HSSB :: Volume #3

#290: Heavenly Thunder Hall also begins

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At this moment, in once made big noise East Heaven Region Eastern Tang Kingdom, with it neighbor Earth Territory ground, also there is an undercurrent to surge. 此刻,在曾经闹出偌大动静的天东洲东唐国,与之紧邻的地域地面上,也有暗流涌动。 Lin Tianfeng visits in void, is the numerous Heavenly Thunder Hall powerhouse. 林天峰踏足于虚空之中,身后是一众天雷殿强者。 The child Thunderous Young Master Lin Zhou, stands in his side. 其子雷鸣公子林舟,就站在他的身旁。 Lin Tianfeng looks at the direction that Broad Creed Mountain is, saying that ponders: Mountain Gate center eruption chaos, Broad Creed Mountain this closes does not feel better.” 林天峰望着广乘山所在的方向,玩味的说道:“山门腹地爆发大乱,广乘山这一关不好过啊。” Earth Territory of Lin Zhou looks at under foot, facial expression somewhat is slightly complex, in the mind flashes before many pictures. 林舟看着脚下的地域,神情微微有些复杂,脑海中闪现诸多画面。 Once, Earth Territory, Absolute Abyss and Nine Nether left behind extremely not the happy recollection to him. 曾经,地域绝渊九幽都给他留下极不愉快的回忆。 In his memory, the change of oneself life, stems from the Absolute Abyss cataclysm. 在他的记忆中,自己人生的改变,就是源于绝渊的灾变。 Father, under competes with the competitor, appointed the Hall Master position, is in unfavorable situation unceasingly, finally is eliminated, later then in falls from the sky with the confrontation of Nine Nether Evil Demon. 父亲,在同竞争对手争夺下任殿主的位置,不断失利,最终出局,之后便是在同九幽邪魔的交锋中陨落。 Lin Zhou , the severe wound in a combat, the wound and vitality basis, almost broke the road of progress. 林舟自己,也在一次作战中重伤,伤及元气根本,几乎断了上进之路。 Hereafter he status in Sect, suffers a disastrous decline, vanishes however the people, was flung by Yan Shan and the others thoroughly behind. 此后他在宗门中的地位,也一落千丈,泯然众人,彻底被燕闪等人甩在身后。 At that time, lover who he shared hardships, Li Jingwan, died in a Fallen Demon hand, became his greatest regrettable matter. 那时候,他共患难的恋人,李静晚,也陨落于一个堕魔者之手,成为他莫大的憾事。 Now, all are different.” Lin Zhou closes the eye, although some changes, let him depressed. “现在,一切都不一样了。”林舟闭上眼睛,虽然有些变化,让他郁闷至极。 Lin Zhou opens the eye, is the same with his father Lin Tianfeng, the line of sight looks to Broad Creed Mountain: „ Father, the Great Sun Saint Sect's person will unable to repress, blind take action, helping Absolute Abyss extinguish Broad Creed Mountain, later Arrival of the Nine Nether, did not have the advantage to all people.[ Reads the latest chapter welcome to $>\;>\;>\; cotton _. _. spends _. _. sugar _. _. small _. _. said _. _. net 林舟重新睁开眼睛,和其父林天峰一样,视线望向广乘山:“父亲,大日圣宗的人不会按捺不住吧,盲目出手,帮助绝渊灭了广乘山,之后九幽降临,对所有人都没好处。[看本书最新章节请到$>\;>\;>\;棉_._.花_._.糖_._.小_._.說_._.網 Lin Tianfeng said: Not, even if there is a head brain not to be sober, there is a calm person to stop him.” 林天峰言道:“不会,就算有人头脑不清醒,也有冷静的人会制止他。” The Lin Zhou nod did not speak. 林舟点头不语。 Lin Tianfeng turns, in the palm presents one to flash the purple light long bow: But, even if Yuan Zhengfeng closes up, the light is Demon Saint Yuan Tian, how Broad Creed Mountain, Broad Creed Mountain is not frail.” 林天峰手一翻,手掌中则出现一把闪动紫光的长弓:“不过,即便元正峰闭关,光是一个魔圣袁天,也还奈何不得广乘山,广乘山没那么脆弱。” Makes their smooth has solved Absolute Abyss, that is not good, mutually wounded, a side hard victory, is the result that we are happy to see.” “让他们顺利的将绝渊解决了,那可不行,两败俱伤,一方惨胜,才是我们乐于看到的结局。” In the Lin Tianfeng palm also presents a black projectile, was buckled by him on the bowstring, then draws a bow. 林天峰手掌中也出现一枚黑色弹丸,被他扣在弓弦上,然后张弓。 Flashes the purple light long bow, immediately makes the startled thunder-like sound, sharp as if must puncture the vault of heaven. 闪动紫光的长弓,顿时发出惊雷般的声音,锐利的仿佛要刺破苍穹。 