HSSB :: Volume #3

#291: Reversal!

( Ps: Today fifth watch, total in addition 80 / 73, for book friend 140 / 705 / 135 / 821 / 981 pledge in addition 2 / 1, fifth watch did not finish, later also has the renewal! (ps:今日第五更,总加更80/73,为“书友140/705/135/821/981”盟加更2/1,五更不是结束,稍晚还有更新! Sought everybody monthly ticket and legal copy subscription do not stop! Thank you!) 求大家月票和正版订阅也不要停!谢谢大家!) Grand Pure Great Array covers entire Broad Creed Mountain, at this time was touched suddenly, has the fierce change. 太清大阵笼罩整个广乘山,这时骤然受到触动,发生剧烈变化。 Among the array formation turbulence, the Broad Creed Mountain all around world, as if like the canvas of tumbling, keeps twisting. 阵法动荡间,广乘山周遭天地,似乎都像翻滚的画布一样,不停扭曲。 Nearby spiritual qi balance, immediately becomes chaotic broken, massive spiritual qi, appear the naked eye clearly discernible vortex, sky over discontented Broad Creed Mountain. 附近的灵气平衡,顿时变得混乱破碎,大量灵气,显现肉眼清晰可见的漩涡,不满广乘山上空。 In the Broad Creed Mountain above sky, a lot of gigantic turbulent flows, by various speed rotations, have the distortion strange confused feeling, making the person look, only felt to have a dizzy spell. 广乘山上方的天空中,千百个巨大的涡流,以各不相同的速度转动,产生扭曲奇异的错乱感,让人看了,只感觉头晕目眩。 The dizzy this word, at this moment completely changes comes true solid scene. 天旋地转这个词,在此刻完全变成真实的景象 On the mountain, Elder Gong also has Fu Enshu and other Broad Creed Mountain big shot, started to eliminate the invading enemy. 山上,宫长老还有傅恩书广乘山大佬,本来已经开始肃清来犯之敌。 Invades the Broad Creed Mountain's enemy to be killed massively, some people are the germination draw back intent, starts to retreat to run away. 大量入侵广乘山的敌人被杀伤,有些人更是萌生退意,开始撤退逃走。 But at this moment, world outbreak mutation. 但就在这时,天地突然发生异变。 The revolution of Grand Pure Great Array, becomes is chaotic. 太清大阵的运转,变得混乱不堪。 The enemies start while to counter-attack randomly, the opposite party also has including belonged to Broad Creed disciple Elder Wang the top powerhouses. 敌人开始趁乱反扑,对方也有包括原属于广乘门下王长老等顶尖强者。 Elder Zhang enters Foreign Dimension to help Yan Di, the enemy counter-attack, the situation on mountain immediately becomes chaotic. 张长老异域空间去帮燕狄,敌人反攻,山上的局势顿时又变得混乱起来。 Broad Creed Mountain back side of the mountain, Swamp Pond Peak, outside the place of Old Sect Master Yuan Zhengfeng closing up, in white hair old woman look dignified looks at sky chaotic spiritual qi vortex. 广乘山后山,兑泽峰,老掌门元正峰闭关之地外面,一个白发老妇神色凝重看着天空中混乱的灵气漩涡。 Facing the chaotic spiritual qi turbulent flow, she gives a loud shout, the double palm stretches out. 面对混乱的灵气涡流,她大喝一声,双掌伸出。 Huge Broad Creed Heavenly Image appears, is the same movement, a pair obstructs a day of great hand to stretch out, covers Swamp Pond Peak. 庞大的广乘天相出现,也是相同动作,一对遮天巨手伸出,笼罩兑泽峰 But in another side Ridge Water Peak. Fang Zhun was suppressing Demon Territory great array, prevents Arrival of the Nine Nether. 而在另一边的坎水峰方准本来正在镇压魔域大阵,阻止九幽降临 Broad Creed Mountain high and low, concerns the understanding of Nine Nether and Demonic Aura. His steady row first three. 广乘山上下,论及对九幽魔气的了解。他稳列前三。 