HSSB :: Volume #3

#283: Dies a sword

Shi Tie has arrived in front of Shi Songtao, the big body, just likes the mountain. 石铁走到了石松涛面前,高大的身躯,恍如山岳。 But Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, actually completely all in heart acid. 燕赵歌徐飞,却尽皆心中一酸。 Although the wainscot still supported straightly, the facial features five senses were still firm and resolute, but they clearly feeling of hard to see a feeling of lethargic on Shi Tie. 腰板虽然仍挺得笔直,面容五官仍然坚毅,但他们分明在石铁身上少见的感受到一种暮气沉沉的感觉。 Shi Tie shakes the head slightly, said to Yan Zhaoge: Gives me.” 石铁微微摇头,对燕赵歌说道:“交给我吧。” Saying, was extending take action to come, fist intent surged, pressed on the body of Shi Songtao. 说着,伸出手来,拳意波荡间,压在石松涛的身上。 Yan Zhaoge nods, the palm lets loose the Shi Songtao nape of the neck, the personal appearance to retreat. 燕赵歌点头,手掌放开石松涛的脖颈,身形向后退 But in the Shi Tie fist intent instant, Shi Songtao sudden complexion changing suddenly that Shi Songtao blows! 但就在石铁的拳意将石松涛镇住的刹那,石松涛突然脸色陡变! Shi Tie and Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei's facial expression, at this time also slightly changed. 石铁燕赵歌徐飞的神情,这时也微微一变。 From Shi Songtao within the body, suddenly has the extremely formidable strength to erupt! 石松涛体内,突然有极为强大的力量爆发出来! Among the Shi Tie complexion emergencies, Martial Way fist intent obviously, the clear ray shining four directions, cover the Shi Songtao whole body instantaneously, must suppress that strength. 石铁脸色急变之间,武道拳意瞬间显化,澄澈光芒照耀四方,笼罩石松涛全身,要将那力量镇压住。 In the Shi Songtao vision reveals in consternation the color, feels the strength that within own body is wreaking havoc, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily! 石松涛目光中流露出愕然之色,感受着自己体内肆虐的力量,口中鲜血狂喷! His whole body together is shivering, each bone, each blood vessel, each acupoints, as if mountain flooding is completely same. 他全身上下都在一起颤抖,每一块骨头,每一根血管,每一个穴窍,全部仿佛山洪暴发一样。 Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, but stands in the one side, has not approached, feeling inexhaustible sword intent, produces in Shi Songtao within the body. 燕赵歌徐飞,只是站在一旁,还没有靠近,就感觉无穷无尽的剑意,在石松涛体内产生。 As if in this moment, the Shi Songtao whole person is constituted by sword qi and sword intent. 仿佛在这一刻,石松涛整个人都由剑气剑意构成。 Endless sword intent flies to shoot from Shi Songtao within the body outward, continuous. 无尽剑意石松涛体内向外飞射,连绵不绝。 Shi Songtao whole body each fine hair kondow in the oozing of blood, as if must spray outward together, the whole person disrupts, changes to the infinite blood sword, explodes. 石松涛全身上下每一个汗毛孔都在向外渗血,仿佛要一起喷射,整个人碎裂,化作无穷血剑,爆裂开来。 That boundless vast sword intent, the vault of heaven seems to be lofty. Also the earth seems to be sincere. 那磅礴浩渺的剑意,仿佛苍穹般高远无垠。又仿佛大地般厚重雄浑。 Under a sword, seems the single layer world. 一剑之下,仿佛就是一重天地。 But at this moment, actually must the Shi Songtao body. Changes into one flesh and blood world. 只不过此刻,却是要将石松涛的身躯。化为一片血肉天地。 But this sword intent, the goal points to Shi Tie! 而这剑意,目标直指石铁 Formidable vast strength. Let Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei is unable to approach. 强大浩瀚的力量。让燕赵歌徐飞都无法靠近。 But this sword intent, they are not strange. 但这剑意,他们绝不陌生。 One of Broad Creed Three Great Unique Skills, Boundless Heavenly Sword! 广乘三大绝技之一,无垠天剑 In years past Skyscraping Guest Zhan Xilou established, with Broad Creed Heavenly Palm and Immeasurable Heavenly Sabre compound absolute art! 昔年摩天客展西楼所创立,与广乘天掌无量天刀并列的绝学 At this moment, its goal, is actually Broad Creed martial artist! 只是此刻,它的目标,却是广乘武者 Shi Tie both eyes brilliance flashes, took a deep breath, the whole person presents the shape of Vajra. Likewise bright transparent like colored glaze. 石铁双目光华闪动,深吸一口气,整个人呈现金刚之象。同理璀璨透明如琉璃。 