HSSB :: Volume #14

#1370: The unyielding side is really Great Saint!

In wild laughter, more than several sad, more than several dismal. 狂放的笑声里,几多郁愤,几多悲凉。 Places in this kind of environment, laughing wildly of monkey makes the person be out of control creepy feeling. 身处这样一个环境中,猴子的狂笑让人禁不住头皮发麻。 But in Yan Zhaoge heart, there is surprised, is actually as expected, really such feeling. 燕赵歌心中,既有惊讶,却也有不出所料,果然如此的感觉。 Two contradictory psychology, if must compare, feared that the latter type are more. 两种矛盾的心理状态,如果一定要比较,怕还是后一种更多一些。 Just now was mentioned by the Yan Zhaoge two people of mouths, but the monkey does not know it the above worldly matters Supreme Being powerhouse, only had Medieval Era last years Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha. 方才由燕赵歌二人之口提及,而猴子原本不知道其已超脱大能强者,唯有中古纪元末年的灵山如来佛祖 In the monkey words the meaning, is clearly making clear to a dense Xin. 猴子话里意思,分明在昭示一件密辛。 When Ancient Era Cundi daoist, is Medieval Era the Lord of Central Hovering Pure Land, Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha, Sakyamuni World Honored One! 上古纪元时的准提道人,就是中古纪元中央娑婆净土之主,灵山如来佛祖,释迦牟尼世尊 Teacher?!” “老师?!” Previously heard in the outside, as if engraved that in space and time to roar, at this moment as if once more resounded in the ear. 早先在外间听到,仿佛镌刻于时空中的那一声怒吼,此刻仿佛再次在耳边响起。 If places monkey, has not always lowered the head to the Buddhism, has been suppressed here, can not liberate throughout. 如果说身处此间的猴子,从来也不曾向佛门低头,一直被镇压在这里,始终不得解放。 That can by the person who he is called the teacher, naturally with bodhisattva Tripitaka not can touch on slightly. 那能被他称为老师的人,自然就跟佛子三藏法师沾不上边。 Such existence, has and has one, that was in years past the Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong instructing kind teacher, the legendary bodhi founder. 这样的存在,有且只有一个,那就是昔年齐天大圣孙悟空的授业恩师,传说中的菩提祖师是也。 From ancient to present, about a spirit platform square inch mountain, the hearsay of slanting moon/month Samsung hole bodhi founder, spreads the broadest view relatively, then when is he is Ancient Era the West teaches of Cundi daoist incarnations two ancestors. 从古到今,关于灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞菩提祖师的传闻,相对流传最广的说法,便是他乃上古纪元时西方教二祖之一的准提道人化身。 After Ancient Era, Cundi daoist unusual present world, missing. 上古纪元之后,准提道人少有现世,下落不明。 Now compares Great Sage Equal of Heaven saying that without doubt was saying that Cundi daoist was his instructing kind teacher bodhi founder. 现在对照齐天大圣所言,无疑是在说,准提道人便是他的授业恩师菩提祖师。 But initially taught that he studies the bodhi founder, then suppresses Tathagata Buddha him here! 而当初教导他学道的菩提祖师,便是将他镇压在这里的如来佛祖 Monkey mood at this moment, is quite complex. 猴子此刻的情绪,颇为复杂。 Besides angry and unyielding, actually also mixes with be disappointed and dismal. 除了愤怒和不屈之外,却还夹杂失望与悲凉。 Therefore, he will denounce severely Tathagata Buddha before is a swindler, from the beginning is deceives his.” Feng Yunsheng sighed one lightly, mood also became low. “所以,他之前才会痛斥如来佛祖是骗子,从一开始就是骗他的。”封云笙轻叹一声,心情也随之变得低落。 Yan Zhaoge seizes her hand gently, shook the head: What loses is Eastern Sovereign.” 燕赵歌轻轻捉住她的手,摇了摇头:“输的是东皇。” This perhaps is the at present Sun Wukong genuine sorrowful place. 这或许才是眼前孙悟空真正悲哀的地方。 an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. 匹夫无罪怀璧其罪 Is Earth Primordial Stone he, can explain the Human Primordial Stone strange place, this is his inherent value, but he is unable to refuse this destiny to add various in his destiny. 身为地元石所化的他,可以破解人元石的奇异之处,这是他与生俱来的价值,而他无法拒绝这命运加诸在他身上的命运。 Eastern Sovereign by Human Primordial Stone to create array, the Buddhism must break through the enemy lines by Earth Primordial Stone. 东皇人元石布阵,佛门就要以地元石破阵。 Therefore changes to Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha Cundi daoist, melts the bodhi founder again, received Sun Wukong for the disciple in secret. 于是化作灵山如来佛祖准提道人,再化菩提祖师,暗中收了孙悟空为徒。 