HSSB :: Volume #3

#292: Yan Zhao Ge turns back in order to help friendly forces

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Because Yan Di loses to the Grand Pure Great Array leading power, is built Foreign Dimension that by array formation, becomes is not steady immediately. 因为燕狄失去对太清大阵的主导权,由阵法营造的异域空间,也顿时变得不稳起来。 Above the vault of heaven, splits a slit void once for a while, falls in torrents the wild strength, as if the heaven bleeds. 天穹之上,虚空时不时裂开一道缝隙,从中倾泻狂暴的力量,仿佛苍天流血。 This wild strength, or stems from Yan Di, stems from Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian. 这狂暴的力量,或是源于燕狄,或是源于辛东平袁天 No matter stems from anyone, drops from the clouds, as if Heavenly Calamity is ordinary, poses the gigantic threat to below Broad Creed Mountain. 不管是源于谁,从天而降,都仿佛天灾一般,给下方的广乘山造成巨大威胁。 Grand Pure Great Array this time majority of control falls in the Xin Dongping hand, strength of great array was towed by him unceasingly, directs to gather on oneself, to cope Yan Di. 太清大阵此时的大部分控制权都落在辛东平手中,大阵之力被他不断牵引,引聚到自己身上,以对付燕狄 Broad Creed Mountain at this moment, lost has sheltered own Great Array of Mountain Defence protection in the past. 广乘山此刻,已经失去了往常一直庇护自己的守山大阵保护。 The terrifying power of dissipation from the vault of heaven, falls in the Broad Creed hills, immediately causes the destruction. 从天穹上散逸的恐怖力量,落在广乘群山之间,顿时造成破坏。 Where falls, a where piece of the earth quaked and the mountains shook sad scene. 落到哪里,哪里就一片地动山摇的惨像。 In those days the attractive mountain range, suffers the baptism of blood and fire today. 往日灵秀的山峦,在今天遭受血与火的洗礼。 The Broad Creed eight peaks, perform are tormented. 广乘八峰,尽受荼毒。 Although did not have great array to aid, but the Broad Creed hills, all previous innumerable Broad Creed martial artist lived in this, practiced in this. 虽然没有大阵护佑了,但广乘群山,历代无数广乘武者在此居住,在此修练。 The boundless vast Martial Way true meaning, accumulates over a long period of time, in unceasingly concise mountain peak. 磅礴浩瀚的武道真意,日积月累,也在不断凝练座座山峰 It seems like the ordinary mountain range, regulations firm like Vajra, when not like just quarried a mountain, can by the Martial Way powerhouse easily be bevelled the summit. 看似普通的山峦,实则坚如金刚,不像刚开山时,可以被武道强者轻易削平山顶。 Present Broad Creed eight peaks, even if the top Great Martial Scholar powerhouse, is very difficult to destroy. 现在的广乘八峰,就算是顶尖大宗师强者,也很难破坏。 But, vault of heaven above at this moment, there is terror sword light to fall, directly of Parting Fire Peak summits eight peaks, splay slantingly half! 可是,此刻的天穹之上,有恐怖剑光落下,直接将八峰之一的离火峰山顶,斜斜削去一半! Is smooth such as the summit of mirror. Once more becomes incisive rugged. 本来是平滑如镜的山顶。再次变得尖锐嶙峋。 Billowing fog terror variable Demonic Aura, reveals from the slit on vault of heaven, scatters across Broad Creed Mountain. 滚滚灰雾般的恐怖无常魔气,自天穹上的缝隙中泄露出,在广乘山各地飘散。 No matter Broad Creed martial artist or Absolute Abyss martial artist. Any person who contacts this variable Demonic Aura, is distracted. Feels to suffocate. 不管是广乘武者还是绝渊武者。凡是接触到这无常魔气的人,都精神恍惚。感到窒息。 cultivation somewhat low martial artist, by a that misty fog cover, was passed immediately then away, did not have the life! 修为偏低的武者,被那蒙蒙灰雾一罩,顿时便气绝身亡,没了性命! Including Demon Territory great array that Fang Zhun suppresses diligently, comes under these strength influences, the originally frail balance is not even more steady, suppresses the difficulty to be bigger. 方准努力镇压的魔域大阵,受到这些力量影响,本就脆弱的平衡越发不稳,镇压起来难度更大。 The fissure in sky, after appearing. Reveals the terror the destructive strength, then in a flash heals. 天空中的裂痕,出现之后。泄露出恐怖的破坏性力量,然后又转瞬重新愈合。 But quick, will then have the new fissure to appear again. 但很快,便会有新的裂痕再次出现。 What is more disquieting, frequency that more and more fissure presents, the time interval is getting more and more short, the quantity are getting more and more. 更让人忧虑的是,裂痕出现的越来越频繁,间隔时间越来越短,数量越来越多。 Every so often, simultaneously will have several terrifying cracks, brings the disaster to Broad Creed Mountain. 