High Grade Spirit Armament that Heavenly Thunder Hall grasps, Startling the Vault Bow, usually with Great Sun Saint Sect's Shooting the Sun Bow joint name, was Eight Extremities World current most well-known treasure bow. 正是天雷殿所掌握的上品灵兵,惊穹弓,素来与大日圣宗的射日弓并称,乃是八极大世界当前最闻名遐迩的宝弓 The black projectile of Lin Zhou looks at Lin Tianfeng palm, the heart said: Inversing Sun Seed, this thing, Great Sun Saint Sect should altogether three, give humble sect one, their this most are to also consume one, then also remains one......” 林舟看着林天峰掌心的黑色弹丸,心道:“反日子,这东西,大日圣宗应该一共有三枚,给了本门一枚,他们这次多半也是消耗一枚,那么还剩一枚……” Lin Tianfeng draws a bow, is actually not under direction of fire Earth Territory, but aims at oneself top of the head sky straightly. 林天峰张弓,却不是射向下方地域,而是笔直对准自己头顶天空。 Above the Heavenly Thunder Hall people, said that array pattern spreads in the horizon, appears gigantic array formation quickly, flashing billowing thunder ray. 天雷殿众人上方,道道阵纹在天际蔓延,很快显现出一个巨大阵法,闪动滚滚雷光 Around the Lin Tianfeng body, said that spirit rune circles to dance in the air, changes to runic array, then composes the runic array Temple of Heaven, everywhere thunder snake dance. 林天峰身体周围,道道灵符盘旋飞舞,化作符阵,然后组成符阵天坛,漫天雷蛇狂舞。 He loosens the bowstring, does not have the light to project to the top of the head straightly, submerges in array formation to vanish does not see. 他松开弓弦,无光向头顶上空笔直射出,没入阵法内消失不见。 array formation revolves loudly, is quick tranquilly. 阵法轰然运转,然后很快平静。 Lin Tianfeng satisfaction nods: Inversing Sun Seed, great reputation not empty.” 林天峰满意点头:“反日子,盛名不虚。” This our goal, is mainly Grand Pure Robe, so long as can obtain this sacred armament, then trip has not been made in vain.” Lin Tianfeng said: East Sea Flame Demon changes once more, Turbid Wave Pavilion and Green Sea City have no time doppelgänger to give dual attention, Hall Master mainly alerts that side Vast Mountain.” “这次我们的目标,主要是太清袍,只要能得到这件圣兵,便不虚此行。”林天峰言道:“东海炎魔再次异动,浊浪阁碧海城无暇分身兼顾,殿主主要戒备苍茫山那边。” But if after Great Sun Saint Sect Huang Guanglie goes out, succeeds goes a step further, Broad Creed Mountain that Vast Mountain and vitality damage severely collaborates not to be easy to resist, at that time was my Heavenly Thunder Hall's opportunity.” “但如果大日圣宗黄光烈出关后成功更进一步,那苍茫山和元气大伤的广乘山联手也不易抵挡,那时便是我天雷殿的机会了。” Great Sun Saint Sect must extinguish Broad Creed Mountain, goes by him, humble sect is most important is the strength.” 大日圣宗要灭广乘山,由得他去,本门最要紧是增强实力。” Lin Tianfeng received Startling the Vault Bow, said: Otherwise, Great Sun Saint Sect this strength rises suddenly, after humble sect, with it being together, is very how difficult to say.” 林天峰收了惊穹弓,说道:“否则,大日圣宗这次实力暴涨,本门以后如何与之相处,就很难讲了。” When the ally works as the subordinate, both sides relative strength that finally looks.” “当盟友还是当属下,最终看的还是双方实力对比。” The Lin Zhou vision is quiet, as if there is flame to burn, is gazing at the Broad Creed Mountain direction: Yes, must depend on the strength speech in the end.” 林舟目光沉静,却仿佛有火焰在燃烧,注视着广乘山方向:“是啊,到头来都要凭实力说话。” Broad Creed Mountain on at this moment, Elder Zhang one man guards the pass, a type Immeasurable day palm falls, as if the calamity, hits the Great Martial Scholar head of front Black Nightmare Mountain family background loudly crushes! 此刻的广乘山上,张长老一夫当关,一式无量天掌落下,仿佛天塌地陷,轰然将自己面前一个黑魇山出身的大宗师脑袋打得粉碎! Temple of Heaven disintegrates, runic array irrelevant broken, spirit rune vanish into thin air. 天坛土崩瓦解,符阵支离破碎,一枚枚灵符化为乌有。 Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, the Primordial Rune later stage realm Great Martial Scholar powerhouse, like this passed away Broad Creed Mountain! 一个大宗师九重,元符后期境界大宗师强者,就这样魂断广乘山 Entire Black Nightmare Mountain lineage/vein, now also only remaining two Primordial Rune later stage realm Great Martial Scholar, were past Black Nightmare Mountain old fogy. 