HSSB :: Volume #14

#1375: Three light god water

I'd like to hear the details.” Gao Han is smiling, to Yan Zhaoge has made one please hand signal. 愿闻其详。”高寒微笑着,冲燕赵歌做了一个“请”的手势。 Yan Zhaoge said: Suppresses Great Sage Equal of Heaven under Five Elements Mountain, above worldly matters Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha, is formerly with Amitabha Buddha, is Daoist Jie Yin and teaches two ancestors' Cundi daoist for the West.” 燕赵歌言道:“镇压齐天大圣五行山下,已经超脱的灵山如来佛祖,便是从前同阿弥陀佛祖,也就是接引道人并为西方教二祖的准提道人。” „The Ancient Era West teaches two founder Cundi daoist, the Great Sage Equal of Heaven instructing kind teacher bodhi founder, now Tathagata Buddha Sakyamuni World Honored One...” 上古纪元西方教二教主准提道人,齐天大圣授业恩师菩提祖师,现在如来佛祖释迦牟尼世尊…” Welcomed Gao Han suddenly is becoming the bright vision, Yan Zhaoge tranquil looking at each other: „... These three, are the same exists.” 迎着高寒陡然变得明亮的目光,燕赵歌平静对视:“…这三位,乃是同一存在。” Cundi daoist...” Gao Han raises head slightly, somewhat is slightly lost: This also was really gives another involved legal matter to answer.” 准提道人啊…”高寒微微仰头,略微有些出神:“这还真是又给另一桩公案做了解答呢。” In this world has the eternal riddle, most famous several, basically with these Surpassing Great Encompassing exists related. 这世上有许多万古之谜,其中最有名的几个,基本上都同那些大罗之上的存在有关。 For example, should in Ancient Era the above worldly matters Grand Pure Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue founder, why in Medieval Era be able last years the incarnation Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch once more present world? 例如,本该于上古纪元末年超脱太清道德天尊祖师,在中古纪元为什么会化身太上老君再次现世? Because was the time is extremely remote, once shaking the world, with the Taoism Three Pure Ones founder, the Western Buddhism two ancestors, Demonic Path source Primordial Heavenly Demon joint name Immemorial Three Sovereigns, what situation nowadays is, whether also saved the world? 因为距今时间太过遥远,曾经叱咤风云,同道门三清祖师,西方佛门二祖,魔道源头原始天魔并称太古三皇,现如今到底都是什么情况,是否还存世? As well as... Spirit Mountain Tathagata is Buddha, what origin? 以及…灵山如来佛祖,到底是何来历? This saying on first hearing, as if somewhat does not make sense. 这话乍一听,似乎有些无厘头。 But this truly once puzzled the questions of many people, especially after Ancient Era, enters Medieval Era, the Central Hovering Pure Land present world the time. 但这确实是曾经困扰许多人的疑问,尤其在上古纪元之后,进入中古纪元,中央娑婆净土现世的时候。 The reason is very simple, in Central Hovering Pure Land, the Lord of Western Paradise Spirit Mountain Great Thunderclap Temple, before Sakyamuni World Honored One, this in society all Surpassing Great Encompassing powerhouses, are Earlier Heaven fresh existence, opens before the world good fortune, was born in primordial chaos primordial chaos. 原因很简单,在中央娑婆净土,西天灵山大雷音寺之主,释迦牟尼世尊之前,这世间一切大罗之上的强者,都是先天而生的存在,早在天地造化开辟前,便已经诞生于鸿蒙混沌中。 The Taoism Three Pure Ones founder, is Immemorial Three Sovereigns, or the Western Buddhism two ancestors, are as for Demonic Path Six Great Ancestral Demons, without exception. 不论是道门三清祖师,还是太古三皇,又或者西方佛门二祖,乃至于魔道六大祖魔,无一例外。 Once Earlier Heaven life had, not necessarily was Surpassing Great Encompassing. 曾经的先天生灵有许多,并不一定都为大罗之上 But Surpassing Great Encompassing, is existence of Earlier Heaven. 大罗之上,皆为先天的存在。 Their rein in society truth, and opens the good fortune world, is teaches all Later Heaven lives as for the creation. 他们统御世间道理,并开辟造化天地,乃至于创造教导一切后天生灵。 Under Immortal Realm, all manner. 仙境之下,皆为人。 The immortal has four boundaries, leakless True Immortal, Quiet Profound Immortal, Grand Void Primordial Immortal, Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal. 仙有四境,无漏真仙,清静玄仙,太虚元仙,大罗天仙 Surpassing Great Encompassing, is above Immortal Realm, mysterious, is inenarrable, is beyond description, has a “Way” character. 大罗之上,也就是仙境之上,玄而又玄,难以描述,难以形容,只得一个“道”字。 