HSSB :: Volume #3

#285: Revealing one's true colors

When Yan Di and Demon Saint Yuan Tian, arrive in Broad Creed Mountain above Foreign Dimension together, Broad Creed Mountain Protective Great Array was stimulated immediately. 燕狄魔圣袁天,一起抵达广乘山上方的异域空间里时,广乘山守护大阵顿时被激发。 Is centered on Broad Creed Mountain prominent peak Heavenly Celestial Peak, array pattern just like the rainbow passes through the Heavenly Unity type, shines around Broad Creed Mountain, constitutes vast in territory gigantic array formation together. 广乘山主峰乾天峰为中心,一道道阵纹恍若长虹经天一样,在广乘山周围亮起,共同构成一个幅员辽阔的巨大阵法 This array formation turns toward the distant place to extend unceasingly, cannot see the end distantly. 阵法不断向着远方延伸,遥遥看不见尽头。 Heavenly Celestial Peak place above, rocked void slightly, presents nearly transparent gigantic square, the surrounding area does not know little, wants gigantic a lot of times compared with entire Broad Creed Mountain, floods the sky. 乾天峰正上方,虚空微微晃动了一下,呈现出一个近乎透明的巨大正方形,方圆不知几许,比整个广乘山都还要巨大千百倍,充斥天空。 After appearance of flash, this square belongs to again thoroughly transparently, keeping the person naked eye from discovering. 一瞬间的显现之后,这正方形又重新彻底归于透明,让人肉眼无法发现。 The Heavenly Celestial Peak top, two old men look up to the sky together, by their cultivation, can see actually outcome. 乾天峰顶,两个老者一起仰望天空,以他们的修为,倒是能看出其中究竟。 These two, are Broad Creed Mountain's two big ancient elder, retired elder Zhang Kun, with after building Martial Library Chief Elder Xin Dongping. 这两人,正是广乘山的两大宿老,太上长老张昆,和经楼武库首座长老辛东平 Broad Creed Mountain is, besides Old Sect Master Yuan Zhengfeng three Transcending Great Martial Scholar that people knows, another retired elder Elder He , is Yuan Zhengfeng defends the pass/test Protector outside, two, in this place. 广乘山世人所知的,除了老掌门元正峰之外的三位超凡大宗师,另外一位太上长老何长老在为元正峰守关护法以外,其他两人,都在此地了。 Elder Zhang is gazing at the sky, muttered: Really is Demon Saint Yuan Tian! Yan Di transfers from the outside him to Grand Pure Great Array in unexpectedly, first did not say how he achieves, this too has also take risked, leads into the humble sect intimate place a Saint Realm enemy, this is or dies continuous!” 张长老注视着天空,喃喃自语:“果真是魔圣袁天燕狄竟然将他从外界挪移到太清大阵之中,先不说他是如何做到的,这也太冒险了,将一个圣境敌人带入本门腹心之地,这是要不死不休啊!” The Xin Dongping same looks at sky, has not spoken. 辛东平同样看着天空,没有说话。 Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di fathers and sons can transfer Broad Creed Mountain Demon Saint Yuan Tian, stems from his expectation completely. 燕赵歌燕狄父子能将魔圣袁天挪移回广乘山,也完全出乎他的预料。 Yan Di return to the mountain, anticipated compared with him that must early leave are too many. 燕狄回山,比他预期,要早出太多。 However, Yan Di come back not to calculate, but also brought Demon Saint Yuan Tian together, he was still pulled restrain by Yuan Tian. doppelgänger is weak. 不过,燕狄自己回来不算,还将魔圣袁天一起带了回来,他仍然是被袁天制住分身乏术。 Xin Dongping is thinking, the under foot, touches to build that side Foreign Dimension Grand Pure Great Array lightly. 辛东平思索着,脚下轻点,触动营造出那方异域空间太清大阵 In him and in front of Elder Zhang. Immediately presents light avatar illusion realm, in illusion realm is scene in Foreign Dimension. 在他和张长老面前。顿时呈现出一副光影幻境,幻境中乃是异域空间里的景象 Then. They impressively discovered that Grand Pure Robe adds Yan Di of body, sabre intent able to move unhindered, the looking disdainfully common people, press Realm of Martial Saint Yuan Tian unexpectedly in leeward! 然后。两人就赫然发现,太清袍加身的燕狄,刀意纵横,睥睨苍生,竟将武圣之境袁天压在下风! At this moment occupies Grand Pure Great Array to benefit again, the Yan Di strength further rises suddenly! 此刻再占据太清大阵地利,燕狄实力进一步暴涨! Even if to guard against other foreign enemies, Yan Di has not inspired completely the great array strength thoroughly, more is stable Foreign Dimension. Is stranded Yuan Tian in inside. 即便为了防备其他外敌,燕狄没有彻底引动全部大阵力量,更多是稳固异域空间。将袁天困在里面。 But the bonus is so, in his hand Heavenly Sabre Dragon Pleased able to move unhindered, hits Yuan Tian to retreat in defeat again and again. 但饶是如此,他手中天刀龙衎纵横之间,也打得袁天节节败退。 