HSSB :: Volume #3

#295: You thought that I can't hit you?

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Sees a Zhu Qian personal enemy to meet, appearance that particularly is jealous, Yan Zhaoge cannot help but somewhat is suddenly bewildered: Ha?” 朱迁一副仇人相见,分外眼红的模样,燕赵歌一时间不由得有些莫名其妙:“哈?” Zhu Qian Hong Wen does not manage, clashes like Yan Zhaoge. 朱迁洪文也不管了,就像燕赵歌冲来。 Hong Wen actually cannot ignore, draws a sword to go forward to block hastily. 洪文却不能置之不理,连忙抽刀上前挡住。 Broad Creed Mountain legacy, Eight Scenery Spirits Sabre Supreme Eight Extremities displays, Astral Qi able to move unhindered, countless changes, ingenious nimble and resourceful, was deep in three tastes. 一路广乘山嫡传,太上八极之一的八景灵刀施展开来,罡气纵横间,变化无穷,巧妙灵动,已经深得个中三味。 Zhu Qian eye of flood bloody light, coldly said: You court death.” 朱迁目泛血光,冷冷说道:“你找死。” Also is a blade chops, but is actually another way, fierce is matchless, is vertically and horizontally overbearing, is in Supreme Eight Extremities another sabre art absolute art, Primordial Chaos Stretch Divine Sabre! 也是一刀劈出,但却是另一个路数,刚猛无俦,纵横霸道,乃是太上八极中另一门刀法绝学,混元一气神刀 The both sides sabre qi intersection, Hong Wen sabre qi broken comes immediately unceasingly. 双方刀气相交,洪文刀气顿时不断破碎开来。 Primordial Chaos Stretch Divine Sabre originally is in entire Supreme Eight Extremities most fierce swift and fierce absolute art, Zhu Qian cultivation realm has been also high Hong Wen, this moment sabre momentum launches, sabre light everywhere flying curls, just likes ice cold Astral Wind, as if can truncate mountain peak. 混元一气神刀本就是整个太上八极中最为刚猛凌厉的绝学,朱迁修为境界又高过洪文,此刻刀势展开,一记记刀光漫天飞卷,犹如凌冽罡风,仿佛能削断山峰 Hong Wen is well aware to the both sides realm disparity, he preys on the experience to be also rich, immediately disagreement Zhu Qian fight recklessly, is only unceasingly You Dou. 洪文双方境界差距心知肚明,他搏杀经验也非常丰富,当下不和朱迁硬拼,只是不断游斗。 Although does not know that Yan Zhaoge and Ah Hu whether to exceed Zhu Qian, but this moment Yan Zhaoge two people are focusing on to create array obviously, side has no time to divert attention attended. 虽然不知道燕赵歌阿虎能否胜过朱迁,但此刻燕赵歌二人明显正集中精力布阵,无暇分心旁顾。 Hong Wen only strives for delaying the Zhu Qian footsteps now, keeping it from approaching the Yan Zhaoge two people then. 洪文现在只求拖延朱迁的脚步,使之无法靠近燕赵歌二人即可。 But after Zhu Qian Fallen Demon, the strength goes a step further, opens Primordial Chaos Stretch Divine Sabre that gathers greatly greatly, keeps dividing to fall toward Hong Wen.[ 520 novel network 520 xs.la renew quickly, website page is neat, advertisement are few, non- ball window, most liked this website, wanted high praise] 朱迁堕魔之后,实力更进一步,大开大合的混元一气神刀,不停向着洪文劈落。[520小说网520xs.la更新快,网站页面清爽,广告少,无弹窗,最喜欢这种网站了,一定要好评] Between he and Hong Wen originally has long hatred, at this time started not to spare, murderous qi overflows, must cut to kill Hong Wen directly at the scene! 他和洪文之间本就有宿怨,这时更是下手不容情,杀气四溢,要将洪文直接斩杀当场! Yan Zhaoge places in array formation, majority of energy are used to stimulate person rune, but also some energy branch out, falls above Zhu Qian and Hong Wen two people of wars. 燕赵歌身处阵法之中,大部分精力都用来激发“人”字符,但也有部分精力分出,落在朱迁洪文二人的战局之上。 Ah Hu said in the one side: Young Master, what did this lunatic say a moment ago?” 阿虎在一旁言道:“公子,这疯子刚才说什么呢?” Yan Zhaoge raises the eyebrow slightly: My some impressions, he is Xin Dongping direct line grand disciple.” 燕赵歌微微扬眉:“我有些印象,他算是辛东平的直系徒孙。” Ah Hu grins: Can practice Supreme Eight Extremities, can build Great Martial Scholar, Sect has not treated unjustly him?” 