HSSB :: Volume #3

#289: Removes harmful things for Eight Extremities

( Ps: third watch, total in addition 80 / 71, for Qin Qinchu sees pledge in addition 2 / 2, asked the monthly ticket, asking the legal copy to subscribe, thank you!) (ps:第三更,总加更80/71,为“秦秦初见”盟加更2/2,求月票,求正版订阅,谢谢大家!) Huang Jie receives the precious pearl, goes out of stone chamber, the line of sight looks to the distant place, there is the Heaven Territory direction. 黄杰收起宝珠,走出石室,视线看向远方,那里是天域的方向。 After the moment, a form pushes the door to enter, arrives in front of Huang Jie, impressively Tang Yonghao. 片刻后,一个身影推门而入,来到黄杰面前,赫然正是唐永昊 Junior Apprentice Brother Huang, can Sacred Sect attack Broad Creed Mountain at this time?” The Tang Yonghao look is serious, earnest looks at Huang Jie. 黄师弟,圣宗要在这个时候攻打广乘山吗?”唐永昊神色严肃,认真看着黄杰 Huang Jie seems not to the arrival of Tang Yonghao surprised, said calmly: Sacred Sect do not attack Broad Creed, but must exterminate to harm the Eight Extremities World's disaster.” 黄杰似乎对唐永昊的到来并不感到意外,平静说道:“圣宗并不是要攻打广乘,而是要清剿危害八极大世界的祸患。” Tang Yonghao knits the brows looks at Huang Jie. 唐永昊皱眉看着黄杰 The Huang Jie look is indifferent: Broad Creed Mountain with Absolute Abyss colludes with each other, some signs indicated that there in fact Absolute Abyss place of origin, is the Nine Nether guide.” 黄杰神色淡然:“广乘山绝渊勾结在一起,有迹象表明,那里事实上正是绝渊的发源地,是九幽的引路人。” Nine Nether Evil Demon is the same with Flame Demon Great World Flame Demon, is the Eight Extremities World's enemies.” 九幽邪魔炎魔大世界炎魔一样,都是八极大世界的敌人。” My Sacred Sect shame is Eight Extremities World current Number One Sacred Ground, is duty-bound to prevent arrival of Nine Nether, not?” “我圣宗忝为八极大世界当前的第一圣地,责无旁贷要阻止九幽的降临,难道不是吗?” Tang Yonghao stern said: Broad Creed Mountain disagrees with my Sacred Sect, I know fairly well, the both sides conflict is not one day two days accumulates.” 唐永昊正色说道:“广乘山与我圣宗不和,我心中有数,双方的争端不是一天两天积累下来的。” If is really battle between our Two Great Sacred Grounds, is the Eight Extremities World Human Race martial artist internal battle, my Tang Yonghao is Great Sun Saint Sect descendant, will decide the life and death in the first line and Broad Creed descendant, will not have least bit hesitating.” “如果真的是我们两大圣地之间的交战,是八极大世界人族武者的内部争斗,我唐永昊身为大日圣宗传人,会在第一线与广乘传人一决生死,绝不会有半点迟疑。” But you also said that Nine Nether is the Eight Extremities World common enemy, even if between my Sacred Sect and Broad Creed Mountain have any conflict , after this solves Nine Nether and Absolute Abyss, first divides again high under.” “但你也说了,九幽八极大世界共同的敌人,就算我圣宗广乘山之间有什么争端,也该是先解决九幽绝渊之后再分高下。” Absolute Abyss in each Sect, each Sacred Ground, has the traitor within, Broad Creed Mountain erupts the war now, is between Absolute Abyss and Broad Creed in life-and-death is preying obviously.” 绝渊在各个宗门,各个圣地,都有内奸,广乘山现在爆发大战,明显是绝渊广乘之间正在殊死搏杀。” The Tang Yonghao vision is staring at Huang Jie deep: We sit mountain Guanhu to fight. Also can help Absolute Abyss one?” 唐永昊目光湛然盯着黄杰:“我们坐山观虎斗也就罢了。难道还要帮绝渊一把吗?” Huang Jie vision like water: Senior Apprentice Brother Tang, we have said that my Sacred Sect goal. Exterminates possibly eagerly anticipates the Arrival of the Nine Nether person.” 黄杰目光如水:“唐师兄,我方才说过了,我圣宗的目标。正是剿灭可能引领九幽降临的人啊。” Broad Creed Mountain, is the Absolute Abyss place of origin.” 广乘山,正是绝渊的发源地。” Huang Jie language fast gentle saying: Present war. Who knows is the method of covering their ears and eyes?” 黄杰语速平缓的说道:“现在的大战。谁知是不是掩人耳目的手段?” Tang Yonghao heard this, the pupil contracts slightly. 唐永昊闻言,瞳孔微微收缩。 Huang Jie continues saying: „The Broad Creed Mountain top powerhouse, must say really words that who is easiest to fall to the Nine Nether person is? Yuan Zhengfeng that actually their Sect Master, rank most Venerable.” 