HSSB :: Volume #3

#293: The key of broken bureau

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Yan Zhaoge looks serious to the Mountain Gate direction, there black demon atmosphere soars to the heavens, the past attractive mountain, at this moment just liked the pandemonium. 燕赵歌神情严肃看向山门方向,那里黑色魔氛冲天,往日的灵秀青山,此刻恍若鬼域。 In has Arrival of the Nine Nether, Xin Dongping robs Great Array of Mountain Defence and Demon Saint Yuan Tian besieges the father together, outside has Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall covets in one side.” Yan Zhaoge took a deep breath: This tribulation, really sad.” “内有九幽降临,辛东平抢夺守山大阵魔圣袁天一起围攻老爹,外有大日圣宗天雷殿在一旁觊觎。”燕赵歌深吸一口气:“这一劫,真的难过。” Ah Hu somewhat worries looks to Yan Zhaoge: Young Master, Patriarch that side......” 阿虎有些担忧的看向燕赵歌:“公子,家主那边……” Yan Zhaoge has not spoken, pays attention to watch the Broad Creed Mountain direction. 燕赵歌没说话,留心观看广乘山方向。 Above mountain peak, is void is keeping twisting, as if at any time will burst, has the infinite destruction strength, will fall in torrents, falls to below Broad Creed Mountain. 山峰上方,虚空在不停扭曲着,仿佛随时都会破裂开来,有无穷的毁灭力量,将从中倾泻而出,落向正下方的广乘山 The miraculous glow flashes, from back side of the mountain Swamp Pond Peak, stretches out the palms of two gigantic, as if haunches the vault of heaven to be ordinary, void of cradling that distortion, as far as possible fixed, making it not affect Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate. 灵光闪动间,自后山兑泽峰下,伸出两只巨大的手掌,仿佛撑起天穹一般,托住那扭曲的虚空,尽量将之固定,使之不会波及广乘山山门 That should defend Elder He that the pass/test protects buddhist law for Grand Master, cannot sit quietly, was forced take action.” “那应该是为师祖守关护法的何长老,也不能安坐,被迫出手了。” Yan Zhaoge looks to the back side of the mountain, the Ridge Water Peak direction, Demonic Aura soars to the heavens, has almost covered Ridge Water Peak thoroughly. 燕赵歌看向后山另一边,坎水峰方向,魔气冲天,几乎已经将坎水峰彻底笼罩。 But in black Demonic Qi Domain, there is bright sword light to soar to the heavens, the anchorage Demon Territory had not expanded further. 但在黑色魔气界域中,有璀璨剑光冲霄而起,定住了魔域没有进一步扩大。 This stance, is Second Uncle-Master, has blown Demon Territory great array forcefully.” “这架势,是二师伯,强行镇住了魔域大阵。” Because did not determine that who the traitor within is, suppresses the Demon Territory great array method, after Yan Zhaoge estimates, has not provided to Sect. 因为不确定内奸是谁,镇压魔域大阵的方法,燕赵歌揣摩之后,并没有提供给宗门 The research and improvement of Absolute Abyss side to Demon Territory great array, unceasingly is also progressing. 绝渊一方对魔域大阵的研究和改良,也在不断进步。 From is unable to be separated from Naraka at first, can only test in Naraka, to the variable time of Pure Hidden Lake, depends on the origin to be able from the Naraka water course to create array. 从最初无法脱离地狱,只能在地狱中实验,到清遮湖之变时,依托发源自地狱的水脉就可以布阵 But starts from the Sand Region city. Is far away from the Naraka place, can arrange Demon Territory great array, can guide Demonic Aura. Changes position that Gate of Nine Nether arrives. 而自沙洲城开始。在远离地狱的地方,也可以布置魔域大阵,更能够导引魔气。改变九幽之门降临的方位。 Yan Zhaoge through estimating opposite party Demon Territory great array, oneself breaks through the enemy lines the level continually to promote. 燕赵歌通过揣摩对方的魔域大阵,自身破阵水平不断提升。 But a Absolute Abyss side. Or Lord of Absolute Abyss Xin Dongping, through studying the Yan Zhaoge's broken array formation gate, the to create array level also progresses in the improvement. 绝渊一方。或者说,正是绝渊之主辛东平,通过研究燕赵歌的阵法门,布阵水平也在改良进步。 Yan Zhaoge with this big shot, through Demon Territory great array, has separated spars spatially several rounds. 燕赵歌同这位大佬,通过魔域大阵,已经隔空斗法好几个回合。 Before was hard to determine that under whose situation the traitor within was, the latest suppression of Yan Zhaoge about Demon Territory great array explained the method, only provided to father Yan Di. 