Solemn Demon Saint, in an extremely difficult situation! 堂堂魔圣,狼狈不堪! Since Yuan Tian ascended to Saint Realm, how could to have resembled now so in a panic? 袁天登临圣境以来,何曾似现在这般仓惶? Elder Zhang took a deep breath: If can the set up the sacred cauldron universe, be able to cut to kill Demon Saint this great danger in this in a short time, no reason why not.” 张长老深吸一口气:“如果能在较短时间内鼎定乾坤,能将魔圣这个大患斩杀于此,未尝不可。” Xin Dongping looks at this, long time later said: Is this right, but, this time. The shorter the better, drags for a long time, then the variable are more.” 辛东平看着这一幕,良久之后说道:“是这样没错,不过,这个时间。越短越好,拖得越久,则变数越多。” The voice has not fallen. Broad Creed Mountain under two human foot, as if suddenly vibrate. 话音未落。两人脚下的广乘山,仿佛突然震动一下。 The Elder Zhang snow white frown twists one group, looks to the back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak direction: „...... Is that side Locking Heaven Gorge?” 张长老雪白双眉拧成一团,看向后山坎水峰方向:“……是锁天峡那边?” The Ridge Water Peak direction, transmits the vibration of intermittent the earth quaked and the mountains shook, entire Broad Creed Mountain as if together is swaying. 坎水峰方向,传来阵阵地动山摇似的震动,连带着整个广乘山仿佛都一起摇晃起来。 Has Junior Apprentice Brother Gong oversees Locking Heaven Gorge, why the Locking Heaven Gorge outbreak mutation?” Elder Zhang is gazing at Ridge Water Peak. “有宫师弟坐镇锁天峡,锁天峡为什么会突然发生异变?”张长老注视着坎水峰 Nearby Xin Dongping, the facial color is quiet: No matter any reason, always needs to be solved as soon as possible is.” 一旁的辛东平,面色沉静:“不管是什么原因,总是需要尽快解决才是。” Fang Zhun is missing, no one knows that actually he did do.” Xin Dongping said: Although now is not good to draw a conclusion. But something, should have mental preparation.” 方准下落不明,谁也不知道他究竟干什么去了。”辛东平言道:“虽然现在还不好下结论。但有些事情,也该有个心理准备。” He looks to Elder Zhang: Including Junior Apprentice Brother Gong. Other people are not the Fang Zhun matches, among us a person. In the past had a look, another person stayed here, was Yan Di brings up the rear.” 他看向张长老:“包括宫师弟在内。其他人都不是方准对手,我们当中一人。过去看看吧,另一人留在这里,为燕狄押阵。” Elder Zhang earnest looks to Xin Dongping, the Xin Dongping vision does not have the wave quietly, just likes stops the water, as usual, does not see changes slightly. 张长老认真的看向辛东平,辛东平目光静谧无波,犹如止水,同往常一样,不见丝毫变化。 Because of the relations of Nine Nether and Absolute Abyss, in the Broad Creed Mountain top powerhouse, remove Old Sect Master Yuan Zhengfeng not to calculate that most does not let is Xin Dongping and Fang Zhun that the person feels relieved. 因为九幽绝渊的关系,广乘山顶尖强者中,排除老掌门元正峰不算,最不让人放心的便是辛东平方准 Elder Zhang and Xin Dongping same side many years, although is not willing to suspect this Senior Apprentice Brother, but in the heart does not have the obstruction. 张长老辛东平同门多年,虽然不愿意怀疑这位师兄,但心中并非毫无芥蒂。 Appearance that sees with own eyes Xin Dongping avoiding suspicion, is making a decision by, Elder Zhang slightly hesitates, takes the bull by the horns: Exhausted Senior Apprentice Brother Xin in this oversees, I have a look at that side situation.” 眼见辛东平一副避嫌的模样,由着自己拿主意,张长老略一沉吟,当机立断:“劳烦辛师兄在此坐镇,我去看看那边的情况。” At present the Fang Zhun suspicion is biggest, the time press, the manpower is limited, Elder Zhang decides to believe Xin Dongping. 眼下毕竟还是方准嫌疑最大,时间紧迫,人手有限,张长老还是决定相信辛东平 However he also keeps a mind. 不过他也留个心眼。 The to ignore Xin Dongping free activity, nobody restricts, other does not raise, if Xin Dongping has the issue, to the back side of the mountain, has sneaked off the place of Yuan Zhengfeng closing up, Elder He that there protects buddhist law, does not resist easily. 放任辛东平自由活动,没人制约,别的不提,若是辛东平真有问题,到了后山,溜去元正峰闭关之地,那里护法的何长老独自一人,抵挡不易。 Keeps Xin Dongping seems like takes Heavenly Celestial Peak here the overall situation, so long as defends the mountain Grand Pure Great Array to control throughout in the Yan Di hand, will not have big obstructing. 辛东平乾天峰这里看似总揽全局,但只要守山的太清大阵始终控制在燕狄手中,就不会有大碍。 