HSSB :: Volume #14

#1367: Great Sage Equal of Heaven!

Yan Zhaoge only thinks that the line of sight of opposite party, seems everywhere, that silent gaze he. 燕赵歌只觉对方的视线,仿佛无处不在,就那么无声的注视着他。 He turns the head to look to Feng Yunsheng, their regard does not need too many spoken languages interlinked, Feng Yunsheng said directly: Before could not hear, but saw at this moment.” 他转头看向封云笙,两人心意相通无需太多言语,封云笙直接说道:“之前听不见,但此刻看见了。” We entered the First Level seal, this seal did not hinder us to meet with the opposite party.” Yan Zhaoge said. “我们已经入了第一重封印内部,这封印不妨碍我们与对方相见了。”燕赵歌言道。 That calls out the sound to vanish, is not the opposite party no longer makes noise. 那暴吼声消失,不是对方不再出声。 Making noise, was not suppressed existence in this place, but is anger unwilling reading, engraves forms the essence in the space and time. 出声者,并非被镇压在此地的存在,而是一股愤怒不甘之念,镌刻在时空里形成实质。 If the master does not pay attention, that has existed forever in this. 如果主人不理会,那就会一直长存于此。 Then was suppressed the person here to realize that oncoming of Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, the attention changes to them, that sound naturally, but however vanishes. 那被镇压在这里的人察觉到燕赵歌封云笙的来临,注意力转到他们身上,那声音才自然而然消失。 Invisible line of sight tyrannical and tyranny, made the will of the people fresh chill in the air. 无形的视线凶戾而又暴虐,令人心生寒意。 Yan Zhaoge has stood firm the mind with Feng Yunsheng , to continue to walk toward the mountain deep place. 燕赵歌封云笙稳住了心神,继续往大山深处走。 Walks is walking, their suddenly heart has a feeling, raise one's head looks together. 走着走着,他们忽然心有所感,一起抬头望去。 Sees a pair of bronze mirror eye, one flickers to keep looking at them! 就见一对铜镜般的眼睛,正一瞬不停望着他们! No longer is the invisible line of sight, but in as if endless Nether Dark, understands thoroughly the myriad things mirror light, puts all not to hide. 不再是无形的视线,而是仿佛无尽幽暗里,洞明万物的镜光,放一切都无所遁形。 Was observed closely by this vision, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng have the feeling that the whole body tingles with numbness instantaneously. 被这目光盯住,燕赵歌封云笙瞬间都有全身发麻的感觉。 That feeling is between real and illusory, unpredictable, disregards two Human Immortal bodies suddenly, the direct role in the state of mind, making the person thought blank stagnate, disregarded the state of mind suddenly, affected in the body, making the person paralysis be hard to move. 那感觉介乎真实与虚幻之间,变化莫测,忽而无视二人仙体,直接作用于神魂,令人念头空白停滞,忽而又无视神魂,作用于身躯,令人麻痹难以动弹。 In Yan Zhaoge both eyes appears intermittently the shape of primordial chaos, blue-black demonic brilliance that in the Feng Yunsheng two pupils jumps changes to nihility Nether Dark. 燕赵歌双目中隐现混沌之象,封云笙两眼瞳孔里跳跃的蓝黑魔煌化作虚无幽暗 So transferred several revolutions, their again anchorage state of mind and body. 如此转了几转,两人重新定住自己神魂与身躯。 The vision of that bright mirror for oneself, did not receive suddenly. 那明镜似的目光也不为己甚,骤然收了回去。 Then, that form drops from the clouds, directly to them in front of! 然后,那身影从天而降,直接到了两人面前! Yan Zhaoge looks fixedly on, after looking at clear opposite party appearance, the corners of the mouth slightly twitch. 燕赵歌定睛细看,瞧清楚对方模样后,不禁嘴角微微抽搐。 How although the personal appearance seems like is not big, but partly squats partly stands there, tigers crouch and dragons coil, as if there is potential of request day, the under foot is stepping on nether world Yellow Spring, crown stay outside Nine Firmaments cloud. 虽然身形看似并不如何高大,但半蹲半站在那里,虎踞龙盘,仿佛有托天之势,脚下踩着幽冥黄泉,头顶撑着九霄云外。 Lives wool face Lei zui, wears the phoenix wing Purple gold crown, wears bracelet yellow gold armoured, the foot gathers lotus roots step Yun Lv, in the hand is carrying a club, is staring to look at the Yan Zhaoge two people. 