HSSB :: Volume #14

#1371: The Wukong depends on

The innumerable Supreme Being powerhouses all asked above worldly matters, I was no exception either. 无数大能强者皆求超脱,我亦不例外。 Why the goal was in years past unimportant, but I want above worldly matters now, for any other reasons, in above worldly matters itself, for do not look for Old Man Tathagata again, by the justice! 昔年为何目的已不重要,但如今我要超脱,不为其他任何缘由,不在超脱本身,就为要再找如来老儿,论个公道! Cherishes obsession, gets angry well unceasingly. 心怀执念也罢,嗔怒不绝也好。 Which managed people how to say me, this whole life must live a happiness! 哪管世人如何说我,这辈子就是要活个痛快! The flame in monkey both eyes as if gushes out, forms to singe a day of potential. 猴子双目中的火焰仿佛喷薄而出,形成燎天之势。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven of Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng looks at at present, the facial expression becomes with deep veneration. 燕赵歌封云笙看着眼前齐天大圣,神情都变得肃然。 Is killed by weapons to repair, from the beginning has come. 兵解重修,从头来过。 May be difficult, indescribable. 说来简单,可其中艰难,难以言表。 That is not only the millenniums, the self-torture of ten thousand years of even long-time years, means that all become indefinite. 那不仅仅是千年、万年甚至更长久岁月的苦修,同时也意味着一切都变得不确定。 Then is Sun Wukong is the Earth Primordial Stone family background, who can guarantee that he can certainly again become today the body of Great Encompassing? 便是孙悟空地元石出身,但谁能保证他一定就可以再成今日大罗之身? Who can guarantee that he toward does certainly have looking of above worldly matters? 谁又能保证他朝一定有超脱之望? The supposition of extreme one point, half-way die young died, perishes at Heavenly Calamity or the man-made disaster, possibly had. 极端一点的假设,半道夭折陨落,亡于天灾或者人祸,也不是没有可能。 But the at present monkey, as if has not hesitated actually. 眼前的猴子,对此却似乎没有丝毫犹疑。 To him, regardless of succeeds, is the failure, exceeds is suppressed can not liberate here! 对他而言,不论成功,还是失败,都胜过被镇压在这里不得解放! „It is not free, rather dies, combat nature, fearless...” Yan Zhaoge sighed, looked to Great Sage Equal of Heaven: I will attempt to help Great Saint you seek for the appropriate candidate.” “不自由,毋宁死,战天斗地,无所畏惧…”燕赵歌叹息一声,看向齐天大圣:“我会尝试帮大圣你寻找合适的人选。” Great Sage Equal of Heaven is gazing at him similarly, long time, just now opens the mouth: Your this baby, did not fear that enrages Old Man Tathagata? Although he above worldly matters, may have possibly comes back.” 齐天大圣同样注视着他,良久之后方才开口:“你这娃娃,不怕触怒如来老儿?他虽超脱,可不是没可能回来的。” Words said that like this right, but certainly will not anger Tathagata Buddha.” Yan Zhaoge shows a faint smile: Said honestly, if will anger certainly Tathagata Buddha, I also really must think.” “话是这样说没错,但也不是一定会惹怒如来佛祖。”燕赵歌微微一笑:“坦白的说,如果是一定会惹怒如来佛祖,我还真要多想一想。” „It is not because I feared, but is I am by no means stark naked a person, a person eats to the full whole family not to be hungry.” He turned the head to look at Feng Yunsheng one: I have the family member, has friend, has the same side, needs to consider for them.” “不是因为我怕,而是我并非赤条条一个人,一人吃饱全家不饿。”他转头看了封云笙一眼:“我有家人,有朋友,有同门,需要为他们考虑。” If I also resemble Great Saint you same to come and go freely, even if possibly enrages Tathagata Buddha , something, I will also do.” “如果我也似大圣你一样独来独往,即便是真的可能触怒如来佛祖,有些事,我也会做。” Yan Zhaoge said calmly: „The making use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions way things should be, I am no exception, but is not all matters must weigh gains and losses does.” 燕赵歌平静说道:“趋利避害人之常情,我也不例外,但并不是所有事情都要衡量得失才去做的。” Sometimes, I am also very willful, wants is a happiness!” “有些时候,我也很任性的,要的就是个痛快!” The monkey stared at him to look, after looking for a long time, opened the mouth to ask: „Do your babies, how look to come to here?” 