HSSB :: Volume #14

#1372: Willful Yan Zhaoge

Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng walk in the mountain ranges, look back to look, can still see that bronze mirror generally bright vision, is rocking the twinkle. 燕赵歌封云笙在山峦间行走,回首望去,仍能看见那铜镜一般明亮的目光,在晃动闪烁。 Finally waved to make the farewell, they left Five Elements Mountain together. 最后挥了挥手做告别,两人一起出了五行山 Zhaoge, Great Sage Equal of Heaven look at you, probably some meanings of carefully examining, as if... Has the secret facts?” 赵歌,齐天大圣看你,好像有些审视的意思,似乎…别有隐情?” Walks on the road, Feng Yunsheng is pressed the brow, some indefinite asking. 走在路上,封云笙蹙起眉头,有些不确定的问道。 Um, you said right.” Yan Zhaoge nods: He as if saw links the issue that I had not discovered.” “嗯,你说的没错。”燕赵歌点头:“他似乎看出了一些连我自己原先都没发现的问题。” I, although does not know that he sees anything, but I can guess correctly that is related probably with what.” “我虽然不知道他到底看出什么,但我大概能猜到跟何事有关。” Elderly Monarch...” 老君…” Yan Zhaoge long puts out foul air: Other people, do not want to see right in front of one Elderly Monarch to be unavailable, to salute upon meeting at best by far greet, many smalltalk talked several.” 燕赵歌长长吐出一口浊气:“不似其他人,想面见老君都不可得,充其量远远见礼打个招呼,最多客套交谈几句。” This Monster Race Great Saint, in hearsay the past years practical had the contact with Elderly Monarch.” “这位妖族大圣,传闻中当年切实跟老君有过接触。” Does not dare saying that he is in Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal understands Elderly Monarch many existences, but definitely does not seek ordinary person to compare.” “不敢说他是大罗天仙里了解老君最多的存在,但肯定远非寻常人可比。” Feng Yunsheng heard this, hesitates was saying: That i.e., looks like in Great Sage Equal of Heaven, you... Is related with Elderly Monarch?” 封云笙闻言,沉吟着说道:“那就是说,在齐天大圣看来,你…同老君有关?” Actually, I previously also some had suspected, but the mentality has not straightened out, Great Sage Equal of Heaven today's response, is only another collateral evidence.” Yan Zhaoge said spookily: Still remembers that I have told you, I felt that I studies Grand Pure legacy absolute art, is handier, is the comprehension quickly deeper?” “其实,我自己早先也有过一些猜想,只是思路还没有理顺,齐天大圣今天的反应,只是又一个旁证。”燕赵歌幽幽说道:“还记得我跟你讲过,我感觉自己修习太清嫡传绝学,更加得心应手,领悟更快更深吗?” Feng Yunsheng nods the head: I remember.” 封云笙颔首:“我记得。” Alone is only this matter, actually does not have any special place.” Yan Zhaoge shrugs the shoulders: Talent of martial artist in perception aspect, is very difficult to say.” “单独只是这一件事,其实没什么特异之处。”燕赵歌耸耸肩膀:“武者在悟性这方面的天赋,很难讲。” His father Yan Di with the Grand Simplicity Splendour Cloud associated millenniums, is only nourishing Good Fortune Sabre sabre intent. 他老爹燕狄太易华云伴生千年,也只是温养造化刀刀意 Jade Pure legacy and Grand Pure legacy to Yan Di, practice, does not have the big difference, studies Grand Pure legacy, has not seen the blessed by Heaven superiority. 玉清嫡传太清嫡传燕狄来说,修练起来,没有多大差异,修习太清传承,也没见有得天独厚的优势。 Among blood relations, possibly the talent in heredity physique. 血亲之间,可能遗传体质方面的天赋。 But practices to martial arts, or to some martial arts, natural talent in perception, with blood relationship irrelevant, many are individual state of mind special reason. 但对武学修练,或者说对某一种武学,在悟性上的天资,则跟血统无关,多是个人神魂特异的缘故。 