HSSB :: Volume #3

#297: You’re dreaming!

In the sky, stream of light has delimited. 天空中,一道流光划过。 Catches up in Yan Zhaoge to the city that Human position is at simultaneously, Shi Tie is bringing Xu Fei, hurries to it place to Heaven position. 燕赵歌赶向那座人位所在的城池同时,石铁带着徐飞,也一路向天位所在之地赶去。 Shi Tie speeds along, suddenly eyes flash, looks to the distant place. 石铁一路飞驰,突然目光一闪,看向远方。 In that direction, he felt that has a formidable fierce and tough aura to flash before, is not strange, seems Flood Dragon King Sima Chui. 在那个方向,他感到有一股强大凶悍的气息闪现,并不陌生,似乎是“蛟王司马垂 The opposite party has as if also realized existence of Shi Tie, but resembles the heart to have the scruples, has not come. 对方似乎也察觉了石铁的存在,但好像心有顾忌,没有过来。 Xu Fei looks to Shi Tie, Shi Tie takes back the vision, said calmly: Is Sima Chui.” 徐飞看向石铁,石铁收回目光,平静说道:“是司马垂。” Master...” The wound in the looks at Shi Tie chests and bellies that Xu Fei somewhat worries about still having. “师父…”徐飞有些担忧的看着石铁胸腹间仍然存在的伤口。 Shi Tie shakes the head: Relax, I am all right.” 石铁摇摇头:“放心,我没事。” Xu Fei no longer talks too much, but the worried look in vision, does not see reduces slightly. 徐飞不再多言,但目光中的忧色,不见丝毫减少。 Shi Tie brings Xu Fei to continue to speed along, good the moment, the vision looked to under. 石铁带着徐飞继续飞驰,行了片刻,目光向下方看去。 In there, a boy of 11 – 12 years old age, is fighting with the enemy. 在那里,一个十一、二岁年纪的男孩,正在与敌交手。 Although age still young, actually impressively is Martial Scholar Realm cultivation, a vitality is such as the dragon such as the shape, as if a young dragon, kills the match to be off their feet. 虽然年纪尚幼,却赫然已经是宗师境界修为,一身气血更是如龙如象,仿佛一条幼龙,杀得对手人仰马翻。 Disciple who clearly Shi Tie in recent years newly received, Ying Longtu. 分明正是石铁近年来新收的弟子,应龙图 This time Ying Longtu, looks at some, however incomparable dedicated. 这个时候的应龙图,看着还是有些愣愣的,但是无比的专注。 Starts to be far how fiercely ruthless spicy, but also remembers the Master Sect elder and instruction of Senior Apprentice Brother Senior Apprentice Sister, to the benevolence of enemy, is to own cruelty. 下手谈不上多么酷烈狠辣,但是也牢记师门长辈和师兄师姐的教诲,对敌人的仁慈,便是对自己的残忍。 A Ying Longtu fist struck to fly a match directly, has brought to the attention of higher cultivation enemy. 应龙图一拳将一个对手直接击飞,引起了更高修为敌人的注意。 The matches throw to him, but the person just arrived at the midway, stiffens on the whole body. Falls down, died directly. 对手向他扑来,但人刚到中途,就浑身僵住。瘫倒在地,直接断气。 Surrounding other Absolute Abyss martial artist. Also is the similar fates. 周围的其他绝渊武者。也都是同样下场。 To these Martial Scholar martial artist, Shi Tie does not need take action completely. The fist intent aura, can easily being killed by shock at the scene. 对这些宗师武者,石铁完全无需出手。只是拳意气息,就可以轻易将之震死当场。 Ying Longtu feels the aura of own master, raise one's head looks that on the face shows the cheerful smiling face. 应龙图感受到自己师父的气息,抬头看去,脸上露出欢快的笑容。 Walks together.” Shi Tie not many idle talk, curled Ying Longtu directly together, the under foot did not pause , to continue to speed along toward the destination. “一起走。”石铁不多废话,直接将应龙图一起卷了,脚下不停步,继续朝目的地飞驰。 Ying Longtu looks at Shi Tie and Xu Fei: Master, Senior Apprentice Brother, there are many enemies. Attacked to climb mountains...” 应龙图愣愣的看着石铁徐飞:“师父,师兄,有好多敌人。攻上山去了…” Xu Fei said: Han Long'er puts to feel relieved, we must cope with them now.” 徐飞言道:“憨龙儿放宽心,我们现在正是要对付他们。” Ying Longtu makes an effort to nod. 应龙图用力点头。 The master and disciples three people dash, quickly following the position that Yan Zhaoge informs before this, arrives at the destination. 师徒三人一路飞奔,很快循着燕赵歌此前告知的方位,来到目的地。 