HSSB :: Volume #3

#294: The danger is imminent, did not instigate!

( Ps: Today eighth! Total in addition 80 / 76, enjoys numerous cherries for autumn pledge in addition 2 / 2, tries for everybody as far as possible many some. (ps:今日第八更!总加更80/76,为“秋赏繁樱”盟加更2/2,尽全力为大家尽量多更一些。 Also invited everybody monthly ticket and subscription, generous support, thank you!) 还请大家月票和订阅,多多支持,谢谢大家!) Yan Zhaoge smiles generously: Entire Broad Creed high and low, at this moment faces the great misfortune, everyone assigns, if the hazardous, the danger, solely is not my one.” 燕赵歌慨然一笑:“整个广乘上下,此刻都面临大劫,每个人都命若累卵,危险至极,不单单是我一个。” Eldest Uncle-Master felt relieved that I carefully will also move under water, avoids contacting with the enemy as far as possible, can hide hides, after all now captures Great Array of Mountain Defence control, is the most important matter.” 大师伯放心,我也会小心潜行,尽量避免遇敌接触,能躲就躲,毕竟现在重新夺取守山大阵控制权,才是最要紧的事情。” Must say the danger, Junior Apprentice Sister Feng is also same as Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong, you and Senior Apprentice Brother Xu, similarly face the danger actually.” “要说危险,封师妹司空师妹也都一样,您和徐师兄,其实也同样面临危险。” However entire Broad Creed high and low, at present the pressure biggest person, is my family father.” “而整个广乘上下,目前压力最大的人,是我家老爹。” Yan Di diverts Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping by strength of the after all they, but must block them, making them be insufficient to endanger other Broad Creed Mountain people. 燕狄毕竟是以一己之力牵制袁天辛东平两人,还要拦住他们,让他们不至于危及广乘山其他人。 The Yan Zhaoge looks at Broad Creed Mountain's direction, in the heart is very tranquil. 燕赵歌看着广乘山的方向,心中很平静。 He at this moment, with Broad Creed already was a body, received to enjoy the Sect glory, enjoyed the supplies convenience of Sect resources, resulted in the Sect asylum to keep out wind and rain for oneself. 此刻的他,与广乘早已是一体,承享宗门荣耀,享受宗门资源的供给便利,得宗门庇护为自己遮风挡雨。 Then need stand shoulders the Sect hope the time, oneself will stand on naturally. 那么需要自己站出来担负宗门希望的时候,自己就自然会站出来。 Does not have the danger to want on, there is a danger to want on, will not instigate. 没危险要上,有危险更要上,绝不会怂。 Eldest Uncle-Master, Senior Apprentice Brother Xu and Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong, you also take care.” Said good-bye Shi Tie, Xu Fei and Sikong Qing, Yan Zhaoge, then brought Ah Hu to start off, hurries to one of three places he determined. 大师伯徐师兄司空师妹,你们也多保重。”辞别石铁徐飞司空晴,燕赵歌便即带着阿虎上路,向他自己测定的三个地点之一赶去。 time does not wait for anyone, Yan Zhaoge dashes, on road carefully goes forward, avoids others as far as possible. 时间不等人,燕赵歌一路飞奔,路上则小心前进,尽量避开别人。 Now nearby Broad Creed Mountain fish and dragons mixed in together, under some situation the enemy friend is difficult to distinguish, for as far as possible time-saving. Yan Zhaoge also hurries along for now first. 如今广乘山附近鱼龙混杂,部分情况下敌友难辨,为了尽量节省时间。燕赵歌现在也是赶路为先。 Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate to south, line, on the plain presents an enceinte. 广乘山山门向南,一路行去,平原上出现一座城廓。 Although was quite far from Broad Creed Mountain. The terror Nine Nether aura that but that absorbs the person heart and soul, can still feel. 虽然距离广乘山已经比较远。但那摄人心魄的恐怖九幽气息,仍然可以感觉到。 Is far away from Demon Territory great array. Regarding experiencing for a long time to discipline, will relatively firm martial artist, affects not in a big way. 远离魔域大阵。对于久经磨练,心志相对坚定的武者而言,影响不大。 But regarding the ordinary common people, still had to be puzzled the chaotic function. 但对于普通寻常百姓来说,却仍然有惑乱的作用。 In this moment city, the atmosphere moves restlessly restlessly, flustered. 此刻城池里,气氛躁动不安,人心惶惶。 People while panic-stricken, each other is hostile , the intense situation is ready to be set off. at any time possibly erupts scared as. 