HSSB :: Volume #14

#1374: The first time face-to-face

Finishes what one starts, natural.” Listens to Yan Zhaoge to mention South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, Feng Yunsheng, then said. “有始有终,理所应当。”听燕赵歌提起南极长生大帝,封云笙便即说道。 both sides, the trust is limited, Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing is also well aware, by has not demanded the Yan Zhaoge and the others public relations contact, but there are to the Yan Zhaoge two people stays behind relates her method. 双方彼此之间,信任还有限,月曜太阴上尊凌清对此也心知肚明,是以没有索要燕赵歌等人的联系方法,但有给燕赵歌二人留下联系她的法门。 Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng legend in Outside Territory endless void, while the procedure, relates Ling Qing. 燕赵歌封云笙一边在域外无尽虚空里传说,一边作法,联系凌清 After transmitting place time that both sides met once more, the Yan Zhaoge two people then hurry along. 传递了双方再次碰面的地点时间后,燕赵歌二人便重新赶路。 Ahead of time after agreement place, stemming from the discrete consideration, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng still hid own whereabouts, awaits calmly the opposite party to arrive. 提前到了约定的地方后,出于谨慎考虑,燕赵歌封云笙仍旧隐藏自身行踪,静候对方到来。 Yan Zhaoge originally is good at going into hiding own aura, but after Feng Yunsheng achieves mastery through a comprehensive study Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Jian Shunhua some martial arts mysteries, similarly excels at this field of endeavor. 燕赵歌本就擅长隐匿自身气息,而封云笙融会贯通暗曜罗睺上尊简瞬华的一些武学奥妙后,同样擅长此道。 In years past in new Kunlun Nine Luminaries, Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Jian Shunhua always took assassinating as the specialty, hiding ambushes naturally to be skilled, when blade violent incomparable, but after receiving the blade, quiet deep conceal, You Shanyin person informer. 昔年新昆仑九曜里,暗曜罗睺上尊简瞬华向来以暗杀为专长,隐蔽潜伏自然精通,虽然出刀时暴烈无比,但收刀之后,静谧深藏,尤擅引人耳目。 They waited for patiently, long time, suddenly stream of light, from the distant place flashes before. 两人耐心等待,良久之后,忽然有一道流光,自远方闪现。 This radiance not Ling Qing moonlight like that chilly lonesome and quiet, instead is similar to the Morning Sun initial rise. 只是,这光辉不似凌清的月光那般清冷幽静,反而如同朝阳初升。 Sees that Yan Zhaoge two people of look at each other in dismay: „... Gao Han?” 见状,燕赵歌二人面面相觑:“…高寒?” newcomer clearly is not Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing, but is Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang, Gao Han! 来者分明不是月曜太阴上尊凌清,而是日曜太阳上尊,高寒 Since that has been called the person of Yan Zhaoge in secret alert. 那个一直以来,都叫燕赵歌暗中戒备的人。 Stopped the sunlight to the vicinity, form that the shining radiance dissipation, reveals a white clothing man, is Gao Han. 日光到了近处停下,金灿灿的光辉消散,露出一个白衣男子的身影,正是高寒 His manner is ease, both hands shoulder behind, the vision looks all around all around, looks at the empty universe to be void, does not worry, the patience waits. 他神态悠然,双手背负身后,目光环顾四周,望着空荡荡的宇宙虚空,也不着急,耐心等待起来。 The line of sight of Feng Yunsheng turns the head to look that Yan Zhaoge touches own chin. 封云笙的视线转头看过来,燕赵歌摸了摸自己的下巴。 Before was related by Ling Qing, was not a coincidence. 之前由凌清来联系,并非巧合。 Gao Han a little self-knowledge, should know that slightly he gave the impression that Yan Zhaoge, Chen Xuanzong and Yue Zhenbei and the others made to miss to the certain extent. 高寒稍微有点自知之明,都该知道他给燕赵歌陈玄宗越震北等人留下的印象着实差到一定程度了。 He runs, naturally will cause the Yan Zhaoge and the others serious alert, even refuses to contact. 他跑来,自然会引起燕赵歌等人严重戒备,甚至拒绝接触。 Therefore before , he stays out, is related Yan Zhaoge by Ling Qing they. 所以之前他才置身事外,由凌清来联系燕赵歌他们。 But now, he actually on own initiative goes into action. 可现在,他却又主动出马了。 On the Yan Zhaoge face shows facial expression that ponders, after the moment, said: We selected naturally, since the opposite party came this, that saw is.” 燕赵歌脸上露出玩味的神情,片刻后说道:“我们大方点好了,对方既然来此,那见一见便是。” Then, they come from void, appear in front of Gao Han. 