This is mountain peak outside Broad Creed Mountain, links in the Silk Floss Mountain lineage/vein in periphery, towers towering, as if must puncture Yun Xiao. 这是广乘山外的一座山峰,在周围连绵山脉中,突兀耸立,仿佛要刺破云霄 Shi Tie falls on that summit, a boxing leaves, said that the ray of light magnificent emerges. Gathers gigantic rune, rune falls on the summit. 石铁落在那山顶上,一拳击出,道道光华涌现。汇聚成一个巨大符纹,符纹落在山顶。 The brilliance direct impact on the horizon, forms a ray of light column in sky indistinctly. 光华直冲向天际,在天空中隐约形成一道光柱。 The hand of Shi Tie holds up upwardly, centered on him. The tornado formation, covers this butte together. 石铁的手向上举起,以他为中心。一道龙卷风形成,笼罩这座孤峰。 Under the tornado covers, in the world is correct saying that spiritual qi was directed to gather. Is unceasingly centralized to this place, rune sways from side to side. Expands gradually exquisite and mysterious array formation, the array pattern flashing pure white brilliance. 龙卷风笼罩下,天地间有道道灵气被引聚。不断向此地集中,符纹扭动间。渐渐扩张成一座小巧而又玄奥的阵法,阵纹闪动纯白光彩。 In numerous array pattern gathering core place. Presents archaic character. 在众多阵纹汇聚的核心处。呈现出一个古字 Day. 天。 The ancient writing, its significance, is “Heaven”. 古老的文字,其意义,是“天” Xu Fei sees that knows that this take action, knees down immediately, the double palm presses together on the rock that mountain peak top. 徐飞见状,知道该自己出手,当即单膝跪地,双掌一起按在山峰顶的岩石上。 “Heaven” rune radiance, is brighter at this moment. “天”字符光辉,这一刻更加明亮。 Ying Longtu somewhat ignorant standing in one side, curious looks at master Senior Apprentice Brother movement. 应龙图有些懵懂的站在一旁,好奇的看着自己师父师兄的动作。 With the lapse of time, radiance that array pattern flashes, by pure white is changed makes the golden color gradually. 随着时间的推移,阵纹闪动的光辉,渐渐由纯白变作金色。 Shi Tie and Xu Fei mood buoys up, said according to Yan Zhaoge, this expressed that soon will be of great success. 石铁徐飞都心情振作,按照燕赵歌所言,这表示即将大功告成。 But at this time, Shi Tie said calmly: „According to Zhaoge, present situation, actually already on stock rail.” 但在这时,石铁平静说道:“按赵歌所说,现在的情况,其实已经上了正轨。” His vision takes a fast look around between Xu Fei and Ying Longtu: Maintains the method, although still needed them, but Xu Fei and Longtu you can also accomplish, but in the time will tow longer.” 他的目光在徐飞应龙图之间扫视:“维持法门虽然仍需要两人,但徐飞龙图你们两人也可以办到,只是时间上会拖久一些。” Xu Fei heard this, the pupil contracts suddenly: Has the enemy to attack?” 徐飞闻言,瞳孔猛然收缩:“有敌来袭?” In the Shi Tie rock-solid face, expression does not see the slightest change: Some people approach here, newcomer is bad.” 石铁坚如磐石的面孔上,表情不见分毫变化:“有人靠近这里,来者不善。” Three people, all are Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar.” “三个人,全是元符后期大宗师。” Xu Fei heard this, the vision is firm and resolute, but the expression also becomes dignified. 徐飞闻言,目光坚毅沉着,但表情也变得凝重起来。 Shi Tie said: I block the enemy, Xu Fei you make the best use of the time to tell Longtu the method, is replaced my position to make the leadership by you, Longtu assists you.” 石铁言道:“我去挡住来敌,徐飞你抓紧时间将方法告诉龙图,由你接替我的位置做主导,龙图辅助你。” His earnest looks at Xu Fei: General situation for heavy, must guarantee that recaptures Grand Pure Great Array.” 他认真的看着徐飞:“大局为重,务必要确保夺回太清大阵。” Worried look that in the Xu Fei eye cannot cover up, but does not have the multi- idle talk, the look is very dignified, puts out foul air: Disciple does one's best.” 徐飞眼中掩不住的忧色,但没有多废话,神色无比凝重,吐出一口浊气:“弟子鞠躬尽瘁。” Shi Tie nods, personal appearance one vertical, leaves the summit. 石铁点点头,身形一纵,离开山顶。 His extremely fast speeds along, is far away from mountain peak that “Heaven” rune is at as far as possible, moved forward to meet somebody to the invading enemy on own initiative. 