HSSB :: Volume #14

#1369: Monkey Sun anger

Existence of Surpassing Great Encompassing, each other diverts mutually, unusual take action opportunity.” 大罗之上的存在,彼此互相牵制,少有出手的机会。” Below Great Encompassing and Great Encompassing, only have by me, or by that spineless person killing, later the Human Primordial Stone fragment just now will be remained same place, but will not fly back to Li Guang's Wilderness.” Monkey facial expression sad difficult draw. 大罗大罗以下,唯有被俺,或者被那个软骨头给打杀了,之后人元石碎片方才会被留在原地,而不会飞回栗广之野。”猴子神情郁愤难平。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng at this time look at each other in dismay. 燕赵歌封云笙这时则面面相觑 In years past matter reason, no doubt let their accident, but at this moment, they simultaneously paid attention to another matter. 昔年事情缘由,固然让他们意外,但这一刻,两人同时关注另一件事。 Heavenly Primordial Stone...” Feng Yunsheng has not made noise, but Yan Zhaoge can understand her shape of the mouth. 天元石…”封云笙没有出声,不过燕赵歌能看懂她的口型。 After calming down, Yan Zhaoge asked in a soft voice: Great Saint, you said that Li Guang's Wilderness lowers the decree, passes on law various Saint to create array, is the decree of Sovereign Wa empress?” 定了定神之后,燕赵歌轻声问道:“大圣,您方才说栗广之野降下旨意,传法诸圣布阵,是娲皇娘娘的旨意吗?” Outside Thirty Three Heavens, Grand Plainness Heaven, Li Guang's Wilderness, Sovereign Wa Palace, was the residence of Sovereign Wa empress in years past. 三十三天外,太素天,栗广之野,娲皇宫,便是昔年娲皇娘娘的居所。 Yan Zhaoge heard this given name, naturally has the suspicion. 燕赵歌听说了这名号,自然生出猜想。 But Great Sage Equal of Heaven actually shook the head. 齐天大圣却摇了摇头。 naturally is not, Sovereign Wa empress early already above worldly matters.” The monkey grins: If not the Sovereign Wa empress above worldly matters, how I will have given birth from Earth Primordial Stone?” 自然不是,娲皇娘娘早已经超脱了。”猴子龇牙:“若非娲皇娘娘已经超脱,俺又怎会从地元石里生出?” What at that time Li Guang's Wilderness took responsibility is Eastern Sovereign.” “当时栗广之野做主的乃是东皇。” Yan Zhaoge rubs own temple gently: Eastern Sovereign...” 燕赵歌轻轻搓揉自己的太阳穴:“东皇吗…” Eastern sovereign, is legendary The Grand One Eastern Sovereign! 皇者,便是传说中东皇太一 With Sovereign Wa with arranging in order Immemorial Three Sovereigns, with the Taoism Three Pure Ones founders and Buddhism West two ancestors, Nine Nether Primordial Heavenly Demon places on a par, in society is most ancient most formidable existence. 娲皇同列太古三皇,是与道门三清祖师、佛门西方二祖,九幽原始天魔相提并论,世间最古老最强大的存在。 However the Immemorial Three Sovereigns active time is extremely remote, was quite scarce to the ancient and modern news, making one be hard to ascertain their whereabouts and concrete situation. 但是太古三皇活跃的时代都太过久远,到古今消息已经极为稀少,令人难以捉摸他们的下落和具体情况 Although continuously many hearsay, but until today, from Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong here, Yan Zhaoge obtains the positive news finally. 虽然一直都有诸多传闻,但直到今天,从齐天大圣孙悟空这里,燕赵歌终于得到确切消息。 Sovereign Wa, is Goddess Nüwa, with the Taoism Three Pure Ones founder and Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha same already above worldly matters. 娲皇,也就是女娲娘娘,和道门三清祖师、灵山如来佛祖一样已经超脱了。 Moreover, if Great Sage Equal of Heaven said not empty, Sovereign Wa above worldly matters also before Tathagata Buddha. 而且,若齐天大圣所言不虚,娲皇超脱还更在如来佛祖之前。 Does not know in Immemorial Three Sovereigns other two, how now situation, does not know in Monster Race Chen Mountain Sea of Stars, whether was still Eastern Sovereign oversees? 只是不知太古三皇里其他二位,如今情况如何,不知妖族辰山星海里,是否仍然是东皇坐镇 Eastern Sovereign rein various clans, contend with the Buddhism.” Yan Zhaoge sighed was saying: Finally the Buddhism led into the path of virtue... Ascetic Sun, supports bodhisattva Tripitaka Western Paradise Quest for Buddhist Scriptures, under the cover of other Western Paradise thunder sound Buddhism Supreme Being diversion, broke Li Guang's Wilderness preparation great array all the way, penetrated eastward to clear away the barrier for second time.” 东皇统御诸族,与佛门相争。”