HSSB :: Volume #3

#284: Scriptures Depository Building not only has the extra mundane person of high skill

Along with the death, the body of Shi Songtao, changed to the black smoke, vanished does not see. 随着死亡,石松涛的身体,化作黑烟,消失不见。 Shi Tie closes pair of eyes, stands in same place, for a very long time did not speak. 石铁闭上双眼,站在原地,久久不语。 But quick, he opens eye, although the wound between chests and bellies still existed, but the personal appearance becomes great unyielding. 但很快,他重新睁开眼睛,虽然胸腹间的伤口仍然存在,但身形重新变得伟岸不屈。 Shi Tie turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, Yan Zhaoge said: I made Ah Hu inform that side Mountain Gate.” 石铁转头看向燕赵歌徐飞,燕赵歌言道:“我让阿虎通知山门那边了。” Linked Lake County Demon Territory great array had been processed, we also hurried back to Mountain Gate, road above walk said.” Shi Tie lifts, the air current curls up Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei together, flies upwardly: Hopes all also with enough time.” 连湖郡魔域大阵已经被处理,我们也赶回山门,路上边走边说。”石铁手一抬,气流将燕赵歌徐飞一同卷起,向上飞去:“希望一切还来得及。” Third mate crystal coffin, had been taken back in Shi Songtao miniature bag by Yan Zhaoge, then gives Shi Tie, Shi Tie accepts silently. 那三副水晶棺,已经被燕赵歌重新收回石松涛缩影囊中,然后交给石铁,石铁默默收下。 Had confessed catches up to be responsible for other Broad Creed martial artist of damage control, together gives a ride Ah Hu and Pan Pan, Shi Tie treads fully void, speeds away to go to Mountain Gate. 交代了赶来负责善后的其他广乘武者,把阿虎盼盼也一起捎上,石铁足踏虚空,向山门疾驰而去。 Yan Zhaoge and the others anxious looks at Shi Tie wound. 燕赵歌等人都忧虑的看着石铁身上的伤口。 That injury is heavy, what is more important, Shi Tie practices the Vajra Body method, has no time all over the body leakless, an attack and defense body, is powerful. 那伤势并不轻,更重要的是,石铁修练金刚身法门,通体无暇无漏,攻防一体,实力强大。 However, in the event of the breakage, Vajra Body then had the loophole, will make the strength drop of Shi Tie many, is not only the pure injury influence. 但是,一旦出现了破损,金刚身便有了漏洞,会使得石铁的实力下降不少,不仅仅是单纯伤势影响。 Some martial artist are wounded, can restrain by force injury, although there is a side effect, but does not affect the strength display in a short time. 有些武者负伤,可以强压伤势,虽然有副作用,但短时间内不影响实力发挥。 But Shi Tie at this moment, actually inevitable must be affected. 石铁此刻,却不可避免的要受到影响。 Then fights with the person, will aggravate the injury unceasingly. 接下来同人交手,更是会不断加重伤势。 The Shi Tie in person look is tranquil, firm and resolute is similar to the rock, seemed not affected by the slightest. 石铁本人则神色平静,坚毅的如同岩石,似乎不受分毫影响。 He hurries along, while said: Some matters you know that but something, you do not know.” 他一边赶路,一边说道:“有些事你们知道,而有些事,你们不知道。” Existence of Nine Nether, has existed since ancient times, but the lots, everybody did not understand that stemming from dreading of Nine Nether, everybody the exploration to Naraka is to keep to alert, the progress is slow.” 九幽的存在,古已有之,但其中很多东西,大家都不了解,出于对九幽的忌惮,大家对地狱的探索都是保守而戒备的,进展非常缓慢。” Junior Apprentice Brother Fang walks deeply compared with other people, some secrets, truly are he first touch.” 方师弟比其他人走得更深,其中一些隐秘,确实是他最先触及。” But he has realized quickly vacillation and misleading of Nine Nether to the person mind, therefore reins at the brink of the precipice promptly, gives up continuing thoroughly.” “但他很快就察觉了九幽对人心神的动摇和蛊惑,所以及时悬崖勒马,放弃继续深入。” Yan Zhaoge heard this, eyes flash: Second Uncle-Master, from most from the beginning, is the radical faction!” 燕赵歌闻言,目光一闪:“二师伯,从最一开始,就是激进派!” Xu Fei also took a deep breath, looks straight ahead Shi Tie: Moreover, compared with you, wants the radical thought compared with Uncle-Master Yan, even is the entire Broad Creed Mountain high and low foreign attitude is most radical the strong person, was almost in the degree of resorting to all means!” 