极速飞驰,尽量远离“天”字符所在的山峰,主动向来犯之敌迎了上去。 After a little while, Shi Tie stops the footsteps, is built on the midair, vision static looks at distant place. 少顷,石铁停下脚步,立于半空中,目光静静看着远方。 In horizon, three stream of light twinkles, quickly to Shi Tie in front. 地平线上,三道流光闪烁,很快到了石铁面前。 The Shi Tie vision has swept the at present three people, the look is not sad not happily, static such as stops the water: Three, had not seen you for a long time.” 石铁目光扫过眼前三人,神色无悲无喜,静如止水:“三位,久违了。” Three matches, he all knew. 三个对手,他全都认识。 And a gray beard old man, is incomparably familiar, came from Broad Creed Mountain impressively, with Yuan Zhengfeng and Xin Dongping and the others same rank, entered the sect must earlier Elder Wang. 其中一个苍髯老者,更是无比熟悉,赫然正是出身于广乘山,与元正峰辛东平等人同辈分,入门还要更早的王长老 Elder Wang most because early Heavenly Thunder Hall's reveals, has exposed the status of Absolute Abyss traitor within , before is Xin Dongping, the Broad Creed Mountain internal status is highest, strength strongest Absolute Abyss martial artist. 王长老最早因为天雷殿的揭穿,暴露了绝渊内奸的身份,也是辛东平之前,广乘山内部地位最高,实力最强的绝渊武者 Later, this was always closed into Locking Heaven Gorge to detain. 之后,此老被关入锁天峡看押。 Today, after Xin Dongping causes heavy losses to Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong, emits serious criminal that in Locking Heaven Gorge detains completely, is headed by Elder Wang. 今日,辛东平重创锁天峡首座宫长老后,将锁天峡中关押的重犯全部放出,便以王长老为首。 Shi Tie looks that has the dismal feeling, sees the Elder Wang both eyes yellowing, the eye shoots bloody light, impressively already thorough Fallen Demon. 石铁看去,不由生出悲凉之感,就见王长老双目泛黄,目射血光,赫然已经彻底堕魔 Side Elder Wang, is a black robe old man, the crane sends the young face, actually one point also non- features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, similarly already thorough Fallen Demon. 王长老身旁,则是一个黑袍老者,鹤发童颜,却一点也不仙风道骨,同样已经彻底堕魔 This person of Shi Tie also recognizes, is actually Black Nightmare Mountain old fogy, named Yang Nie. 这人石铁也认得,却是一位黑魇山遗老,名叫杨涅 Present Black Nightmare Mountain, two Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, the Primordial Rune later stage realm powerhouse, this same place attacks Broad Creed Mountain. 如今的黑魇山,共有两位大宗师九重,元符后期境界的强者,这次一起攻上广乘山 One of them, by Broad Creed Mountain retired elder, Transcending Great Martial Scholar Zhang Kun type Broad Creed Heavenly Palm had been killed. 其中一人,已经被广乘山太上长老,超凡大宗师张昆一式广乘天掌打死。 Yang Nie is another, at this time arrives in front of Shi Tie. 杨涅则是另外一个,此时来到石铁面前。 The third person, is before this with Shi Tie several fighting Flood Dragon King Sima Chui. 第三人,便是此前同石铁几次交手的“蛟王司马垂 Elder Wang looks at Shi Tie, a face indifferently, the Sima Chui vision falls in the wound between Shi Tie chests and bellies: Shi Tie, you real whole body is the iron, now can also hit several nails?” 王长老看着石铁,一脸漠然,司马垂的目光则落在石铁胸腹间的伤口上:“石铁,你就算真的浑身是铁,现在还能打几根钉?” Yang Nie coldly looks at Shi Tie: Broad Creed Mountain, will certainly the destruction today, everyone unable to prevent!” 杨涅冷冷看着石铁:“广乘山,必将覆灭于今日,谁都无法阻止!” Three big Primordial Rune later stage powerhouses, terrifying pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth, almost makes Space coagulate. 三大元符后期强者,恐怖的压力铺天盖地,几乎让空间凝固。 Shi Tie one against three, is without turning a hair, lifts the both arms tranquilly, revealed an own pair of fist. 石铁一对三,面不改色,平静抬起双臂,亮出自己一对拳头。 In world firm and resolute such as the sound echo of iron. 天地间坚毅如铁的声音回响。 You're dreaming!” 你们做梦!”
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