HSSB :: Volume #14

#1368: The struggle of Journey to the West

Quest for Buddhist Scriptures? Achieves Buddhahood? Fruits of virtue?” Monkey Sun heard this, smiles strangely. 取经?成佛?正果?”孙猴子闻言,怪笑起来。 Although is smiling, in the laughter actually full is resentful and unwilling. 只是虽然在笑,笑声中却满是愤懑和不甘。 „Are Buddhism fruits of virtue, very rare?” He shouted to clear the way loudly: Actually does not place in my Old Sun eye!” “佛门正果,很稀罕吗?”他大声喝道:“却不放在俺老孙眼里!” Swindler! From the beginning deceives my! Penetrates eastward, Buddhist doctrine broad biography world, big merit? Actually must step on my many youngest brothers the achievement merit, which cherishes?” “骗子!从一开始就是骗俺的!西佛东渐,佛法广传天下,好大功德吗?却要踩着俺好多老兄弟才成就的功德,哪个稀罕?” Yan Zhaoge heard this, is lost in thought. 燕赵歌闻言,陷入沉思中。 Feng Yunsheng cannot bear ask: Great Saint you, since here, outside that Victorious Fighting Buddha... Is it possible that is that Six Eared Macaque is inadequate?” 封云笙忍不住问道:“大圣你既然在这里,那外面那尊斗战胜佛…莫非是那六耳猕猴不成?” Knew perfectly well that Five Elements Mountain is the destination, Feng Yunsheng comes also to cram ferociously many related Medieval Journey to the West Era knowledge before this. 明知五行山是目的地,封云笙来此前也恶补不少有关中古西游纪元的知识。 Because although the time is remote, majority are the hearsay stories. 虽然因为时代久远,大多数都是传闻故事。 But Feng Yunsheng also knows, in years past had the genuine and fake Handsome Monkey King legend. 封云笙也知,昔年曾经有过真假美猴王的传说。 In the hearsay heads west on the Quest for Buddhist Scriptures road, there is Six Eared Macaque of unknown origin, pretends to be Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, makes the greatest storm, nobody can distinguish true and false. 传闻中西行取经路上,有来历不明的六耳猕猴,冒充齐天大圣孙悟空,闹出莫大风浪,无人能分辨真假。 Until Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha acts, just now made Six Eared Macaque present the primary form, later was killed by Sun Wukong. 直到灵山如来佛祖出面,方才让六耳猕猴现了原形,之后被孙悟空打死。 If the monkey here is true Great Sage Equal of Heaven. 如果在这里的猴子是真正的齐天大圣 Victorious Fighting Buddha of that outside that achievement Buddhism fruit position, where should also be sacred? 那外面那成就佛门果位的斗战胜佛,又该是何方神圣? Initially was real Handsome Monkey King is suppressed, but that did Six Eared Macaque instead taking the opportunity confuse falsehood with the truth?” Feng Yunsheng asked. “难道当初是真的美猴王被镇压,而那六耳猕猴反而借机以假乱真?”封云笙问道。 That monkey had not replied that however the indignant mood, gradually is finally calm. 那猴子没有回答,但是激愤的情绪,终于渐渐平静下来。 Victorious Fighting Buddha, Victorious Fighting Buddha, achievement Buddhism fruits of virtue, since that male servant has achieved Buddhahood, that explained that they have succeeded...” The monkey muttered: Penetrates eastward, Central Hovering Pure Land Daxing, Buddhism Daxing... Their really success...” 斗战胜佛,斗战胜佛,成就佛门正果,既然那厮成佛了,那就说明他们成功了…”猴子喃喃自语:“西佛东渐,中央娑婆净土大兴,佛门大兴…他们真的成功了…” After long time, his raise one's head looks suddenly to Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng: Babies, my Old Sun was pressed here, the matter about outside, being hard consciousness, that heads west Quest for Buddhist Scriptures, is any condition, said that listens with me.” 半晌后,他忽然抬头看向燕赵歌封云笙:“娃娃们,俺老孙被人压在这里,关于外界的事情,难以知觉,那西行取经,到底是什么状况,说与俺听听。” After, the monkey adds: From the beginning said... Since you heard, I meet that tripitaka monk mentioned.” 顿了顿之后,猴子补充道:“从头说…从你们听说的,俺遇见那三藏和尚时说起。” Feng Yunsheng heard this was greatly wonderful, turns the head to look at Yan Zhaoge one, saw Yan Zhaoge to be still lost in thought that thinks later to reply: Younger generation knows also limitedly, hopes that do not mislead your excellency.” 封云笙闻言大奇,转头看了燕赵歌一眼,见燕赵歌还在出神,想了想之后答道:“晚辈所知也有限,希望不要误导了尊驾。” She picks some quite conclusive legend that oneself know, said listens to the monkey. 