HSSB :: Volume #3

#288: Great Sun Saint Sect begins

The Broad Creed Mountain Mountain Gate place erupts the war, has Demonic Aura to soar to the heavens, the chaotic aspect, arouses the attention of everyone quickly. 广乘山山门处爆发大战,更有魔气冲霄,混乱的局面,很快引起各方关注。 The Broad Creed powerhouse outside Central Heaven Region, has a mind to turn back in order to help friendly forces Mountain Gate, but the outside situation, becomes in this time intense. 天中洲以外的广乘强者,有心回援山门,但是外界形势,在此时也变得紧张起来。 The gigantic pressure forces them unable to leave same place, turns back in order to help friendly forces Broad Creed Mountain. 巨大的压力迫使他们无法离开原地,回援广乘山 Especially to Fire Territory Southern Heaven Region. 尤其是正对着火域天南洲 Fire Territory with the Heaven Territory intersection point, some massive Great Sun Saint Sect top powerhouses comes, although has not visited Heaven Territory, however the tight atmosphere is ready to be set off. 火域天域交界处,有大量大日圣宗顶尖强者现身,虽然没有踏足天域,但是紧张的气氛一触即发。 By Great Sun Saint Sect retired elder Panbo Tai, with Head of the Seven Sons of the Great Sun Shining Monarch is the numerous Great Sun Saint Sect powerhouse of head, performs all arrives, eyes covetously to Heaven Territory. 大日圣宗太上长老潘伯泰,和大日七子之首普照君为首的一众大日圣宗强者,尽皆抵达,对天域虎视眈眈。 Panbo Tai coldly asked: When does Senior Apprentice Brother Huang go out?” 潘伯泰冷冷问道:“黄师兄什么时候出关?” Shining Monarch said: In the present, in these 1-2 days.” 普照君言道:“就在近日,就在这一两天的时间里。” Panbo Tai nods, the line of sight is looking at the Broad Creed Mountain direction: Now actually has been able take action.” 潘伯泰点点头,视线望着广乘山方向:“现在其实已经可以出手了。” The Shining Monarch look is tranquil: Uncle-Master Pan should not be anxious, now take action, enough has not grasped Broad Creed and Absolute Abyss sweeps together cleanly, if Arrival of the Nine Nether, my Sacred Sect processes similarly thornily, Turbid Wave Pavilion will have the objection, even possibly links Painting Saint Old Man Mo also to be alarmed.” 普照君神色平静:“潘师叔勿急,现在出手,没有足够把握将广乘绝渊一起扫干净,万一九幽降临,我圣宗处理起来同样棘手,浊浪阁也会有异议,甚至可能连画圣墨老人也被惊动。” Moreover words that begins directly, will be Green Sea City and Vast Mountain will block, will wait slightly, on East Sea was not peaceful, waited for Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion is involved the energy by Flame Demon, we were feasible strike to kill.” “而且直接动手的话,会为碧海城苍茫山所阻,稍微等一等,东海上已经不太平起来,等碧海城浊浪阁炎魔牵扯了精力,我们即可行一击必杀。” At that time, between Broad Creed and Absolute Abyss, should fight mutually wounded.” “那个时候,广乘绝渊之间,也该斗得两败俱伤了。” Shining Monarch said: Yuan Zhengfeng has closed up, Broad Creed Mountain this closes does not feel better.” 普照君说道:“元正峰闭关了,广乘山这一关不好过。” Although Panbo Tai look ice-cold, in vision implication anger and hatred, but spoke still did not lose calmly: Absolute Abyss has the big movement, mixes including Demon Saint Yuan Tian comes, is the Broad Creed Mountain many years of base industry. Also did not say that randomly chaotic, Yuan Tian wants to have the achievement, first passes Grand Pure Robe that pass/test.” 潘伯泰虽然神色冰冷,目光中蕴含怒火与恨意,但说话仍然不失冷静:“绝渊有大动作,连魔圣袁天都掺乎进来,可是广乘山多年基业。也不是说乱就乱的,袁天想有作为,先过太清袍那一关。” Our not take action. Only if Absolute Abyss has means solution Broad Creed Grand Pure Great Array, otherwise Broad Creed can cross this tribulation mostly.” “我们不出手。除非绝渊有办法解决广乘太清大阵,否则广乘多半能渡过这一劫。” Listened to Panbo Tai to say. Shining Monarch smiles suddenly: Regarding Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array, our Sacred Sect has also prepared something.” 听了潘伯泰所言。普照君突然一笑:“对于广乘山的太清大阵,我们圣宗也预备了些东西的。” Although is prepared here, waits for the opportunity to act, but the opportunity must strive by oneself, not necessarily must wait.” “虽然是等在这里备战,伺机而动,但机会要靠自己争取,不一定非要等出来。” His vision is ease, turns around to look, there array formation, calmly is revolving. 