For example Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment differentiation influence Sikong Qing, the talent perception is mostly outstanding, but they with them, not bloodlines origin. 例如天元石碎片分化影响的“司空晴”们,大多天赋悟性优异,但他们同她们之间,并无血脉渊源。 Therefore supposed that Grand Simplicity Splendour Cloud atavism affects Yan Zhaoge, is untenable. 所以假设太易华云“隔代遗传”影响到燕赵歌,也是不成立的。 The talent in practicing martial art perception, Yan Zhaoge is Yan Zhaoge, Yan Di is Yan Di, both are uninterested. 习武悟性上的天赋,燕赵歌燕赵歌,燕狄燕狄,两者并无关系。 From ancient to present, somebody excels to some martial arts specially, the inborn handy matter, is very common. 从古到今,某个人对某种武学特别擅长,天生得心应手的事情,很常见。 Many Heaven's Chosen Child, then such come, similar superiority, originally is they one of capital can emerge from all living things. 许多天之骄子,便是这么来的,类似优势,本就是他们得以从芸芸众生里脱颖而出的资本之一。 For example, Yan Xingtang, Di Qinglian, Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan, are as for Yin Shiyang, Long Xueji, Nie Jingshen, Yue Zhenbei, Yu Ye and He Mian and the others, is the sword art perception talent clearly is higher than existence of ordinary person. 例如,燕星棠狄清涟高清漩龙星泉,乃至于殷十阳龙雪寂聂惊神越震北禹夜贺勉等人,都是剑道悟性天赋明显高于常人的存在。 Long Xueji and Yu Ye, although has the blood relationship with Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan, but the obtained profit, lies in the ordinary day the higher-level direction influence and teaching by personal example. 这其中龙雪寂禹夜虽然同高清漩龙星泉有血缘关系,但所得益处,更多在于平日里更高水平的指点影响和言传身教。 In the talent to sword art comprehension, mostly was still their own originally some good background. 剑道领悟上的天赋,大多仍然是他们自身本就有的好底子。 Therefore Yan Zhaoge to Grand Pure legacy absolute art extra sensitive insightful, by no means how inconceivable matter. 所以燕赵歌太清嫡传绝学额外敏感通透,也并非多么不可思议的事情。 At best is others is only astonishing to or a kind of martial arts sharpness, but he compares the exaggeration is astonishing to entire lineage legacy all martial arts sharpness. 充其量是别人只对一种或者一类武学领悟力惊人,而他则比较夸张的对整整一脉传承的所有武学都领悟力惊人。 However, a matter can be the coincidence, if the coincidences with multi-correlation gathers together, makes people very difficult to believe that this was all accidental. 但是,一件事可以是巧合,如果同更多相关的巧合凑到一起来看,就让人很难相信,这全是偶然了。 At least, Yan Zhaoge does not believe. 至少,燕赵歌不信。 Elderly Monarch thoughts let alone we, the His Majesty the Eastern Sovereign, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, Lord Buddha Maitreya and other Supreme Being powerhouses feared that is not fully correct.” 老君的心思别说我们了,东皇陛下无量天尊弥勒尊佛祖大能强者怕是都猜不透。” Yan Zhaoge muttered: My present situation, is whether related with Elderly Monarch, now is difficult to say.” 燕赵歌喃喃自语:“我如今的情况,是否同老君相关,现在还难讲。” That side His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, saw the one point clue perhaps actually, no wonder he must hold under my newcomer Five Elements Mountain to walk.” “倒是南极长生陛下那边,说不定也看出了一点端倪,难怪他要托我来者五行山下走一趟。” Very obviously, if must say that who is not worried to offend already above worldly matters Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha completely, that inevitably is the similar determination already the above worldly matters Three Pure Ones founder and Goddess Nüwa! 