黄杰继续说道:“广乘山顶尖强者,真要说起来的话,最容易坠向九幽的人是谁?其实正是他们的掌门,位分最尊的元正峰。” This Old Senior Yuan, has experienced the prosperous times of Zhan Dongge time, has experienced being dormant of Zhan Xilou time, stands comes to see in the Broad Creed Mountain descendant angle. He shoulders the heavy burden that Sect is rising, but actually undertakes this my Sacred Sect, my grandfather takes to his terrifying pressure.” “这位元老前辈,经历过展东阁时代的盛世,也经历过展西楼时代的蛰伏,站在广乘山传人的角度来看。他肩负着宗门重新崛起的重担,可是却又承担这我圣宗,我祖父带给他的恐怖压力。” Zhan Xilou passed away, he also has the old wound in the body, Martial Saint is hopeless, the life decreases, now direction Old Man, the road ahead does not have the light step by step, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.” 展西楼已经故去,他自己又有旧伤在身,武圣无望,寿元减损,如今一步步走向老朽,前路无光,压力越来越大。” Huang Jie tranquil saying: He does not covet life and fear death, supports the Sect pressure. Also can press frequently on his shoulder......” 黄杰平静的说道:“就算他自己不贪生怕死,匡扶宗门的压力。也会时刻压在他肩上……” Tang Yonghao spoke to break Huang Jie suddenly: Junior Apprentice Brother Huang, you thought that I am a fool?” 唐永昊突然出言打断了黄杰:“黄师弟,你是觉得我是傻子吗?” This not polite behavior, in same side. Almost never occurred on Tang Yonghao. 这种不礼貌的行为,于同门之间。几乎从不发生在唐永昊身上。 But his present looks at Huang Jie vision, is quite severe: What's the matter, everybody is well aware, why deceives me with these words?” 但他现在看着黄杰的目光,颇为严厉:“到底怎么回事,大家心知肚明,何必用这些话来愚弄我?” Huang Jie was silent, peaceful looks at Tang Yonghao. 黄杰闭口不言,安静的看着唐永昊 Tang Yonghao is gazing at Huang Jie: Junior Apprentice Brother Huang, the talent of your having god-given wisdom, I always am admire, the bystander does not know that your ability, I somewhat am know.” 唐永昊注视着黄杰:“黄师弟,你天纵之才,我一向都是佩服的,外人不知道你的能力,我多多少少是知道一些的。” Sacred Sect high-level decision-making. You not only have the right to know, has the authority that the positive suggestions offered advice.” 圣宗高层的决策。你不仅仅有知情权,更有建言献策的权力。” This time matter. Has you to participate.” “这次的事情。更是有你参与。” „Behind at present Broad Creed Mountain in resisting Absolute Abyss, you actually prepares to hold the knife. Perhaps you think that this is to my Sacred Sect most advantageous decision-making, can Broad Creed Mountain and Absolute Abyss catch everything in one net, but my idea is stodgy and stupid.” “眼下广乘山在抗击绝渊,你们却准备背后捅刀子。或许你认为这是对我圣宗最有利的决策,可以将广乘山绝渊一网打尽,而我的想法是迂腐和愚蠢。” Good, moral anything's we did not discuss first that I have no intention to force others with my same idea. I only asked that your, you can control the overall situation self-confidently, but, if creates Arrival of the Nine Nether, what to do?” “好,道义什么的咱们都先不谈,我无意强迫别人都跟我一样的想法。我只问你一句,你们自信可以掌控全局,但是,如果造成九幽降临,怎么办?” Tang Yonghao stern said: Perhaps the place of Arrival of the Nine Nether is Heaven Territory, but that is also Eight Extremities World, like the Flame Demon Great World channel in East Sea, but all of us must face the threat of Flame Demon to be the same.” 唐永昊正色说道:“或许九幽降临之地是天域,但那也是八极大世界,就像炎魔大世界的通道在东海,可我们所有人都要面临炎魔的威胁一样。” Huang Jie looks at Tang Yonghao, smiles suddenly: Senior Apprentice Brother Tang, said honestly, sometimes, I thought that you are very silly.” 黄杰看着唐永昊,突然一笑:“唐师兄,坦白说,有时候,我觉得你是挺傻的。” Tang Yonghao looks at Huang Jie, has not lost one's temper. 唐永昊看着黄杰,没有动怒。 Huang Jie continues saying: But, this time is silly with you irrelevant, but is something, you do not know.” 黄杰继续说道:“不过,这次跟你傻不傻无关,而是有些事情,你不知道。” Tang Yonghao coldly said: I'd like to hear the details.” 