What a pity, Great Sage Equal of Heaven has no interest to join in Buddhism. 可惜,齐天大圣并无心投身佛门。 Although the bodhi founder is his instructing kind teacher, but must break great array, takes the Human Primordial Stone fragment, means that must with his many old friend good friend battles, kill the opposite party. 菩提祖师虽然是他授业恩师,但要破大阵,取人元石碎片,意味着要同他许多故交好友争斗,将对方打杀。 Where and regardless of Sun Wukong individual standpoint deviation, only this one point, he is unable to accept. 且不论孙悟空个人立场偏向哪边,仅这一点,他就无法接受。 Knows on Yan Zhaoge, when some fables of this in society about Journey to the West Era, with own remembered in years past the writer of fiction word, many differences. 燕赵歌所知,这世间关于昔年西游纪元时的一些传说,同自己记忆中的小说家言,有不少区别。 And noticeable, then had in the past with for seven Great Saint other Great Monster, died under the Ascetic Sun stick! 其中最引人注目者,便有当年同为七大圣的其他大妖,死在孙行者棒下! Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King left behind a life in the past, is the luck not bad result. 平天大圣牛魔王当年留下一命,已经是运气不错的结果了。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven was suppressed, secluded from the world, knows the matter to be limited to the outside, so long as thinks that on Western Paradise Quest for Buddhist Scriptures road possible matter, makes him anxious and anger, sad to become Kuang. 齐天大圣被镇压在此间,与世隔绝,对外界所知事情有限,但只要想一想西天取经路上可能发生的事情,就让他又急又怒,郁愤成狂。 Then and unfortunately, his guess, mostly comes true. 然后而不幸的是,他的猜测,大多成真了。 In the past although to create array numerous Monster Race Great Saint did not have the complete casualties completely, actually also mostly suffered a disaster. 当年布阵一众妖族大圣虽然没有全部死伤殆尽,却也大多遭劫。 Suspected according to Yan Zhaoge's that Eastern Sovereign about Earth Primordial Stone, naturally also deserved to pay attention in the past. 按照燕赵歌的猜想,东皇当年关于地元石,自然也该当有所关注。 What a pity eventually Tathagata Buddha exceeds. 可惜终究还是如来佛祖技高一筹。 Eastern Sovereign this loses, Immemorial various clans outside Human Race, lose seriously have a fracture. 东皇这一输,人族以外的太古诸族,输得当真伤筋动骨。 But the Central Hovering Pure Land therefore Daxing, Buddhism Dachang, finally Tathagata Buddha also succeeds first above worldly matters, has won an incisiveness. 中央娑婆净土因此大兴,佛门大昌,最后如来佛祖也成功先一步超脱,赢了个淋漓尽致。 Fortunately Eastern Sovereign is also resolute enough, brave soldier breaks the wrist, commands various clans to draw back into Chen Mountain Sea of Stars unable to shun the world. 所幸东皇也够果决,壮士断腕,统率诸族退入辰山星海避世不出。 Rests and builds up strength after many years, Monster Race finally gradually recovers, therefore in the recent years, was born, must again the making every effort to succeed number. 经过多年休养生息,妖族终于渐渐恢复元气,于是在近年来,重新出世,要再争气数。 Was only a pity that past Great Sage Equal of Heaven, was still suppressed now in this. 只可惜,当年的齐天大圣,如今仍然被镇压在此。 Great Saint also please broad-minded.” Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng sighed the one breath, under this situation, they really cannot think that had any means to comfort Sun Wukong. 大圣还请宽怀。”燕赵歌封云笙都叹一口气,这种情况下,他们实在想不到有什么办法可以安慰孙悟空 This bitter experience, said any shall be grateful as a personal favor, that rather Grand Void false. 这种遭遇,说什么感同身受,那未免太虚伪了。 Of this place seal, I and others cannot break it.” After Yan Zhaoge hesitates slightly, said: Otherwise, do I try your situation to inform His Majesty the Eastern Sovereign Great Saint?” “此地封印之强,非我等可以破之。”燕赵歌微微沉吟后说道:“若不然,我设法将大圣你的情况告知东皇陛下?” Although it is so, but result is very how difficult to say. 话虽这么说,但结果如何却很难讲。 Whether Eastern Sovereign knows Great Sage Equal of Heaven was still suppressed here, Yan Zhaoge is indefinite. 东皇是否知道齐天大圣仍然被镇压在此,燕赵歌不确定。 Let words that he guesses, knows mostly. 让他来猜的话,多半知道。 But even if knows that puts monkey to come out, the reality is the unknown number. 但即便知道,是否放猴子出来,实是未知之数。 Because of here seal, is above worldly matters Tathagata Buddha remained. 