之前难以确定内奸是谁的情况下,燕赵歌关于魔域大阵的最新镇压破解法门,只提供给了老爹燕狄 But now Yan Di war in Foreign Dimension and powerful enemy. naturally is unable doppelgänger to inform Fang Zhun. 但现在燕狄异域空间中与强敌大战。自然无法分身告知方准 Fang Zhun is suppressing at this moment all Demon Territory great array depending on own cultivation, fortunately his cultivation is higher than compared with Yan Zhaoge too, itself regarding the understanding of Nine Nether Demonic Aura, far exceeds other people. 方准此刻全凭自身修为在镇压魔域大阵,所幸他的修为燕赵歌高出太多,其本身对于九幽魔气的了解,也远远超出其他人。 Before this to protect Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong and supressing seal Locking Heaven Gorge, was stranded by Xin Dongping, making Fang Zhun consume enormously. 只是此前为保护锁天峡首座宫长老镇封锁天峡,被辛东平所困,让方准消耗极大。 Now he also can only blow Demon Territory great array reluctantly. 现在他也只能勉强镇住魔域大阵 However, is makes Nine Nether be insufficient to arrive finally directly in Broad Creed Mountain. 不过,总算是让九幽不至于直接降临在广乘山 At present is most critical, is the most essential aspect, is that side the father.” Yan Zhaoge knees down, palm according to ground. Is feeling the change of Broad Creed Mountain Great Array of Mountain Defence unceasingly: Father, although has Grand Pure Robe along, match but who faces, Demon Saint Yuan Tian. With capturing Great Array of Mountain Defence majority of control Xin Dongping, is equal to two Saint Realm powerhouses.” “眼下最危急,也是最关键的局面,还是在老爹那边。”燕赵歌单膝跪地,手掌按在地面上。不断感受着广乘山守山大阵的变化:“老爹虽然有太清袍随身,但面对的对手,魔圣袁天。和夺得守山大阵大部分控制权辛东平,等于是两个圣境强者。” Also was lucky that father one against two withstands them, otherwise opposite party branches out one casually, is the aspects of sweeping away.” “也多亏老爹以一敌二顶住两人,否则对方随便分出一个来,都是横扫的局面。” The key question is, that side Yan Di has made True Fire thoroughly, the strength of Saint Realm level, the powerhouse dying war, hits heaven and the earth turning upside down. 关键问题在于,燕狄那边已经彻底打出真火,圣境层次的实力,强者死战,打得天翻地覆 Such war, other people were very difficult to meddle. Then is some Transcending Great Martial Scholar insufficient components. 这样的战局,其他人已经很难插手。便是超凡大宗师都有些不够分量。 Including the Fang Zhun that side, even if other battlefield Broad Creed Mountain rolling victories. Fang Zhun and Shi Tie and the others leaps take action to come, does not recapture Great Array of Mountain Defence control. Also is very difficult to help Yan Di. 包括方准那边在内,哪怕其他战场广乘山全面胜利。方准石铁等人都腾出手来,不夺回守山大阵控制权。也很难帮助燕狄 Yan Zhaoge took a deep breath: Once however the father cannot withstand, other victories also empty, the big situation will collapse immediately, we did not have how much time.” 燕赵歌深吸一口气:“而一旦老爹顶不住,其他胜利也都是虚的,大局势立刻就会崩溃,我们没多少时间了。” He turns the head to look to Shi Tie: Means have, but there is a difficulty.” 他转头看向石铁:“办法不是没有,但是有难度。” Because of the reason of foreign enemy, Great Array of Mountain Defence has the mutation, this makes Xin Dongping prevail, now needs to bring order out of chaos.” “因为外敌的缘故,守山大阵发生异变,这才让辛东平得逞,现在需要拨乱反正。” I have the method, but needs to fan out in three groups, in the Broad Creed Mountain surrounding three different place executions.” “我有法子,但是需要兵分三路,在广乘山周围三个不同的地方执行。” Yan Zhaoge said: Performer, cultivation is either high enough, either is skilled in the array formation change, I hope, Eldest Uncle-Master may, but does not know that in Sect also has enough manpower to go to the third group, Elder He protects Mountain Gate and is Grand Master protects buddhist law, does the Elder Zhang injury have multiple?” 燕赵歌言道:“执行者,要么修为够高,要么精通阵法变化,我自己愿为一路,大师伯可为一路,但不知道宗门中还有没有足够人手去赴第三路,何长老保护山门兼为师祖护法,张长老的伤势有多重?” Shi Tie looks at Feng Yunsheng and Sikong Qing: Junior Apprentice Brother Fang is suppressing Demon Territory great array, prevents Arrival of the Nine Nether, cannot do several things at the same time, if the Elder Zhang injury is critical, looks for Junior Apprentice Sister Fu.” 