HSSB :: Volume #14

#1366: Under mountain seal now still in

Listened to the description of Feng Yunsheng, Yan Zhaoge looking pensive: „ This way, possibly here incessantly single layer seal, but is the twofold. 听了封云笙的描述,燕赵歌若有所思:“这样看来,可能这里不止一重封印,而是两重。 x x” Twofold seal overlay function, has instead squeezed out a slit, showed some clue under martial artist cultivation not high not low situation, cultivation realm high or lowered, on the contrary isn't actually able to realize?” Feng Yunsheng understands the Yan Zhaoge implied meaning. “两重封印叠加作用,反而挤出了一道缝隙,在武者修为不高不低的情况下露出些许端倪,修为境界高了或者低了,却反倒无法察觉?”封云笙理解燕赵歌言下之意。 I guess that like this, but also waits for determining.” Yan Zhaoge was saying, while as if walks in the mountain ridge of another single layer world to that. “我是这样猜的,到底是不是,还有待确定。”燕赵歌一边说着,一边向那仿佛在另一重世界的山岭走去。 Compares in the past years first time came here time, the Yan Zhaoge present realm strength is higher than too. 相较于当年第一次来这里的时候,燕赵歌现在的境界实力都高出太多。 But encountered has not actually distinguished with the past years. 但遭遇却同当年没有分别。 How long regardless of walks, seems marking, throughout is unable to approach the mountain ridge. 无论走多久,都仿佛在原地踏步,始终无法靠近山岭。 He is not depressed, walks transfers at the same time, realizes from experience this place temporal and spatial variation and spiritual qi rule carefully. 他并不沮丧,行走挪移的同时,细细体悟此地时空变化和灵气规律。 Good strength doesn't come?” Feng Yunsheng side him: „Outside may cause is battling several big expert attention.” “不好强来吧?”封云笙在他身旁:“有可能会引起外面正在交战几大高手的注意力。” Not only so.” Yan Zhaoge observes, while replied: Here might be in the past Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha, the trace that Sakyamuni World Honored One left.” “不仅仅如此。”燕赵歌一边观察,一边答道:“这里有可能是当年灵山如来佛祖,释迦牟尼世尊留下的痕迹。” Reason that South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, is as for the insider who other possibly have, for these years is not good to come to here personally, was likely worried the arrangement that touches Tathagata Buddha to keep, no one knows after all in years past arrangement was useful, Buddha he also whether cared.” “之所以南极长生大帝,乃至于其他可能存在的知情者,这么多年来都不好亲自来这里,很可能就是担心触动如来佛祖所留的安排,毕竟谁也不知道昔年的安排还有没有用,佛祖他老人家还是否在意。” The Lord of once Central World, Tathagata Buddha, although already above worldly matters, but was the same with the Three Pure Ones founder, no one knows to be able, because certain matters enraged them, no one knows that they can return to here, therefore has to deal carefully. 曾经的中央娑婆之主,如来佛祖虽然已经超脱,但就跟三清祖师一样,谁也不知道会不会因为某些事情就触怒他们,谁也不知道他们会否重返这里,所以不得不小心应对。 If such here exists to stir up gazes, finally was too difficult to expect. 万一将那样的存在惹得重新注视这边,结果太难预料了。 That does His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity also make you come?” The Feng Yunsheng brow is closely pressed. “那南极长生陛下还让你来?”封云笙眉头紧紧蹙起。 Comes to see, the words that the person who is not keeping thinking about suppress here lets out, should might as well.” Yan Zhaoge said. “只是来看看,不惦记着将这里被镇压的人放出去的话,应该无妨。”燕赵歌言道。 Also after thinking moment, he gently at Feng Yunsheng ear whisper. 又思索片刻后,他轻轻在封云笙耳边耳语。 After Feng Yunsheng hear nods, in the pair of eyes pupil, starts flashing blue-black demonic brilliance, concentrates not to send, Black Fire Demon Miasma as if changes to mist, covers her pupil, the pupil central dim light flicks. 封云笙听后点点头,双眼瞳孔中,开始闪动蓝黑魔煌,凝而不发,黑火魔氛仿佛化作一层薄雾,笼罩她的瞳孔,瞳孔中央幽光一闪一闪。 