HSSB :: Volume #3

#296: Changing the course of events

What taste in safe is the capping? 泰上压顶是什么滋味? Zhu Qian has not attempted, but he thought that he now, is faces in safe the capping general feeling. 朱迁没有尝试过,但他觉得,自己现在,就是面临泰上压顶一般的感觉。 The palm of Yan Zhaoge terror presses, making the Zhu Qian whole body skeleton chuckle make noise together. 燕赵歌恐怖的手掌压下来,让朱迁全身骨骼一起“咯咯”作响。 From the Zhu Qian whole body fine hair hole, has the terror close blood and sweat to infiltrate, dyes a blood person him. 朱迁全身上下汗毛孔中,都有恐怖细密的血汗渗出来,将他生生染成一个血人。 Zhu Qian clenches the teeth, agitates own Astral Qi. 朱迁咬紧牙关,鼓动自身罡气 In the dantian, fills spiritual intelligence Astral Qi return to one's true self, forms earth existence, is similar to the fertile soil, can breed a more wonderful strength. 丹田之中,充满灵性罡气返璞归真,形成大地般的存在,如同肥沃的土壤,能孕育更加神妙的力量。 Zhu Qian comprehend cultivation Martial Way obtained, with spiritual intelligence of world cross coupling, changes into one spirit type together, has been nourished in that spirit soil. 朱迁参悟修行武道的所得,与天地交感的灵性,一起化为一枚灵种,在那灵壤中得到滋养。 Finally, the spirit type has qualitative change gradually, as if seed germination is the same, starts shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones! 最终,灵种渐渐发生质变,仿佛种子发芽一样,开始脱胎换骨 The formidable strength will live from now on, forms the Gathering Spirit later stage Great Martial Scholar formidable basis. 强大的力量自此而生,形成蕴灵后期大宗师强大的根本。 martial artist martial arts True Spirit, started to appear prototype gradually. 一个武者武学真灵,已经开始渐渐显现雏形 Zhu Qian urges from Spirit Sprout of oneself, the strength to well up crazily, must the vault of heaven that depresses the top of the head haunch. 朱迁催发自己的灵芽,力量狂涌,要将头顶压下的天穹重新撑起。 But Yan Zhaoge has not given him this opportunity, catches up to be quicker than Zhu Qian! 燕赵歌没给他这个机会,发力比朱迁更快! Under Thunderous Finger Snap promotes, Yan Zhaoge Broad Creed Heavenly Palm third strikes falls loudly, first one step routs the strength that Zhu Qian just urged to send, extinguishing will kill in the embryonic stage! 弹指惊雷推动下,燕赵歌广乘天掌第三击轰然落下,先一步击溃朱迁刚刚催发的力量,将之灭杀于萌芽状态! The wild strength of calamity, thoroughly destroys all revolts of Zhu Qian and hopes completely. 天塌地陷的狂暴力量,彻底摧毁朱迁的一切反抗和全部希望。 The arm of Zhu Qian was shaken, a Yan Zhaoge palm falls, hits his head loudly pulpy! 朱迁的手臂被震开,燕赵歌一掌落下,将他脑袋轰然打得稀烂! Yan Zhaoge has as if made a not worthy of mentioning minor matter, has not paid attention to collapse in oneself front Zhu Qian, but makes an effort to stamp the feet. 燕赵歌仿佛做了一件微不足道的小事,没有理会瘫倒在自己面前的朱迁,而是用力一跺脚。 As Yan Zhaoge treadons the ground, golden array pattern continues to revolve. 随着燕赵歌脚踏地面,金色阵纹继续运转。 Sky over top of the head, there is complex mysterious array pattern to appear, seemed as if reduced many Broad Creed Mountain Great Array of Mountain Defence. 头顶上空,也有复杂玄奥的阵纹出现,看上去就仿佛是缩小了许多的广乘山守山大阵 rune of this array pattern with Yan Zhaoge under foot coincides, is correct a air current toward to expand in all directions. 阵纹燕赵歌脚下的符纹相合,然后有道道气流向着四面八方扩张。 The air current extends by far, is quietly unifies with true Grand Pure Great Array. 气流远远延伸出去,悄无声息同真正的太清大阵相结合。 Yan Zhaoge bases above golden rune, only felt that the at present angle of view also occurred for several points to change, the line of sight institute and place, as if stands on the clouds overlooks under. 燕赵歌立足于金色符纹之上,只感觉眼前视角也发生几分变化,视线所及之处,仿佛立在云端上俯视下方。 Human position, establishment!” Yan Zhaoge grows the one breath, has not relaxed, but uses own method, with the Grand Pure Great Array connected opportunity, further estimates this huge array formation. 