她捡自己知道的一些较为确凿的传说,讲给猴子听。 The monkey more listens, the eye stares in a big way, the tooth bites the chuckle straight sound, diligently is clearly controlling own mood. 猴子越听,眼睛瞪得越大,牙齿咬得咯咯直响,分明在努力控制自己的情绪。 When hears Western Paradise Quest for Buddhist Scriptures to be complete, bodhisattva came to understand that proves the position of Candanaśrī Buddha again, the Ascetic Sun same card results in the position of Victorious Fighting Buddha, as well as finally after long years, after Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha success above worldly matters, that monkey cries, resembling is angry, is dismal. 待听到西天取经圆满,佛子觉悟,重证旃檀功德佛之位,孙行者同样证得斗战胜佛之位,以及最终漫长岁月过后,灵山如来佛祖成功超脱之后,那猴子哇哇大叫一声,似是愤怒,又似悲凉。 Long time, his facial expression is disappointed, long sighed. 良久,他神情怅然,长长叹了一口气。 The Feng Yunsheng syllabic final did not say that before silent Yan Zhaoge has asked one suddenly: „Did Great Saint regret?” 封云笙收声不说,之前一直沉默的燕赵歌突然问了一句:“大圣后悔了?” What regrets?” Monkey fire qi somewhat braves, shouted to clear the way: I, if cherishes, how to have been stranded under this mountain!” “后悔什么?”猴子火气又有些冒起来,喝道:“俺若是稀罕,怎会一直困在这山下!” Feng Yunsheng is stunned: You was suppressed after the first time, then hadn't left this Five Elements Mountain?” 封云笙愕然:“您从第一次被镇压后,便一直没有离开过这五行山吗?” Then before Six Eared Macaque appears, that escorts bodhisattva Tripitaka Western Paradise Quest for Buddhist Scriptures Ascetic Sun, who is also? 那在六耳猕猴出现前,那个护送佛子三藏法师西天取经孙行者,又是谁? Finally achievement Victorious Fighting Buddha fruit position is actually who? 最后成就斗战胜佛果位的又究竟是谁? Said that at present this monkey is fake, at this moment is the lies deceives? 还是说,眼前这猴子才是假的,此刻乃是虚言诓骗? Feng Yunsheng also felt that at this moment the back sends slightly coldly. 封云笙这一刻也感觉背脊微微发寒。 Yan Zhaoge is also gazing at the at present monkey, has not concealed the vision meaning of inquiring. 燕赵歌也注视着眼前的猴子,并没有掩饰自己目光中的探询之意。 The monkey has swept his one eyes, hey however said: I am not rare, but truly some people rare, I am he, he is also I, matter that but he handles, I will not do!” 猴子扫了他一眼,嘿然道:“俺不稀罕,不过确实有人稀罕,俺是他,他也是俺,但他做下的事情,俺绝不会去做!” Then is here again is pressed for over ten thousand years, 100,000 years, absolutely year, my also these words!” “便是在这里再被压上万年,100000年,万万年,俺也还是这句话!” The monkey that Yan Zhaoge looks at clenches jaws, blurted out: You divided into two in the past!” 燕赵歌看着咬牙切齿的猴子,脱口而出:“你当年一分为二了!” Had already heard Brocade Emperor Fu Yunchi bitter experience Feng Yunsheng, responded in the past at this time, shock looked to at present Great Sage Equal of Heaven. 早已听说过锦帝傅云驰当年遭遇的封云笙,这时也反应过来,震惊的看向眼前齐天大圣 Ascetic Sun has put on the hoop-tightening incantation, steps along with the bodhisattva tripitaka heads west the road of Quest for Buddhist Scriptures.” Yan Zhaoge nearly speak unhurriedly and clearly said: Great Sage Equal of Heaven, actually throughout also here?” 孙行者戴上了紧箍咒,随佛子三藏踏上西行取经之路。”燕赵歌近乎一字一顿说道:“齐天大圣,却始终还在这里?” Ascetic Sun is Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal of Heaven is also Sun Wukong. 孙行者孙悟空,齐天大圣也是孙悟空 But Ascetic Sun was actually not Great Sage Equal of Heaven. 孙行者却不是齐天大圣了。 He He, I naturally also here!” A monkey pair of eye, as if bright mirror, in the mirror has the flame to jump, is rigid and unyielding. “呵呵,俺当然还在这里!”猴子一对眼睛,仿佛明镜,镜中有火光跳跃,执着而又不屈。 Yan Zhaoge looking pensive: That Six Eared Macaque...” 燕赵歌若有所思:“那六耳猕猴…” Other matter, I do not know, must ask your two people.” Front Great Sage Equal of Heaven self-ridiculed that smiles: But this Six Eared Macaque, I actually know its exist, when knows him to live, when extinguishes.” “别的事情,俺不知晓,要问你二人。”