人们在惊恐的同时,也彼此敌视,紧张的局势一触即发。随时都可能爆发恐慌似的。 Yan Zhaoge enters a city rapidly, the general publics are unable to realize that its is. 燕赵歌飞速进城,普通民众根本无法察觉其所在。 In the city has Broad Creed Mountain martial artist to keep the order, makes the people stabilize as far as possible. 城中有广乘山武者在维持秩序,尽量让民众安定下来。 This place is nearby Broad Creed Mountain an important transport hub, many types commodities in this collection and distribution, at present in this place person-in-charge, over 40 years old age, is Broad Creed Mountain disciple Great Martial Scholar martial artist, named Hong Wen. 此地乃是广乘山附近重要的一处交通枢纽,有不少种类的物资在此集散,目前在此地负责的人,40多岁年纪,也是广乘山门下一个大宗师武者,名叫洪文 Although the age was higher than Yan Zhaoge nearly one time, but by the rank, they was actually person of the same generation. 虽然年纪高出燕赵歌快一倍了,但论辈分,两人却是平辈儿。 Senior Apprentice Brother Hong. Please help to be clear West City open space to come together, do not make the common people approach.” Yan Zhaoge cannot give a thought to the smalltalk, meets immediately said: I urgently need!” 洪师兄。请帮忙将西城清出一块空地来,不要让普通百姓靠近。”燕赵歌顾不得客套,见面就立即说道:“我有急用!” Hong Wen rubbish. Immediately nods: Gives me.” 洪文也不废话。当即点头:“交给我。” Although he is Gathering Spirit intermediate stage Great Martial Scholar, entered the sect is earlier and old, but Yan Zhaoge is quite special in the Broad Creed Mountain's right status, the jurisdiction is equal to Chief Elder, therefore somewhat is perplexed freely, but the rapid life person helps Yan Zhaoge clear. 虽然他是蕴灵中期大宗师,入门早许多又年长许多,但燕赵歌广乘山的权利地位极为特殊,权限等同首座长老,所以尽管有些不明所以,但还是飞速命人帮燕赵歌清场。 Hong Wen manner but actually also capable, although mood originally of people are scared, was migrated intensifies the scared anxious atmosphere, but Hong Wen has the person to complete the task of Yan Zhaoge confession steadily. 洪文为人倒也干练,虽然民众的情绪本就恐慌,被迁移更是加剧恐慌焦躁的氛围,但洪文还是带人平稳的完成燕赵歌交代的任务。 West City one sets upright two overlapping streets horizontally. In the person together with nearby construction, in most in a short time was emptied. 西城一横一竖两条交叉的街道。连同附近建筑中的人,都在最短时间内被清空。 Yan Zhaoge arrives at the overlapping street. Stands in the road center, the palm turns. bluish green light flashes. 燕赵歌来到交叉的街道。站在路中央,手掌一翻。碧光闪动。 He uses the sword like the wind, deep green sword light dances in the air continuously, stays behind the trace in the air, lingers. 他出剑如风,碧绿剑光连续飞舞,在空气中留下痕迹,经久不散。 Quick, gigantic pattern, appears in front of Yan Zhaoge. 很快,一个巨大图纹,出现在燕赵歌面前。 Yan Zhaoge right hand holds the sword, left hand stretches out, the five fingers open, fly high empty press to below. 燕赵歌右手持剑,左手伸出,五指张开,凌空虚虚向下一按。 Flashes bluish green light gigantic rune, then fell in the ground. 闪动碧光巨大符纹,便落在了地面上。 Yan Zhaoge turned the head to look at the construction in surrounding city, took a deep breath, right hand has held up Spirit Sword Green Dragon, aimed at the heaven. 燕赵歌转头看了看周围城市里的建筑,深吸一口气,右手举起灵剑碧龙,指向苍天。 But another is emptying in left hand, then left another spirit armament, Flying Thunder Dagger. 而另一只空着的左手中,则多出了另一件灵兵,飞雷刀 After ascended to Realm of Great Martial Scholar, Yan Zhaoge controls Low Grade Spirit Armament now, has no longer limited to one. 登临大宗师之境后,燕赵歌现在驾驭下品灵兵,已经不再局限于一件。 Two spirit armament finger of days, a finger, Yan Zhaoge exudes one to drink lightly, said that dissipation of Astral Qi from own whole body acupoints comes out. 两件灵兵一指天,一指地,燕赵歌发出一声轻喝,道道罡气从自己周身穴窍中散逸出来。 The wind and cloud surges, is centered on Yan Zhaoge, forms gigantic tornado gradually. 风云激荡间,以燕赵歌为中心,渐渐形成一道巨大的龙卷风。 This Astral Qi tornado non-proliferation, throughout is centered on Yan Zhaoge, takes in the ground that huge bluish green light spirit rune for the foundation. 