阿虎咧嘴:“能修练太上八极,能修成大宗师,宗门也没亏待他吧?” Yan Zhaoge sees with own eyes Hong Wen to be in danger, enhanced the volume to say slightly: Sect truly has not treated unjustly him, but this Human Qi quantity is narrow and small, had the same side to offend him, he then intentionally played a dirty trick in training, almost harmed that same side severe wound.” 燕赵歌眼见洪文遇险,微微提高了音量说道:“宗门确实不曾亏待他,但此人气量狭小,有同门得罪了他,他便在一次历练中故意使坏,差点害得那个同门重伤。” Eldest Uncle-Master, appointed Chief of Punishment Hall, inquired about this matter, the evidence was solid, gives his elite disciple to promote the core legacy examination opportunity.” 大师伯掌刑殿首座,过问此事,证据确凿,缴了他精英弟子晋升核心嫡传考核机会。” Yan Zhaoge said indifferently: Hereafter he still had similar situation, commits a crime continuously, finally did not have thoroughly in oneself blue robe upper roll black edged opportunity.” 燕赵歌淡然说道:“此后他仍有类似情况,连续犯事,最终彻底没了在自己蓝袍上辊黑边的机会。” With Zhu Qian heard this that Hong Wen fights, immediately flies into a rage, a blade chops to draw back Hong Wen, then sabre edge aims at Yan Zhaoge. 正在同洪文交手的朱迁闻言,顿时勃然大怒,一刀将洪文劈退,然后刀锋指向燕赵歌 Utter nonsense, you also almost kill that little rascal surnamed Ye in Sealing Dragon Abyss, why not to have any punishment to you, later also continually praised? It is not because you are the Yan Di's son, Shi Tie and your father leave Yuan Zhengfeng disciple!” “一派胡言,你也差点在镇龙渊弄死那姓叶的小鬼,凭什么对你没有任何处罚,之后还连番嘉奖?不就是因为你是燕狄的儿子,石铁和你爹同出元正峰门下!” Yan Zhaoge showed the whites of the eyes: I have Blood and Soul Reflected Light Ceremony to show that I am definitely innocent, you have the unambiguous evidence to prove that you have definitely violated Sect's rules.” 燕赵歌翻了个白眼:“我是有血魂回光仪式证明我肯定无辜,你则是有确凿证据证明你肯定犯了门规。” We, if a treatment, that does work as the child's play with Sect's rules?” “咱俩如果一个待遇,那才是拿门规当儿戏吧?” Zhu Qian pair of eyes blood red, spat one: Bah, deciding is Shi Tie harbors you, helping you perjure!” 朱迁双眼血红,啐了一口:“呸,定是石铁包庇你,帮你做了伪证!” Yan Zhaoge shakes the head with a smile: How you want to be your matter, what a pity was not you says anything, the truth was anything.” 燕赵歌笑着摇头:“你怎么想是你的事情,可惜并不是你说什么,真相就是什么。” In the Zhu Qian hand sabre light shines, chops suddenly fiercely toward Yan Zhaoge: Talkative boy, I first butchered you to say again!” 朱迁手中刀光亮起,霍然朝燕赵歌猛劈过来:“饶舌的小子,我就先宰了你再说!” Yan Zhaoge is without turning a hair, around the body deep green tornado revolves, immediately leaning the Zhu Qian Primordial Chaos Stretch Divine Sabre belt. 燕赵歌面不改色,身体周围的碧绿龙卷风旋转间,顿时将朱迁混元一气神刀带偏。 This moment tornado revolves, cultivation does not arrive at Primordial Spirit Great Martial Scholar, is hard to break. 此刻龙卷风旋转间,修为不到元灵大宗师,都难以破开。 Although Zhu Qian also Low Grade Spirit Armament in the hand, is Great Martial Scholar Third Layer, Gathering Spirit later stage cultivation realm, but is unable to break through impediment of tornado, wound to Yan Zhaoge. 朱迁虽然也有一件下品灵兵在手,更是大宗师三重,蕴灵后期修为境界,但也无法突破龙卷风的阻挡,伤到燕赵歌 In his yellowing both eyes, bloody light wells up crazily, the whole person appears more manic. 他泛黄的双目中,血光狂涌,整个人显得更加狂躁。 In the hand spirit armament long sabre, the strength further strengthens, during the sabre light twinkles, must break through the deep green tornado forcefully. 手中灵兵长刀,力量进一步加强,刀光闪烁间,要强行突破碧绿龙卷风。 Yan Zhaoge look tranquil looks at this. 燕赵歌神色平静看着这一幕。 Kills me, you as if cannot achieve.” “杀我,你似乎做不到呢。” The Yan Zhaoge expression is calmer, Zhu Qian more is felt that in the heart gets angry. 燕赵歌表情越淡定,朱迁就越是感觉心中冒火。 But saw with own eyes one are incapable of breaking through the impediment of deep green tornado, Zhu Qian, although in heart killing intent full, but brains instead calm several points. 但眼见自己真的无力突破碧绿龙卷风的阻隔,朱迁虽然心中杀意充盈,但头脑反而冷静几分。 His coldly said: You shrink in this tortoiseshell, I first kill off other people.” 