生得一张毛脸雷公嘴,头戴凤翅紫金冠,身披锁子黄金甲,脚踩藕丝步云履,手里拎着一根棒子,正瞪着眼睛瞧燕赵歌二人。 Sees this imposing manner to be cut-throat, lawless bleached hair great monkey, even if in the Yan Zhaoge previously heart had guessed that at this moment the state of mind is also hard to return to normal. 看见这头气势凶狠,无法无天的金毛巨猴,哪怕燕赵歌先前心中有所猜测,此刻也心绪难以平复。 Appears in at present, impressively that legendary Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong! 出现在眼前的,赫然正是那传说中美猴王,齐天大圣孙悟空 But if, Sun Wukong here, outside that Victorious Fighting Buddha what's the matter? 可是,如果孙悟空在这里,外面那尊斗战胜佛又是怎么回事? Admitted mistakes Buddha? 认错佛陀了? Said that front this monkey does have vacation? 还是说面前这猴子有假? Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng look at each other in dismay, can see in surprised uncertain the color to the grid. 燕赵歌封云笙面面相觑,都能看见对方眼里惊疑不定的色彩。 Jade Pure disciple and Demonic Path descendant?” That stubborn monkey, started talking actually first. 玉清弟子和魔道传人?”倒是那桀骜的猴子,先开口说话了。 He sizes up the Yan Zhaoge two people, reveals the color of doubts. 他上上下下打量燕赵歌二人,也露出疑惑之色。 Strange, strange!” The monkey looks at Feng Yunsheng first: For the first time looks is Demonic Path descendant, but how to feel that the background is Jade Pure and Grand Pure family background?” “古怪,古怪!”猴子先看封云笙:“乍一看是魔道传人,可是怎么又感觉底子是玉清太清出身?” He looks at Yan Zhaoge again: You stranger... Wait / Etc., Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation?” 他再看燕赵歌:“你更古怪…等等,三清同修?” The monkey laughs suddenly: Interesting, is really interesting.” 猴子突然哈哈大笑:“有趣,着实有趣。” The laughter has not stopped, that monkey is startled suddenly well: You, are quite strange!” 笑声未止,那猴子突然又惊咦一声:“你这人,好生奇怪!” However short moment time, his complexion continuously changed several times, finally changes makes a doubt appearance, stares at Yan Zhaoge not to speak. 不过短短片刻功夫,他脸色连续变了好几次,最终重新变作一副狐疑模样,盯着燕赵歌不说话了。 What did he see?” In the Yan Zhaoge heart a lot of thoughts have transferred, in the surface maintains composure, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward that monkey: Jade Pure disciple Yan Zhaoge, here was courteous, this is my wife, is my same side Junior Apprentice Sister, as a result of circumstance under concurs the strength of Nine Nether Great Demon, actually non- Demonic Path descendant.” “他看出什么了?”燕赵歌心中千百念头转过,面上不动声色,朝着那猴子拱了拱手:“玉清弟子燕赵歌,这里有礼了,这位是拙荆,也是我的同门师妹,因缘际会下身兼九幽大魔之力,却非魔道传人。” Has not known how your excellency did call?” “还不知尊驾如何称呼?” Hears the Yan Zhaoge's issue, that monkey face upwards to smile: In mountain does not know the years, how many years was my this treats here, outside junior did not know my Old Sun?” 听到燕赵歌的问题,那猴子仰天哂笑:“山中不知岁月,俺这是在这里待了多少年,外间的小辈儿已经不识得俺老孙了吗?” Saying of one hear of opposite party, Yan Zhaoge blurted out: Eastern Continent of Superior Deity's Aolai Country Lord of Mountain of Flowers and Fruit's Water Curtain Cave, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong!” 一听对方的自称,燕赵歌脱口而出:“东胜神州傲来国花果山水帘洞之主,齐天大圣美猴王,孙悟空!” Well? Your this baby, recognizes my Old Sun.” The monkey said with a smile: How just now to pretend not to recognize?” “咦?你这娃娃,还是认得俺老孙的嘛。”猴子笑道:“方才怎又装作不认得?” After Yan Zhaoge slightly silent one next, just now said: Because in a short time ago, outside the mountain, I just met another Great Sage Equal of Heaven Handsome Monkey King.” 燕赵歌稍微沉默了一下后,方才说道:“因为就在前不久,就在山外,我刚刚遇见另一位齐天大圣美猴王。” Monkey one hear, both eyes stares immediately perfectly round. 猴子一听,双目顿时瞪得溜圆。 Boundless baleful qi and Vicious Qi reveal, making the hills as if sway. 无边煞气戾气流露出来,令此间群山仿佛都在摇晃。 He outside mountain?” The monkey is in an uncontrollable rage, the personal appearance instantaneous rises crazily, causes entire two mountains marking a border the earth quaked and the mountains shook! “他就在山外?”