唐永昊冷冷说道:“愿闻其详。” „The present time, present situation, was different from past Broad Creed Mountain Zhan Dongge and Zhan Xilou at that time.” Huang Jie raise one's head looks up to the sky, said leisurely: Now our at present tribulation, is the test.” “现在的时代,现在的情况,都和当年广乘山展东阁展西楼那个时候不一样了。”黄杰抬头仰望天空,悠悠说道:“现在我们眼前的磨难,是考验。” Tang Yonghao is stunned: What did you say?” 唐永昊愕然:“你说什么?” Huang Jie smiled, no longer talks too much, then said: Broad Creed Mountain acts in collusion with Absolute Abyss, directs Arrival of the Nine Nether, we diligently eradication, will save Eight Extremities World now, is such simple.” 黄杰笑了笑,不再多言,转而说道:“广乘山绝渊沆瀣一气,引九幽降临,我们现在努力将之铲除,挽救八极大世界,就是这么简单。” Then, turned around own stone chamber. 说罢,转身回了自己的石室。 Tang Yonghao looks at his back, vision is very complex. 唐永昊看着他的背影,目光无比复杂。 Huang Jie returns to the stone chamber, sees a middle-aged man to sit, his as if nothing had happened goes forward to salute upon meeting: Uncle-Master when?” 黄杰回到石室,就见一个中年男子已经坐在其中,他若无其事上前见礼:“师叔什么时候到的?” The middle-aged man is of Evening Glow Monarch Seven Sons of the Great Sun, nods to Huang Jie: With the Yong Hao similar time.” 中年男子乃是大日七子之一的夕照君,冲着黄杰点点头:“和永昊差不多时候。” The Evening Glow Monarch vision looks to out of the door: Yong Hao, the temper was too straight, if not change, can only be the sword, cannot make to grasp the person of sword.” 夕照君目光看向门外:“永昊,性子太直了,如不改变,只能为剑,做不成握剑的人。” „The reason of current political situation environment.” Huang Jie said calmly: Senior Apprentice Brother Tang has its value of existence.” “时局环境的缘故。”黄杰平静说道:“唐师兄有其存在的价值。” My Sacred Sect wants to advance triumphantly, forwards, that Senior Apprentice Brother Tang appears inopportune, stodgy stupid, if we withstood the gigantic setback, drops the valley, then his such person, instead can play the role, is Sacred Sect retains the final vitality.” “我圣宗想要高歌猛进,一路向前,那唐师兄就显得不合时宜,迂腐愚蠢,如果我们承受了巨大的挫折,跌落谷底,那么他这样的人,反而能发挥作用,为圣宗保留最后的元气。” Evening Glow Monarch said: not bad that said that but, that is the matter that is impossible has, Yong Hao was doomed only to be able the pearl to flee the capital.” 夕照君言道:“说的不错,不过,那是不可能发生的事情,永昊注定只能明珠蒙尘了。” The Huang Jie look is indifferent: This naturally.” 黄杰神色淡然:“这个自然。” Evening Glow Monarch sets out: I must go to Uncle-Master Pan their there, all only wait for old Sect Master to go out, the important matter has decided that you do not prepare to go together, has a look at all these occurrences with own eyes?” 夕照君起身:“我也要前往潘师叔他们那里了,一切只等老宗主出关,大事就定了,你不准备一起去,亲眼看看这一切发生吗?” Arrives at the scene, to prevent accident, at any time readjustment plan.” Huang Jie shakes the head: I should doing has completed, I do not have wants looks at own to plan the comes true interest, that feeling of satisfaction for me, the significance is not big, so long as the final outcome did not deviate anticipated is OK.” “亲临现场,是为了防止意外,随时调整计划。”黄杰摇头:“我该做的都已经做完了,我没有非要看着自己的谋划成真的兴趣,那种满足感对我来说,意义不大,只要最终结果不偏离预期就可以了。” Evening Glow Monarch does not demand: I actually must have a look with own eyes.” 夕照君也不强求:“我却是要去亲眼看看了。” Huang Jie smile: Uncle-Master walks slowly, can exterminate to eagerly anticipate Arrival of the Nine Nether Eight Extremities World's Broad Creed Mountain, truly is the celebration.” 黄杰微笑:“师叔慢走,能诛除引领九幽降临八极大世界的广乘山,确实是喜事。” Evening Glow Monarch laughs to go out: not bad, is so, Broad Creed Mountain has only self to blame, my Sacred Sect just can be Eight Extremities removes harmful things!”( To be continued.) 夕照君大笑出门:“不错,正是如此,广乘山咎由自取,我圣宗正可以为八极除害!”(未完待续。) ps: Thank gaining across the board of three mother Yaya to hit to enjoy, three mother Yaya pledge military might was aggressive! 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