很显然,如果一定要说有谁完全不担心得罪已经超脱的灵山如来佛祖,那必然是同样确定已经超脱三清祖师和女娲娘娘 If on Yan Zhaoge, implicates the arrangement of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, leave alone has a mind to plan or have no interest conveniently, he runs up to under Five Elements Mountain, moves obviously compared with other person of Unfettered many, does not need that to be worried to enrage already above worldly matters Tathagata Buddha. 如果燕赵歌身上,真牵连有太上老君的安排,别管是有心谋划还是无心随手为之,那他跑到五行山下,活动起来明显就要比其他人自在得多,不必那么担心触怒已经超脱的如来佛祖 Naturally, this is only relatively speaking. 当然,这只是相对而言。 Guesses with the favour truth of this in society. 是用这世间的人情道理来揣测。 But Tathagata Buddha and Three Pure Ones founder they are hard with existence that in society common sense estimates. 而偏偏如来佛祖三清祖师他们都是难以用世间常理揣度的存在。 Therefore the risk also still had, moreover may be possible to be small greatly, nobody can give the accurate judgment. 所以风险也仍然还是有的,而且可大可小,无人能给确切判断。 Perhaps His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity did not know in the past the truth under Five Elements Mountain, but here was existence of Tathagata Buddha personally suppression, the matter affirmed that simple, His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity received the rumor, wants to inquire the clear outcome, then gave to urge me.” 南极长生陛下或许不知道当年五行山下的真相,但这里是如来佛祖亲自镇压的存在,事情肯定简单不了,南极长生陛下收到了风声,就想打探清楚究竟,便把我给撺掇来了。” Yan Zhaoge rubs own temple gently, smiles bitterly was saying. 燕赵歌轻轻搓揉自己的太阳穴,苦笑着说道。 But you came.” Feng Yunsheng said in a soft voice: Moreover has taken huge risk, complies to help Great Saint take care of the idea of getting out of trouble.” “可你还是来了。”封云笙轻声说道:“而且冒了天大的风险,答应帮大圣张罗脱困之计。” After Yan Zhaoge silent one next, smiled: Just now under Five Elements Mountain, I to the words that Great Saint spoke, was not the polite speech, was not the fine words, but was my true idea.” 燕赵歌沉默一下后,笑了笑:“方才在五行山下,我跟大圣说的话,不是场面话,不是漂亮话,而是我的真实想法。” Feng Yunsheng nods: I can hear.” 封云笙点头:“我听得出来。” My this person, realistic said that the the Way and its Virtue level was limited.” Yan Zhaoge said gently: Most times, I thought that I am very realistic.” “我这人,实事求是的讲,道德水平有限。”燕赵歌轻轻说道:“多数时候,我觉得自己挺现实的。” Can handle the altruistic and selfish matter is certainly best, but besides to some specific people, in benefitting oneself with altruist, if can only elect to be the same, I choose mostly selfishly.” “能做利人又利己的事情当然最好,但除了对部分特定的人以外,在利己和利人之间如果只能选一样的话,我多半选择利己。” Makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions, is concerned for the success and failure, these matters I also often do.” “趋利避害,计较得失,这些事情我也都常做。” First Yan Zhaoge self-ridicules has smiled, then smiling face restraining, has referred to own Chest: Sometimes, facing something, I also will have the young boy who a love has a dream, suddenly willful jumps.” 燕赵歌先自嘲的笑了一下,然后笑容收敛,指了指自己的心口:“可是有些时候,面对有些事情,我心里也会有一个爱做梦的小男孩,突然任性的跳出来。” this day and age, at this moment, is so. 今时今日,此时此刻,便是如此。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong! 齐天大圣孙悟空 In very remote previous life memory, that is the idol of his Yan Zhaoge childhood! 已经很久远的前世记忆里,那是他燕赵歌童年的偶像! Even if afterward he read many books, understands many materials, these information told him, own childhood idol was imperfect. 哪怕后来他看了许多书籍,了解许多资料,那些信息都告诉他,自己的童年偶像并不完美。 