She sits cross-legged to sit in void, has not advanced recklessly blindly, but is the patient waiting. 她盘膝坐于虚空中,没有盲目冒进,而是耐心等待。 Long time, surface previous life, falls into her eyeground, is void to be many blue-black lines, spreads across. 良久之后,面前世界,落入她眼底,虚空里多出一道道蓝黑的线,纵横交错。 Hence, Feng Yunsheng just now stands up, then takes a step to lead the way. 至此,封云笙方才重新站起,然后迈步前行。 She walks in that blue-black slit, passes through after this layer on layer void. 她在那一道道蓝黑缝隙上行走,经此穿越重重虚空。 Yan Zhaoge follows in her behind, walks, while continues to appreciate changes. 燕赵歌跟在她身后,一边走,一边继续体味此间变化。 Although seems like the whereabouts that flaneries, but they finally start to march into a side world that mountain ridge is at gradually, more and more close that two mountains marking a border. 虽然看起来像是漫无目的的行踪,但是两人终于开始渐渐步入那山岭所在的一方世界,越来越接近那两界山。 After walking the moment, Feng Yunsheng pauses suddenly: Had the change.” 走了片刻后,封云笙忽然停步:“有变化了。” At this moment, in her eyes, is void the blue-black line to be still densely covered, but goes through this overlapping network to look, two mountains marking a border at the foot of the hill, are light shining one piece, as if covers the single layer blue black rosy cloud. 此刻,在她眼中,虚空里依然蓝黑线条密布,但透过这层层叠叠的网络看去,两界山山脚下,乃是光灿灿一片,仿佛笼罩一重蓝黑色的云霞。 looks at truly looks like the twofold seal, but does not know whether stems from the same person's hand.” Feng Yunsheng said. 看着确实像两重封印,只是不知是否出自同一人之手。”封云笙言道。 Yan Zhaoge nods the head: We arrived at the foot of the hill, has felt the intensity of that Second Level seal, then can know whether stemmed from handiwork of same person with the outside First Level seal.” 燕赵歌颔首:“等我们到了山脚下,感受过那第二重封印的强度,便可以知道是否与外界第一重封印出自同一人的手笔了。” They lead the way, gets out of trouble in void, after the exploration of long time, arrives under that mountain ridge finally. 两人一路前行,在虚空里兜兜转转,经过漫长时间的探索,终于来到那山岭之下。 It looks like although is the barren mountains and wild hills, but is full light Buddha's aura, reveals the pure meaning. 看起来虽然是荒山野岭,但是充盈淡淡佛光,流露出清净之意。 If gazes at the mountain ridge to examine carefully for a long time, will produce the shape of colored glaze faintly, the mountain ridge seems to be transparent. 若是长久注视山岭细看,甚至会隐隐产生琉璃之象,山岭仿佛透明。 Stood leaves a good name in this kind of history, on the legendary mountain range, Yan Zhaoge somewhat was also sigh with emotion. 站在这样一座青史留名,充满传奇色彩的山峦上,燕赵歌也有几分感慨。 Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss attacks White Lotus Pure Land suddenly, inserted this, although has sealed off our escape route, but has also won the time for us.” Yan Zhaoge both hands pinch the waist, looks back to look void to: Looks at both sides now this stance, we have over more than double-hour.” 西方极乐净土突然进攻白莲净土,插了这一手,虽然封堵了我们的退路,但是也为我们争取了时间。”燕赵歌双手掐腰,回首望向虚空:“看双方现在这架势,我们有远超过一个时辰以上的时间。” But, both sides, once decides victory and defeat, we must seize the chance to leave immediately, makes the best use of the time for on.” In the Feng Yunsheng double pupil the blue-black flame has not dispersed, looks at the entire world also mostly is piece of Nether Dark. “不过,双方一旦分出胜负,我们就必须立刻趁机离开了,还是抓紧时间为上。”封云笙双瞳里蓝黑火光未散,看整个世界也大多是一片幽暗 To the vicinity, two mountains marking a border that mist, in her eyes instead were only dim. 到了近处,两界山脚下那光岚,在她眼里反而黯淡许多。 But that does not mean radiance to weaken, but is more reserved. 但那不意味着光辉减弱,而是更加内敛。 