HSSB :: Volume #14

#1365: Victorious Fighting Buddha fights Bull Demon King

Victorious Fighting Buddha, fights Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King. 斗战胜佛,大战平天大圣牛魔王 So scene, making Yan Zhaoge see also sobbed. 如此景象,让燕赵歌见了也不禁唏嘘。 This moment both sides puts together True Fire, between golden light and Black Wind to bumping, the light mixes with black misty one piece shiningly, slurred, proliferates the universe. 此刻双方拼出真火,金光黑风之间对碰,光灿灿夹杂乌蒙蒙一片,模糊不清,遍布宇宙。 Yan Zhaoge seized the chance the scruples, the shape of both eyes hidden profundity primordial chaos, looked fixedly on. 燕赵歌趁机去了顾忌,双目暗蕴混沌之象,定睛细看。 Sees above the blue lotus, has appeared Buddha Golden Body, 20, 18 arms, held the string of pearls canopy separately, the colored pot fish intestines, Addition Grasping Divine Pestle and valuable file and [gold/metal] Ling, [gold/metal] bow, silver halberd and streamer flag and other treasures, the top of the head light shining piece, gave birth to scale [gold/metal] Yun, on the [gold/metal] cloud held a lamp bowl, in the lights also had sariputra. 就见青莲之上,已经现出一尊佛陀金身,20首,18臂,分别执定了璎珞伞盖,花罐鱼肠,加持神杵、宝锉、金铃、金弓、银戟、幡旗等宝物,头顶光灿灿一片,生出鱼鳞金云,金云上托一灯盏,灯火里还有舍利 In the ancient text record, Victorious Fighting Buddha and enemy fight, obviously melts the Dharmakaya the appearance. 正是古籍记载中,斗战胜佛与敌交手,显化法身的模样。 This Buddha manner is serene, the circle thinks pure, making one unable to see in years past one generation of Monster Race Great Saint shadow. 这佛陀神态安详,圆觉清净,令人看不出昔年一代妖族大圣的影子。 His sitting well blue lotus is motionless, but 18 arms curl up 18 treasure simultaneously to wave, the galloping-horse lantern same binds the match to hit, as if gives an exaggerated account of things. 他端坐青莲不动,但18只手臂卷起18件宝物齐齐舞动,走马灯一样裹着对手打,仿佛天花乱坠。 But his match, clearly changes to big white ox at this time. 而他的对手,此时分明化作一头大白牛 From the body quantity, this white ox, gigantic, at least does not reveal the body of reduction Heavenly Image place compared with Immortal Ruyi that Yan Zhaoge repels on the same day, wanted too to be slightly many. 从身量上来看,这头白牛,并不巨大,至少比燕赵歌当日打退的如意大仙显化法天相地的身躯,要小了太多。 But, this slightly leaves too many statures, the strength that contains, actually exceeded Immortal Ruyi not to know many times. 可是,这小出太多的身躯,其中所蕴含的力量,却又胜过如意大仙不知多少倍了。 Although was bound to gather round by the Victorious Fighting Buddha 18 treasures hits, but white ox Zuo Chongyou suddenly, keeps in a minute. 虽然被斗战胜佛18般宝物裹住围着打,但白牛左冲右突,片刻不停。 Iron tower same biangular refers to direction, 18 arms of Buddha, 18 treasures must evade tip temporarily. 铁塔一样的双角所指方向,佛陀的18条手臂,18般宝物也要暂避锋芒 Colored glaze golden light are similar to raindrop sprinkles, but that white ox body shakes, then shakes colored glaze radiance, the motion is free. 一道道琉璃金光如同雨点般洒落,但那白牛身体一抖,便将琉璃光辉震开,行动自如。 white ox sprints continuously, wants to Buddha hit from the blue lotus. 白牛连续冲刺,欲要将佛陀从青莲上撞下来。 Pulls out the hailing oxtail to fling, hits top Gold Lantern sariputra to Victorious Fighting Buddha directly. 抽冷子牛尾一甩,更是直接打向斗战胜佛顶上金灯舍利 How Victorious Fighting Buddha to him the opportunity, sariputra will put a ray of light magnificent, hits on the oxtail, the oxtail then fell. 斗战胜佛怎会给他机会,舍利放一道光华,打在牛尾上,牛尾便又落了下去。 