In these stories, the monkey cannot greatly noisy Heavenly Palace, let alone hit Three Realms to change colors. 在那些故事里,猴子根本没能大闹天宫,更别说打得三界失色。 He has not even gone to have the person to block by a day including Hall of Miraculous Mist gate. 他甚至连凌霄宝殿大门都没进去就被一个天将带人拦下。 Later heads west in the Quest for Buddhist Scriptures story, admits defeat repeatedly, moves the reinforcement everywhere. 之后西行取经的故事里,也是屡屡吃瘪,到处搬救兵。 Yan Zhaoge knows that perhaps in that story, in that original works novel, originally was speaking one to tie up the heart ape, the story of anchorage Italy , Malaysia, was an original intention satirizes the ancient form of acupuncture current politics story... 燕赵歌知道在那故事,在那原著小说里,或许本就在讲一个拴住心猿,定住意马的故事,是一个本意讽刺针砭时政的故事… He the impression to Sun Wukong, came from the projection and supplement of his sentiment, even is not original image of Sun Wukong in the story, was erased the shortcoming by his emotion unceasingly, increases the merit unceasingly, affects the matter selectivity of image to disregard entirely, instead the brain makes up the actor's pay that increased did not have... 他对孙悟空的印象,很多来自他个人感情的投射与补充,甚至已经不是孙悟空在故事中本来的形象,被他自己的情感不断抹除缺点,不断添加优点,影响形象的事统统选择性无视,反而脑补添加了很多不存在的戏份… But to Yan Zhaoge, these is not the matter! 但对燕赵歌来说,那些都不是事儿! Other matters can speak the reason, but is not good on this matter! 其他事情都可以讲理智,但就这件事不行! Even if were said is the brain remnant powder, his also being disinclined manages. 哪怕被人说是脑残粉,他也懒得管。 To Yan Zhaoge, after he even very much repels under that Five Elements Mountain to come out the monkey. 燕赵歌而言,他甚至很排斥那个五行山下出来后的猴子。 In his mind, that is fearless, combat nature, will never concede, will never compromise, a monkey and a staff hits entire sky, steps on collapses Southern Heavenly Gate, selects to turn soars to the clouds the matchless hero in palace, is Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong! 在他心目中,那个天不怕地不怕,战天斗地,永不服输,永不妥协,一猴一棍打遍诸天,踩塌南天门,挑翻凌霄殿的盖世英雄,才是齐天大圣孙悟空 This is previous life. 这是前世 But in this, reads Heavenly Court Divine Palace Book Collection Pavilion many ancient books Yan Zhaoge to know that this in society, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, has made Heavenly Court Divine Palace truly greatly, able to move unhindered entire sky does not have to envy, unparalleled Great Monster that appointed in the Heavenly Immortal group gallops! 而在这一世,阅览过天庭神宫藏书阁许多典籍的燕赵歌知道,这世间,曾经的齐天大圣孙悟空,是真正大闹过天庭神宫,纵横诸天无所忌,天仙群里任驰骋的盖世大妖 Therefore changes into Ascetic Sun to him finally, heads west to achieve Buddhahood, in the Yan Zhaoge heart loses regretted. 所以对他最终还是化为孙行者,西行成佛,燕赵歌心中更加失落惋惜。 But now knows under after this in society Five Elements Mountain truth, comforting and joy in Yan Zhaoge heart, are far from his surface display that indifferently. 而如今知道这世间五行山下真相后,燕赵歌心中的宽慰和喜悦,远非他面上所表现那么淡然。 Therefore such as Feng Yunsheng said that he came this Five Elements Mountain. 所以如封云笙所言,他到底还是来了这五行山 Not only came, but must help monkey! 不仅来了,还要帮猴子一把! Other matter, he still possibly had the willful time to one's heart's content 别的事情,他仍然可能有任性纵情的时候 But this matter, willful firmness especially! 但这件事,任性的格外坚定!
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