But at this time, entire Mountain Gate spiritual qi flowed. Suddenly becomes chaotic, making Fang Zhun also feel to be caught off guard. 但这时,整个山门灵气流向。都突然变得混乱,让方准也感到措手不及。 That misleads the public, the terror unusual Nine Nether aura, the current craze rises! 那惑乱人心,恐怖异常的九幽气息,顿时狂涨! Black Demonic Aura, shoots up to the sky, not only covers Locking Heaven Gorge, covers entire Ridge Water Peak, even continues to spread toward other Broad Creed Mountain places. 道道黑色魔气,冲天而起,不仅仅笼罩锁天峡,更是覆盖整个坎水峰,甚至继续向着广乘山其他地方蔓延。 Rich Demonic Aura. Has the viscous feeling gradually, as if the sludge same scatters in all directions, submerges the Ridge Water Peak surrounding boundary, forms terror Demon Territory. 浓郁的魔气。渐渐生出粘稠之感,仿佛污泥一样四散,淹没坎水峰周围的地界,形成恐怖魔域 Sky over Ridge Water Peak, Demonic Aura changes inundates the darkness fog, in the black fog the scarlet lightning keeps falling. 坎水峰上空,魔气化作漫天黑雾,黑雾里血色闪电不停落下。 In great array, said that the black array pattern chains is common, twines on Golden High Tower. 大阵内,道道黑色阵纹锁链一般,缠绕在金色高塔上。 On Fang Zhun clear and bright face, appears the dignified color, took a deep breath. Double palm decidedly one wrong. 方准清朗的脸上,也浮现凝重之色,深吸一口气。双掌决然一错。 That is thinking black array pattern of Golden High Tower accumulation, was guided by Fang Zhun, all twined his body. Has avoided Golden High Tower. 那本来想着金色高塔聚集的条条黑色阵纹,被方准引导,全都缠绕到了他的身上。避开了金色高塔 Fang Zhun sits cross-legged to sit in Golden High Tower tower top, preventing red light door to appear, to path of ground track to Nine Nether. 方准盘膝坐在金色高塔塔顶,阻止红色光门出现,向地面投影通向九幽的道路。 black array pattern more entangles is tighter, more entangles is denser, red electric lights appear above, the shuttle continuous, shells the Fang Zhun's body. 黑色阵纹越缠越紧,越缠越密,一道道红色电光在上面出现,穿梭不休,轰击方准的身体。 The Fang Zhun look does not change, whole body high and low spirit rune flutters, gathers runic array. Melts Temple of Heaven, stands erect above Golden High Tower. Resists the attack and corrosion of Demon Territory great array. 方准神色不改,周身上下灵符翻飞,聚符阵。化天坛,屹立于金色高塔之上。抵御魔域大阵的攻击与侵蚀。 Broad Boundless Heavenly Sword sword intent, changes to bright sword light to soar to the heavens. Lighthouse that in as if endless dark night, will never extinguish. 恢宏的无垠天剑剑意,化作璀璨剑光冲霄而起。仿佛无尽黑夜中,永不熄灭的灯塔。 By him the town, Demon Territory great array was continued finally no longer to expand. 被他所镇,魔域大阵终于不再继续扩大。 But the Fang Zhun facial expression has not relaxed, his raise one's head Yuanwang, line of sight, although blocks for the boundless black fog, but Fang Zhun can expect the outside probably situation. 方准神情并未放松,他抬头远望,视线虽然为茫茫黑雾所阻,但方准能大概料到外界的情况 Grand Pure Great Array outbreak mutation, perhaps is plan of Uncle-Master Xin, his opportunity was then big.” 太清大阵突然发生异变,说不定是辛师叔的谋划,如此一来,他的机会便大了。” The Fang Zhun expression sinks to congeal, although oneself here can support, blows Demon Territory great array, but decides the victory and defeat the key, throughout in Grand Pure Great Array and Yan Di. 