But fights several rounds, Old Bull slips back into old ways, the good tail flings, hits once more. 但战上几个回合,老牛故态复萌,牛尾巴又是一甩,再次打来。 Yan Zhaoge does not doubt, the strength that this good tail flings, can beat Jade Green Stream Heaven and Heaven Beyond the Heaven such huge world with ease. 燕赵歌毫不怀疑,就这牛尾巴一甩的力量,就可以轻松打烂碧游天天外天这样庞大的世界。 If hits the at present obstructing line and other world, that good tail has flung, the place visited world only then changes to flying ash result completely. 若是打眼前的遮行界等世界,那一条牛尾巴甩过,所经之处的世界只有全部化作飞灰这一个结果。 But Victorious Fighting Buddha take action, seems like superficial, but contains the strength, similarly is the prestige of Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth. 斗战胜佛出手,看似轻描淡写,但其中蕴含力量,同样是毁天灭地之威。 His 18 arm pockets hit together, is not only only exterior appearance seems fast crowded, in fact every strikes to heavily in the extreme. 他18条手臂一起兜打,不仅仅只是外观看上去快速密集,事实上每一击都沉重到无以复加。 Also after is Bull Demon King reveals reduction Heavenly Image, defends and strength is astonishing, can carry Victorious Fighting Buddha take action forcefully. 也就是牛魔王显化法天相地之后防御和力量都惊人,能强行扛着斗战胜佛出手 If he does not reveal the reduction Heavenly Image place, first was submerged by that violent storm offensive. 他若不显化法天相地,第一时间就已经被那狂风暴雨般的攻势淹没。 We walk!” Although wants to continue to look very much, but Yan Zhaoge takes back the vision. “我们走!”虽然很想继续看下去,但燕赵歌还是收回目光。 After Bull Demon King rushes, shoulders the pressure that Victorious Fighting Buddha has created, White Lotus Pure Land can relax finally, regroups after a defeat. 牛魔王赶到后,扛住了斗战胜佛带来的压力,白莲净土总算能松一口气,重整旗鼓。 Then, Nandikeśvara Buddha had the big show invincible might leeway, rein White Lotus Pure Land various Venerable has held one's ground. 如此一来,定光欢喜佛重新有了大展神威的余地,统御白莲净土诸尊者稳住阵脚。 However, Victorious Fighting Buddha and Bull Demon King war, is really earthshaking, is only the complementary waves, to the small world is the total destruction. 不过,斗战胜佛牛魔王的大战,实在惊天动地,只是余波,对一些较小的世界来说都是灭顶之灾。 But on the other hand, their both sides war, starts too much mighty waves. 而另一方面,他们双方的大战,掀起太多波澜。 On this moment White Lotus Pure Land many Buddhist Country world, may witness the phenomenon of at present war. 此刻白莲净土上诸多佛国世界,都有可能目睹眼前大战的异象。 Perhaps looks does not understand details, but makes like this, more or less still possibly affected Future Buddha and prestige of White Lotus Pure Land various Venerable, shakes the Wish Power Buddha's aura basis. 或许看不明白其中详情,但这样闹一场,或多或少仍可能影响未来佛祖白莲净土诸尊者的威信,动摇愿力佛光的根本。 Involves such matter, again slightly is also the important matter. 牵扯到这样的事情,再小也是大事。 Nandikeśvara Buddha launches own Buddha's aura directly, just likes the barrier light screen, covers the battlefield peripheral various world. 定光欢喜佛直接将自身佛光展开,犹如屏障光幕,笼罩战场周边诸世界。 Obstructing line that and naturally also includes Yan Zhaoge two people of placing. 其中自然也包括燕赵歌二人身处的遮行界。 Fortunately Nandikeśvara Buddha at present the attention all on the match who Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss comes, outward not internal, therefore the Yan Zhaoge two people do not need to be worried that was discovered. 所幸定光欢喜佛眼下注意力全在西方极乐净土来的对手身上,对外不对内,所以燕赵歌二人也不用担心被发现。 Their escape routes therefore were actually interrupted by Nandikeśvara Buddha. 只是他们的退路却因此被定光欢喜佛截断了。 