HSSB :: Volume #3

#286: In Great Martial Scholar I am invincible

( Ps: Must to the end of the month, strive to give everybody to erupt in the next two days again, the Long March road, final sprint! (ps:要到月底了,明后两天争取再给大家爆发一下,万里长征路,最后的冲刺! Requested earnestly everybody to subscribe and monthly ticket generous support, thank you!) 恳请大家订阅和月票多多支持,谢谢大家!) Yan Di frowns slightly, feels the change of Grand Pure Great Array, can feel that array formation control, is shifting to Xin Dongping impressively. 燕狄微微蹙眉,感受太清大阵的变化,可以感觉到,阵法控制权,赫然正在向辛东平转移。 Xin Dongping looks at Yan Di, the look somewhat ponders: Old man has been waiting for Yuan Zhengfeng to close up attacks Martial Saint, now finally waits till.” 辛东平看着燕狄,神色有些玩味:“老夫一直在等元正峰闭关冲击武圣,如今终于等到了。” Yan Di, do you know? Not is only Yuan Zhengfeng, from you just entered the sect time starts, the old man notes your uncommonness similarly, these years have also proven the old man and Yuan Zhengfeng's vision.” 燕狄,你知道吗?不仅仅是元正峰,从你刚入门的时候开始,老夫同样注意到你的不凡,这些年来也证明了老夫和元正峰的眼光。” But, until now, the old man discovered that formerly still underestimated you.” “只不过,时至今日,老夫发现,从前仍然是小看了你。” Xin Dongping said: Because of your existence, attacks Realm of Martial Saint that Yuan Zhengfeng dares to feel relieved, he knows, even if he died, Broad Creed Mountain also still no lack of successors to carry on.” 辛东平说道:“正是因为你的存在,元正峰才敢放心的去冲击武圣之境,他知道,哪怕他陨落了,广乘山也仍然后继有人。” But also this, Yuan Zhengfeng closes up, the opportunity that the old man waits for also finally arrived.” “但也正是这样,元正峰闭关,老夫等待的机会也终于到了。” He extends both hands, in the left right hand palm has mysterious complex rune respectively, radiance flashes, directs to gather the strength of Grand Pure Great Array, in addition holds continuously on him. 他伸出双手,左右手掌中各有一个玄奥复杂的符纹,光辉闪动间,引聚太清大阵之力,源源不断加持在他身上。 Xin Dongping imposing manner, even more surges upward. 辛东平的气势,也越发高涨。 You came late.” In Yuan Tian vibration hand long whip, changes overturns the heavens Colossal Dragon, shuttles back and forth in Foreign Dimension, attacks to Yan Di. “你来得太晚了。”袁天抖动手中长鞭,化作翻天巨龙,在异域空间中穿梭,攻向燕狄 Xin Dongping said: Demon Saint is patient, walks to compare to be quickly more important steadily, complies with your thing with the matter, same will not be few, performs to feel relieved.” 辛东平言道:“魔圣稍安勿躁,走得稳比走得快更重要,答应你的东西和事情,一样都不会少,尽可以放心。” After Yan Di brandished a sabre breaks out the Yuan Tian long whip, the line of sight gazes at Xin Dongping: Uncle-Master Xin, is the humble sect traitor within, you? Lord of Absolute Abyss in that hearsay, is you?” 燕狄挥刀劈开袁天的长鞭后,视线注视辛东平:“辛师叔,本门的内奸,是你?那传闻中的绝渊之主,也是你?” About him in pair of eyes, has a plain mysterious mark to shine respectively. In eye pupil splendid. 他左右双眼中,各有一个古朴玄奥的印记亮起。在眼瞳中熠熠生辉。 Grand Pure Great Array sways from side to side fiercely, was pulled by two wills, as if at any time possibly tears. 太清大阵剧烈扭动,被两个意志拉扯,仿佛随时可能撕裂开来。 Yan Di and Xin Dongping two people. In view of Grand Pure Great Array control, launches intense competition. 燕狄辛东平二人。针对太清大阵控制权,展开激烈的争夺。 But Demon Saint Yuan Tian. At this time a anti- previously dispirited stance, the powerful had also attacked toward Yan Di. 魔圣袁天。这时也一反先前的萎靡姿态,强势向着燕狄攻了上来。 To Yan Di's Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre, Yuan Tian frontage fight recklessly quite non- wisdom. 对上燕狄的无量天刀,袁天正面硬拼颇为不智。 But at this moment, changing hands of Grand Pure Great Array, will decide possibly the war result. 但此刻,太清大阵的易手,将很可能决定战局结果。 Even if Yuan Tian at this time put together to suffer a loss, must help Xin Dongping to capture great array control first. 袁天这时哪怕拼着自己吃些亏,也要先助辛东平夺得大阵控制权 Although there is Grand Pure Robe to add the body, but Yan Di fights with Yuan Tian, while must compete for great array with Xin Dongping. The previously superiority no longer, aspect falls into to be at a stalemate immediately. 虽然有太清袍加身,但燕狄一边同袁天交手,一边还要和辛东平争夺大阵先前的优势顿时不再,局面陷入僵持。 