Formidable Martial Way fist intent was revolved peak by him, suppresses strength that Shi Songtao within the body erupts suddenly. 强大的武道拳意被他运转到了极致,镇压石松涛体内突然爆发出来的力量。 What a pity, this strength sends out from Shi Songtao within the body, first destroys is the Shi Songtao body. 可惜,这力量从石松涛体内发出,首先摧毁的便是石松涛的身躯。 Shi Tie clenches teeth, a double palm point, forms a distortion the suction, no longer completely suppresses, but is suppression while guides. 石铁一咬牙,双掌一分,形成一股扭曲的吸力,不再完全镇压,而是一边镇压一边导引。 Terrifying sword intent, condensed into visible sword light, is similar to does not have end to refine together. Runs out of the Shi Songtao body, the goal points to Shi Tie! 恐怖的剑意,凝结成一道有形剑光,如同没有尽头的匹炼。冲出石松涛的身躯,目标直指石铁 Shi Tie appearance firm and resolute like rock, when his High Grade Spirit Armament Profound Light Divine Armour is at this is at a crucial moment. Has actually unloaded. 石铁面目坚毅如磐石,他身上的上品灵兵玄光神铠在这千钧一发之际。却卸了下来。 Profound Light Divine Armour changes together black light, covers the body of Shi Songtao, must blow him to border on the broken body temporarily. 玄光神铠化作一道黑光,笼罩石松涛的身体,要暂时镇住他濒临破碎的身躯。 But at this moment, in broad bright sword light, there is strange golden light to flash before, faint trace continuously. 但就在这时,恢宏明亮的剑光中,有诡异金光闪现,丝丝缕缕。 golden light wanders, has tied down Profound Light Divine Armour unexpectedly, will have blocked the flash. 条条金光游荡间,竟然缠住了玄光神铠,将之阻了一瞬间。 But that broad sword light, hits straightly in the Shi Tie chest and belly strategic point! 而那恢宏剑光,笔直打在石铁的胸腹要害上! On Shi Tie. Erupts the glare, keeps sparkling. 石铁身上。爆发出强光,不停闪耀。 But that sword light. Also seems inexhaustible general, shells the Shi Tie body unceasingly. 但那剑光。却也仿佛无穷无尽一般,不断轰击石铁的身躯。 Shi Tie shouted at one. A fist pounds down fiercely, destroys that sword light. 石铁断喝一声。一拳猛地砸下,将那剑光打碎。 Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei look that sees on the Shi Tie chest and belly not to bleed, but actually broken hollowly gets down a big hole, a crack is dense and numerous. 燕赵歌徐飞看去,就见石铁胸腹上没有流血,但是却破碎凹陷下去一个大坑,条条裂纹密密麻麻。 Then does not go bad the ideal condition of not extinguishing like Vajra, at this moment also dim many. 那如金刚般不坏不灭的意境,此刻也黯淡不少。 The Shi Tie expression has not changed, as if cannot feel the pain completely. 石铁表情没有丝毫变化,仿佛完全感受不到痛苦。 He looks to Shi Songtao, in the vision unquenchable reveals little sad appearance. 他看向石松涛,目光中难以抑制的流露出几许悲色 Although guides sword intent to attack itself promptly, the intention protects the Shi Songtao body by Profound Light Divine Armour, but sword intent sent from Shi Songtao within the body, no matter injures to arrive at Shi Tie, Shi Songtao must first suffer this sword. 虽然及时导引剑意攻击自己,更意图以玄光神铠护住石松涛的身躯,但剑意原先自石松涛体内而发,不管伤不伤到石铁,石松涛都首先要挨这一剑。 But this sword, is not Shi Songtao can withstand. 而这一剑,不是石松涛能承受的。 The opposite party while Shi Songtao within the body buries together sword intent, supposes other mechanism darkly. 对方在石松涛体内埋藏一道剑意的同时,也暗设其他机关 The strange flower hibernating dragon sleeping extraction essence, the whole world is rare, the special restraint builds Profound Light Divine Armour expects Profound Light Divine Iron principal. 奇花蛰龙眠的萃取精华,举世罕有,专门克制打造玄光神铠的主材料玄光神铁 Although Shi Tie takes the bull by the horns, whole-heartedly, Shi Songtao still caused heavy losses. 虽然石铁当机立断,全力以赴,石松涛仍然受到重创。 Shi Songtao opens mouth, the blood froth keeps gushing out from the mouth, he actually does not care, he he said with a smile: Cannot think, cannot think that Uncle-Master Fang has laid down sword intent in my within the body unexpectedly, when also does not know......” 石松涛张嘴,血沫不停从口中涌出,他却不甚在意,呵呵笑道:“想不到,想不到,方师叔竟然在我体内埋下了一道剑意,也不知道什么时候……” His looks at Shi Tie: He He, it seems like it is specially prepares for you, only then your fist intent will stimulate this sword intent, after all you practice Vajra Body, fist intent and other people are different, is all over the world alone......” 