HSSB :: Volume #3

#298: The crazy lion roared!

In the world, has the bright ray to shine suddenly. . 天地间,骤然有璀璨光芒亮起。⊙。⊙ Innumerable spirit rune flutter, each other hit, massive annihilations. 无数灵符翻飞,彼此撞击,大量湮灭。 Surplus spirit rune are divided into four crowds, gathers massive runic array, then among the runic array complexing, four gigantic runic array Temple of Heaven, appears in void. 剩余的灵符分为四群,聚集成大量的符阵,然后符阵络合间,四座巨大符阵天坛,出现在虚空中。 Around the Shi Tie body, covers for golden Jintan, the altar volume reduces unceasingly, even more concise vigorous, from spreads Vajra not to go bad, Martial Way true meaning that all generations do not rub. 石铁身体周围,为金色金坛笼罩,祭坛体积不断缩小,越发凝练雄浑,自其中传出金刚不坏,万劫不磨的武道真意。 In him opposite, Elder Wang, Sima Chui and Yang Nie three people, sets up own runic array Temple of Heaven respectively. 在他对面,王长老司马垂杨涅三人,也各自立起自己的符阵天坛。 One white, one black, a purple three Temple of Heaven, suppression four directions. 一白,一黑,一紫三座天坛,镇压四方。 Black Nightmare Mountain ancient elder Yang Nie, in the hand presents handle long sabre, does not see sabre light, sees only the infinite storm to revolve, a darkness. 黑魇山宿老杨涅,手中出现一柄长刀,不见刀光,只见无穷风暴旋转,一片漆黑。 He turns toward Shi Tie to attack first, Black Nightmare Mountain legacy to the high study, West Extremity Purple Qi stimulated to movement peak. 他最先向着石铁攻来,黑魇山嫡传高绝学,西极紫气被催动到极致 A type Purple Qi day billows blade, by the potential of minute day, coerces infinite Black Nightmare Storm, chops to fall toward the Shi Tie overhead! 一式紫气天澜刀,以分天之势,裹挟无穷黑魇风暴,朝石铁当头劈落! Shi Tie Profound Light Divine Armour shines, does not dodge does not evade, is a fist welcomes, shakes Yang Nie hardly by West Extremity Purple Qi of High Grade Spirit Armament Magnificent Nightmare Sabre stimulation of movement. 石铁身上玄光神铠亮起,不闪不避,便是一拳迎上,硬撼杨涅上品灵兵华魇刀催动的西极紫气 The both sides frontage touches hardly, in the world infinite golden light and Purple Qi explode to disperse, curls up the intermittent hurricane, encircles toward all around sweeps crazily. 双方正面硬碰,天地间无穷金光紫气爆散开来,卷起阵阵狂飙,向着四周围狂扫。 Above the Shi Tie body, the Elder Wang personal appearance appears, Broad Creed Heavenly Palm of type terror, drops from the clouds! 石铁身体上方,王长老的身形出现,一式恐怖的广乘天掌,从天而降! Sky as if instantaneous short a section! 天空仿佛瞬间矮了一截! Shi Tie aspirates the sound, right fist catches up, shakes draws back Yang Nie at the same time, left hand is upward! 石铁吐气开声,右拳发力,震退杨涅的同时,左手向上! His left hand, bright like Vajra, by holding a day of potential, blocks Elder Wang Broad Creed Heavenly Palm. 他的左手,璀璨金刚,以托天之势,挡住王长老广乘天掌 Great such as day, the vigorous overbearing palm strength keeps depressing. 宏大如天,雄浑霸道的掌力不停压下。 But Shi Tie is similar to holds up day pillar to be ordinary, motionless does not swing. 石铁便如同擎天支柱一般,不动不摇。 Their palms to bumping in the same place, Shi Tie both eyes Divine Light radiate all around, in the low roar, left hand is unceasingly upward, the vault of heaven that stiffly will be unexpectedly short, forced up! 