HSSB :: Volume #14

#1373: Panda slave

Feng Yunsheng looks to the Yan Zhaoge's vision, is getting more and more gentle, corners of the mouth also gradually flood happy expression. 封云笙看向燕赵歌的目光,越来越柔和,嘴角也渐渐泛起笑意。 She said in a soft voice: How must do, as you like, I with you together then am.” 她轻声说道:“要怎么做,都随你,我跟着你一起便是。” Yan Zhaoge looks to her, the vision also becomes gentle, teased: Made others hear, your this will be said did not have the opinion.” 燕赵歌看向她,目光也变得柔和,打趣道:“让别人听见了,你这样会被人说没主见的。” I who other people said do not listen, I who you said listen, this is the decision that I make, is my opinion, with others what Gan?” The Feng Yunsheng squint look at him: allow you are occupied by a young boy, can't I be occupied by a little girl?” “其他人说的我不听,你说的我听,这是我自己做的决定,就是我的主见,与别人何干?”封云笙斜眼看他:“许你心里住个小男孩儿,不许我心里住个小女孩儿吗?” Yan Zhaoge lets go: Naturally allow, I must be cheap.” 燕赵歌一摊手:“当然许啊,我得便宜呢呀。” They look at each other, has smiled. 两人对视,都笑了起来。 The old route returns, left the Five Elements Mountain ground together, outside the Feng Yunsheng feeling has obstructed the spiritual qi flowing change of line, as well as obstructed beside line, universe void change: War gradually has as if subsided, was just right for us to originally plan, left while these days, otherwise late perhaps caused trouble.” 原路返回,一同出了五行山地面,封云笙感受外面遮行界的灵气流动变化,以及遮行界之外,宇宙虚空的变化:“大战似乎渐渐平息了,正合我们原计划,趁这段时间离开,否则迟恐生变。” The Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss powerhouse invades White Lotus Pure Land suddenly, originally causes the confusion to White Lotus Pure Land arrangement. 西方极乐净土强者突然侵入白莲净土,对白莲净土原本的布置造成混乱。 Even though were repelled, both sides retreats and pursues, as well as the damage control is coordinated, will cause here to present the vacuum. 纵使被击退,双方撤退和追击,以及善后协调,会导致这里出现真空。 But passes along with the time, after White Lotus Pure Land again stable situation, the vacuum in this aspect will then vanish, the Yan Zhaoge two people want to leave again, was very difficult. 而随着时间流逝,白莲净土重新稳定局势后,这方面的真空便会消失,燕赵歌二人想要再行离开,就很难了。 At that time the White Lotus Pure Land powerhouse slow the god has come, formed to here again controls highly, let alone the Yan Zhaoge two people evacuated, hid in purely obstructing line, possibly was discovered. 那时白莲净土强者缓过神来,重新对这里形成高度掌控,别说燕赵歌二人撤离,单纯躲在遮行界里,都可能被人发现。 not bad, we fast leave.” Yan Zhaoge nodded, to obstructing line flies to escape. 不错,我们速速离开吧。”燕赵歌点了点头,向遮行界外飞遁。 Feng Yunsheng follows to ask in his side: Accepted helps Great Saint get out of trouble, can you have the concrete idea?” 封云笙跟在他身旁问道:“应承了帮助大圣脱困,你可有具体想法?” Yan Zhaoge said: Already some ideas, but implements specifically, place that needs to ponder over.” 燕赵歌言道:“已经有些想法了,不过具体实施起来,还有很多需要琢磨的地方。” My North Deep Doppelgänger, is one is good to choose.” “我的北冥分身,是一个好选择。” Feng Yunsheng looking pensive: Your North Deep Doppelgänger, is not body hides existence of vigorous Yang Earth vitality, but there is strength of to lay a foundation Tāo Tiè and Kūn Péng, has blended to refine many top Monster Race bloodlines, builds the law of change.” 封云笙若有所思:“你的北冥分身,并非身藏雄浑戊土元精的存在,但是有饕餮鲲鹏之力打底,已经融汇炼化多种顶尖妖族血脉,修成变化之法。” „Before listening to you, has said that you slide by North Deep Doppelgänger to the world that in the Monster Race multiplication lives, changes the monster body, many Monster Race cannot see the flaw.” “听你之前讲过,你以北冥分身溜到妖族繁衍生息的世界里,变化成妖身,很多妖族都看不出破绽。” You want to try to refine the monkey monster bloodlines, then changes the monkey body?” Feng Yunsheng somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry: Great Saint, although was suppressed, but your this may not deceive him, other Monster Race cannot look through your change, Great Sage Equal of Heaven can definitely look.” “你是想设法炼化猴妖血脉,然后变化成猴身?”