一条条紫色锁链,缠绕在石铁身上和那根长枪之上,将石铁禁锢在原地! His three matches, only one by one also living Sima Chui, stands in void, looks at under lies down Shi Tie on earth. 他的三个对手,唯一一个还活着的司马垂,站在虚空中,看着下方躺在大地上的石铁 Shi Tie at this moment, whole body, as if soon broken statue, gloomy, motley ruined. 此刻的石铁,全身上下,仿佛快要破碎的石像,黯淡无光,斑驳破败。 Only has his left fist, was still flashing the bright ray. 唯有他的左拳,仍然闪动着璀璨的光芒。 Sima Chui opens mouth to speak, first was a blood has actually spurted. 司马垂张嘴想要说话,却先是一口血喷了出来。 He injures on adds the wound, situation is also dreary. 他伤上加伤,情况也是惨淡至极。 Has the wound in the body, one against three, but can also kill them.” Sima Chui keeps coughing, the vision is staring at Shi Tie stubbornly: surnamed Shi, the name of your worthily Iron Lion King!” “有伤在身,以一敌三,还能打死两人。”司马垂不停咳嗽,目光死死盯着石铁:“姓石的,你不愧铁狮子王之名!” Shi Tie unemotionally, does not say a word, the body struggles, wants to stand up. 石铁面无表情,一言不发,身体挣扎,想要站起。 But that purple light chains, are fettering him stubbornly. 但那一道道紫光锁链,死死束缚着他。 That passes through his body, sews him in ground black long spear, is connected with the purple light chains, erupts the rogue strength. 那贯穿他身体,将他钉在地上的黑色长枪,与紫光锁链相连,更是爆发出凶恶的力量。 Shi Tie motionless that's the end of it, once wants to move the body, the body was attacked immediately. 石铁不动便罢,一旦想要挪动身躯,身体顿时受到打击。 The Sima Chui vision, falls on Shi Tie left hand: I must kill you now, easy as pie.” 司马垂的目光,落在石铁左手上:“我现在要杀你,易如反掌。” But, must approach you to be good.” “但是,必须靠近你才行。” But, if approaches you, I know that you have the final attack strength, I must kill you, is doomed to give you to be buried along with the dead!” “可是,如果靠近你,我知道,你还有最后一击的力量,我要杀你,就注定给你陪葬!” Sima Chui complexion grey defeat, shook the head, raise one's head looked that reaches to the sky mountain peak that to the distant place: There, are you up to mischief?” 司马垂脸色灰败,摇了摇头,抬头看向远方高耸入云的山峰:“那里,你们在搞什么鬼?” I do not know, does not have the interest to know, but I know, matter that you want to do, I made you do the non- achievement to be right.” “我不知道,也没兴趣知道,但我知道,你们想干的事情,我让你们干不成就对了。” Sima Chui coughs up blood, while difficult saying with a smile: I kill you, you are capable of drawing me to perish together, I do not kill you, I will not die, although you will not die, but I can actually go bad your matter.” 司马垂一边咳血,一边艰难的笑道:“我杀你,你有能力拉我同归于尽,我不杀你,我不会死,你虽然也不会死,但我却可以坏了你的事情。” Also possibly is not your matter, but concerns your Broad Creed Mountain entire Sect, ha ha ha ha!” “还可能不是你个人的事情,而是关乎你们广乘山整个宗门,哈哈哈哈!” Shi Tie both eyes Divine Light rises crazily, holds black long spear to vacillate, but black light shells with purple light together on his body, imprisons his body, keeping him from moving. 石铁双目神光狂涨,抓住黑色长枪动摇,可是黑光与紫光一起轰击在他的身上,禁锢住他的身体,让他无法动弹。 Sima Chui said with a smile: Rubs slowly, spends some time, you can break array formation, captures my Yin Dragon Spear, but you not necessarily have me to be quick.” 司马垂笑道:“慢慢磨,多花一些时间,你可以破掉阵法,拔掉我的阴龙枪,但你未必有我快啊。” In the big laughter, Sima Chui flies toward that butte. 大笑声中,司马垂向着那座孤峰飞去。 Above the butte, Xu Fei stands in the “Heaven” rune center, both hands lifts up high to the day, the palm turns, is similar to the lifting sky. 孤峰之上,徐飞站在“天”字符中央,双手高举向天,掌心翻起,如同托举天空。 Ying Longtu side him, knees down, both hands press together on “Heaven” rune. 应龙图在他身旁,单膝跪地,双手一起按在“天”字符上。 The golden tornado surrounds two people, is even more strong, the butte that will put in order towering covers completely, rolls up and pushes along world spiritual qi all around to keep investing. 