猴子盯着他看,看了许久后,开口问道:“你们两个娃娃,是怎么找来这里的?” Actually was held.” The Yan Zhaoge vision concentrates, replied truthfully: „The person of entrusting only said that here suppressed some position to exist, actually holding me to come to see is, actually does not want to be Great Saint you.” “其实是受人所托。”燕赵歌目光微凝,如实答道:“托付之人只说这里镇压了某位存在,托我来看看究竟是谁,却不曾想是大圣你。” The monkey pursues asks: Was held by who?” 猴子追问道:“受何人所托?” After Yan Zhaoge has hesitated one next, replied: My Taoism one of the Four Augusts, His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity.” 燕赵歌沉吟了一下后,答道:“我道门四御之一,南极长生陛下。” South Pole Immortal Father that old...” Great Sage Equal of Heaven raises head slightly, lost ponder a while. 南极仙翁那老儿…”齐天大圣微微仰头,出神的思考了一会儿。 After a little while, on his wool face shows the smiling face: No matter your this baby is true feelings or hypocrisy, you have helped my this, my Old Sun must thank you.” 少顷,他一张毛脸上露出笑容:“不管你这娃娃是真情还是假意,你帮了俺这回,俺老孙都要谢谢你。” Actually does not know the person who Great Saint you must find, can have the limit of cultivation realm height? In the quantity has the request?” Yan Zhaoge asked. “却不知大圣你要找的人,可有修为境界高低的限制?数量上有没有要求?”燕赵歌问道。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven laid out Mao Claw: cultivation realm is higher, that quantity naturally are less, for example by you this girl, if there is her realm strength, a person of foot.” 齐天大圣摆了摆毛爪:“修为境界越高,那数量自然越少,比方说你旁边这个女娃子,如果有她的境界实力,一人足矣。” In turn in other words, cultivation realm lowered, shares on need more people together. 反过来也就是说,修为境界低了,就需要更多人来一起分担。 Good, I remember.” Yan Zhaoge nods the head. “好,我记下了。”燕赵歌颔首。 The monkey also asked: Just now that doll told the story, only talked about Old Man Tathagata above worldly matters, later what happened?” 猴子又问:“方才那女娃讲故事,只讲到如来老儿超脱,之后发生了些什么事?” In the Yan Zhaoge heart moves slightly: Has many matters, is a long story.” 燕赵歌心中微动:“有很多事,一言难尽呢。” After he picks Medieval Era, after new Era Pre-Great Cataclysm , the important matter said that the monkey more listens, the eye more stares is bigger. 他捡中古纪元后,新纪元大破灭前后重要的事情说了,猴子越听,眼睛越瞪越大。 Ha, Old Man Tathagata, although above worldly matters, but his Way Lineage also defeated!” Great Sage Equal of Heaven laughs: Maitreya so long as originally takes the Old Man Tathagata's road normally then, but the pit, was blocked the original Great Way level road inevitably, this is forced to change other roads, Old Man Tathagata's Way Lineage, thoroughly changed the countenance!” “哈哈哈,如来老儿虽然超脱,但他自己的道统也败了!”齐天大圣哈哈大笑:“弥勒本来只要正常走如来老儿的路便可以,但必然是被人坑了,堵住原先的大道坦途,这才被迫改走其他路,如来老儿的道统,也彻底变了嘴脸!” When I think that the Amitabha Buddha not big elephant, went bad Maitreya to say way possibly was Dīpankara that husband.” “待俺想想,阿弥陀佛祖不大像,坏了弥勒原先道途的最可能是燃灯那老倌儿。” Great Sage Equal of Heaven sneers was saying: To that spineless person past, went bad many person of same belief lives, the Human Primordial Stone fragment has wanted to come also mostly to fall into Central Hovering Pure Land, Old Man Tathagata above worldly matters, has passed to Maitreya mostly, now poured his Maitreya foundation.” 齐天大圣冷笑着说道:“给那软骨头一路趟过去,坏了诸多同道性命,人元石碎片想来也大多落入中央娑婆净土,如来老儿超脱,多半传给了弥勒,如今倒成了他弥勒的根基。” Now Wish Power Buddha's aura gathering of White Lotus Pure Land, root in Human Primordial Stone?” Yan Zhaoge suddenly, subsequently ponders: But, White Lotus Pure Land now continually becomes air/Qi with Monster Race, Monster Race was swindled beginning possibly also remained some Human Primordial Stone fragments...” “如今白莲净土愿力佛光汇聚,根源在人元石吗?”