面前的齐天大圣自嘲一笑:“但这六耳猕猴,俺却知晓其存在,更知他何时生,何时灭。” Ascetic Sun Heart's Demon...” Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng completely all suddenly. 孙行者心魔…”燕赵歌封云笙尽皆恍然。 Although divides into two, Great Sage Equal of Heaven that insists on resisting was continued to press under the mountain, Ascetic Sun that is willing to become a buddhist left here. 虽然一分为二,执意抗拒的齐天大圣被继续压在山下,愿意皈依佛门的孙行者离开了这里。 But Sun Wukong eventually is Sun Wukong, is Ascetic Sun that leaves, gives birth to two hearts once more. 孙悟空终究是孙悟空,便是离开的孙行者,也再次生出二心。 Was only a pity that this accident, was suppressed finally. 只可惜,这一番变故,最终还是被镇压了。 All return to the stock rail, the history continues. 一切重归正轨,历史继续前行。 Very possible behind also to have the Nine Nether shadow, obstructs the Central Hovering Pure Land Daxing, Tathagata Buddha above worldly matters.” After Yan Zhaoge long vented anger, looks at at present Great Sage Equal of Heaven, asked suddenly: One heads west the road of Quest for Buddhist Scriptures, is Buddhism road energetically, is the road of Monster Race gloomy extinguishing.” “很可能背后也有九幽的影子,阻挠中央娑婆净土大兴,如来佛祖超脱。”燕赵歌长出了一口气后,看着眼前齐天大圣,忽又问道:“一场西行取经之路,是佛门大兴之路,也是妖族黯灭之路。” Sees the monkey to stare, Yan Zhaoge shrugs arm: Good, besides my Human Race, other Immemorial various clan disasters on the wane.” 见猴子瞪眼,燕赵歌耸了耸肩膀:“好吧,除我人族以外,太古其他诸族凋零的劫难。” He corrected the look: Many Great Saint Little Saint, or die, was surrendered, said according to your excellency, were many your many youngest brothers, good friend.” 他端正了神色:“诸多大圣小圣,或是陨落,或是被降服,依尊驾所言,其中不乏您的许多老兄弟,好朋友。” That Ascetic Sun joins in the Buddhism, to Buddha, did not read in those days the friendship wholeheartedly, you always read, so, poured might as well you to walk this, perhaps showed mercy, can forgive more lives?” “那孙行者投身佛门,一心向佛,不念往日情分,您总是念的,既如此,倒还不如您走这一趟,或许手下留情,能饶更多性命?” Great Sage Equal of Heaven snort|hum: Where is so easy, that does not die the continuous aspect.” 齐天大圣哼了一声:“哪有那么容易,那是不死不休的局面。” He raises the head to look at the day, is lost in thought leisurely: „After Ancient Era, Taoism Three Pure Ones above worldly matters, but Western Buddhism Daxing, but Immemorial various clan ample forces still, therefore both sides then struggles this in society ruler.” 他仰首望天,悠悠出神:“上古纪元之后,道家三清超脱,但是西方佛门大兴,而太古诸族余力仍在,于是双方遂争这世间主宰。” Grand Plainness Heaven Li Guang's Wilderness outside Thirty Three Heavens hands down the decree, various clan Great Saint 36, Little Saint 72, total 108, when has divided Immemorial spirit stone that together Sovereign Wa empress Mending the Heavens leaves behind, then arranges great array, resists to keep off the Buddhism.” 三十三天外的太素天栗广之野传下旨意,诸族大圣36,小圣72,合共108,一起分了太古娲皇娘娘补天留下的一枚灵石,然后布置大阵,拒挡佛门。” 100 eight spirit stone fragment and various Great Saint Little Saint coincide, must break through the enemy lines, must take a life.” “100八灵石碎片与诸大圣小圣相合,要破阵,必然要杀生。” Even but if killed had spirit stone fragment Great Saint Little Saint, fragments automatically will also fly back to Li Guang's Wilderness, when the time comes still had the opportunity of staging a comeback.” “可是即便打杀了持有灵石碎片的大圣小圣,一块块碎片也会自动飞回栗广之野,到时候仍然有卷土重来的机会。” Sovereign Wa empress Mending the Heavens altogether leaves behind three spirit stone, is just right for the Heaven, Earth and Human three numbers, is used for to create array, is called Human Primordial Stone.” 娲皇娘娘补天一共遗留三枚灵石,正合天、地、人三才之数,用来布阵的这一枚,叫做人元石。” Must break strange of Human Primordial Stone, needs Earth Primordial Stone.” “要破人元石之奇异,需要地元石。” Some monkey interest is wanings referred to that precipice mounting the stone that: That is Earth Primordial Stone, is my root foot origin!” 猴子有些意兴阑珊的指了指那山岩上镶嵌的石块:“那就是地元石,也就是俺的根脚来历!”
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