HSSB :: Volume #3

#287: Stays behind completely

A Yan Di blade across the sky, making Xin Dongping difficult to jump over Thunder Pool one step! 燕狄一刀横空,让辛东平难越雷池一步! Moreover one side, the Demon Saint Yuan Tian long howl, must break through the trap of Grand Pure Robe. 另外一边,魔圣袁天长啸声,要冲破太清袍的封堵。 But the Yan Di speed is faster than him, after own Immeasurable Heavenly Image suppresses Xin Dongping boundless Heavenly Image, a palm hits to Xin Dongping in person! 燕狄速度比他更快,自己的无量天相压制辛东平的无垠天相之后,一掌向辛东平本人打去! The Xin Dongping brow is tight, but can only but lifts the hand to counterattack. 辛东平眉头紧蹙,但只能无奈抬手还击。 The Broad Creed two big top powerhouses, exactly the same Tushita Palm, from the sky collides, evolves boundless scarlet purple sea of fire, floods Foreign Dimension. 广乘两大顶尖强者,一模一样的兜率掌,在空中碰撞,演化无边赤紫火海,充斥异域空间 Xin Dongping staggers retreat, mysterious rune of palm place, is dim immediately! 辛东平踉跄后退,掌心处的玄奥符纹,顿时黯淡下去! A Yan Di long and loud cry, in double pupil two rune are dazzling. 燕狄一声长啸,双瞳之中两个符纹更加耀眼。 Broad Creed Great Array of Mountain Defence, Grand Pure Great Array control, was recaptured by Yan Di all of a sudden most! 广乘守山大阵,太清大阵控制权,一下子被燕狄夺回大半! Hits Broad Creed Mountain previous generation dog-legged Xin Dongping retreats in defeat again and again, Yan Di has not lost calmly, has not advanced recklessly constantly. 广乘山上一代双壁之一的辛东平打得节节败退,燕狄并未失去冷静,没有一味冒进。 That side Grand Pure Robe is separated from his body temporarily, can only surround Yuan Tian for a while, saw that Yuan Tian must get out of trouble to counterattack Grand Pure Robe. 那边太清袍暂时脱离他的身体,只能困住袁天一时,眼看袁天就要脱困反制太清袍 Yan Di after containing Xin Dongping seizes the Grand Pure Great Array movement, the personal appearance retreat, a blade compels to draw back Yuan Tian immediately again. 燕狄在遏制辛东平攫取太清大阵的动作后,身形立刻后退,再一刀将袁天逼退。 His both arms open once more, Grand Pure Robe melts the light screen to reappear obviously melts the long gown appearance, covers on him. 他双臂再次张开,太清袍所化之光幕重现显化袍服模样,笼罩在他身上。 Yan Di at this moment, Grand Pure Robe adds body, Martial Way sabre intent is even more broad overbearingly, able to move unhindered looks disdainfully. 此刻的燕狄,太清袍加身,武道刀意越发恢宏霸道,纵横睥睨。 The Grand Pure Great Array strength also continuously in addition holds on his body. 太清大阵的力量也源源不断加持在他的身上。 Suddenly, Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian only felt that appears in their front matches, is almost name brand Martial Saint, grasps sacred armament. 一时间,辛东平袁天只感觉出现在他们面前的对手,几乎就是一个正牌武圣,手持圣兵 The Yuan Tian pupil contracted slightly, looked at fighting of Yan Di and Xin Dongping, he felt indistinctly that then did not have Grand Pure Robe and Grand Pure Great Array, after Yan Di visited Transcending, oneself by Esteemed Martial Saint. Also feels thorny. 袁天瞳孔微微收缩,看了燕狄辛东平的交手,他隐约感觉,便是没有太清袍太清大阵,燕狄踏足超凡之后,自己以武圣之尊。也感到棘手。 How the victory and defeat does not raise, at least, oneself have not grasped can it killing. 胜负如何不提,至少,自己没有把握能将之杀死。 