Xin Dongping does not worry, but calms the mind to communicate array formation, at a moderate pace saying: Old man said one are not Lord of Absolute Abyss, Yan Di do you believe? Fang Zhun, you thought that is the partner of old man?” 辛东平并不着急,只是静下心来沟通阵法,不紧不慢的说道:“老夫说自己不是绝渊之主,燕狄你信吗?方准,你觉得是老夫的同伙吗?” To Yan Di, loses the great array support, the time delays, the situation gradually will possibly change disadvantageously. 燕狄而言,失去大阵支撑,时间拖延下去,局势可能会渐渐转向不利。 But Yan Di is at this moment calm, is without turning a hair: Sees you. I know that Second Senior Apprentice Brother does not have the issue.” 燕狄此刻沉着冷静,面不改色:“见到你。我就知道二师兄没问题。” You pick up the thing that Second Senior Apprentice Brother had put down in the past, finally takes the present path?” “你是捡起了二师兄当年放下的东西,最终走上现在的道路?” Xin Dongping acclaimed: Must acknowledge, you. Shi Tie, Fang Zhun, the names of your three people of Broad Creed Three Heroes, old man this whole life only take a Yuan Zhengfeng matter worthily, receives the skill of apprentice.” 辛东平啧啧赞叹:“必须承认,你。石铁,方准,你们三人不愧广乘三英之名,老夫这辈子只服元正峰一件事,就是收徒弟的本事。” Shi Tie is the cornerstone, you and Fang Zhun are ridgepole and beams, you are very possible are decide to construct finally the high roof.” 石铁是基石,你和方准栋梁,你还很可能是决定建筑最终高度的房顶。” Fang Zhun, although is inferior to you in Martial Way talent strength, but also is the unrivalled rare talent, bold yet cautious. Can want to dare to do.” 方准虽然在武道天赋实力上不如你,但也是旷世奇才,胆大心细。敢想敢干。” All people shrink back at the sight to Nine Nether and Naraka, limp to forward. He actually dares to be thorough, touches to explore in other person of eyes forbidden domain.” “所有人都对九幽地狱望而却步,蹒跚向前。他却敢一路深入,触及探索其他人眼中禁忌的领域。” Xin Dongping sighed was saying: What is more essential is. His exploration, has the solid achievement, the old man today's discovered that is based before that him studies.” 辛东平叹息着说道:“更关键的是。他的探索,有实实在在的成果,老夫今日的许多发现,都是建立在他之前研究的基础上。” A Yan Di blade chops, Slashing the Heaven and Splitting the Earth, Yuan Tian True Primordial the Hu of Si melting, but the dark cloud cuts to extinguish. 燕狄一刀劈出,斩天裂地,将袁天真元所化之胡思而乌云斩灭。 He said lightly: What Second Senior Apprentice Brother is worth the person admiring is his firm will, dares to deny itself, can rein at the brink of the precipice, defends the bottom line, knows that any matter can do boldly, any matter is not in any event competent.” 他淡淡说道:“二师兄更值得人敬佩的是他坚定的意志,敢于否定自己,能够悬崖勒马,守住底线,知道什么事能大胆去干,什么事无论如何都不能干。” Xin Dongping said easely: But this cannot change a fact, some significance, he is actually the Absolute Abyss genuine founder.” 辛东平悠然说道:“但这改变不了一个事实,某种意义上来说,他其实才是绝渊真正的创始人。” Why the are corrosion of Nine Nether and Absolute Abyss to humble sect most serious? Because of the Absolute Abyss root here.” “为什么九幽绝渊本门的侵蚀最严重?因为绝渊的根源就在这里啊。” Xin Dongping lowers the head under looks at, the vision as if passes through void, Broad Creed Mountain of looks at under foot, sighs with regret was saying: Once the biggest prospect, was becomes here master, now thinks that was immaterial, Arrival of the Nine Nether, the old man can obtain, has destroyed here why not?” 辛东平低头看着下方,目光仿佛穿越虚空,看着脚下的广乘山,慨叹着说道:“曾经最大的愿景,就是成为这里的主人,现在想想,却无关紧要了,九幽降临,老夫能得到更多,毁了这里又何妨?” His raise one's head looks to Yan Di, suddenly has smiled: If the old man cannot succeed today, then Lord of Absolute Abyss is a Broad Creed people, Absolute Abyss originates from the Broad Creed news, will spread over the world.” 抬头重新看向燕狄,突然笑了起来:“如果老夫今天不能成功,那么绝渊之主乃是广乘中人,绝渊发源自广乘的消息,也会传遍天下。” „After Great Sun Saint Sect's Huang Guanglie goes out, thinks that will be glad to hear this news very much, wants to come this to become he to the best reason that Broad Creed begins.” 大日圣宗的黄光烈出关后,想必会很乐意听到这个消息,想来这会成为他对广乘动手的最好理由。” Xin Dongping plans for many years, the understanding Grand Pure Great Array is more profound than Yan Di, this moment take action, Grand Pure Great Array control its was grasped immediately most. 辛东平筹谋多年,对太清大阵的了解比燕狄还要深刻,此刻出手,太清大阵控制权顿时被其掌握大半。 