他目光悠然,转身看去,那里一座阵法,正在静静运转。 The line of sight of Panbo Tai falls on that array formation similarly: Non- direct attack. Only by this, may unable to vacillate Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array.” 潘伯泰的视线同样落在那阵法上:“不直接攻击。仅靠此阵,可动摇不了广乘山的太清大阵。” Shining Monarch walks toward array formation, marches into: naturally not solely so.” 普照君阵法走去,步入其中:“自然不单单如此。” His palm, the ray flashes, at the same time the pure gold, on has the long bow of stream of fire trundle to appear in the hand all over the body. 他手掌一番,光芒闪动间,一边通体纯金,上有流火滚动的长弓出现在手中。 Great Sun Saint Sect well-known High Grade Spirit Armament, Shooting the Sun Bow. 正是大日圣宗闻名遐迩的上品灵兵,射日弓 Shining Monarch has drawn the bowstring, then takes out the same thing. 普照君拉了拉弓弦,然后又取出一样东西。 It is not the feather arrow, but is similar to projectile existence, seems gives the extremely strange feeling. 并非羽箭,而是类似于弹丸般的存在,看上去给人以极为诡异的感觉。 Under the Shooting the Sun Bow ray shines. The volume appears very tiny, as if the Greater Yang black mole is the same, but carefully looks. Actually feels is quite heavy, as if contained compared with the Shooting the Sun Bow also formidable strength. 射日弓光芒映照下。体积显得很渺小,仿佛太阳黑子一样,但是仔细看去。却又感觉极为沉重,仿佛蕴含了比射日弓还强大的力量。 Panbo Tai sees that the white eyebrow peak gets up: Inversing Sun Seed? This thing did not vanish, previous time appeared enough 600 years ago.” 潘伯泰见状,白眉耸起:“反阳子?这东西不是绝迹了吗,上次出现是足足600年前了。” Shining Monarch smiled: How otherwise saying that the opportunity must strive by oneself.” 普照君笑了笑:“要不然怎么说,机会要靠自己争取呢。” At the same time was saying, he that small black projectile, takes away on the Shooting the Sun Bow bowstring, then draws a bow! 一边说着,他将那小小的黑色弹丸,扣在射日弓弓弦上,然后张弓! The sighted direction is not Heaven Territory, but aims at array formation of under foot. 瞄准方向并非天域,而是对准脚下的阵法 Shining Monarch sunlight sparkle. Eight rounds golden sun raise, flashing ray. Sending out infinite quantity of heat. 普照君身上阳光闪耀。八轮金色大日升起,闪动光芒。散发无穷热量。 Said that spirit rune emerges from his body around, then changes to runic array. Then the complexing superimposes existence of high pagoda altar, covers him. 道道灵符自他身体周围涌现,然后化作一道道符阵。接着络合叠加成一座似高塔似法坛的存在,将他笼罩。 Shining Monarch own Martial Way true meaning, unites with High Grade Spirit Armament Shooting the Sun Bow, then in addition holds together on that black projectile. 普照君自身武道真意,同上品灵兵射日弓合一,然后共同加持在那枚黑色弹丸上。 The named Inversing Sun Seed black projectile, has not shone, the luster is even more dim, the strength feeling even more is also serious. 名为反阳子的黑色弹丸,并没有发光,色泽越发黯淡,力量感也越发沉重。 Shining Monarch loosens the contribution suddenly, Inversing Sun Seed changes to together black light, passes through the under foot ground, breaks in formation, then vanishes does not see. 普照君猛然松开贡献,反阳子化作一道乌光,直贯脚下地面,冲入法阵中,然后便消失不见。 Has flash that array formation of Shining Monarch under foot revolves loudly, the unprecedented violence, gives the wild feeling. 有那么一瞬间,普照君脚下的阵法轰然运转,前所未有的猛烈,给人以狂暴的感觉。 The next flash, array formation also becomes says the poor business conditions to be light, as if before all, all are the false appearance illusions. 下一瞬间,阵法又重新变得云淡风轻,仿佛之前一切,全是假象幻觉。 But the face of Shining Monarch and on Panbo Tai, shows the satisfactory smile, looks to Broad Creed Mountain and Heaven Territory, sneers does not speak. 普照君潘伯泰的脸上,都露出满意的微笑,看向广乘山天域,冷笑不语。 At the same time, Great Sun Saint Sect Mountain Gate is, on Shining Peak. 同一时间,大日圣宗山门所在,普照峰上。 