方准表情沉凝,自己这里虽然可以支撑,镇住魔域大阵,但决定胜负的关键,始终还是在太清大阵燕狄 If there cannot resist Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping, entire Broad Creed Mountain must suffer a disaster. 那里若是抵挡不住袁天辛东平,整个广乘山都要遭劫。 Grasps Grand Pure Great Array Xin Dongping, collaborates with Realm of Martial Saint Yuan Tian, will form the potential of sweeping away is hard to resist. 掌握太清大阵辛东平,和武圣之境袁天联手,将形成难以抵挡的横扫之势。 Expects like Fang Zhun, in this moment Foreign Dimension, presented equally situation but actually, lives to change suddenly! 诚如方准所料,此刻异域空间中,本来已经呈现一边儿倒的局势,骤生大变! The Grand Pure Great Array dramatic turmoil, Yan Di felt one relation with great array, instantaneous separation most. 太清大阵剧烈动荡,燕狄感到自己同大阵的联系,瞬间断开大半。 Void, there is array pattern loudly collapsing one after another, rune that scatters fast reorganizes, is actually the entirely different appearance. 虚空中,也有一道又一道阵纹轰然崩断,散落的符纹飞快重组,却已经是截然不同的模样。 But Xin Dongping cried loud and long at this time suddenly, in the double palm palm, reappears mysterious rune. 辛东平这时猛然长啸一声,双掌掌心中,重新出现玄奥符纹 Those who made Yan Di and in the Elder Zhang heart feels fuzzy, in the Xin Dongping double pupil, started to reappear unexpectedly before Yan Di similar rune. 更令燕狄张长老心中发沉的是,辛东平双瞳之中,竟然开始浮现与燕狄之前相类似的符纹 Xin Dongping both eyes opens and closes, Divine Light overflows, Foreign Dimension endogenous makes a debut light flow, in addition holds together on him. 辛东平双目开阖,神光四溢,异域空间内生出道道光流,一起加持在他身上。 Grand Pure Great Array control, exchanges ownerships once more! 太清大阵控制权,再次易主! In the long howl, Xin Dongping boundless Heavenly Image, the build instantaneous rises crazily, strength that shows, not inferior Demon Saint Yuan Tian. 长啸声中,辛东平的无垠天相,体型瞬间狂涨,所展现出来的力量,丝毫不逊色魔圣袁天 Xin , Yuan take action, the frontage shakes Yan Di that the Grand Pure Robe in addition holds together hardly. 辛、袁二人一起出手,正面硬撼太清袍加持下的燕狄 In the Foreign Dimension world, has together the jet black crack immediately, that is the void slit. 异域空间的天地间,顿时出现一道漆黑的裂缝,那是虚空的缝隙。 Xin Dongping like Yan Di, does not miss the fight complementary waves to limit in Foreign Dimension, under the wild strength collision, must tear Foreign Dimension. 辛东平可不像燕狄一样,挂念着将战斗余波局限在异域空间中,狂暴的力量碰撞下,就要将异域空间撕裂。 At this moment he becomes the Grand Pure Great Array main master, then starts to destroy this side Foreign Dimension. 此刻他成为太清大阵的主要控制者,便开始着手破坏这方异域空间 The Yan Di pressure increases, can only strive to maintain. 燕狄压力大增,只能勉力维持。 Steps into Transcending, has Grand Pure Robe in body, is one against two, Yan Di also dares to fight. 踏入超凡,有太清袍在身,便是以一敌二,燕狄也敢一战。 But wants to continue Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping is stranded actually add difficulty to difficulty in Foreign Dimension. 但想要继续将袁天辛东平困在异域空间中却难上加难 These two get out of trouble, casual take action, other Broad Creed Mountain people must meet with a disaster. 这两人脱困,随便出手,广乘山其他人就要遭殃。 The war fit and unfit quality in Foreign Dimension, reverse at this time completely. 异域空间内的战局优劣,此时完全逆转。 A Xin Dongping sword wields, bright sword light imitates, if Heavenly River rewinds, breaks Elder Zhang Broad Creed Heavenly Image forcefully! 