By being called Way Realm. 是以称为道境 But existence of Surpassing Great Encompassing, was therefore familiar with call Way Ancestor. 大罗之上的存在,也因此被习惯称之为道祖 Way Ancestor is Earlier Heaven lives, until the Lord of Central Hovering Pure Land, Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha present world. 道祖皆是先天地而生,直到中央娑婆净土之主,灵山如来佛祖现世。 But like Medieval Era Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, about the Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha whether first Later Heaven Way Realm Supreme Being founder, has had the dispute. 但就像中古纪元太上老君一样,关于灵山如来佛祖是否第一位后天道境大能祖师,也一直都有争议。 Generally speaking, spreads the broadest view to have three types. 一般来说,流传最广的说法有三种。 The first type, this is one has the Buddha-nature Later Heaven life, eagerly anticipated by way of the past Buddha, entered the Buddhism, the practice, came to understand with concentration oneself saw Tathagata, achievement Way Realm, changed into the day later first Way Ancestor. 第一种,这就是一位有佛性的后天生灵,经由过去佛引领,入了佛门,潜心修炼,觉悟自身见得如来,成就道境,化为开天之后第一位道祖 This is also Central Hovering Pure Land oneself publicizes in the world view. 这也是中央娑婆净土自身宣扬于天下的说法。 The second type, is the guess, the powerhouse of some Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal level, succeeds goes a step further, finally Venerable of achievement Way Ancestor. 第二种,是猜测,某一位大罗天仙层次的强者,成功更进一步,终于成就道祖之尊。 Old Ancestor melts Hu, the legend of Abundant Treasures Tathagata, then such comes. 老祖化胡,多宝如来的传说,便是这么来的。 The third type, guessed that was quite bold, thinks Sakyamuni World Honored One, is another Way Ancestor. 第三种,猜测就比较大胆了,乃是认为释迦牟尼世尊,乃是另外一位道祖所化。 The Way Realm Supreme Being powerhouse, regarding other people, is hard to estimate that is beyond description, is hard to guess. 道境大能强者,对于其他人来说,难以揣度,难以形容,难以猜测。 They must make anything, besides with is Way Ancestor Supreme Being, other people little can see the clue. 他们要做什么,除了同为道祖大能以外,其他人很少能看出端倪。 Also truly some Way Realm Supreme Being whereabouts were at that time unpredictable, below met misfortune to say. 当时又确实有一些道境大能行踪难测,下落难说。 Including Buddhism West two ancestor Daoist Jie Yin and Cundi daoist , the unusual sound after Ancient Era, this makes the person have the guess in secret. 包括佛门自家西方二祖接引道人准提道人,在上古纪元之后也少有声息,这就更让人私下里生出许多猜测。 Just, at that time, this guess least people believes. 只不过,在当时,这种猜测最少人相信。 Now looks like, but also is really bolder, closer truth.” Gao Han approves saying that sighed: If Great Sage Equal of Heaven said is, that truly somewhat surprising.” “现在看来,还真是越大胆,越接近真相啊。”高寒似赞似叹的说道:“如果齐天大圣所言全都为真,那确实让人有些意外。” Yan Zhaoge shrugs the arm: Whether to, me cannot affirm.” 燕赵歌耸了耸肩膀:“是否为真,我就不敢肯定了。” His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, since makes me search the Five Elements Mountain outcome, now my good fortune does not fail in one's mission finally, but also invited Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang for my reply His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity.” 南极长生陛下既然让我去探一探五行山的究竟,如今我也总算幸不辱命,还请日曜太阳上尊代我回禀南极长生陛下。” Gao Han said: Harvest anticipated must be bigger, is laborious your excellency.” 高寒言道:“收获比预期还要更大,辛苦阁下了。” His looks at Yan Zhaoge, after high and low sizes up moment, shows a faint smile: „After your excellency goes back, please say an apology for me to Fellow Daoist Chen and Brocade Fu.” 看着燕赵歌,上下打量片刻后,微微一笑:“阁下回去后,也请代我向陈道友傅锦绣道一声歉意。” Words I will bring.” Yan Zhaoge said lightly. “话我会带到。”燕赵歌淡淡说道。 As for Chen Xuanzong and Fu Yunchi whether excuses me, that may unable to guarantee. 至于陈玄宗傅云驰是否见谅,那可就不敢保证了。 Mentioned, Great Sage Equal of Heaven situation, although the truth was different, but the superficial symptom, somewhat was actually similar to Brocade Fu.” Gao Han shakes the head, said with a smile: But, matter about Brocade Fu, Gao early has the mental note, can not need to worry.” “说来,齐天大圣情况,虽然道理不同,但表面症状,倒是同傅锦绣有几分相似。”