燕赵歌叹息着说道:“结果佛门渡化了…孙行者,扶保佛子三藏法师西天取经,在西天雷音其他佛门大能牵制掩护下,一路上破去了栗广之野准备的大阵,为第二次西佛东渐扫清障碍。” Western Paradise all Fodong comes, to repel numerous Great Saint Little Saint, simultaneously the Buddhist doctrine broad biography world, brings salvation to people, the achievement greatest merit, has laid Central Hovering Pure Land foundation energetically, finally achievement Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha above worldly matters.” 西天诸佛东来,打退一众大圣小圣,同时佛法广传天下,普度世人,成就莫大功德,奠定了中央娑婆净土大兴的基础,最终成就灵山如来佛祖超脱。” In his heart thinks: Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, Taoism and do Nine Nether, in this process, play what kind of role?” 他心中思索:“西方极乐净土道门九幽,在这过程中,都扮演怎样的角色呢?” Thinks, he while looks to Sun Wukong: Great Saint, in hearsay, Medieval Era time, my Taoism Grand Pure founder once came, but the Three Pure Ones founder should together when Ancient Era last years above worldly matters be, that Medieval Era Elderly Monarch that comes to is actually...” 一边思索,他一边看向孙悟空:“大圣,传闻里,中古纪元的时候,我道门太清祖师曾经现身,可是三清祖师应该一起在上古纪元末年超脱了才是,那中古纪元时现身的老君究竟是…” Great Sage Equal of Heaven heard this, had not replied that instead bronze mirror same pair of eyes looks toward Yan Zhaoge. 齐天大圣闻言,没有回答,反而铜镜一样的双眼燕赵歌看过来。 The Yan Zhaoge scalp that the shining look, looks at slightly tingles with numbness: Great Saint, what do these have to abstain from?” 明晃晃的眼神,看的燕赵歌都头皮微微发麻:“大圣,这其中可是有什么忌讳?” The monkey stares Yan Zhaoge was looking at after long time, smile however smiles: What can abstain from?” 猴子盯着燕赵歌看了半晌之后,哂然一笑:“能有什么忌讳?” Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue is Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, otherwise, do you think?” 道德天尊便是太上老君,要不然,你以为呢?” Yan Zhaoge replied confidently: How is not I to think, but since Medieval Era, then continuously some guesses and fables, to nowadays, besides existence of extremely few, actually nobody knew the truth how.” 燕赵歌坦然答道:“并非我个人如何以为,而是自中古纪元以来,便一直有许多猜测和传说,到了现如今,除了极少数的存在以外,没人知道真相究竟如何。” About Elderly Monarch, the rumor are truly many, and is all kinds. 关于老君,传言确实很多,并且五花八门。 On the other hand, spreads broad view to have three types. 相对来说,流传较广的说法有三种。 First, that truly is Grand Pure founder Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, but does not know any reason, should above worldly matters he, be detained in this world , after or already above worldly matters, because the unknown cause returns to this in society. 其一,那确实是太清祖师道德天尊,只是不知什么缘故,本该已经超脱的他,滞留在这世上,又或者已经超脱后,因为不明原因重返这世间。 Second, that is not true Grand Pure Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, but is Supreme Heavenly Demon! 其二,那并非真正的太清道德天尊,而是太上天魔所化! Before world opening, in the Earlier Heaven primordial chaos, Grand Pure Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue has first occupied position of the Ancestral Demon, incarnation Supreme Heavenly Demon, has cut the Demonic Path destiny. 天地开辟之前,先天鸿蒙中,太清道德天尊抢先占了一个祖魔之位,化身太上天魔,斩了魔道气数。 Also with has advocation of Amitabha Buddha that Western heaven of heavens he handles affairs together, incarnation Faceless Heavenly Demon, occupies position of the Ancestral Demon again. 与他一同行事的还有西方极乐世界之主阿弥陀佛祖,化身无相天魔,再多占一个祖魔之位。 Demonic Path was chopped two blades by this continually, the vitality damages severely, later often encounters other parties to collaborate to aim , since at this in society, most times the Daoist priest demon has disappeared throughout. 魔道被这样连砍两刀,元气大伤,之后又时常遭到其他各方联手针对,是以这世间一直以来,绝大多数时候始终道长魔消。 Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue changes into Supreme Heavenly Demon, Amitabha Buddha changes into Faceless Heavenly Demon, is the incarnation, but non- doppelgänger. 道德天尊化为太上天魔,阿弥陀佛化为无相天魔,皆是化身,而非分身 But along with Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue above worldly matters, whether Supreme Heavenly Demon changed from emptiness into reality, changes makes the independent individual, since the unusual person has known details. 但随着道德天尊超脱,太上天魔是否化虚为实,变作独立个体,一直以来都少有人知其中详情。 