说罢,两人自虚空里现身,出现在高寒面前。 Gao Han had realized immediately that vision looks, sees Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, on his face slightly flood happy expression: Seeing something once better than hearing hundred times, virtuous husband and wife really dragon and phoenix among men.” 高寒立即有所察觉,目光望过来,看见燕赵歌封云笙,他脸上微微泛起笑意:“百闻不如一见,贤伉俪果然人中龙凤。” Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang overpraised.” The Yan Zhaoge expression is usual, does not see slightly unusually: Said that I must express gratitude with you actually, Greater Yang Seal that you refined in the past, helped me to get through many difficult times past.” 日曜太阳上尊过奖了。”燕赵歌表情如常,不见丝毫异样:“说起来,倒是我要跟您道声谢,您当年炼制的太阳印,昔日助我渡过不少难关。” This is both sides first time meets truly. 这是双方第一次真正见面。 But Heaven knows, they to the understanding, feared that has surpassed the person who many respective sides year to year are together. 天晓得,他们对彼此之间的了解,怕是已经超过许多各自身旁常年相处的人。 Gao Han shows a faint smile: This was in dirty Gao, in the past in that side Lower Realm, line of the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree, the action of slip out of a predicament like a cicada sloughing its skin, was really laughed by knowledgeable people.” 高寒微微一笑:“这是在埋汰高某了,当年在那一方下界,行李代桃僵,金蝉脱壳之举,实在贻笑大方。” Yan Zhaoge did not ask why Gao Han is he comes this, but is not beforehand Ling Qing, said directly: My couple entered White Lotus Pure Land, entered has obstructed line, invaded one's territory on the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Buddhism authentic powerhouse, causes the White Lotus Pure Land chaos, time unexpected ample, therefore we have treated some time, just now withdrew to leave.” 燕赵歌也不问高寒为什么是他来此而不是之前的凌清,直接言道:“我夫妻二人入了白莲净土,入了遮行界,恰逢西方极乐净土的佛门正宗强者来犯,使得白莲净土大乱,时间出乎预料的宽裕,所以我们多待了一些时间,方才脱身离开。” At this time, His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity and we also knew.” Gao Han nods: newcomer is salutes the Victorious Fighting Buddha leadership, White Lotus Pure Land Lord Buddha Maitreya, nobody may keep off, afterward was Monster Race Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King take action, just now blocked to salute Victorious Fighting Buddha tip.” “此时,南极长生陛下和我们也都已经知晓。”高寒点头:“来者是南无斗战胜佛领衔,白莲净土弥勒尊佛祖不出,无人可挡,后来是妖族平天大圣牛魔王出手,方才挡住南无斗战胜佛锋芒。” After that White Lotus Pure Land unceasingly assembles more troops, Monster Race also has other powerhouses to arrive, salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha and Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss various Venerable sees not to ask for cheaply, therefore evacuates White Lotus Pure Land.” “其后白莲净土不断调集更多人马,妖族也有其他强者抵达,南无斗战胜佛西方极乐净土诸尊者见讨不到便宜,于是撤离白莲净土。” He smiled: This is also everybody previously unexpected matter, but the result is favorable for us.” 他笑了笑:“这也是大家先前都出乎预料的事情,不过结果对我们有利。” previously to shield Yan Zhaoge sneaks White Lotus Pure Land to obstruct line, he and Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing also makes some noises in White Lotus Pure Land, the intention attracts the External Way Buddhism the attention line of sight. 先前为了掩护燕赵歌潜入白莲净土遮行界,他和月曜太阴上尊凌清也都在白莲净土闹出一些动静,意图吸引外道佛门的注意视线。 South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, even has revealed several points of trace, in order to diverts the opposite party. 南极长生大帝,甚至都露了几分痕迹,以求牵制对方。 Normal, if no Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss this to insert one suddenly noisily, afterward South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and Gao Han they want to withdraw smoothly, needs spend some effort. 正常来说,如果没有西方极乐净土这突然插进来一闹,事后南极长生大帝高寒他们想要顺利脱身,也需要费些手脚 But had the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss large-scale invasion, making the White Lotus Pure Land attention put that side, Gao Han they withdrew to be also easier. 