exceed approaches, the strength of seal affects is more formidable, the elephant hopes the shape, Divine Object from dark, seems like not instead obvious, even makes people unable to discover gradually. 越靠近,封印之力影响越强大,大象希形,神物自晦,看起来反而不明显,甚至让人渐渐无法发现。 So long as does not attempt to touch de-archiving, this Second Level seal does not manifest might actually, does not completely prohibit us to approach general.” Yan Zhaoge muttered. “只要不尝试触动解封,这第二重封印其实不体现威力,不禁绝我们通行靠近。”燕赵歌喃喃自语。 Feng Yunsheng nods: But the outside First Level seal, makes the person not approach easily.” 封云笙点头:“但外间的第一重封印,却让人轻易靠近不得。” Yan Zhaoge looks subconsciously to the summit, wants to have a look at that [say / way] to have the posts of Spirit Mountain Tathagata Buddha own handwriting handbook six character true words, whether also there. 燕赵歌下意识看向山顶,想看看那道有灵山如来佛祖亲笔手书六字真言的帖子,是否还在那里。 However there early was truly completely empty. 不过那里确实早已经空空如也。 We get down first.” Yan Zhaoge was saying, they approach the foot downward to go hand in hand. “我们先下去吧。”燕赵歌说着,两人携手向山脚下行去。 To at the foot of the hill, transferred around the mountain range surrounding first, had not discovered. 到了山脚下,先绕着山峦外围转了一圈,没有发现。 Near Yan Zhaoge ear roaring, still kept ringing, as if spreads from mountain range each corner, is difficult to distinguish the direction. 燕赵歌耳边的怒吼,仍然响个不停,似乎从山峦各个角落里传出,令人难辨方向。 They continue toward the hills deep place walk. 他们继续向群山深处走去。 To here, finally formal contact that light shining Xia mist. 到了这里,终于正式接触那一片光灿灿的霞岚。 Xia mist does not have changes, also does not completely prohibit them to go through. 霞岚无甚变化,也不禁绝两人穿行。 Passes through from here, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng look at each other one, in the heart understands clearly: Twofold seal, is not the same person arranges.” 从这里经过,燕赵歌封云笙对视一眼,都心中了然:“两重封印,不是同一个人布置的。” At present this single layer seems like useless, to two people the First Level seal that visits does not make any hindrance, the intensity goes far beyond the Second Level seal of surrounding. 眼下这一重看似无用,对二人到访不做任何阻碍的第一重封印,强度远远超过外围的第二重封印。 If not consider whether they were discovered by outside Victorious Fighting Buddha and Bull Demon King, the Yan Zhaoge two people can also attempt to rush to the Second Level seal, then this First Level seal, is wants to break at present forcefully, is impossible achieves. 如果说不考虑是否被外界斗战胜佛牛魔王他们发现,燕赵歌二人还能尝试强闯第二重封印的话,那么眼下这第一重封印,便是想要强行破开,都不可能做到。 Spirit Mountain Tathagata did Buddha stay behind in the past?” Feng Yunsheng doubts looks to Yan Zhaoge: But wasn't had untied by bodhisattva Tripitaka in the past? On the summit does not see six character true words Buddha handbook.” “灵山如来佛祖当年留下的?”封云笙疑惑的看向燕赵歌:“但是当年不是已经被佛子三藏法师解开了吗?山顶上也不见六字真言的佛祖手书。” This was the vestiges of past seal, said that fell the seal seriously newly?” “这是当年封印的残余,还是说当真新落了封印?” Yan Zhaoge heard this does not have first to reply, but is lost in thought. 燕赵歌闻言没有第一时间回答,而是陷入沉思中。 After long time, other source said: We continue inward to walk.” 半晌后,他方才说道:“我们继续朝里走。” After they walked the moment, that lingering on faintly calling out sound, vanished in the Yan Zhaoge ear suddenly. 两人走了片刻后,原先那不绝于耳的暴吼声,突然在燕赵歌耳边消失了。 All sounds, suddenly restraining. 所有声息,忽然收敛。 However, Yan Zhaoge back slightly one cold. 但是,燕赵歌背脊微微一寒。 He as if feels imperceptibly, suddenly presents a pair of eye, is gazing at him. 他仿佛感觉无形中,突然出现一对眼睛,正注视着他。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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