Saw with own eyes that the array formation situation had been controlled by oneself, Xin Dongping outrageously take action! 眼见阵法的局势已经被自己掌控,辛东平悍然出手 Resembles indistinct as heavy sword light together, cuts toward Yan Di, sword light half clear half muddy, as if a world body! 一道似缥缈似沉重的剑光,向着燕狄斩去,剑光半清半浊,仿佛天地一体! Yan Di eye of flood cold brightness. 燕狄目泛寒光。 He stretches out the arms suddenly, Grand Pure Robe temporarily from body except below! 他猛然张开双臂,身上的太清袍暂时从身上除下! During the Grand Pure Robe vibrations, changes to everywhere light screen suddenly, the Demon Saint Yuan Tian imprisonment in a corner. 太清袍抖动之间,突然化作漫天光幕,将魔圣袁天禁锢于一隅。 This can only maintain very short time, but regarding Yan Di, was enough. 这只能维持很短时间,但对于燕狄来说,已经足够。 His body week innumerable spirit rune dance in the air, builds on the runic array Temple of Heaven together, broad vast, imitates, if resides in Above the Nine Heavens. 他身周无数灵符飞舞,共同筑就符阵天坛,恢宏浩渺,仿若居于九天之上 The Yan Di's sound resounds in Temple of Heaven: Huang Guanglie must disregard comes hardly, does not need to give a pretext, humble sect too cannot block him weakly, is the only reason.” 燕狄的声音在天坛上响起:“黄光烈要不管不顾的硬来,也不需要借口,本门太弱挡不住他,就是唯一的理由。” Regarding the world person outside Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall, cuts to kill you and Demon Saint in this completely, then enough component confession!” “对于大日圣宗天雷殿以外的天下人,将你和魔圣全部斩杀于此,则足够份量交代!” The endless ray flashes, a gigantic form stands up in the Yan Di's runic array Temple of Heaven gradually! 无尽光芒闪动间,一个巨大的身影在燕狄的符阵天坛上渐渐站起! Before also thought that Yan Di tone oversized Xin Dongping and Yuan Tian two people, the pupil contracted suddenly: Melts the Yuan becomes, are you stepping into Transcending at this moment?!” 之前还觉得燕狄口气过大的辛东平袁天二人,瞳孔猛然收缩:“融元成相,你在此刻踏入超凡?!” Yan Di did not answer, only had the giant in Temple of Heaven, the palm extends, the Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased size also crazily rose, changes into handle true Splitting the Heaven Giant Sabre, fell into his palm. 燕狄不答,唯有天坛上的巨人,手掌一伸,天刀龙衎的大小也狂涨,化为一柄真正的开天巨刀,落入其掌中。 Giant brandished a sabre, with Xin Dongping Boundless Heavenly Sword, intense collision! 巨人挥刀,与辛东平无垠天剑,激烈碰撞! Yuan Tian was surrounded by Grand Pure Robe temporarily, does not withdraw, sees Yan Di one step to take, to Xin Dongping in front of! 袁天太清袍暂时困住,脱身不得,就见燕狄一步迈出,到了辛东平面前! I, when Primordial Rune later stage, under Martial Saint, two, not having the full assurance to exceed, one is you, Xin Dongping.” The Yan Di body with own Immeasurable Heavenly Image union, arrives at the boundless Heavenly Image body of Xin Dongping , before instantaneously: But now......” “我在元符后期的时候,武圣之下,有两人,没有十足把握胜过,其中一个便是你,辛东平。”燕狄身躯与自己的无量天相结合,瞬间来到辛东平的无垠天相身前:“但现在……” He one step steps into Transcending, the controlling force to Grand Pure Great Array also promotes, Xin Dongping felt immediately one seize the great array footsteps to be contained. 他一步踏入超凡,对太清大阵的控制力也随之提升,辛东平顿时感觉自己攫取大阵的脚步被遏制。 The old man surface sinks like the water, the Martial Way true meaning melts boundless Heavenly Image, in the palm are also many a handle long sword, imitates, if Heaven supporting pillar sword light, meets the approaching enemy Yan Di. 老者面沉如水,武道真意所化之无垠天相,手掌中也多一柄长剑,仿若天柱般的剑光,迎击燕狄 Now the control to Grand Pure Great Array, somewhat, was still he got the advantage. 现在对太清大阵的控制,多多少少,仍然是他占优势。 But the result of sabre and sword intersection, he and boundless Heavenly Image is repulsed impressively! 刀剑相交的结果,他和无垠天相赫然败退! The huge radiance giant, holds the sword right arm, disrupts directly! 庞大的光辉巨人,持剑右臂,直接碎裂开来! Master to become Saint has not gone out, said that somewhat disrespects......” the Yan Di's sound to resound in void: Entered Transcending, in Great Martial Scholar, my Invincible.”( To be continued.) “师父尚未成圣出关,这么说有些不敬……”燕狄的声音在虚空中响起:“入了超凡,大宗师里,我无敌。”(未完待续。)
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