Therefore in Medieval Era, should above worldly matters Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue melt the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch present world again, causes some people to guess that the suspicion is actually Supreme Heavenly Demon. 所以在中古纪元,本该已经超脱道德天尊再化太上老君现世,就引起一些人猜测,怀疑其实乃是太上天魔所化。 As for the third view, is the guess, that is actually Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures. 至于第三个说法,则是猜测,那其实是多宝天尊 In the Ancient Investiture of the Gods Era war, Supreme Pure Head Apprentice Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures was whirled away by Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue praying mat, is in light of this missing. 上古封神纪元的大战中,上清首徒多宝天尊道德天尊一个蒲团卷走,就此下落不明。 About his hearsay, actually also has. 关于他的传闻,其实也有很多。 One of them is the father melts Hu. 其中之一便是老子化胡。 In this legendary, Abundant Treasures daoist was afterward Medieval Era the Lord of Central Hovering World, Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha, Sakyamuni World Honored One! 在这个传说中,多宝道人就是后来中古纪元中央娑婆世界之主,灵山如来佛祖,释迦牟尼世尊 But another rumor, is because the Medieval Era Elderly Monarch present world and between Ancient Era Three Pure Ones above worldly matters presents the contradiction, therefore some people guessed that Elderly Monarch of Medieval Era present world, is actually Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures. 而另外一个传言,便是因为中古纪元老君现世与上古纪元三清超脱之间出现矛盾,所以有人猜测,中古纪元现世的老君,其实乃是多宝天尊所化。 In this hearsay, this Supreme Pure Head Apprentice links Jade Pure legacy and Grand Pure legacy finally also one and inherits, finally success ascended to Surpassing Great Encompassing. 在此传闻中,这位上清首徒最后连玉清传承太清传承也一并承继,最终成功登临大罗之上 Why changes into Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch as for him, replaces the Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue present world, then was still the riddle topic. 至于他为什么化为太上老君,代替道德天尊现世,则仍然是个谜题。 Surpassing Great Encompassing these exist, regarding the ordinary people, is extremely mysterious, therefore various hearsay and suspicions then also cause a clamor. 大罗之上的那些存在,对于普罗大众而言,都太过神秘,于是各种传闻和猜想便也甚嚣尘上。 Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue is Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch...” The monkey has duplicated, but his thread of conversation revolution, then said: But Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, is not Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue.” 道德天尊太上老君…”猴子又重复了一遍,但他话锋一转,接着说道:“但太上老君,不是道德天尊。” After the Yan Zhaoge heart meditates, nodded: „, The Jade Pure founder symbolized to grow out of nothing, the Supreme Pure founder symbolizes from existence to non-existence, but whether there is the Grand Pure founder saves, therefore only has him, even if above worldly matters, will still have left behind the form in the world, non- main body, but is not doppelgänger, non- incarnation.” 燕赵歌心中默念后,点了点头:“原来如此,玉清祖师象征从无到有,上清祖师象征从有到无,而太清祖师存乎有无之间,所以唯有他,即便超脱了,仍然会在世上留下身影,非本尊,但也非分身,非化身。” Hey, was so.” Monkey ill-humored saying. “嘿,就是如此了。”猴子没好气的说道。 Feng Yunsheng asked at this time: „To inquire to your excellency that does not know in your time, existence of Surpassing Great Encompassing, which also has to save the world? Cundi daoist, Amitabha Buddha, Great Unrestrained Heavenly Demon, in Immemorial Three Sovereigns besides the Sovereign Wa another beside empress and His Majesty the Eastern Sovereign, Sovereign Xi your majesty, they how?” 封云笙这时则问道:“想向尊驾打听,不知在您那个时代,大罗之上的存在,都还有哪些存世?准提道人,阿弥陀佛,大自在天魔,太古三皇里除了娲皇娘娘和东皇陛下以外的另一位,羲皇陛下,他们都如何了?” Cundi daoist?” The monkey is suddenly silent, subsequently he he strangely smiles, in the laughter fills that to let the complex mood that the person trembles. 准提道人?”猴子突然沉默,继而呵呵怪笑起来,笑声里重新充满那让人战栗的复杂情绪。 Angry, unwilling, sad, desolate... 愤怒,不甘,悲伤,苍凉… His above worldly matters!” Great Sage Equal of Heaven face upwards to laugh wildly: Was you just told me!” “他老人家超脱了啊!”齐天大圣仰天狂笑:“就是你们刚刚告诉俺的啊!”
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