徐飞深吸一口气,直视石铁:“而且,是比您,比燕师叔都还要激进的思想,甚至是整个广乘山上下对外作风最激进强硬的人,几乎到了不择手段的程度!” Shi Tie nods: Junior Apprentice Brother Fang truly has also had thoughts, must in the Great Sun Saint Sect's domain, guide Arrival of the Nine Nether.” 石铁点头:“方师弟也确实动过心思,要在大日圣宗的地盘上,引导九幽降临。” Displays the appearance of moderates, for the actual situation interaction, on the one hand gives his plan to make the shield, on the one hand presents to the outside he and Junior Apprentice Brother Yan everywhere opposes, including the mentality attitude different false appearance, lets competition between him and Junior Apprentice Brother Yan, looks like from the outside, the contradiction is more intense.” “表现出稳健派的模样,是为了虚实相间,一方面给他的计划作掩护,一方面给外界呈现出一种他和燕师弟处处对立,连思路作风都迥异的假象,让他和燕师弟之间的竞争,从外界看来,矛盾更加尖锐。” But he discovered quickly that is Nine Nether is affecting his mind actually, the intention makes him the Nine Nether guide.” “但他很快发现,那其实是九幽在影响他的心神,意图让他成为九幽的引路人。” Shi Tie said slowly: Junior Apprentice Brother Fang non- ordinary person, after discovering one were drawn onto the wrong road by Nine Nether gradually, he to the strong will restrain himself certainly, has terminated oneself continuously since promptly the effort, leaves to withdraw from the mire.” 石铁徐徐说道:“方师弟常人,在发现自己被九幽渐渐引上歧途后,他以绝强意志克制自己,及时终止自己一直以来的努力,抽身退出泥潭。” In surface, the Junior Apprentice Brother Fang attitude starts to transform, is changed steady radically, is actually he displays own real view finally, just to avoid transforming towering, therefore is proceeds in an orderly way.” “表面上,方师弟作风开始转变,由稳健转向激进,其实是他终于表现自己的真实看法罢了,只不过为了避免转变过于突兀,所以是循序渐进的。” Shi Tie looks to Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei: This matter, you do not know the circumstances of the matter are very normal, because entire Broad Creed Mountain high and low, besides Junior Apprentice Brother Fang in person, only then the master, I have the Junior Apprentice Brother Yan three people to know.” 石铁看向燕赵歌徐飞:“此事,你们不知情很正常,因为全广乘山上下,除了方师弟本人以外,只有师父,我还有燕师弟三人知道。” Person who at the same time, the matter knows were many, then possibly has artificial Nine Nether to tempt. 一方面,事情知道的人多了,便可能有人为九幽所诱。 On the other hand, protects the Fang Zhun's reputation, after is not the how honored matter. 另一方面,也是保护方准的名誉,毕竟不是多么光彩的事情。 Shi Tie said: When just knows at first Absolute Abyss exists, the master and I first has thought of Junior Apprentice Brother Fang, and launches examination more than once to him.” 石铁言道:“在最初刚刚知道绝渊存在的时候,师父和我第一时间就想到了方师弟,并对他展开不止一次的审查。” Result of examination, Junior Apprentice Brother Fang has not taken that old route, the birth of Absolute Abyss, should have nothing to do with him.” “审查的结果,方师弟并没有重新走那条老路,绝渊的诞生,应该与他无关。” The Shi Tie sound is somewhat low and deep: Junior Apprentice Brother Fang, although receives the hand promptly, but some people have actually picked up his beforehand thing, has taken this road.” 石铁的声音有些低沉:“方师弟虽然及时收手,但有人却捡起了他之前的东西,走上了这条路。” Yan Zhaoge said slowly: Grand Master and father is impossible is Abyss Lord, otherwise does not use such troublesome, Broad Creed Mountain destroyed.” 燕赵歌徐徐说道:“师祖和老爹不可能渊主,否则不用这么麻烦,广乘山就毁了。” Eldest Uncle-Master you obviously are not, Second Uncle-Master also mostly is impossible, had the experience of previously, even though his wrong path knowledge returns, your three can also pay attention to him with emphasis, making him be insufficient to make same mistakes over again.” 大师伯你显然也不是,二师伯也多半不可能,有了先前的经历,纵使他自己迷途知返,你们三位也会重点关注他,让他不至于重蹈覆辙。” Therefore removed Second Uncle-Master to exceed you all hides the truth from the past possibility, that only remained a person.” “于是排除二师伯技高一筹将你们全都瞒过去的可能,那就只剩一个人了。” Yan Zhaoge vision one cold: On Boundless Heavenly Sword has that profound attainments, all over the world on two people, one is Second Uncle-Master, one is Xin Dongping!” 