燕赵歌恍然,继而沉思:“不过,白莲净土现在同妖族连成一气,妖族手上当初可能也还剩了一些人元石碎片…” After hearing existence of Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, after monkey show ear, down: This male servant what way? Unexpectedly obtains Heavenly Primordial Stone? However, such No. several person suspicion is biggest, cannot run their several one of them.” 听说无量天尊的存在后,猴子则骚了骚耳后绒毛:“这厮又什么路数?居然得到天元石?不过,就那么几号人嫌疑最大,跑不出他们几个其中之一。” Yan Zhaoge felt really this time comes Five Elements Mountain, trip has not been made in vain. 燕赵歌着实感觉此次来五行山,不虚此行。 With the at present Great Sage Equal of Heaven mouth, knows many dense Xin. 眼前齐天大圣口中,得知不少密辛。 He felt that is cut off and dense fog between history in oneself, gradually is changing pale. 他感觉,阻隔在自己同历史之间的迷雾,正在渐渐变淡。 Naturally, Sun Wukong said that even if did not have the lie, limited to his own knew, not necessarily was the historic truth. 当然,孙悟空所言,即便没有假话,也是限于他自身所知,不一定就是历史真相。 But to Yan Zhaoge, was precious. 但对燕赵歌来说,已经非常宝贵。 Many information that because he can have with oneself come to compare the confirmation. 因为他可以同自身掌握的许多信息来加以对照验证。 Once disintegrated, or seems like the useless information clue, now starts to glow the ray. 很多曾经散碎,或者看似无用的情报线索,如今开始焕发光芒。 Great Saint, I and my wife, said goodbye in light of this, you took care.” 大圣,我和拙荆,就此告辞,你多保重。” Stayed time under this Five Elements Mountain was not already short, person who even if outside had Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss involved, this has also gone far beyond a double-hour. 停留在这五行山下的时间已然不短,就算外面有西方极乐净土的人牵扯,这也已经远远超过一个时辰。 The two people leave, similarly requires the time, Yan Zhaoge, then said goodbye. 己方二人离开,同样需要时间,燕赵歌便即告辞。 These many years, had your babies to come to accompany me rarely to chat, you walk, I am also sad.” The monkey touches own ears and cheeks: Goes, goes, quick returns quickly is good.” “这么多年了,难得有你们两个娃娃进来陪俺聊聊,你们一走,俺又要难过喽。”猴子抓耳挠腮:“去吧,去吧,快去快回才好。” Yan Zhaoge has patted the forehead: Was right, outside besides that Victorious Fighting Buddha, Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King, Great Saint you may need me to relate with him, told him your situation?” 燕赵歌拍了拍脑门:“对了,在外面的除了那斗战胜佛以外,还有平天大圣牛魔王,大圣你可需要我同他联系,把你的情况告诉他?” Hears the name of Victorious Fighting Buddha, in at present Great Sage Equal of Heaven both eyes appears the cruel angry flame. 听闻斗战胜佛之名,眼前齐天大圣双目中又浮现暴戾愤怒的火光。 To him, that Buddha on former days the scar, the eternal shame seemed to be ordinary. 对他而言,那尊佛陀就仿佛旧日疮疤,永恒耻辱一般。 However after hearing the Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King given name, in his both eyes the flame vanishes, sighed disappointed. 不过在听到平天大圣牛魔王的名号后,他双目中火光消失,怅然一叹。 previously hear of Feng Yunsheng narrated when numerous Journey to the West fables that spreads, then has mentioned a Bull Demon King matter simply. 先前封云笙讲述流传的众多西游传说时,便有简单提到过牛魔王一家的事情。 Let alone, let alone!” Great Sage Equal of Heaven annoying said repeatedly: I do not have the face to see him now, said to him, when also my Old Sun arranges the lie to coax him.” “别说,别说!”齐天大圣懊恼的连声说道:“俺现在可没脸去见他,给他说了,还当俺老孙编谎话哄他。” The monkey clenches jaws: When, I have killed that spineless person personally, I go with him face to face, goes to confess with the beforehand these youngest brothers.” 猴子咬牙切齿:“什么时候,俺亲手把那个软骨头打杀了,俺当面去跟他,去跟以前那些老兄弟们交代。” Good, I did not say that is.” Yan Zhaoge let go, then stern said: Great Saint takes care, my couple said goodbye.” “好,我不说便是。”燕赵歌摊了摊手,然后正色说道:“大圣保重,我夫妻二人告辞了。” Great Sage Equal of Heaven jumped on the precipice, the hand built the awning, gazed after the Yan Zhaoge two people to go far away. 齐天大圣跳到了山岩上,手搭凉棚,目送燕赵歌二人远去。 „Should my this pair of eyes eyeball, not misread?” He muttered. “俺这双眼睛,应该没看错吧?”他喃喃自语。
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