辛东平一剑挥出,煌煌剑光仿若天河倒卷,强行破开张长老广乘天相 In Elder Zhang stuffy pshaw, Broad Creed Heavenly Image arm instantaneous broken, with shoulder connected half chest, disrupts. 张长老闷哼声中,广乘天相一条臂膀瞬间破碎,与肩膀相连的半截胸膛,也碎裂开来。 Xin Dongping uses a sword again, the sword light differentiation, the twinkle star, covers Elder Zhang, changes to a small world unexpectedly. 辛东平再出一剑,剑光分化,星星点点,笼罩张长老,竟然化作一方小型天地。 In the small world, indistinctly with sword intent that sinking to congeal from all directions an attack. 小型天地中,缥缈与沉凝的剑意自四面八方一起袭击。 Elder Zhang clenches the teeth, resists with hardship, was stranded is hard to withdraw. 张长老咬紧牙关,苦苦抵挡,被困在其中难以脱身。 Xin Dongping once more holds a sword, besieges Yan Di with Yuan Tian together. 辛东平则再次仗剑,同袁天一起围攻燕狄 great array competes, although Yan Di falls leeward, but still diligently communicated Grand Pure Great Array, with the Xin Dongping test of strength. 大阵争夺上,燕狄虽然落入下风,但仍然努力沟通太清大阵,同辛东平角力。 He wears Grand Pure Robe, said that Pure Qi flows out, hiding the sky and covering the earth, maintains Foreign Dimension not to be loose. 他身披太清袍,道道清气流出,铺天盖地,维持住异域空间不散。 Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased imitates, if purple light dragon, keeps shuttling back and forth in void, meets head-on Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping. 天刀龙衎仿若紫色光龙,在虚空中不停穿梭,迎战袁天辛东平 Yan Di right hand arms with knife, left hand Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, a sword selects, such as to seal|confer Sibi, to Jane Zhipu, but vigorous atmosphere, Paul all phenomena on earth. 燕狄右手持刀,左手食中二指并立如剑,一剑点出,如封似闭,至简至朴,但是雄浑大气,保罗万象。 Impressively of Great Profound Yellow Sword Art Supreme Eight Extremities. 赫然正是太上八极之一的大玄黄剑式 A sword gatekeeper, the offense and defense has both, unified whole. 一剑当关,攻守兼备,浑然一体。 The Yan Di right hand Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre main attack, the left hand Great Profound Yellow Sword Art Lord defends, the frontage touches Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping hardly, does not draw back half step! 燕狄右手无量天刀主攻,左手大玄黄剑式主守,正面硬碰袁天辛东平,不退半步! Xin Dongping is unhurriedly, said indifferently: Yan Di, the old man thinks own vision suffices, has not thought that looked you were mistaken, have overestimated you as far as possible, does not want actually to underestimate finally.” 辛东平不慌不忙,淡然说道:“燕狄,老夫以为自己眼光够好,没想到看你还是看走眼了,已经尽量高估你,不想结果却还是低估了。” But loses the Grand Pure Great Array support, even though you ascended to Transcending, stimulated to movement Grand Pure Robe also still to have the limit, had the consumption of gigantic, along with the time lapse, you will be getting more and more weak.” “但失去太清大阵的支撑,你纵使登临超凡,催动太清袍也仍然有极限,有巨大的消耗,随着时间推移,你会越来越弱。” His sword chops, clashes with Yan Di's Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre. 他一剑劈出,同燕狄的无量天刀对撞。 Foreign Dimension, immediately is a turbulence, as if at any time will crack!( To be continued.) 异域空间,顿时又是一阵动荡,仿佛随时都会崩裂开来!(未完待续。)
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