人位,确立!”燕赵歌长出一口气,没有放松,而是利用自己的法门,同太清大阵相连的机会,进一步揣摩这庞大的阵法 Has the intention of consciousness to make up for a missed lesson after oneself, attainments of Yan Zhaoge on array formation is quite outstanding. 经过自己有意识的用心补课,燕赵歌阵法上的造诣颇为出众。 However Grand Pure Great Array takes Eight Extremities World present age one of the Six Greats Martial Way Sacred Ground, Broad Creed Mountain's Great Array of Mountain Defence, has the uncommon place. 不过太清大阵作为八极大世界当世六大武道圣地之一,广乘山的守山大阵,也自有不凡之处。 Strength formidable at the same time, its principle, quite mysterious abstruse. 力量强大的同时,其阵理,也颇为玄妙深奥。 After Yan Di generation of Sect Master households, although takes over Grand Pure Great Array from Yuan Zhengfeng there, Yan Zhaoge is his son, but some customs may not abandon, will not pass to Yan Zhaoge the Grand Pure Great Array mystery easily. 燕狄掌门户后,虽然从元正峰那里接手太清大阵,燕赵歌又是他儿子,但是有些规矩也是不可废的,不会轻易将太清大阵的奥妙传给燕赵歌 Understanding of Yan Zhaoge Grand Pure Great Array, is eventually limited, now grasps the time deduction. 燕赵歌太清大阵的了解,终究有限,现在则抓紧时间推演。 However, Yan Zhaoge, this Grand Pure Great Array, does not have the vein to follow. 不过,于燕赵歌而言,这太清大阵,也并非全无脉络可循。 Root stems from Grand Pure Lineage legacy, but after the improvement of Broad Creed Mountain all previous dynasties powerhouse, had differently many.” In the Yan Zhaoge heart have several gradually: Exquisite array formation.” “根源还是源于太清一脉传承,不过经过广乘山历代强者的改良,已经有了许多不同。”燕赵歌心中渐渐有数:“蛮精妙的阵法。” Before this suffered two to have Inversing Sun Seed of effect of breaking through the enemy lines, making the array formation mutation quite serious, but can still bring order out of chaos.” “此前挨了两下有破阵之效的反日子,使得阵法异变比较严重,不过仍然可以拨乱反正。” The Yan Zhaoge line of sight looks to the Broad Creed Mountain direction, simultaneously keeps deducing the array formation change: Makes the father recapture control to be quite difficult, but can strip from Xin Dongping on array formation control, transfers to our Heaven, Earth and Human three individual positions, in a manpower.” 燕赵歌视线望向广乘山方向,同时不停推演阵法变化:“让老爹重新夺回控制权比较难,不过可以将阵法控制权辛东平手上剥离,挪移到我们这天、地、人三才方位里,其中一人手上。” While Yan Zhaoge deduces array formation, Ah Hu is also idle, but has not been far away, but consistently stands in same place, is Yan Zhaoge protects buddhist law, is vigilant the surrounding all slightest signs of trouble. 燕赵歌推演阵法的同时,阿虎也空闲下来,不过没有远离,而是始终站在原地,为燕赵歌护法,警惕周围一切风吹草动。 Hong Wen leads numerous Broad Creed martial artist, scatters in all directions to suppress kills enters Absolute Abyss martial artist of city along with Zhu Qian together. 洪文则带领一众广乘武者,四散开来剿杀随朱迁一同入城的绝渊武者 Yan Zhaoge infers array formation at the same time, suddenly in heart moves slightly. 燕赵歌一边推理阵法,突然心中微动。 Stands on Human position, he can feel , the strength, integrates Grand Pure Great Array. 站在人位上,他能感觉到,又有一股力量,融入太清大阵 That strength, stems from own method, the “Earth” position in Heaven, Earth and Human three individual positions. 那力量,源于自己的法门,天、地、人三才方位中的“地”位。 Yan Zhaoge closes pair of eyes, the mind sinks to array formation. 燕赵歌闭上双眼,心神沉入阵法中。 In dark consciousness Space, array pattern of flashing white light appears. 黑暗的意识空间里,道道闪动白光的阵纹浮现。 A golden luminous spot, in the Yan Zhaoge under foot, situated in the white light great array edge, representative Yan Zhaoge “Human” position. 一个金色光点,就在燕赵歌脚下,位于白光大阵边缘,代表燕赵歌所处的“人”位 The distant place, white light great array edge another end, another golden light lightens. 远方,白光大阵边缘另一端,又一个金色光点亮起。 