封云笙有些哭笑不得:“大圣虽然被镇压了,但你这可骗不过他啊,别的妖族看不破你的变化,齐天大圣肯定能看出来的。” Yan Zhaoge relaxed saying: I have not planned to deceive him, all put on outwardly.” 燕赵歌轻松的说道:“我没打算骗他啊,一切都是摆在明面上的。” Great Sage Equal of Heaven, since said that his consanguinity, Human Race of body accumulated fifth heavenly stem oneself earth deities is also not only good, that explained that he does not care whether certainly is the consanguineous monkey monster this chance.” 齐天大圣既然说了,不仅仅他的同族可以,身蕴戊己地灵的人族也行,那就说明他并不在意是否一定是同族猴妖得这一份机缘。” For him, more importantly some people can inherit his Golden Body, who as for is inherits, he does not care actually.” Yan Zhaoge shrugs the arm: Naturally, that Victorious Fighting Buddha has definitely exempted discussed.” “对他来说,重要的是有人能承继他的金身,至于是谁承继,他其实不在意。”燕赵歌耸了耸肩膀:“当然了,那尊斗战胜佛肯定免谈。” Feng Yunsheng thinks, said: Was, if, he feared that hopes his previously had nothing to do with inherits this chance with the person or the monster that. After all this actually with Cundi daoist, is Tathagata Buddha is related, Great Sage Equal of Heaven is in itself resists, must cut off own past, does not hope that with his concerned person, received Tathagata Buddha advantage again.” 封云笙想了想后说道:“是了,如果可以,他怕是更希望与他先前无关的人或妖来承继这份机缘。毕竟这其实与准提道人,也就是如来佛祖有关,齐天大圣本身对此是抗拒的,要斩断自身前尘,自不希望与他有关的人,再受了如来佛祖好处。” Yan Zhaoge nods: Yes, but for me, this karma is actually the origin from Great Saint, cannot mind.” 燕赵歌点头:“是啊,但对我来说,这份儿因果却是来源自大圣的,根本不需介意。” You also young boy at heart jumped a moment ago, my affected thin in crash-bang.” Feng Yunsheng faint smile looks at he: Now all of a sudden changes such realistic, was the contrast too also big?” “你刚才还心里的小男孩儿跳出来呢,把我感动的稀里哗啦。”封云笙似笑非笑的看着他:“现在一下子又变这么现实,反差也太大了吧?” Yan Zhaoge said with a smile: Does not have the advantage, I will help Great Saint similarly, but since also possibly has the advantage, I don't need to push outward? Naturally must use one's head.” 燕赵歌笑道:“没有好处,我同样会帮大圣,但既然也可能有好处,我没必要往外推吧?当然要动动脑筋了。” Such a huge chance, always not comes true small advantage one crowd with the monkey monster that I am neither relative nor kin?” “这么一份天大的机缘,总不成真的便宜一群跟我非亲非故的猴妖吧?” He walks while said: Really wants other cheap monkey, that also first swindling and abducting, subduing, can be adopted by us is good, but that too wasted the time, might as well I swallowed to refine the monster monkey bloodlines by North Deep Doppelgänger, then own changed.” 他边走边说道:“就算真要便宜别的猴子,那也先坑蒙拐骗,将之收服,能为我所用才行,可那太浪费时间了,还不如我以北冥分身吞噬炼化妖猴血脉,然后自身加以变化。” „The only issue is, although my North Deep Doppelgänger Martial Saint Ninth Layer realm cultivation, but to Great Saint, was too low, a person definitely could not withstand.” “唯一的问题就是,我北冥分身虽然武圣九重境界修为,但相对于大圣来说,还是太低了,一个人肯定承受不住。” No matter North Deep Doppelgänger practice enhances realm, finds other person to train the North Deep Doppelgänger's same method to carry on the practice, needs many years. 不管是北冥分身自己修练提高境界,还是找别的人以培养北冥分身的相同方法进行修练,都需要不少年头。 Pan Pan that lazy goods, this time can also with mixing a good fortune perhaps actually.” Yan Zhaoge feels own chin, saying that is quite not feeling well: This fellow, is gluttonous and lazy all day long, the advantage takes, was longer-drawn-out than us is more relaxed.” “倒是盼盼那个懒货,这一次说不定也能跟着混一场造化。”燕赵歌摸着自己的下巴,颇为不爽的说道:“这家伙,成天好吃懒做,还有好处拿,比咱们悠哉轻松多了。” Feng Yunsheng shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not to: You with appearance that Pan Pan bears a grudge, likely child.” 