看着石铁:“呵呵,看来是专门为你准备的,只有你的拳意才会激发出这道剑意,毕竟你修练金刚身,拳意与他人不同,普天之下独一份儿……” That is golden light, hibernating dragon sleeping? Specially also copes with on you Profound Light Divine Armour to use......” “那金光,是蛰龙眠吧?也是专门对付你身上玄光神铠用的……” A Shi Tie hand covers the wound between oneself chests and bellies, another hand places, fist intent blows the Shi Songtao body, making it be insufficient broken. 石铁一只手捂住自己胸腹间的伤口,另一只手身处,拳意镇住石松涛的身躯,使之不至于破碎 His took a deep breath, first turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, the sinking sound said: Immediately returns to Sect by fastest speed transmit the message, reports the traitor within, is the Lord of Absolute Abyss status.” 深吸一口气,首先转头看向燕赵歌徐飞,沉声说道:“立刻以最快速度传讯宗门,汇报内奸,也就是绝渊之主的身份。” Shi Tie speak unhurriedly and clearly said: Lord of Absolute Abyss, is not Junior Apprentice Brother Fang, but is Xin Dongping Uncle-Master Xin!” 石铁一字一顿说道:“绝渊之主,不是方师弟,而是辛东平辛师叔!” Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei eyebrow raises, in the Shi Songtao vision reveals the stunned color. 燕赵歌徐飞都眉毛一扬,石松涛目光中则流露出错愕之色。 Listened to the Songtao words, has suffered this sword again, I can determine this matter.” Shi Tie shakes the head slowly, looks to Shi Songtao: Your was misled.” “听了松涛的话,再挨了这一剑,我才能确定这件事。”石铁徐徐摇头,看向石松涛:“你被人误导了。” Shi Songtao catches the eye with Shi Tie looking at each other, long time, said lightly: You forever are put public interest before self-interest.” 石松涛抬眼与石铁对视,良久后淡淡说道:“你永远都是先公后私呢。” Why you did not think that is I knows the truth, but did not say intentionally that is I deceives you in misleading?” “你为什么不觉得,是我知道真相,但是故意不说,是我在误导欺骗你们?” You wield the Sect penalty, the Broad Creed high and low all cruel punishments, you thoroughly understand, the inquisition by torture is your specialty, but you have not begun, why to judge me not to deceive you, is the misled that person I?” “你执掌宗门刑罚,广乘上下所有大刑,你都通晓,刑讯是你的专长,但你还没有动手呢,凭什么判断我没有骗你们,被误导的那个人是我?” Shi Tie tranquil saying: I can look.” 石铁平静的说道:“我能看出来的。” Shi Songtao is silent, after long time, said: „Is Uncle-Master Fang Abyss Lord, for me, is actually unimportant.” 石松涛沉默不语,半晌后说道:“方师叔是不是渊主,对我来说,其实并不重要。” He turns the head to look to putting two crystal coffin of oneself wife and children body: To me, more importantly they.” 他转头看向盛放自己妻儿身躯的两具水晶棺:“对我而言,重要的是她们。” Shi Songtao looks to third crystal coffin, sighed: „After Fallen Demon dies, changes into the nihility, after I died, could not accompany them.” 石松涛看向第三具水晶棺,叹息一声:“堕魔死后化为虚无,我死后也陪不了她们。” Although there is a fist intent suppression of Shi Tie, the body of but Shi Songtao originally collapsed, at this moment finally starts thorough broken. 虽然有石铁的拳意镇压,但石松涛本就已经崩溃的身躯,这一刻终于开始彻底破碎 His facial expression is indifferent, regarding this as if did not mind, but looks to wife and children's vision, leaves leeway the endless attachment. 他神情淡然,对此似乎并不介意,只是看向妻儿的目光中,留有无尽眷恋。 Yan Zhaoge asked suddenly: Senior Apprentice Brother Shi, in your heart most hates, was actually Eldest Uncle-Master initially to choose the Sect responsibility to give up individual kinship, aren't you able to protect being incapable of wife and children?” 燕赵歌突然问道:“石师兄,你心中最恨的,究竟是大师伯当初选择宗门责任而放弃个人亲情,还是你自己无法保护妻儿的无力?” Shi Songtao said indifferently: Is unimportant......” 石松涛漠然说道:“都不重要了……” The residual sound curls, dissipates in the air. 余音袅袅,消散在空气中。 looks at Shi Songtao personal appearance broken that Shi Tie decides. 石铁定定的看着石松涛的身形破碎 The whole person as if statue same concentrates to stand.( To be continued.) 整个人仿佛雕像一样凝立。(未完待续。)
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