两人手掌对碰在一起,石铁双目神光四射,低吼声中,左手不断向上,竟然硬生生将矮下来的天穹,重新顶了上去! Then is Elder Wang and Yang Nie sees this, is moved terrified. 便是王长老杨涅看见这一幕,也感动悚然。 Of doesn't Broad Creed Heavenly Palm Broad Creed Three Great Unique Skills, beat Vajra Body in Supreme Eight Extremities unexpectedly? 广乘三大绝技之一的广乘天掌,竟然不敌太上八极中的金刚身 It is not Broad Creed Heavenly Palm loses to Vajra Body, but is Shi Tie, is stronger than Elder Wang! 不是广乘天掌败给金刚身,而是石铁,比王长老更强! The vault of heaven must collapse, but Shi Tie catches up, the sky that will fall impressively also held again. 天穹要塌下,但石铁发力间,赫然将倾倒的天空重新又托了起来。 What is more terrifying, not only lifts, the strength continually promotes, the vault of heaven really had to the trend that another direction overturns. 更恐怖的是,不仅仅托举,力量不断提升间,天穹竟然有了向另一个方向翻覆的趋势。 It is not Broad Creed Heavenly Palm makes the terrifying power that the world overturns, but is Shi Tie must arched reverse this day! 不是广乘天掌令天地翻覆的恐怖力量,而是石铁要将这天穹倒转! The Elder Wang body surrounding white runic array Temple of Heaven, starts to incline impressively, must be turned from the under top by Shi Tie! 王长老身体周围的白色符阵天坛,赫然开始倾斜,要被石铁从下方顶翻! At this moment, black light flashes through together, as if whereabouts for the first time present black strange dragon, from a cunning angle, thorn to Shi Tie! 就在这时,一道乌光闪过,仿佛行踪乍现的黑色怪龙,从一个刁钻的角度,刺向石铁 The strength is concise, completely centralized in one point, forms incomparably fearful destructive power, the goal points to the old wound between Shi Tie chests and bellies! 力量凝练,完全集中于一点,形成无比可怕的破坏力,目标直指石铁胸腹间的旧伤口! The Shi Tie vision like the electricity, a right hand fist rumbles, hits Yang Nie Magnificent Nightmare Sabre once more. 石铁目光如电,右手一拳轰出,再次将杨涅华魇刀打偏。 Suppresses Elder Wang left hand to take back, movement seems like slow, but actually an accurate fist pounds down, hits spear point of Sima Chui sneak attack! 压制王长老左手收回,动作看似缓慢,但却准确的一拳砸下,将司马垂偷袭的枪锋打偏! The black strange dragon was pounded the nape of the neck by Shi Tie, sends out a real pain to shout, seemed broken the back 黑色怪龙被石铁砸中脖颈,发出一声真实的痛呼,仿佛被打断脊梁 After Shi Tie left fights with the fists Sima Chui spear point, the five fingers open, the movement of hand becomes leisurely, paddles slowly. 石铁左拳打偏司马垂枪锋之后,五指张开,手的动作变得轻缓,徐徐划动。 A golden corona appears, if all over the body Vajra, full leakless, the central bareness, as if may receive the myriad things. 一个金色光环出现,通体若金刚,饱满无漏,中心空无,仿佛可收万物。 Sima Chui wants to receive the spear|gun changes incurs, but actually discovered that oneself Martial Way true meaning and spirit armament unify Black Dragon, was belayed by that golden corona, is unable to take back unexpectedly. 司马垂欲要收枪变招,可是却发现,自己武道真意与灵兵结合所化的黑龙,被那金色光环套住,竟然无法收回。 Shi Tie left hand makes an effort, during that Black Dragon wails, is unable to work loose did not say that was kept absorb swallowing by the golden corona. 石铁左手用力,那条黑龙哀鸣间,无法挣脱不说,更被金色光环不停吸纳吞噬。 