罡气龙卷风并不扩散,始终以燕赵歌为中心,也以地面上那庞大的碧光灵符为根基。 gradually, the tornado also changes into deep green unexpectedly. 渐渐地,龙卷风竟然也化为一片碧绿。 In the city, numerous common people move restlessly the restless mood, as if changes into the visible essence, condenses in this moment together, turns toward that aquamarine tornado gathering together, was involved by the gusty area. 城池里,众多平民百姓躁动不安的情绪,仿佛化为有形的实质,在这一刻凝聚在一起,一同向着那碧绿色的龙卷风汇聚,被风口卷入其中。 Afterward, huge spirit rune of Yan Zhaoge under foot, bluish green light removes gradually, transfers pure white. 随后,燕赵歌脚下的庞大灵符,碧光渐渐褪去,转为一片纯白。 rune sways from side to side, the orderliness gradually becomes more complex, expands gradually exquisite and mysterious array formation. 符纹扭动间,条理渐渐变得更加复杂,渐渐扩张成一座小巧而又玄奥的阵法 In core place of numerous array pattern gathering, presents archaic character. 在众多阵纹汇聚的核心处,呈现出一个古字 People. 人。 The ancient writing, its significance, is person. 古老的文字,其意义,是“人”。 Yan Zhaoge in the unique method, must recapture Broad Creed Great Array of Mountain Defence control on Xin Dongping. 燕赵歌以独特法门,要夺回辛东平手上的广乘守山大阵控制权 Needs in the specific place, according to the Heaven, Earth and Human three positions, to arrange, place that Yan Zhaoge occupies at this moment, is Human position. 需要在特定的地点,依天、地、人三才之位,进行布置,燕赵歌此刻所占据的地方,便是人位 Shi Tie and Xu Fei, then goes to Heaven position. 石铁徐飞,则前往天位 Let Sikong Qing seek for Fu Enshu and Elder Zhang, how the result does not know, Human position here had not come the person, Yan Zhaoge only to send the hope, status there, they can hurry. 司空晴寻找傅恩书张长老,结果不知如何,人位这里一直没来人,燕赵歌只能寄希望,地位那里,她们能赶去。 This law is not Yan Zhaoge succeeds that's the end of it, needs three linkages to be good, whether thoroughly to succeed, changes the course of events, Yan Zhaoge does not have the full assurance. 此法并非燕赵歌自己成功便罢,需要三位联动才行,到底能否彻底成功,扭转乾坤,燕赵歌也没有十足把握。 Can do only, will then have the matter that the ability makes, achieves well. 唯一可以做的,便是将自己有能力做成的事情,做到最好。 Ah Hu.” Yan Zhaoge calls said that before Ah Hu, has resulted in the instruction, at this time went forward, crouches in hiding in the place, both hands presses together on runic array of ground. 阿虎。”燕赵歌唤道,阿虎之前已经得过吩咐,这时上前,蹲伏在地,双手一起按在地面的符阵上。 Person radiance on rune, is even more bright. “人”字符上的光辉,越发明亮。 But at this moment, the distant place hears loud noise suddenly. 但就在这时,远方突然传来喧闹声。 Yan Zhaoge and Ah Hu turn the head to look together that sees one group of people, rapid approaches to here. 燕赵歌阿虎一起转头看去,就见一群人,正飞速向这里靠近。 Is the person of head, is Gathering Spirit later stage realm Great Martial Scholar, Yan Zhaoge also knows him, with is Broad Creed Mountain disciple, named Zhu Qian. 为首之人,乃是一个蕴灵后期境界大宗师,燕赵歌也识得他,同为广乘山门下,名叫朱迁 Zhu Qian at this moment, with him behind one group of people, clearly already Fallen Demon! 只是此刻的朱迁,和他身后一群人,分明都已经堕魔 They run amuck, every being in the way completely all slaughters, the goal aims at Hong Wen and other Broad Creed martial artist. 他们一路横行,凡挡路者尽皆屠杀,目标指向洪文广乘武者 What's the matter?” The Yan Zhaoge brow is pressed, Ah Hu has thought after one next, replied: He seemed to be inharmonious with Hong Wen in those days, has the private grudges, looks at this, the mood tends to the lawlessness, was finds fault to revenge......” “怎么回事?”燕赵歌眉头蹙起,阿虎想了一下后答道:“他往日似乎和洪文不睦,有私怨,看这样子,心境趋向于无法无天,是找茬报仇来了……” The words have not said that Zhu Qian saw Yan Zhaoge, no matter immediately Hong Wen, both eyes bloody light rose crazily! 话未说完,朱迁看见了燕赵歌,顿时不管洪文了,双目血光狂涨! Zhu Qian angry roar: „A person of Yuan Zhengfeng lineage/vein, you have today!”( To be continued.) 朱迁一声怒啸:“元正峰一脉的人,你们也有今天!”(未完待续。)
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