But now Yan Di Grand Pure Robe adds the body. Heavier seizes great array most control, his imposing manner is dreadful. one against two, is in the upper hand especially, hits Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping two big powerhouses unable to gain ground! 而现在燕狄太清袍加身。更重夺大阵大半控制权,他气势滔天。以一敌二,尤占上风,打得袁天辛东平两大强者抬不起头来! Submerges Saint Realm Xin Dongping, is surrounded by perils! 没入圣境辛东平,更是险象环生! Yuan Tian sees that in the heart even cannot help but sprouts to draw back intent. 袁天见状,心中甚至不由得萌生退意。 Some things, he wants, is important, must have the life to enjoy. 有些东西,他想要,可是再重要,也要有命享受。 Although in the heart is not willing to acknowledge. But Yuan Tian discovered that to the at present development, he really really has to fall from the sky in this Broad Creed Mountain's is possible. 虽然心中不愿承认。但袁天发现,任由眼前局势发展下去,他竟然真的有陨落在这广乘山的可能。 Falls from the sky under a blade of Great Martial Scholar match! 陨落在一个大宗师对手的刀下! But at this moment he wants to draw back, Yan Di was actually determined that forever keeps Broad Creed Mountain him. 但此刻他欲退,燕狄却决心将他永远留在广乘山 Foreign Dimension that Grand Pure Great Array builds, in world shines dazzling array pattern completely, described the shackles, deadlocked this side domain, did not accommodate Yuan Tian and Xin Dongping rushes. 太清大阵所营造的异域空间,天地间全部亮起耀眼阵纹,形容牢笼,将这方界域锁死,不容袁天辛东平闯出去。 Yuan Tian wants to break through the enemy lines, Yan Di Slashing the Heaven and Splitting the Earth overbearing sabre intent, then crazily wells up, but. Let him have to attend to at present first. 袁天欲要破阵,燕狄斩天裂地的霸道刀意,便狂涌而至。让他不得不先顾眼前 The Xin Dongping surface sinks like the water, his situation, compared with Yuan Tian. Also must be more dangerous. 辛东平面沉如水,他的情况,比起袁天。还要更加危险。 At the same time deals with the Yan Di's offensive distressedly, Xin Dongping attempts to communicate Grand Pure Great Array at the same time, captures great array control. 一面狼狈应对燕狄的攻势,辛东平一边尝试重新沟通太清大阵,夺取大阵控制权 But this moment Yan Di is in the upper hand steadily, the offensive like the tide, making Xin Dongping feel to be difficult to sustain. 但此刻燕狄稳占上风,更攻势如潮,让辛东平感到难以为继。 In void Foreign Dimension, suddenly hits the world to change color. 虚空中的异域空间里,一时间打得天地变色。 On the earth, in Broad Creed Mountain, suddenly also has the blustery shape. 大地上,广乘山中,一时间也有风起云涌之象。 As Xin Dongping steps into Foreign Dimension to capture array formation control, around Broad Creed Mountain. The undercurrent of ambush, erupts at the same time turbulently. 随着辛东平踏入异域空间夺取阵法控制权,在广乘山周围。潜伏的暗潮,同一时间汹涌爆发出来。 Troubling begins in the home. Some Broad Creed martial artist discovered in consternation, oneself companion. Suddenly turns seizes the life villain, exerts fatally to own strategic point strikes. 祸起萧墙。一些广乘武者愕然发现,自己身边的同伴。突然变成夺命凶徒,向自己的要害施加致命一击。 After the Broad Creed Mountain multiple interior examination clean, Absolute Abyss martial artist that will ambush has cleaned up most, but still had the fish slip through, in starts at this moment outrageously. 经过广乘山多次内部审查清洗,已经将潜伏的绝渊武者清理大半,但仍有漏网之鱼,在此刻悍然发动。 Civil strife at the same time, the foreign enemy also comes quietly. 内乱的同时,外敌也悄然而至。 