很多时候,更会同时出现好几道恐怖的裂缝,给广乘山带来灾难。 Defends sees that in place of Swamp Pond Peak Yuan Zhengfeng closing up Elder He, the surface sinks like the water. 守在兑泽峰元正峰闭关之地的何长老见状,面沉如水。 The personal appearance of old woman rickets, supported at this time straightly. Compared with her thin and small body, Broad Creed Heavenly Image of huge differing so much as to be beyond comparison stands erect in the Broad Creed group peaks, then the double palm picks up together upwardly. 老太太佝偻的身形,这时挺得笔直。与她瘦小身躯相比,庞大的不成比例的广乘天相屹立在广乘群峰间,然后双掌一起向上托起。 Boundless vigorous Broad Creed Heavenly Palm. Among the fingers and palms, there is the potential of overturning the heavens, at this moment lifts upwardly, such as holds up the day pillar to be ordinary. 磅礴雄浑的广乘天掌。指掌之间,有翻天之势,此刻向上托举,则如擎天支柱一般。 In Elder He from the effort of surrounding, Foreign Dimension on vault of heaven has as if stabilized, no longer breakage frequency of that. 何长老从外围的努力下,天穹上的异域空间仿佛稳定了一些,不再破损的那么频繁。 However the void fierce distortion, gives Elder He to create the pressure unceasingly, presses her personal appearance, is getting more and more curved. 但是虚空剧烈扭曲,不断给何长老带来压力,压得她身形,越来越弯。 At this moment. The distant place, stream of light speeds along. Dashes toward Broad Creed Mountain. 此刻。远方,一道流光飞驰。向着广乘山飞奔而来。 After having solved Linked Lake County Demon Territory great array, turns back in order to help friendly forces Mountain Gate Yan Zhaoge and Shi Tie one line of rapidly. 正是解决了连湖郡魔域大阵后,飞速回援山门燕赵歌石铁一行人。 Yan Zhaoge and the others is being brought by Shi Tie. Has delimited the horizon, catches up to Broad Creed Mountain. 燕赵歌等人石铁带着。划过天际,赶向广乘山 To the vicinity, happen to witnessed that Grand Pure Great Array erupts the unknown change suddenly. 到了近处,正好目睹太清大阵突然爆发未知变化的一幕。 As if hit a target by two invisible great arrows, bears the impact of gigantic, looks from afar, fold distortion of Grand Pure Great Array like picture scroll. 仿佛被两支无形巨箭射中,承受巨大的冲击,远远望去,太清大阵像画卷一样褶皱扭曲。 The Yan Zhaoge brow is pressed, the careful sensation great array change, on the face cannot help but slightly changes color: „The great array mutation, becomes is chaotic, however in the disorder, has the trace to follow, some people made an issue.” 燕赵歌眉头蹙起,仔细感知大阵变化,脸上不由得微微变色:“大阵异变,变得混乱不堪,但是在乱象中,却别有痕迹可循,有人在其中做了文章。” Xu Fei looks serious: Uncle-Master Yan takes over great array from Grand Master, does not need to make change specially, so long as displays array formation might normally then.” 徐飞神情严肃:“燕师叔师祖手上接掌大阵,不需要做特意的变动,只要正常发挥阵法威力即可。” Presents this situation, some people plan to seize!” “出现这种情况,该是有人计划夺阵!” The Yan Zhaoge finger rubs own temple: Xin Dongping! Except that he does not have others, what is awful, perhaps at present situation, he succeeds.” 燕赵歌手指揉动自己的太阳穴:“辛东平!除了他没别人,糟糕的是,眼下情况,他恐怕成功了。” In all person hearts sinks. 所有人都心中一沉。 Defends mountain Grand Pure Great Array to fall into the Xin Dongping control, means anything, all people are very clear. 守山太清大阵落入辛东平掌控中,意味着什么,所有人都很清楚。 Xin Dongping originally stands in the Great Martial Scholar peak person, has the one pace from Saint Realm. 辛东平本就是站在大宗师巅峰的人,距离圣境只有一步之遥。 Entire Eight Extremities World, nowadays Great Martial Scholar martial artist, dares to say one win the Xin Dongping person steadily, Yuan Zhengfeng that only then closed up. 整个八极大世界,现如今大宗师武者,敢说自己稳胜辛东平的人,只有正在闭关的元正峰 Father Transcending words, can win that old ghost steadily.” Yan Zhaoge grows the one breath: But, Grand Pure Great Array falls into the hand of Xin Dongping, his strength on equivalent to Saint Realm, in addition Demon Saint Yuan Tian words, father, even though can resist, Broad Creed Mountain must destroy.” “老爹超凡的话,也可以稳胜那老鬼。”燕赵歌长出一口气:“但是,太清大阵落入辛东平之手,他的实力就相当于圣境了,再加上魔圣袁天的话,老爹纵使能抵挡,广乘山也要毁了。” Shi Tie looks serious, the vision flickers does not transfer, is gazing at the Broad Creed Mountain direction. 石铁神情严肃,目光一瞬不转,注视着广乘山方向。 