因为这里的封印,乃是已经超脱的如来佛祖所留。 In the past although was the match, but Tathagata Buddha, since above worldly matters, that matter has then uncovered, feared that was everyone does not want to annoy him to revisit in society again. 当年虽然是对手,但如来佛祖既然已经超脱,那事情便已经揭过,怕是谁都不想惹他再重临世间。 Can take up to put down, will base the current forecast in the future is proper. 拿得起放得下,立足当前展望未来才是正经。 The present match, is other person. 如今的对手,已经是另外的人了。 The manner to nowadays Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch is the same with everybody. 就跟大家对现如今太上老君的态度一样。 Although the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch thoughts are unpredictable, likely washes one's hands, situation when like initially Great Cataclysm. 虽然太上老君心思难测,很可能甩手不管,就像当初大破灭时的情况 But if not as a last resort, or determination income certain serious offense risk, whom otherwise does not have to be ruthless to entire Taoism legacy, at best suppresses the limit. 但如非万不得已,又或者确定收益一定大过风险,否则没谁会对整个道门传承赶尽杀绝,充其量只是打压限制罢了。 In the past in Great Cataclysm Heavenly Court Divine Palace suffered a disaster, Three Pure Ones Orthodox legacy was confronted by danger, said that at first also came from the Taoism civil strife. 当年大破灭天庭神宫遭劫,三清正宗嫡传蒙难,说起来最初也是源自道门自家内乱。 Although Yan Zhaoge deeply suspected that this civil strife was likely incited, the back is standing the shadows of other influences, but has separated eventually also one, is not everybody direct union destroys Taoism. 虽然燕赵歌深深怀疑,这内乱很可能遭人挑唆,背后站着其他各方势力的影子,但终究也还是隔了一层,不是大家直接联合摧毁道门 It looks like somewhat takes a lot of care, but also dreads already the above worldly matters Three Pure Ones founder in the final analysis. 看起来有些费心思,但说到底也还是忌惮已经超脱三清祖师。 Especially Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also keeps under here situation. 尤其太上老君就还留在这里的情况下。 But the Elderly Monarch thoughts are too unpredictable. 只不过老君的心思太难测罢了。 The similar truth, no one knows to emit Great Sage Equal of Heaven, can enrage already above worldly matters Tathagata Buddha. 同样的道理,谁也不知道放出齐天大圣,会否触怒已经超脱的如来佛祖 No need.” Monkey vision brilliant: These many years, my Old Sun had the means that is only somewhat difficulty.” “不必。”猴子目光灼灼:“这么多年了,俺老孙自己已有办法,只是其中有几分难处。” Baby you , to help my Old Sun , only need seek some helpers for me.” “娃娃你若真想帮俺老孙,只需替俺寻些帮手。” Your baby are not good, must be my consanguinity, if your Human Race, that must be the accumulated fifth heavenly stem oneself earth deities, just now can accomplish.” “你们两个娃娃自己不行,必须是俺的同族,如果是你们人族,那需是身蕴戊己地灵,方才能成事。” Yan Zhaoge heard this, raises the eyebrow slightly. 燕赵歌闻言,微微扬眉。 The Sun Wukong thoughts are clever, see that to smile: Thinks that I do want to look for the scapegoat? That also belittled my Old Sun.” 孙悟空心思何等灵巧,见状哂笑:“以为俺想找替死鬼?那也太小觑俺老孙了。” Asked Great Saint to indicate clearly.” Yan Zhaoge has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest. “请大圣明示。”燕赵歌拱了拱手。 My Old Sun truly must use taking advantage of their body, actually does not want them to receive for me, instead must deliver them a huge chance.” In Monkey Sun double pupil flame flaming: I have abandoned oneself cultivation, makes a gift of what one has received as a gift in them!” “俺老孙确实要借他们身躯一用,却不是要他们代俺受过,反而要送他们一份天大的机缘。”孙猴子双瞳中火焰熊熊:“俺舍了自己一身修为,转赠于他们!” They a good fortune, I must be free!” “他们得一番造化,俺得自由!” Great Sage Equal of Heaven raises the head to look at the day: Old Man Tathagata had taught me in years past, now I study abandon from his there all!” 齐天大圣仰首望天:“如来老儿昔年教导过俺,如今俺就把学自他那里的一切都舍了!” Is killed by weapons to repair, from the beginning has come, I do not have to fear, millenniums, ten thousand years, 100,000 years, absolutely year!” “兵解重修,从头来过,俺无所惧,千年,万年,100000年,万万年!” Decides also fine above worldly matters, looks my teacher again, said with him well!” “定也要得个超脱,去再找俺那老师,和他好好说道说道!”
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