Under Xin Dongping and the others receives and instructs, considerable amount of Absolute Abyss martial artist, move under water to Broad Creed Mountain, launches the attack in this moment. 辛东平等人接引下,相当数量的绝渊武者,潜行至广乘山附近,于这一刻发起攻击。 The leaders, mostly are Black Nightmare Mountain remaining descendants! 为首者,大多是黑魇山余裔 Including has not joined in Absolute Abyss Black Nightmare Mountain martial artist, this time also some people join. 连并没有投身绝渊黑魇山武者,这次也有人加入进来。 On the day of they wait, did not know many years. 他们等待这一天,已经不知多少年。 Although Broad Creed Mountain nowadays is short-handed, although there is a traitor within to disturb, but under Fu Enshu and other top powerhouses lead, still methodically met the approaching enemy the invading enemy. 广乘山现如今虽然人手不足,虽然有内奸干扰,但在傅恩书等顶尖强者带领下,仍然有条不紊迎击来犯之敌。 Back side of the mountain, under Ridge Water Peak, outside Locking Heaven Gorge. 后山,坎水峰下,锁天峡外。 In front of Elder Zhang complexion pale looks at broad sword intent. 张长老脸色铁青看着自己面前的恢宏剑意 This sword intent usually hidden does not send, unexpectedly and Grand Pure Great Array merges into one organic whole, in fact actually the Locking Heaven Gorge seal here, broke the inside and outside relations. 剑意平时隐而不发,竟然和太清大阵融为一体,事实上却将锁天峡封闭在此,断了内外联系。 Elder Zhang can distinguish, this is with oneself same side many years of Xin Dongping behaviors. 张长老可以分辨出,这是与自己同门多年的辛东平所为。 Immeasurable day palm palm intent stimulates to movement peak, Elder Zhang breaks at present forcefully is sword intent close Space. 无量天掌掌意催动到极致,张长老强行破开眼前剑意封闭的空间 The sword intent seal damages at the same time, Elder Zhang can feel that some inside people are fighting! 剑意封印破损的同时,张长老可以感觉到,里面有人正在交手! Feels his arrival, in which side troops of fighting, escapes to retreat to another direction. 感受到他的到来,交手的其中一方人马,向另一个方向远遁退走。 The aura and fist intent, Elder Zhang is also quite familiar, the complexion is uglier: „...... Senior Apprentice Brother Wang!” 其气息和拳意,张长老也极为熟悉,脸色不由更加难看:“……王师兄!” Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar that leads, clearly is because before this in the heart Demon Will grows thickly, status exposition, but was imprisoned Elder Wang in Locking Heaven Gorge! 那领头的元符后期大宗师,分明是此前因为心中魔念丛生,身份暴露,而被囚禁在锁天峡中的王长老 Except for this, other imprison serious criminal in Locking Heaven Gorge, together gets out of trouble. 除此以外,还有其他许多囚禁在锁天峡里的重犯,也都一起脱困。 The Elder Zhang complexion is ugly, wants to pursue, but quick realized that Locking Heaven Gorge here, has the terror unexpectedly the Nine Nether aura. 张长老脸色难看,欲要追赶,但很快就察觉,在锁天峡这里,竟然生出恐怖的九幽气息。 The massive Demonic Aura dissipations, cause the originally gloomy terror Locking Heaven Gorge, is the shape with the pandemonium. 大量魔气散逸,使得本就阴森恐怖的锁天峡,更是形同鬼域。 Demon Territory great array, already become formed. 一座魔域大阵,已然成型 In great array, but also two exist, then just now fights another school of troops in both sides. 大阵中,还有两人存在,则是方才交手双方中的另一派人马。 Elder Zhang looks, is Fang Zhun and Locking Heaven Gorge Chief Elder Gong. 张长老看去,正是方准锁天峡首座宫长老 Elder Gong described the dispirited, had the wound in the body. 