封云笙摇头失笑:“你跟盼盼怄气的模样,更像个小孩儿。” Yan Zhaoge curled the lip, self-ridicules saying: Others are the cat slave, I am the panda slave, the feeling is not feeling well very much.” 燕赵歌撇了撇嘴,自嘲道:“人家是猫奴,我是熊猫奴,啧,还是感觉很不爽。” Pan Pan cultivation realm is also low now, it and your North Deep Doppelgänger add the same place, feared that still couldn't hold Great Saint Golden Body?” Feng Yunsheng was saying, while reveals the manner of thinking, turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge. 盼盼如今修为境界也还低,它和你的北冥分身加一起,怕是仍然托不起大圣金身吧?”封云笙一边说着,一边露出思索的神态,转头看向燕赵歌 Um, I guess that we think together.” Yan Zhaoge was welcoming her vision, nods: To the Jun'er mother and child, this perhaps is an opportunity, but Demonic Path is strange, needs to plan carefully, patient preparation, so as to avoid instead gives the opposite party opportunity, that became leads a wolf into the house.” “嗯,我猜,我们想到一起去了。”燕赵歌迎着她的目光,点点头:“对钧儿母子来说,这说不定是个机会,不过魔道诡异,还是需要仔细筹谋,耐心准备,免得反而给对方机会,那就成引狼入室了。” Feng Yunsheng nods silently: Yes, must absolutely safe be good.” 封云笙默默点头:“是啊,总要万无一失才行。” They left have obstructed line, in placed the outside universe to be void, can feel clearly, at present here desolateness. 两人出了遮行界,身处外界宇宙虚空里,能清楚感到,眼下这里一片荒芜。 Although original universe empty piece, but actually still had various subtle changes, according to own path silent Silent Flow revolutions. 原先的宇宙虽然空荡荡一片,但其实仍有各种细微变化,按照自身的轨迹默默运转。 But at this moment, the nearby universe has felt void actually the bleak ruined feeling. 但此刻,附近宇宙虚空却充满了荒凉破败之感。 Although the war has not brought disaster to obstruct the line and other world, but a fight of Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal level, still had the Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth destructive power, leaves behind for a very long time the scar that is hard to heal to White Lotus Pure Land. 虽然大战没有殃及遮行界等世界,但一场大罗天仙层次的战斗,仍然有毁天灭地的破坏力,给白莲净土留下久久难以愈合的伤痕。 Looks to the surroundings, although can still see among the universes in side side Buddhist Land to have Wish Power Buddha's aura to shine, but actually loses previously to link up into a single stretch, just likes a feeling of body. 向周围望去,虽然仍能看见宇宙间一方方佛土中有愿力佛光亮起,但是却失去先前连成一片,恍若一体的感觉。 Although was still dense and numerous, as if oil lamps, but shows the sparse feeling indistinctly. 虽然仍旧密密麻麻,仿佛一盏盏青灯,但隐约透出寥落之感。 However, along with the time lapse, lights gradually has the relation, and at the naked eye clear speed, constantly is expanding. 不过,随着时间推移,点点灯火彼此间又渐渐重新生出联系,并以肉眼清晰可辨的速度,在不断扩展。 White Lotus Pure Land is resuming the control to many ground Buddhist Country Buddhist Land unceasingly.” Yan Zhaoge said: They unite Monster Race, drives out after Victorious Fighting Buddha and other Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, must recycle inevitably, regroups after a defeat.” 白莲净土在不断恢复对诸多地上佛国佛土的控制。”燕赵歌言道:“他们联合妖族,将斗战胜佛西方极乐净土尊者赶出去后,势必要回收,重整旗鼓。” Has not turned around while them, we walk.” Feng Yunsheng said. “趁他们还没有掉过头来,我们走吧。”封云笙言道。 They shuttle back and forth in the numerous space and times unceasingly, goes by the layman to White Lotus Pure Land. 两人不断在重重时空里穿梭,向白莲净土以外行去。 The wall between universes bonds appears again, after crossing over, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng march into Outside Territory endless void finally. 宇宙间的壁障再次出现,将之穿越后,燕赵歌封云笙终于重新步入域外无尽虚空 Was right, that side His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity also needs to reply.” Yan Zhaoge rubs own temple gently. “对了,南极长生陛下那边也需要回复一下。”燕赵歌轻轻搓揉自己的太阳穴
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