Great Sun Saint Sect present age Sect Master Huang Xu, sits cross-legged to sit in the summit, the kneecap traverse a golden long ruler, on the long ruler has Nine Wheel of Suns pattern, seems ordinary in the combustion. 大日圣宗当代宗主黄旭,盘膝坐在山顶,膝头横放着一把金色长尺,长尺上有九轮太阳图纹,仿佛在燃烧一般。 Huang Xu behind, is standing a person, is actually of Evening Light Monarch Seven Sons of the Great Sun. 黄旭身后,站着一个人,却是大日七子之一的暮光君 Evening Light Monarch at this moment, dejected dispirited. 只是此刻的暮光君,神情黯然萎靡。 Said that you frame by planting stolen goods in Green Sea City Old Fellow Chen, is the not bad result, but you can hide the truth from the bystander, actually cannot hide the truth from Sacred Sect.” Huang Xu said indifferently: Daybreak because of the Fallen Demon reason, has not left behind the corpse, therefore you said that you cut to kill the daybreak, others also believed.” “说起来,你栽赃到碧海城陈老头身上,是个不错的结果,但你能瞒过外人,却瞒不过圣宗。”黄旭淡然说道:“破晓因为堕魔的缘故,没有留下尸身,所以你说你斩杀了破晓,别人也就信了。” Was a pity that your luck is not good, has other person to see, was Green Sea City's Old Fellow Chen has killed the daybreak.” “可惜你运气不好,有别的人看见,是碧海城的陈老头杀了破晓。” But the final result, Old Fellow Chen is missing, took on the suspicion of Absolute Abyss traitor within, but you reported back, was you have killed the daybreak.” “但最后的结果,陈老头失踪,担起了绝渊内奸的嫌疑,而你则回报,是你杀了破晓。” Huang Xu has not turned the head, but said indifferently: You thought after I hear the news, how to think?” 黄旭没有转头,只是淡然说道:“你觉得我听说消息之后,会怎么想?” Although Huang Xu does not have what movement, but the golden long ruler of his kneecap, actually the showing vast strength, suppresses Evening Light Monarch does not dare to act rashly. 虽然黄旭没有什么动作,但他膝头的金色长尺,却彰显浩瀚力量,将暮光君镇压得不敢轻举妄动。 After Evening Light Monarch silent one next, said: I just arrive late one step, prevents Old Fellow Chen to strike to kill the daybreak without enough time, but in the environment, should not have others at that time, otherwise I was insufficient unable to discover, only if were my same level, even higher powerhouse.” 暮光君沉默了一下后说道:“我刚好晚到一步,来不及阻止陈老头击杀破晓,但当时周围环境中,应该没有别人,否则我不至于发现不了,除非是和我同层次,甚至更高的强者。” Huang Xu said indifferently: Sometimes, and may not in , can also see then situation.” 黄旭淡然说道:“有时候,并不一定需要在附近,也能看见当时的情况。” Evening Light Monarch indifferently: I do not have anything to say.” 暮光君漠然:“那我没什么好说的了。” Huang Xu said: Said honestly that you are my trusted friend, I trusted you very much, regarding the Absolute Abyss corroded object, what I have suspected is shines.” 黄旭言道:“坦白说,你一直是我的心腹,我本来很信任你,对于绝渊的侵蚀对象,我一直怀疑的是普照。” Evening Light Monarch mirthless smile: Now said that these were useless.” 暮光君惨笑:“现在说这些都没用了。” Also right.” On the Huang Xu face appears suddenly several points of smiling face: You said that although you do not know that who Lord of Absolute Abyss is, but you can determine that he is a Broad Creed Mountain people?” “也对。”黄旭脸上突然浮现几分笑容:“你方才说,你虽然不知道绝渊之主到底是谁,但你能确定他是广乘山中人?” Evening Light Monarch laughs: not bad, is so, I do not need to deceive you, the Broad Creed war this was in the degree of superheating, Abyss Lord must definitely personally take action, his status was unable to keep secret, does not need to keep secret.” 暮光君哈哈大笑:“不错,正是如此,我无需骗你,广乘大战该已经到了白热化的程度,渊主必然要亲自出手,他身份已经无法保密,也不需要保密。” „Is this to you enormous good news not?” “这对你来说是极大的好消息不是吗?” In Shining Peak, in a stone chamber, Shining Young Master Huang Jie Riteau precious pearl. 普照峰中,一间石室内,普照公子黄杰手里托着一枚宝珠。 In the precious pearl presents leave the mountain top Huang Xu and Evening Light Monarch dialog scene. 宝珠中呈现出山黄旭暮光君对话的景象 Huang Jie look tranquil nod: Truly is the extremely good news.”( To be continued.) 黄杰神色平静的点头:“确实是极好的消息。”(未完待续。) ps: Thank the book 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