Ah Hu is at a loss: Young Master, a moment ago that fluctuation, how matter?” 阿虎直嘬牙花子:“公子,刚才那波动,到底怎么一回事?” Yan Zhaoge said: Attack that came from the outside, vacillates humble sect great array from two different positions respectively, has given the Xin Dongping opportunity.” 燕赵歌言道:“从外界来的攻击,分别自两个不同方位动摇本门大阵,给了辛东平机会。” Falling day breaks through the enemy lines the thunder, Inversing Sun Seed, returns to the escaping symbol, the imperial palace inversion god meter...... Probably is in these things or several types.” Yan Zhaoge turned the head to look at southern Fire Territory one: I thought that heard that Great Sun Saint Sect had several Inversing Sun Seed, but is the 600 years ago matters.” “陨天破阵雷,反日子,地返遁符,九宫颠倒神仪……大概就是这些东西中的一样或者几样。”燕赵歌转头看了南方火域一眼:“我想起来了,听说大日圣宗曾经有过几枚反日子,不过已经是600年前的事儿了。” Looks at this appearance, was looking for several.” Yan Zhaoge sneers is looking to east Earth Territory: Stimulates to movement Inversing Sun Seed, needs the High Grade Spirit Armament level lowly treasure bow, two Inversing Sun Seed simultaneously hit from the different directions, today this matter besides Great Sun Saint Sect, Heavenly Thunder Hall also mixes comes.” “看这模样,是又找着了几枚。”燕赵歌冷笑着又看向东边的地域:“催动反日子,最低需要上品灵兵层次的宝弓,两枚反日子从不同方向同时打来,今天这事儿除了大日圣宗以外,天雷殿也掺乎进来了。” Shi Tie facial color firm and resolute like iron: First crossed the tribulation of today, he does accounts toward one by one.” 石铁面色坚毅如铁:“先渡过今日之劫,他朝一一算账。” Yan Zhaoge is feeling the array formation spiritual qi change, suddenly said: Eldest Uncle-Master, and stops.” 燕赵歌感受着阵法灵气变化,突然说道:“大师伯,且停一下。” Shi Tie looks to him, Yan Zhaoge serious nod: My perhaps have means to think, but must make me ponder over the concrete change of Grand Pure Great Array first carefully.” 石铁看向他,燕赵歌郑重点头:“我或许有办法可想,不过要先让我仔细琢磨一下太清大阵的具体变化。” Good.” The Shi Tie choice believes that since has had splendid attainments Yan Zhaoge on Way of Array Formation, although is burning with impatience, but also stops the footsteps. “好。”石铁选择相信一直以来在阵法之道上有出色造诣的燕赵歌,虽然心急如焚,但也停下脚步。 Just falls to the ground, the Yan Zhaoge then single knee kneels down, palm according to ground. 甫一落地,燕赵歌便单膝跪下,手掌按在地面上。 The ground is centered on Yan Zhaoge's, appears impressively close array pattern, in the cage with the sky covers the four directions Grand Pure Great Array to echo. 地面以燕赵歌的手为中心,赫然浮现道道细密阵纹,同天空中笼盖四方的太清大阵呼应。 Yan Zhaoge keeps calculating to ponder over, Shi Tie and the others defends side him. 燕赵歌不停推算琢磨,石铁等人则守在他身边。 The distant place some people approached at this time suddenly, is actually two females, separately is Feng Yunsheng and Sikong Qing. 远方这时突然有人靠近,却是两个女子,分别是封云笙司空晴 They saw that Yan Zhaoge and Shi Tie relax: Eldest Uncle-Master, the master makes our leave the mountain welcome you fast to turn back in order to help friendly forces Mountain Gate, the Mountain Gate situation is very critical.” 她们见到燕赵歌石铁都松一口气:“大师伯,师父让我们出山来迎你们速速回援山门,山门局势很危急。” Shi Tie asked: Concrete situation how?” 石铁问道:“具体情况如何?” Feng Yunsheng replied rapidly: Martial Library Scripture Building Chief Elder Xin is the traitor within, Grand Pure Great Array likely falls into his hand, at this moment is collaborating with Demon Saint Yuan Tian in great array, battles with Uncle-Master Yan and Elder Zhang, Elder Zhang is seriously injured.” 封云笙飞速答道:“武库经楼首座辛长老是内奸,太清大阵很可能落入他手中,此刻正在大阵内与魔圣袁天联手,同燕师叔张长老交战,张长老受重伤。” Locking Heaven Gorge has Demon Territory great array to guide Arrival of the Nine Nether, Uncle-Master Fang to suppress, Elder He guards Grand Master to close up, the master and Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong leads the same side and Absolute Abyss martial artist fights, the opposite party has many powerhouses.” 锁天峡魔域大阵在引导九幽降临,方师伯正在镇压,何长老守卫师祖闭关,师父和锁天峡首座宫长老带领同门与绝渊武者交手,对方有不少强者。” People heard this, performs the look to be all dignified.( To be continued.) 众人闻言,尽皆神色凝重。(未完待续。)
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