石铁看着封云笙司空晴:“方师弟在镇压魔域大阵,阻止九幽降临,分不出身来,如果张长老伤势过重,就找傅师妹。” Yan Zhaoge said to two females at this time: Wanted to be laborious you, here somewhat explained demonic array to prevent the Arrival of the Nine Nether new method, needed among you a person to rush to Demon Territory great array, informed Second Uncle-Master, another person, then sought Elder Zhang and Uncle-Master Fu, will rectify the Great Array of Mountain Defence method to inform.” 燕赵歌这时则对二女说道:“要辛苦你们两个了,我这里有些破解魔阵阻止九幽降临的新方法,需要你们当中一人闯魔域大阵,告知二师伯,另一人,则去寻张长老傅师伯,将矫正守山大阵的法门告知。” Feng Yunsheng and Sikong Qing look at each other one, they with one voice: I go to Demon Territory great array to look for Uncle-Master Fang.” 封云笙司空晴对视一眼,两人异口同声:“我去魔域大阵方师伯。” Rushes to Demon Territory great array, obviously is more dangerous. 去闯魔域大阵,显然更危险。 Yan Zhaoge has thought: Now is not the smalltalk time, Junior Apprentice Sister Feng looked for Uncle-Master Fang, was riding Pan Pan in the past, on the road encountered the enemy, can hide hides, Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong looked for Elder Zhang and Uncle-Master Fu.” 燕赵歌思索了一下:“现在不是客套的时候了,封师妹去找方师伯,骑着盼盼过去,路上遇敌,能躲就躲,司空师妹去找张长老傅师伯。” Feng Yunsheng nods, another nearby Sikong Qing vision is firm and resolute, the expression has not changed, nods according to the word. 封云笙点头,另一旁的司空晴目光坚毅,表情也没有变化,依言点头。 Yan Zhaoge immediately first suppressing the Demon Territory great array method told Feng Yunsheng. 燕赵歌当即先把镇压魔域大阵的方法告诉封云笙 Feng Yunsheng not many idle talk, although the confrontation principle revolution also has the place that does not understand, but the direct mechanical memorizing gets down. 封云笙不多废话,虽然对阵理运转还有不理解的地方,但直接死记硬背下来。 Yan Zhaoge deeply inspires: Oneself careful.” 燕赵歌深吸口气:“自己多小心。” You are also careful.” Feng Yunsheng nods, at this moment seizes every second and minute, after she determines one remember, then jumps up the Pan Pan body. “你们也小心。”封云笙点点头,此刻分秒必争,她确定自己记下后,便即跳上盼盼的身躯。 Pan Pan did not violate at this time lazily, disperses four fingernails to dash to go. 盼盼这时也不犯懒了,撒开四爪飞奔而去。 Yan Zhaoge then said to Shi Tie and the others: Rectifies the Great Array of Mountain Defence method, does not carry out in Broad Creed Mountain itself, will otherwise be destroyed by Xin Dongping immediately, therefore uses Heaven, Earth and Human three as the foundation, three places simultaneously outside Broad Creed Mountain, the concrete position takes me to survey for the standard.” 燕赵歌接着对石铁等人说道:“矫正守山大阵的法门,并不是在广乘山本身执行,否则会在第一时间被辛东平破坏,所以是以天、地、人三才为根基,在广乘山以外三个地方同时施法,具体方位以我测算为准。” After he three places told Shi Tie and Sikong Qing separately, looks to Xu Fei: This law needs them to coordinate, one is the leadership, carries on auxiliary, therefore Senior Apprentice Brother Xu you follow Eldest Uncle-Master together, overcomes the hand to him, after Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong seeks Elder Zhang or Uncle-Master Fu, handles the same matter.” 他将三个地点分别告诉石铁司空晴后,看向徐飞:“此法需要两人配合,一个为主导,一个进行辅助,所以徐师兄你跟大师伯一起走,给他打下手,司空师妹寻得张长老或者傅师伯后,也是做相同的事情。” If Elder Zhang and Uncle-Master Fu can leave, that again finds a help auxiliary person, comes by Eldest Uncle-Master, Uncle-Master Fu and Elder Zhang three people, this is easier to succeed.” “如果张长老傅师伯都能抽身出来,那就再找一个帮忙辅助的人,由大师伯傅师伯张长老三人来施法,这样更容易成功。” Xu Fei and Sikong Qing starting point nods. 徐飞司空晴起点点头。 Yan Zhaoge turns the head to say to Ah Hu: Ah Hu you do auxiliary to me.” 燕赵歌转头对阿虎说道:“阿虎你给我做辅助。” Ah Hu austere allows to nod. 阿虎肃容点头。 Shi Tie looks at Yan Zhaoge: You, although is skilled in the array formation change, but this moment piece of tangled warfare, actually many Primordial Spirit Great Martial Scholar even Primordial Rune Great Martial Scholar, you, in case, feared that is the danger.”( To be continued.) 石铁看着燕赵歌:“你虽然精通阵法变化,但此刻一片混战,其实不乏元灵大宗师甚至元符大宗师,你们两个如果遇上,怕是危险。”(未完待续。)
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