整个黑魇山一脉,现在也只剩下两个元符后期境界大宗师,都是当年黑魇山遗老 But at this moment one of them, already died under the Elder Zhang palm. 但此刻其中一人,已然陨落在张长老掌下。 Another person saw with own eyes that Broad Creed Mountain starts to change from defensive to offensive, gets the winning side, does not dare to refute with Transcending Great Martial Scholar Elder Zhang eventually, flees hastily. 另外一人眼见广乘山开始反守为攻,占据上风,终究不敢和超凡大宗师张长老硬顶,连忙遁走。 Elder Zhang coldly snorted, said to Fu Enshu and the others: A hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far, strictly adheres to Mountain Gate, prevents other Great Sun Saint Sect and people sneak attacks, the old man goes to Yan Di there, first solved Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping as soon as possible said again.” 张长老冷哼一声,冲傅恩书等人说道:“穷寇莫追,谨守山门,防止大日圣宗和其他人偷袭,老夫去燕狄那里,先尽快解决袁天辛东平再说。” You here, if there is an accident, retreats back side of the mountain Swamp Pond Peak, converges with Junior Apprentice Sister He, all treated the old man and Yan Di there solution said again.” “你们在这里,如有意外,退守后山兑泽峰,同何师妹汇合,一切待老夫和燕狄那里解决再说。” Fu Enshu and the others naturally knows that has solved Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping, great array and Grand Pure Robe catches up, sweeps away all thieves and rascals instantaneously, is the decision entire situation key. 傅恩书等人自然知道,解决了袁天辛东平,大阵太清袍发力,瞬间就横扫一切宵小,乃是决定整个局势的关键。 Under Elder Zhang in Yan Di's receives and instructs, entered Foreign Dimension. 张长老燕狄的接引下,也入了异域空间 In there, Yan Di got the absolute winning side, for if not for thoroughly leaves behind Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping, at this moment already won. 在那里,燕狄已经占据绝对的上风,若不是为了将袁天辛东平都彻底留下,此刻已然获胜。 After Elder Zhang arrives, wields palm to attack directly to Xin Dongping. 张长老到后,直接挥掌攻向辛东平 Yan Di starts to focus on, fiercely attacks Demon Saint Yuan Tian. 燕狄则开始集中力量,猛攻魔圣袁天 The war is one-sided, the Yuan Tian look is dignified, Xin Dongping muttered: „...... Should arrive?” 战局更是一边倒,袁天神色凝重,辛东平则喃喃自语:“……该到了吧?” At this moment, Grand Pure Great Array, shakes suddenly! 就在这时,太清大阵,猛然一震! As Shining Monarch and Lin Tianfeng draw a bow, two Inversing Sun Seed project, integrates Great Sun Saint Sect and in Heavenly Thunder Hall two schools of respective arrangement array formation, two broad strengths send out from Heaven Territory, shoots toward Heaven Territory. 随着普照君林天峰张弓,两枚反日子射出,融入大日圣宗天雷殿两派各自布置的阵法中,两道恢宏的力量从天域之外发出,向着天域射来。 Imitates if invisible and intangible, but actually turbulent void. 仿若无形无质,但却动荡虚空。 Similar to two invisible broken day great arrows, the goal points to Broad Creed Mountain! 如同两支无形的破天巨箭,目标直指广乘山 Contacts the Grand Pure Great Array covering range, these two invisible strengths, form the fierce collision with great array immediately. 接触到太清大阵的笼罩范围,这两道无形力量,顿时同大阵形成剧烈碰撞。 Originally hidden huge array formation in void, said that array pattern shines the magnificent gloss immediately, has the drastic fluctuation. 本来隐于虚空中的庞大阵法,道道阵纹顿时亮起辉煌光泽,产生剧烈波动。 Under that strange overbearing Inversing Sun Seed function, Broad Creed Mountain Great Array of Mountain Defence, Grand Pure Great Array, starts like surging up the surface of the lake , rocks fiercely. 在那诡异霸道的反日子作用下,广乘山守山大阵,太清大阵,开始像波澜起伏的湖面一样,剧烈晃动。 In this moment, is void indistinct is twisting! 虚空在这一刻,隐约间都在扭曲! In Foreign Dimension, the Yan Di both eyes cold brightness rises suddenly suddenly, rune in his double pupil, broken changes into flowing light loudly. 异域空间中,燕狄双目猛然寒光暴涨,他双瞳中的符纹,轰然破碎化为流光 In the square world in entire Space, massive rune emerge, the disorder cannot withstand!( To be continued.) 整个空间内的四方天地上,大量符纹涌现,紊乱不堪!(未完待续。)
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