The huge strength is towing the body of Sima Chui, cannot help but approaches to Shi Tie. 庞大的力量牵引着司马垂的身体,也不由自主向石铁靠近。 Either lets go to give up own spirit armament, either was towed by Shi Tie. 要么松手放弃自己的灵兵,要么就被石铁拖过去。 right hand that Shi Tie lifts up high, the ruinous strength has shown, toward Sima Chui overhead strikes! 石铁高举的右手,毁灭性的力量已经彰显,朝着司马垂当头打落 While Sima Chui cannot stand firm own personal appearance time, Elder Wang and Yang Nie attack, is inflictive to Shi Tie! 正当司马垂稳不住自己的身形的时候,王长老杨涅又重新攻上,对石铁加以打击! A Yang Nie blade chops, the trim horizon changes into the purple, the boundless Astral Wind raging tide emerges together, inundates the cloth sky. 杨涅一刀劈出,整片天际化为紫色,无边罡风狂澜一起涌现,漫布天空。 A blade falls, the purple sky as if together changes to Large expanse of sabre light, chops toward Shi Tie. 一刀落下,紫色天空仿佛一起化作成片刀光,向着石铁劈来。 Said that Black Nightmare Storm sweeps across in the purple sky, appears the tyrannical terror, Shi Tie as if places oneself in Western Extremity Great Desert instantaneously. 道道黑魇风暴在紫色天空中席卷,显得凶戾恐怖,石铁瞬间仿佛置身于西极大漠中。 Another side, the Elder Wang double palm downward racket falls once more! 另一边,王长老双掌再次向下拍落! The Shi Tie vision is rock-solid, does not see vacillates slightly. 石铁目光坚如磐石,不见丝毫动摇。 Golden Temple of Heaven and his in person complete reduction body, the whole person just likes the shape of Vajra, the endless ray shines through from within the body! 金色天坛和他本人完全化归一体,整个人犹如金刚之象,无尽光芒自体内透射! His Profound Light Divine Armour ray sparkles, the hard anti- Yang Nie Purple Qi day billows blade, left hand keeps, holding Sima Chui to forward, then right fist loudly strikes, center Sima Chui chest! 他身上玄光神铠光芒闪耀间,硬抗杨涅紫气天澜刀,左手不停,托着司马垂向前,然后右拳轰然打落,正中司马垂胸口! The black runic array Temple of Heaven, broken, the Sima Chui blood spurts loudly crazily! 黑色的符阵天坛,轰然破碎,司马垂鲜血狂喷! Shi Tie Vajra Body stimulates to movement peak, a hard anti- Yang Nie blade, then body slightly one, making way strategic point, again a Elder Wang palm! 石铁金刚身催动到极致,硬抗杨涅一刀,然后身体微微一偏,让开要害,再中王长老一掌! The Broad Creed Heavenly Palm vigorous overbearing boundless mighty force, hits the Shi Tie personal appearance in a flash, just likes the landslide. 广乘天掌雄浑霸道的无边伟力,打得石铁身形一晃,犹如山崩。 Shi Tie corners of the mouth slightly overflowing blood. 石铁嘴角微微溢血。 Yang Nie roars: Iron Lion must change dead lion today!” 杨涅怒吼:“铁狮子今天要变死狮子!” Among the West Extremity Purple Qi crazy volumes, in his hand Magnificent Nightmare Sabre changes into the hurricane completely. 西极紫气狂卷之间,他手中华魇刀完全化为飓风。 Innumerable Slashing the Heaven and Splitting the Earth terror Astral Wind have delimited the horizon, cuts to strike Shi Tie crazily, leaves behind sad and shrill scars on Profound Light Divine Armour and Shi Tie in person! 无数斩天裂地的恐怖罡风划过天际,疯狂斩击石铁,在玄光神铠石铁本人身上留下一道道凄厉伤痕! In the Shi Tie vision has not dreaded, has not vacillated, but are many some had not presented in those days the thing. 石铁的目光中没有畏惧,没有动摇,但却多了一些往日不曾出现过的东西。 