高寒摇摇头,笑着说道:“不过,关于傅锦绣的事情,高某早有腹稿,可以不用担忧。” Yan Zhaoge looks at, smiles: „The law of cutting sentiment residing temporarily Pre-Great Cataclysm Grand Pure spreads?” 燕赵歌看着,也是一笑:“大破灭前太清流传的斩情寄身之法?” Gao Han slightly leaning under: „Did Oh? look like your excellency and Brocade Fu has tried to find out?” 高寒微微偏了下头:“哦?看来阁下和傅锦绣已经摸索出来了?” Tries to find out not to be at all, but there is a mentality.” Yan Zhaoge is moderate: Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang, can not use too much worry.” “摸索出来不敢当,只是有个思路。”燕赵歌语气平和:“日曜太阳上尊,也可以不用过多忧心。” Gao Han look usual saying with a smile: That is good, that is good.” 高寒神色如常的笑道:“那就好,那就好。” Saying that he does not care about: Fellow Daoist Chen there, because of the matter related to Nine Nether Great Demon, now is not good saying that but I seek for Little Friend Xie and Little Friend Chu, some features, waited for the positive news, will inform Fellow Daoist Chen.” 他不在意的说道:“陈道友那里,因为事情涉及九幽大魔,现在还不好讲,不过我寻找谢小友楚小友,有一些眉目了,等有了确切消息,自会通知陈道友。” Yan will have the words, Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang had a mind.” Yan Zhaoge has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest. “燕某会把话带到,日曜太阳上尊有心了。”燕赵歌拱了拱手。 Gao Han nods the head: Was right, hasn't a matter, known two to be possible interested?” 高寒颔首:“对了,还有一件事,不知二位可有兴趣?” His vision has swept Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng: Three Illuminations Divine Water, two think that knows.” 他目光扫过燕赵歌封云笙:“三光神水,二位想必都知道。” This is naturally.” Yan Zhaoge looks at each other one after Feng Yunsheng, nodded. “这是自然。”燕赵歌封云笙对视一眼后,都点了点头。 Three Illuminations Divine Water, is one god water that the legendary Jade Pure Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning founder had in years past, the splendid attire in the eight precious ingredients colored glaze bottle, the wondrous use is infinite, You Shan camouflages the impedance, does not increase does not reduce, does not shake motionless. 三光神水,乃是昔年传说中玉清元始天尊祖师持有的一种神水,盛装在八宝琉璃瓶内,妙用无穷,尤擅遮蔽阻抗,不增不减,不晃不动。 However this treasure has been lost, goes into hiding is very long, early did not have the news. 不过此宝已经失传,销声匿迹很久,早没了音信。 Now, this valuable once more present world.” Gao Han said: When a Buddhism Venerable hand of family background Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, previously he and Monster Race powerhouse fights, once had shone.” “如今,此宝再次现世了。”高寒言道:“就在一位出身西方极乐净土的佛门尊者手里,先前他与妖族强者大战时,曾经亮了出来。” A Yan Zhaoge frown porch: „Does the meaning of Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang, need the idea of opposite party?” 燕赵歌双眉一轩:“日曜太阳上尊的意思,是要打对方的主意喽?” Gao Han shows a faint smile: Careful plan, has not had opportunity.” 高寒微微一笑:“小心筹谋,未尝没有机会。” He said: This treasures goodness in the camouflage protects other things, had Three Illuminations Divine Water, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable and Immortal Courtyard External Way wants to look for the Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment, was more difficult.” 他说道:“此宝善于遮蔽保护其他东西,有了三光神水,无量天尊仙庭外道想要找天元石碎片,就更难了。” In front of the sighted people did not speak the code words, Gao Han this word, is equal to acknowledging, after the Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment splits up Sikong Qing, truly massively entered in his hand. 明人面前不说暗话,高寒此言,等于承认,天元石碎片分化后的“司空晴”们,确实大量入了他手里。 This treasure, regarding you, believes that is also useful.” The Gao Han smile said: Why not to consider one or two together?” “这宝物,对于你们来说,相信也是用得上的。”高寒微笑说道:“何不一起考虑一二?”
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