金色龙卷风将二人包围,越发壮大,将整座耸立的孤峰完全笼罩,卷动周遭的天地灵气不停投入其中。 While they try hard, the war of distant place, earthshaking, Xu Fei and Ying Longtu intensely gaze at that direction. 在两人努力的同时,远方的大战,惊天动地,徐飞应龙图都紧张注视那个方向。 Suddenly, after intense collision, war as if subsides. 突然,激烈碰撞之后,战局仿佛平息。 Afterward, a formidable aura, their here approaches to Xu Fei and Ying Longtu. 随后,一个强大的气息,向徐飞应龙图他们这里靠近。 To near, a Xu Fei heart sinks suddenly the valley, because he can distinguish, that is not the master Shi Tie fist intent aura! 离得近了,徐飞一颗心陡然沉到谷底,因为他能分辨出,那不是自己师父石铁的拳意气息! Really, Flood Dragon King the Sima Chui form, appears in front of Xu Fei and Ying Longtu two people. 果然,“蛟王司马垂的身影,出现在徐飞应龙图二人面前。 Sima Chui looks at covers the mountain peak golden tornado, after sizing up the moment, hey however smiles. 司马垂看着笼罩山峰的金色龙卷风,打量片刻后,嘿然一笑。 He does not have long spear in the hand, but fights with the fists, True Primordial naturally changes to black Flood Dragon, is similar to spear point that destroys the hardest defenses, thorn to mountain peak! 他没有长枪在手,但是一拳打出,真元自然化作黑色蛟龙,如同无坚不摧的枪锋,刺向山峰 Flood Dragon goes to sea, the place of black light flashing, wild evil dragon roar and tornado sound mixed in the same place. 蛟龙出海,黑光闪动之处,狂暴邪恶的龙吼声与龙卷风声交杂在一起。 Black Flood Dragon makes threatening gestures, is tearing the golden tornado crazily. 黑色蛟龙张牙舞爪,疯狂撕扯着金色龙卷风。 Even if seriously injured, is nearly critically-ill, but Sima Chui strength, is far from the class of Zhu Qian can place on a par. 哪怕身受重伤,近乎垂危,但司马垂的实力,也远非朱迁之流可以相提并论。 Under his Martial Way True Spirit obviously Flood Dragon attack, the golden tornado immediately becomes in imminent danger. 在他武道真灵显化的蛟龙攻击下,金色龙卷风顿时变得岌岌可危。 The establishment of “Heaven” rune, arrived at the final moment at this moment. “天”字符的确立,此刻也到了最后关头。 Sky over the butte, complex mysterious array pattern appears, seemed as if reduced many Broad Creed Mountain Great Array of Mountain Defence. 孤峰上空,复杂玄奥的阵纹出现,看上去就仿佛是缩小了许多的广乘山守山大阵 array pattern and “Heaven” rune coincides, is correct a air current toward to expand in all directions. 阵纹“天”字符相合,然后有道道气流向着四面八方扩张。 Sima Chui drinks one lowly, the wild strength disturbance golden color tornado, disturbs “Heaven” rune, causes the revolution of “Heaven” rune, becomes slow. 司马垂低喝一声,狂暴的力量干扰金色龙卷风,干扰“天”字符,使得“天”字符的运转,变得缓慢。 both sides falls into to refuse to compromise for a while with the test of strength. 双方一时陷入僵持与角力中。 Sima Chui is grinning fiendishly, starts notch completely own fully, golden tornado, gradually by his strength tearing! 司马垂狞笑着,也开始豁尽自己的全力,金色龙卷风,渐渐被他的力量撕裂! His fist starts to approach the butte, has not been intimate, mountain peak starts to shake fiercely, as if must collapse general! 他的拳头开始靠近孤峰,还没挨上,山峰就开始剧烈摇动,仿佛要倒塌一般! The butte collapses, “Heaven” rune disintegrates! 孤峰倒塌,“天”字符即告瓦解! Summit Xu Fei and Ying Longtu, going all out stable “Heaven” rune, pesters with Sima Chui. 山顶的徐飞应龙图,拼命稳固“天”字符,与司马垂纠缠。 The distant place, in the desert, Shi Tie unemotionally, both hands grip to pass through black long spear of oneself body. 远方,大漠之中,石铁面无表情,双手握住贯穿自己身体的黑色长枪 creak... creak...” 吱嘎吱嘎…” Shi Tie little by little penetrates the illegally owned weapon of his body to pull out that outward! 石铁一点一点将那穿透他身体的黑枪向外抽! purple light and black light interlace flicker. 紫光与黑光交错闪烁。 The Shi Tie body is bruised and lacerated. 石铁的身躯皮开肉绽。 Past the made of iron man, this moment body kept shivering. 昔日铁打的汉子,此刻身体不停颤抖。 Only has both hands, stably like rock.( To be continued.) 唯有双手,稳定如磐石。(未完待续。)
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