宫长老形容萎靡,有伤在身。 The Fang Zhun look is calm, the intention suppresses Demon Territory great array, contains Arrival of the Nine Nether. 方准神色沉着冷静,用心镇压魔域大阵,遏制九幽降临 Xin Dongping is a traitor within!” The Elder Gong hissing said: He attacks Locking Heaven Gorge, the intention tempts me also together to join in Nine Nether and Absolute Abyss, luckily Fang Zhun rushes, otherwise I already by his violent treachery.” 辛东平是内奸!”宫长老嘶声说道:“他突袭锁天峡,意图诱我也一起投身九幽绝渊,幸亏方准赶到,否则我已经遭了他的毒手。” Fang Zhun looks to Elder Zhang: Uncle-Master Zhang, Uncle-Master Xin has not remained to cope with us, but gives Uncle-Master Wang them, he only closes off a mountain area by sword intent as concealing, sharply sharply leaves to leave, when there is a bigger scheme.” 方准看向张长老:“张师叔,辛师叔没有留下来对付我们,而是交给王师伯他们,他自己只以剑意封山作为掩饰,急急抽身离开,当有更大图谋。” View it by sword intent with the method that humble sect Grand Pure Great Array blends, Uncle-Master Xin to Grand Pure Great Array knows extremely well the far superegos cognition, he likely attempts to capture great array control, then only then resists Junior Apprentice Brother Yan and Grand Pure Robe!” “观其凭借剑意本门太清大阵交融的手段,辛师叔太清大阵的熟稔远超我们认知,他很可能尝试夺取大阵控制权,如此一来方可对抗燕师弟太清袍!” Elder Zhang nods: not bad.” 张长老点头:“不错。” His palm falls, assists Fang Zhun and Elder Gong. 他一掌落下,协助方准宫长老 Fang Zhun said: Demon Territory great array, I suppress, Uncle-Master Zhang seeks Uncle-Master Xin, Grand Pure Robe and Grand Pure Great Array are basic.” 方准言道:“魔域大阵,我来镇压,张师叔去寻辛师叔吧,太清袍太清大阵是根本。” Elder Gong said bitterly: Old man pursues Senior Apprentice Brother Wang they, preventing them to rebel on the mountain.” 宫长老恨恨说道:“老夫去追击王师兄他们,防止他们在山上作乱。” The time press, Elder Zhang looked at Fang Zhun one, takes the bull by the horns: Gave you.” 时间紧迫,张长老看了方准一眼,当机立断:“交给你了。” Then, he and Elder Gong runs out of the back side of the mountain together. 说罢,他和宫长老一起冲出后山。 This moment Absolute Abyss martial artist has attacked to climb mountains, has Primordial Rune later stage Great Martial Scholar take action, the destructive power is astonishing. 此刻绝渊武者已经攻上山来,其中更有元符后期大宗师出手,破坏力惊人。 Elder Zhang shouted angrily, obviously melted own Martial Way Dharma Image, huge Broad Creed Heavenly Image frightened the four directions, immediately has pressed the Absolute Abyss martial artist dreadful arrogance. 张长老怒喝一声,显化自己的武道法相,庞大的广乘天相震慑四方,顿时将绝渊武者的滔天气焰压了下去。 In Foreign Dimension, Yan Di sends invincible might greatly. 异域空间中,燕狄大发神威。 On Broad Creed Mountain, numerous Broad Creed martial artist also changes from defensive to offensive. 广乘山上,一众广乘武者也反守为攻。 The back side of the mountain, Fang Zhun suppresses Demon Territory great array. 后山,方准镇压魔域大阵 Suddenly, Broad Creed Mountain has the shape of being out of danger. 一时间,广乘山有转危为安之象。 But also at this time, the undercurrents of other places, started to surge! 但也就在这个时候,其他地方的暗流,开始涌动! Fire Territory, on the earth of Great Sun Saint Sect rein, some numerous powerhouses gather at this moment!( To be continued.) 火域,大日圣宗统御的大地上,此刻正有众多强者聚集!(未完待续。)
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