One went to the back side of the mountain, Xin Dongping, if goes to the back side of the mountain to rebel, oneself can also collaborate the Elder He attempt to prevent. 自己去了后山,辛东平若是去后山作乱,自己也能联手何长老尝试阻止。 To the Elder Zhang thoughts, Xin Dongping as if does not care, heard this nods: Good, your fast returns at once.” 张长老的心思,辛东平似乎并不在意,闻言点头:“好,你速去速回。” Back that looks at Elder Zhang departs, the Xin Dongping look is gentle, turns the head to look to the vault of heaven. 看着张长老离去的背影,辛东平神色和缓,重新转头看向天穹之上。 He looked down Broad Creed Mountain of own under foot, the vision fluctuated slightly. 他又低头看了看自己脚下的广乘山,目光稍微波动一下。 Long time, Xin Dongping shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, line of sight changes the back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak direction. 半晌,辛东平摇头失笑,视线转向后山坎水峰方向。 In there, suddenly has to soar to the heavens sword intent to emerge, meanwhile formidable palm intent that wants the vault of heaven to overturn appears, both sides clashes in the same place, earthshaking. 在那里,突然有冲霄剑意涌现,同时还要天穹翻覆的强大掌意出现,双方对撞在一起,惊天动地。 Xin Dongping sees that the slight bow, does not stay, the personal appearance raises upwardly, treads fully void, walks toward the sky step by step. 辛东平见状,微微点头,再不停留,身形向上升起,足踏虚空,一步步向天空中走去。 He is walking, while puts out a hand to delimit pattern in void. 他一边走着,一边伸手在虚空中划下一个又一个图纹 Myriad pattern, engrave in the middle of void, splendid, gradually also continually becomes the battle formation, Zhao obviously astonishing ideal condition aura. 万千图纹,镌刻在虚空当中,熠熠生辉,渐渐也连成阵势,昭显惊人的意境气息。 These myriad pattern melt battle formation, integrates Broad Creed Mountain to defend the mountain in gradually Grand Pure Great Array. 这万千图纹所化之阵势,渐渐融入广乘山守山的太清大阵里。 The Grand Pure Great Array core place, starts to twist immediately rocks. 太清大阵的核心处,顿时开始扭曲晃动。 Xin Dongping static looks at this, his personal appearance shakes, whole body acupoints opens and closes, True Primordial melts spirit rune to depart, is hard to count. 辛东平静静看着这一幕,他身形一震,周身穴窍开阖间,真元所化一个又一个灵符从中飞出,难以计数。 These spirit rune change to runic array, then the runic array complexing, turns into one to cover the Xin Dongping whole body, resembles high pagoda to resemble existence of altar. 这些灵符化作一个又一个符阵,然后符阵络合,变成一座笼罩辛东平全身,似高塔又似祭坛的存在。 Finally, top in that altar, light avatar flashes, a big giant appears, is indomitable spirit! 最后,在那祭坛顶上,光影闪动,一个高大的巨人出现,顶天立地! Xin Dongping in person extends both hands, that light avatar giant is also the same movement, puts out a hand forward, then about makes an effort a point! 辛东平本人伸出双手,那光影巨人也是相同动作,向前伸手,然后左右用力一分! Grand Pure Great Array shakes, in array formation appears a Taoism household. 太清大阵震荡一下,阵法中现出一道门户。 In the sky, that transparent huge square appears once more. 天空中,那透明的庞大正方形再次显现。 The Foreign Dimension channel, opens wide to Xin Dongping! 异域空间的通道,向辛东平敞开! Actually is not Yan Di is Xin Dongping opens the door, wants him to come to help, but was Xin Dongping opened the channel. 却不是燕狄辛东平开门,要他进来帮忙,而是辛东平自己打开了通道。 Xin Dongping in big strides walks, in this march process, he keeps the book writing that said talisman seal pattern, then directed to gather strength of in addition array formation to hold on oneself. 辛东平大踏步的走进去,在这行进过程中,他不停书写道道符印图纹,然后引聚阵法之力加持在自己身上。 Except for his in person array formation, including Broad Creed Mountain's Grand Pure Great Array, the strength unceasingly was directed to gather by him! 除了他本人阵法,连广乘山的太清大阵,力量都不断被他引聚! In Foreign Dimension, a Yan Di blade chops to draw back Yuan Tian, turns the head to look to Xin Dongping. 异域空间中,燕狄一刀劈退袁天,转头看向辛东平 Yan Di can feel clearly that the opposite party is eliminating Grand Pure Great Array control gradually! 燕狄可以清楚感觉到,对方正在逐渐剥夺太清大阵控制权 Xin Dongping said indifferently: Spends in distress these many years in Martial Library Scripture Building, prepares laboriously these many years, after all some achievements.”( To be continued.) 辛东平淡然说道:“在武库经楼苦熬这么多年,辛苦准备这么多年,终归有些成果的。”(未完待续。)
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