Wild! Wreak havoc! Bloodthirsty! 狂暴!肆虐!嗜血! All buries you here!” “将你们全都埋葬在这里!” Even if with my flesh and blood and skeleton!” “哪怕是用我自己的血肉与骸骨!” A rave vibrates Nine Firmaments, as if enraged lion, roared crazily! 一声狂吼震动九霄,仿佛被激怒的狮子,疯狂咆哮! Shi Tie loosens Sima Chui long spear, two fists one wrong, ruptured Yang Nie sabre light, then a personal appearance suddenly revolution! 石铁松开司马垂长枪,双拳一错,崩开杨涅刀光,然后身形猛然一转! , As if the deity descends to earth in big strides, arrives in front of Elder Wang! 大踏步间,仿佛天神下凡,来到王长老面前! On the Shi Tie body the shape of Vajra disappears, only has his two fists, bright is incomparable! 石铁身体上金刚之象消失,唯有他的双拳,璀璨无比! A fist falls, shakes disperses Elder Wang Broad Creed Heavenly Palm! 一拳落下,震散王长老广乘天掌 A fist falls again, destroys the Elder Wang runic array Temple of Heaven directly! 再一拳落下,直接将王长老符阵天坛打碎! Elder Wang stares the big eye, he has never seen such Vajra Body. 王长老瞪大眼睛,他从未见过这样的金刚身 This completely gave up own defense, gave up a succinctness of Vajra Body attack and defense body, compensation all centralized above two fists! 这是完全放弃了自身防御,放弃金刚身攻防一体的精粹,将全部力量尽数集中于双拳之上! Past Vajra Body, indestructible! 往日的金刚身,坚不可摧! Vajra Body at this moment, invincible! 此刻的金刚身,攻无不克! Shi Tie does not attend to oneself completely, by Profound Light Divine Armour once more hard anti- Yang Nie fully a blade! 石铁完全不顾自身,以玄光神铠再次硬抗杨涅的全力一刀! Profound Light Divine Armour, is unable to withstand the load finally, loudly broken! 玄光神铠,终于不堪重负,轰然破碎 But a Shi Tie fist falls again, the numerous bombardments in the Elder Wang chest, this past square mountain ancient elder, the chest hit to cave in directly! 石铁再一拳落下,重重轰击在王长老胸口,将这昔日的广场山宿老,胸膛直接打得塌陷下去! When the Shi Tie preparation turns around to cope with Yang Nie, black light appears together again! 正当石铁准备转身对付杨涅时,一道乌光再次出现! Black strange Dragon rave is direct, shells in the old wound between Shi Tie chests and bellies! 黑色怪龙狂吼直接,轰击在石铁胸腹间的旧伤口上! A Shi Tie blood spouts, the whole person was passed through by long spear! 石铁一口血喷出,整个人被长枪贯穿! Flood Dragon King the Sima Chui both eyes yellowing, the eye shoots bloody light, is staring at Shi Tie stubbornly. 蛟王司马垂双目泛黄,目射血光,死死盯着石铁 He who before this Demon Will has been encumbered, finally thorough Fallen Demon, and using this, the injury that the large alleviation Shi Tie brought a moment ago, thus makes fatally this strikes! 此前一直魔念缠身的他,终于彻底堕魔,并利用这一下,大幅缓解刚才石铁带来的伤势,从而打出这致命一击! But when he and Shi Tie looks at each other, is actually afraid. 但当他和石铁对视,却不寒而栗。 The crazy lion roared again, destruction two fists, to tear the potential of vault of heaven, fell from the top of the head, one on the left and other on the right, hit in Sima Chui and Yang Nie chest! 狂狮再次咆哮间,毁灭般的双拳,以撕裂天穹之势,自头顶落下,一左一右,打在司马垂杨涅胸口! Two big Primordial Rune later stage powerhouses, simultaneously spurts the blood, incarnadine sky!( To be continued.) 两大元符后期强者,齐齐喷血,染红天空!(未完待续。)
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