而有了西方极乐净土更大规模的入侵,让白莲净土注意力都放到那边去,高寒他们脱身也容易多了。 Expects like His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, under Five Elements Mountain truly suppresses one person.” Yan Zhaoge gives the answer tranquilly: „Under Yan good fortune does not fail in one's mission finally, succeeds to the Five Elements Mountain bottom, finds out outcome.” “诚如南极长生陛下所料,五行山下确实镇压一人。”燕赵歌平静给出答案:“燕某总算幸不辱命,成功下到五行山底,探得其中究竟。” Was suppressed there, is Great Sage Equal of Heaven Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong.” “被镇压在那里的,正是齐天大圣美猴王,孙悟空。” Hears this answer, the Gao Han vision dodges immediately: Great Sage Equal of Heaven? Has two Great Sage Equal of Heaven? Your excellency should know that salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha, actually after is the Great Sage Equal of Heaven achievement Buddha fruit?” 听到这个答案,高寒目光顿时一闪:“齐天大圣?有两个齐天大圣?阁下应该知道,南无斗战胜佛,其实便是齐天大圣成就佛果之后所化吧?” He selects the eyebrow gently: Said, among them, one Six Eared Macaque that is that legendary can confuse falsehood with the truth?” 他轻轻挑眉:“还是说,他们俩之间,有一个是那传说中能以假乱真的六耳猕猴?” What Quest for Buddhist Scriptures achieves Buddhahood is Ascetic Sun, Six Eared Macaque is its Heart's Demon.” Yan Zhaoge said slowly: However Great Sage Equal of Heaven, from most from the beginning was suppressed after Five Elements Mountain next, then has not withdrawn.” 取经成佛的是孙行者,六耳猕猴乃其心魔所化。”燕赵歌缓缓说道:“而齐天大圣,则从最一开始被镇压在五行山下后,便从没有脱身出来过。” Great Sage Equal of Heaven is Sun Wukong, Ascetic Sun is also Sun Wukong, but Ascetic Sun is actually not Great Sage Equal of Heaven.” 齐天大圣孙悟空,孙行者也是孙悟空,但孙行者却不是齐天大圣。” Mystery that Yan Zhaoge said that but Gao Han understood immediately. 燕赵歌说的玄妙,但高寒立即就懂了。 Initially the bodhisattva tripitaka Buddhist ceremony helped him withdraws to flee the suppression the time, did Sun Wukong divide into two?” Gao Han somewhat is also accidental, on the face shows the look that is interested in: No wonder, no wonder...” “当初佛子三藏佛事帮他脱身逃离镇压的时候,孙悟空一分为二了?”高寒也有些意外,脸上露出颇感兴趣的神色:“难怪,难怪…” His lowering the head chuckle: Great Sage Equal of Heaven is Goddess Nüwa Mending the Heavens loses three of Earth Primordial Stone wonder stones, can restrain the marvelous change of Human Primordial Stone, in years past the Medieval Era group monster arranged great array to prevent to penetrate eastward, then uses the interesting part of Human Primordial Stone, finally actually joined in the Buddhism Great Sage Equal of Heaven to be a traitor.” 他低头轻笑:“齐天大圣女娲娘娘补天所遗三才奇石之一的地元石所化,可以克制人元石的奇妙变化,昔年中古纪元群妖摆下大阵阻挡西佛东渐,其中便用到人元石之妙处,结果却遭投身佛门的齐天大圣反戈一击。” „The Monster Race public sentiment is roused to action, actually can only the dike of looks at thousand li(500 km) destroy in the ant nest helplessly, gap that finally small fissure turning is hard to make up, until collapsing completely.” 妖族群情激奋,却只能眼睁睁看着千里之堤毁于蚁穴,最终小小裂痕变成难以弥补的鸿沟,直到一败涂地。” Gao Han shakes the head again and again: Always crabby Great Sage Equal of Heaven, then thorough reversing to Central Hovering Pure Land, was spreads in the past years really broadly, making many people feel that an inconceivable involved legal matter, has not actually thought that unexpectedly was this result.” 高寒连连摇头:“一向暴脾气的齐天大圣,那么彻底的倒向中央娑婆净土,在当年也算是流传甚广,令许多人感到不可思议的一段公案,却不曾想,竟是这个结果。” He looked that said with a smile to Yan Zhaoge: truth to tell, my previously also thinks that was one of the past genuine and fake Handsome Monkey King, no matter really false, was suppressed there.” 他看向燕赵歌笑道:“实不相瞒,我先前还以为是当年真假美猴王之一,不管真的还是假的,有一个被镇压在那里呢。” This coming back, another puzzled riddle, got the answer in Great Sage Equal of Heaven there.” Yan Zhaoge smiles similarly was saying. “这次回来,还有另一桩不解之谜,也在齐天大圣那里得到了答案。”燕赵歌同样微笑着说道。
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