燕赵歌目光一寒:“无垠天剑上有那么高深的造诣,普天之下就两个人,一个是二师伯,一个是辛东平!” Shi Tie said: Junior Apprentice Brother Fang really may comply in public but oppose in private, hides the truth from us.” 石铁言道:“方师弟确实有可能阳奉阴违,将我们都瞒过去。” Therefore before not having practical evidence, no one is able to affirm that Abyss Lord is, also there is a possibility is not my Broad Creed Mountain people.” “所以在没有切实证据之前,谁也无法肯定,渊主到底是谁,也有可能并非我广乘山中人。” But has suffered this sword today, I can determine that is not Junior Apprentice Brother Fang, then, then can only be Uncle-Master Xin.” “但今天挨了这一剑,我可以确定,不是方师弟,那么,便只会是辛师叔了。” The Shi Tie vision is serious: Perhaps was Uncle-Master Xin had discovered accidentally the Junior Apprentice Brother Fang beforehand research, then continued thoroughly, perhaps was also Uncle-Master Xin tries to find out, but he took this road eventually, founded Absolute Abyss.” 石铁目光严肃:“或许是辛师叔无意中发现了方师弟之前的研究,然后继续深入,又或许是辛师叔自己摸索出来的,但他终究将这条路走了下去,创建了绝渊。” Must let Arrival of the Nine Nether Eight Extremities World, there is a present repeated difficulties.” “更要让九幽降临八极大世界,以至于有了现在的风风雨雨。” The Shi Tie line of sight looks in the distant place Broad Creed Mountain's direction that the vision nearly coagulates. 石铁视线朝着远方广乘山的方向看去,目光近乎凝固。 Xu Fei deeps frown: Elder Xin buries sword intent to plot against you in Senior Apprentice Brother Shi within the body, does not fear you to see through his status.” 徐飞眉头紧锁:“辛长老石师兄体内埋藏剑意暗算您,并不惧您识破他的身份。” „, Our warning, perhaps late, arrived at Linked Lake County in us, starts to process Demon Territory great array, meets Senior Apprentice Brother Shi time, Elder Xin perhaps also started to begin that side Mountain Gate!” “如此说来,我们的示警,恐怕已经晚了,在我们到达连湖郡,开始处理魔域大阵,遇上石师兄的时候,辛长老山门那边恐怕就也已经开始动手了!” Was saying, the group walk in the halfway, then receives from the urgent message that Mountain Gate spreads. 正说着,一行人走在半路,便接到自山门传来的紧急消息。 The news is somewhat ambiguous unclearly, but makes all people worry. 消息有些含糊不明,但却让所有人提起心来。 Under back side of the mountain Ridge Water Peak Locking Heaven Gorge, has mutation! 后山坎水峰锁天峡,发生异变! Has Demonic Qi Domain, is centered on Locking Heaven Gorge, expands to Broad Creed Mountain! 魔气界域,以锁天峡为中心,向广乘山周围扩张! People look at each other in dismay, Yan Zhaoge long puts out foul air: Xin Dongping, although usually concealed is very good, but Eldest Uncle-Master should you one point alert not have to him?” 众人面面相觑,燕赵歌长长吐出一口浊气:“辛东平虽然素来掩饰的很好,但大师伯你们对他该不会一点戒备都没有吧?” Excessive surveillance alert and does not trust, the itself counter- people possibly have not given to compel counter-, Broad Creed Mountain naturally will not adopt this way. 过度的监视戒备和不信任,本身没反的人都可能给逼反了,广乘山自然不会采取这种方式。 But resembles Xin Dongping and Fang Zhun like this obviously the person who is worth being worried about, may compare to their observation also is not the other people. 但似辛东平方准这样的明显值得担心的人,对他们的观察也非其他人可比。 Shi Tie speeds along fully, the vision flickers staring that does not transfer the Broad Creed Mountain direction: Although there is an alert, but at this moment just when eventful time.” 石铁全力飞驰,目光一瞬不转的凝视着广乘山方向:“虽然有戒备,但此刻正值多事之秋。” Especially Junior Apprentice Brother Fang now is also missing, the humble sect powerhouse, has too many problems to tackle.” “尤其方师弟现在也下落不明,本门强者,捉襟见肘。” Master closes up, this time were perhaps more must look at Junior Apprentice Brother Yan.” “师父闭关,这次恐怕更多要看燕师弟了。” The Yan Zhaoge looks at Broad Creed Mountain direction, brow is also pressed: Who said in Scriptures Depository Building was the extra mundane person of high skill, the treasure? Also possibly is other any thing...” 燕赵歌看着广乘山方向,眉头蹙起:“谁说藏经楼里的都是世外高人,镇山之宝了?也可能是别的什么东西啊…”
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