Is Uncle-Master Fu or Elder Zhang?” In the Yan Zhaoge heart comforts, own plan, has succeeded two-thirds. “是傅师伯还是张长老?”燕赵歌心中宽慰,自己的计划,已经成功2。 Opens eyes, Yan Zhaoge feels that came from Nine Nether, the terrifying aura of chaotic person mind, as if also slowly is weaken. 睁开眼来,燕赵歌感觉到,那源自九幽,乱人心神的恐怖气息,似乎也在徐徐减弱。 Looks out into the distance in the Broad Creed Mountain direction, Yan Zhaoge can see indistinctly, that shoots up to the sky, fills Broad Creed Mountain's black Demonic Aura, was dim. 朝着广乘山方向极目远眺,燕赵歌可以隐约看见,那冲天而起,弥漫广乘山的黑色魔气,黯淡了一些。 Good!” Yan Zhaoge nods, grows the one breath: That side Junior Apprentice Sister Feng, successful suppresses the Demon Territory great array method me evidently, rephrased in own words that to Second Uncle-Master, by Second Uncle-Master cultivation and itself the understanding of Absolute Abyss and Nine Nether, then had the effect that this got quick results immediately.” “好!”燕赵歌点头,长出一口气:“封师妹那边,看样子也成功将我镇压魔域大阵的法门,转述给了二师伯,以二师伯修为和本身对绝渊九幽的了解,立即便有这立竿见影的效果。” Previously the disadvantageous situation, successfully is being reversed in little by little! 早先不利的局势,正在一点一点被成功扭转! Yan Zhaoge stands in the long street center, around gigantic rune, array pattern extend, is connected with Broad Creed Mountain great array. 燕赵歌站在长街中央,巨大符纹周围,一道道阵纹延伸出去,同广乘山大阵相连。 Feels various changes of formation revolution, in the Yan Zhaoge heart is keeping deducing the computation. 感受着法阵运转的各种变化,燕赵歌心中不停推演计算。 Human and Earth positions was appropriate, only when Heaven position is also ready, can change the course of events at one fell swoop!” 人位和地位都已经妥当,只待天位也就绪,就可以一举扭转乾坤!” “Human” rune of Yan Zhaoge under foot, presents the bright golden color, as if directs the wills of gathering countless person, common gathering in this. 燕赵歌脚下的“人”字符,呈现璀璨的金色,仿佛引聚无数人的意志,共同汇聚于此。 Under Grand Pure Great Array and combined action of “Human” rune, in this city, moved restlessly the restless will of the people, at this moment gradually is also tranquil. 太清大阵“人”字符的共同作用下,这座城池里,本来躁动不安的人心,此刻也渐渐平静下来。 Although the people still felt terrified, but will actually not continue by the influence of Nine Nether aura, enlarges the negative thought in heart infinitely. 人们虽然仍感到惶恐,但却不会继续受九幽气息的影响,无限放大心中的负面念头。 The Yan Zhaoge line of sight looks at Broad Creed Mountain direction, then changes other one side. 燕赵歌视线看着广乘山方向,然后又转向另外一边。 There, is Yan Zhaoge deduces in three law, should establish the “Heaven” rune place, is responsible for by Shi Tie and Xu Fei. 那里,是燕赵歌推演三才之法中,应该设置“天”字符的地方,是由石铁徐飞负责。 But Yan Zhaoge felt the change of Grand Pure Great Array at this moment, Shi Tie and the others still successfully had not actually established Heaven position in three position. 燕赵歌此刻感受太清大阵的变化,石铁等人却仍然没有成功奠定三才之位中的天位 Three positions, must also revolve, just now can achieve the effect, recaptures oneself Great Array of Mountain Defence from Xin Dongping at one fell swoop. 三才之位,必须同时运转,方才可以发挥效果,一举从辛东平手上夺回自家守山大阵 Shi Tie their this, on the other hand, is anticipated most safest. 石铁他们这一路,相对来说,是预期中最强最稳妥的一路。 But at this moment does not see the sound, a Yan Zhaoge heart mentions gradually. 但此刻迟迟不见动静,燕赵歌一颗心渐渐提起。 Before three laws start comprehensively, he cannot leave Human position arbitrarily, now can only wait same place. 三才之法全面发动前,他也不能擅自离开人位,现在只能在原地等候。 Yan Zhaoge deeps frown, gazes at the direction that Heaven position is, facial expression unprecedented serious. 燕赵歌眉头紧锁,注视着天位所在的方向,神情前所未有的严肃。
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