冷冷说道:“你缩在这个乌龟壳里,那我就先杀光其他人。” Zhu Qian turns the head to shout to clear the way fierce: Kills off the entire city people, does not remain!” 朱迁转头厉声喝道:“将全城人都杀光,一个不留!” Comes with him together, other people who fights with local square martial artist, tied down by Hong Wen and the others, Zhu Qian then prepares to leave to draw back, oneself begin. 同他一起来,正与本地广场武者交手的其他人,被洪文等人缠住,朱迁便准备抽身而退,自己动手。 But at this time he suddenly discovered that he actually was also held by that deep green tornado, is unable to withdraw! 但这时他突然发现,自己竟然也被那碧绿龙卷风吸住,无法脱身! Yan Zhaoge looks at he, smiled suddenly: Therefore , every so often, is not you are what kind , the matter is really same as situation that you thought.” 燕赵歌看着他,突然笑了:“所以说,很多时候,并不是你想怎么样,事情就真跟你以为的情况一样了。” The deep green tornado expands, has surrounded Zhu Qian completely, can only forward, is unable retreat. 碧绿的龙卷风扩张间,已经将朱迁完全困住,只能向前,无法后退 Zhu Qian was also aroused ominous, among violent whistle continued simply to Yan Zhaoge rushes ahead. 朱迁也被激起了凶性,狂啸间索性继续向燕赵歌冲杀。 But that deep green tornado, shape with shackles, and more receives is tighter, hinders the motion of Zhu Qian. 但那碧绿龙卷风,形同枷锁,并且越收越紧,阻碍朱迁的行动。 Zhu Qian flies into a rage, has no alternative. 朱迁暴跳如雷,却又无可奈何。 Until he suddenly discovered that the at present deep green tornado, changes into the golden color gradually. 直到他忽然发现,眼前的碧绿龙卷风,逐渐化为金色。 But rune of Yan Zhaoge under foot, from the pure white, turns into the golden color. 燕赵歌脚下的符纹,也从纯白色,变成金色。 Zhu Qian felt suddenly a body loosen, imprisons own tornado, suddenly becomes affable, expands toward the surrounding, although still blocked his escape route, but actually no longer hinders him to fire into Yan Zhaoge. 朱迁陡然感觉身体一松,禁锢自己的龙卷风,突然变得舒缓,向着外围扩张,虽然仍阻断他的退路,但却不再妨碍他冲向燕赵歌 His tiger roars, saved innumerable depressed Primordial Chaos Stretch Divine Sabre, chops maliciously toward Yan Zhaoge. 他虎吼一声,积蓄了无数郁闷的混元一气神刀,向着燕赵歌狠狠劈出。 This blade, making Zhu Qian have suddenly the open feeling, oppressed for a long time, has been able to relax now finally, never has such carefree time. 这一刀,让朱迁有霍然开朗的感觉,憋闷了许久,如今终于得以舒缓,从来没有这么畅快的时刻。 Zhu Qian can affirm that this blade has surpassed the beforehand limit, is since birth the strongest blade! 朱迁可以肯定,这一刀超越了自己之前的极限,是自己有生以来最强一刀! Although already heard that the Yan Zhaoge strength is astonishing, but Zhu Qian does not believe that he will be in the unprecedented peak, Gathering Spirit later stage hits Gathering Spirit primary stage to be also defeated. 虽然早就听说燕赵歌实力惊人,但朱迁不相信,自己处于前所未有的巅峰,蕴灵后期蕴灵初期还会落败。 But at this moment, his at present, bluish green light flashes through together. 但就在这时,他的眼前,一道碧光闪过。 Yan Zhaoge right hand Spirit Sword Green Dragon, type Seven Stars Sword, seals up Zhu Qian sabre edge steadily. 燕赵歌右手灵剑碧龙,一式七星剑,稳稳封住朱迁刀锋 Meanwhile, Yan Zhaoge left hand loosens Flying Thunder Dagger, lifts upwardly, the wrist|skill turns! 与此同时,燕赵歌左手松开飞雷刀,向上抬起,手腕一翻! Just likes the day lid overturns terrifying power, to Zhu Qian overhead strikes! 恍若天盖翻覆般的恐怖力量,向朱迁当头打落 Broad Creed Heavenly Palm! 广乘天掌 Zhu Qian lifts oneself left hand, whole body Astral Qi surges to block this terror palm. 朱迁抬起自己左手,全身罡气涌动挡住这恐怖一掌。 But has not waited to recover, Yan Zhaoge Thunderous Finger Snap stimulates to movement Broad Creed Heavenly Palm, immediately second catching up! 但还不等回过神来,燕赵歌弹指惊雷催动广乘天掌,立刻第二次发力! The terrifying strength crashes Zhu Qian directly! 恐怖的力量直接压垮朱迁 Yan Zhaoge said indifferently: You think that just now the hurricane is in the way , because I thought that I can't hit you?”( To be continued.) 燕赵歌淡然说道:“你以为方才飓风挡路,是因为我觉得自己打不过你吗?”(未完待续。)
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