猴子怒不可遏,身形瞬间狂涨,引得整座两界山地动山摇 Yan Zhaoge stabilizes the personal appearance with Feng Yunsheng hastily, lets to retreat. 燕赵歌封云笙连忙稳定身形,向后退让。 The at present monkey goes crazy completely, pair of eyes blood red, is huger than stars Great Sun, the personal appearance as if must break open the universe vault of heaven. 眼前的猴子完全发狂,双眼血红,比星辰大日还要庞大,身形仿佛要撑破宇宙苍穹。 But at this moment, as if did not have the same seal before this, suddenly the appearance, covers two mountains marking a border. 但就在这时,此前一直仿佛不存在一样的封印,突然出现,笼罩两界山。 Light shining piece of Red Cloud Fog, must not have the several fold compared with universe Heavenly River at this moment boundless, seals up two mountains marking a border here steadily, then suppresses that wild request day of great monkey. 光灿灿的一片霞霭,这一刻比宇宙天河还要磅礴无数倍,稳稳封住两界山这里,然后镇压那狂暴的托天巨猴。 The personal appearance of monkey reduces suddenly, was oppressed retreat by that Red Cloud Fog, hits to the precipice. 猴子的身形急剧缩小,被那霞霭压迫后退,撞向山岩上。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng fix the eyes on to look that sees on the precipice to mount common spirit stone. 燕赵歌封云笙定睛看去,就见山岩上镶嵌一块不起眼的灵石 The spirit stone half dew outside, half buries in the precipice. 灵石一半露在外面,一半则埋在山岩里。 The personal appearance of monkey was banged into the small stone, he runs out immediately, then again was sealed. 猴子的身形被撞入小小的石块中,他马上重新冲出,然后又再次被封回去。 So repeatedly does not know many, that monkey has not submitted throughout, the violent anger wreaks havoc, angry rave. 如此反复不知多少遍,那猴子始终不曾屈服,暴怒肆虐,愤怒狂吼。 At this moment places in the mountain, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng can hear the roar, subconscious both hands stop up the ear, still felt deafeningly. 此刻身处山里,燕赵歌封云笙都能听见吼声,下意识双手堵耳,仍然感觉震耳欲聋。 My goodness, this has been under the seal condition, the strength cannot display, can make such big noise in the seal.” Yan Zhaoge where is not clear, the at present monkey, is actually only a projection. “好家伙,这可是一直处于封印状态下,力量根本发挥不出来,在封印里都能闹出这么大动静。”燕赵歌哪里还不明白,眼前的猴子,其实只是一个投影。 On the precipice that spirit stone, after is he by the seal, appearance that the main body presents. 山岩上那块灵石,才是他被封印后本体呈现的模样。 A moment ago I the words said possibly is not very clear, Great Saint do not blame.” Yan Zhaoge said at this time: Outside that did not call Great Sage Equal of Heaven, in the people general custom calls to salute Victorious Fighting Buddha.” “我刚才话说的可能不够清楚,大圣勿怪。”燕赵歌这时说道:“外面那位,已经不叫齐天大圣了,人们一般习惯上称之为南无斗战胜佛。” Saluting Victorious Fighting Buddha of nonsense!” Sun Wukong cursed angrily. “狗屁的南无斗战胜佛!”孙悟空怒骂道。 The Yan Zhaoge hear one point does not suit, said intentionally: not bad, not bad, clearly is you guarantees bodhisattva Tripitaka to obtain the Daoist scripture, eagerly anticipates second time to penetrate eastward, urges the Central Hovering Pure Land Daxing, Buddhism Daxing, proves the unsurpassed fruits of virtue, vertical achieves Buddhahood...” 燕赵歌听出一点不对劲,故意说道:“不错,不错,分明是您保得佛子三藏法师取得真经,引领第二次西佛东渐,促使中央娑婆净土大兴,佛门大兴,证得无上正果,立地成佛…” The words have not said that was broken by the monkey: Nonsense, what ghost Buddha I become his!” 话未说完,就被猴子打断:“胡说八道,俺成他哪门子的鬼佛!” Yan Zhaoge was broken the words by him, is not only not angry, instead the vision flashes, asked immediately: Said that you are not Quest for Buddhist Scriptures achieve Buddhahood, after cultivating the fruits of virtue, again is suppressed in this Five Elements Mountain under foot?” 燕赵歌被他打断话,不仅不恼,反而目光闪动,立马跟着问道:“这么说,您不是取经成佛,修得正果之后,被人再次镇压在这五行山脚下?”
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