Temporarily first does not pay attention, forwards.” Yan Zhaoge said: Now crops up to come, instead does not have the way.” “暂时先不理会,一路向前。”燕赵歌言道:“现在冒头现身,反而更没有去路可言。” Feng Yunsheng nods the head: Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven, since arrived, if Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss does not have more powerhouses to support, they are very difficult to obtain a bigger victory, finally must withdraw mostly.” 封云笙颔首:“平天大圣既然到了,西方极乐净土若无更多强者支援,他们很难取得更大战果,最后多半还要撤走。” White Lotus Pure Land will take advantage of opportunity to regain to lose, outward the pursuit, at that time was our opportunities.” 白莲净土则会顺势收复失地,向外追击,那时才是我们的机会。” Yan Zhaoge walks while said: Is so.” 燕赵歌一边走一边说道:“正是如此。” They are quietly, arrives to obstruct line and two mountains marking a border things in common quickly. 两人悄无声息,很快来到遮行界和两界山相通之处。 Obstructing line at this moment, all were the same with the past, when one such as the Yan Zhaoge many years came such that saw. 此刻的遮行界里,一切都还跟往日一样,一如燕赵歌多年前来时见到的那样。 The outside heaven and the earth turning upside down war, because of covering up of White Lotus Pure Land powerhouse, affects is contained promptly, has not proliferated here. 外界天翻地覆的大战,因为白莲净土强者的遮掩,影响被及时遏制,并没有在这里扩散开来。 The people are living as usual every day the life of prayer sutras as before, for a lot of years. 人们依旧过着和以往一样每天祷告诵经的生活,千百年如一日。 The Yan Zhaoge two people have hidden the personal appearance, has not alarmed anybody. 燕赵歌二人藏匿了身形,也没有惊动任何人。 Some local many Buddhism martial artist, were actually hard to perceive the Yan Zhaoge two people of arrivals like the past years, the both sides realm strength disparity, early things are very different now. 本地就算有不少佛门武者,却难以像当年那样觉察燕赵歌二人的到来,双方境界实力差距,早今非昔比 The bleak mountain ridge appears in front again. 荒凉的山岭再次出现在面前。 Once Five Elements Mountain, two mountains marking a border, present Saint Buddha Peak. 曾经的五行山,两界山,如今的圣佛峰 Buddha that command mountain acquires fame, is fighting with the person outside at present, hits gloomily. 那令此山得名的佛陀,眼下就在外面正跟人交手,打得天昏地暗。 looks at that mountain range, the Yan Zhaoge mood was also different. 看着那山峦,燕赵歌心境也已经不同。 Salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha, already joined in Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, said that with White Lotus Pure Land is the enemy non- friend.” The Yan Zhaoge eye narrows gently: By White Lotus Pure Land consistent conduct policy, such existence, should the desalinization treatment, wipe to disappear as far as possible its record and legend, making people not know that its exists is right.” “南无斗战胜佛,早已投身西方极乐净土,说起来,同白莲净土是敌非友。”燕赵歌眼睛轻轻眯缝起来:“以白莲净土一贯的行事方针来说,这样的存在,应该尽量淡化处理,抹消其记载和传说,让世人再不知其存在才对。” On White Lotus Pure Land, to the Taoism Three Pure Ones Orthodox legend, as well as Amitabha Buddha and other Buddhism Supreme Being the news, then like this processes. 白莲净土上,对道门三清正宗的传说,以及阿弥陀佛祖等佛门大能的讯息,便是这样处理的。 But, obstructs line here person, actually obviously knows to salute Victorious Fighting Buddha, even this Five Elements Mountain early renamed Saint Buddha Peak many years.” “可是,遮行界这里的人,却明显知道南无斗战胜佛,甚至这五行山早都改称圣佛峰许多年了。” Yan Zhaoge looks at the mountain ridge to be lost in thought: Why Victorious Fighting Buddha and this can Five Elements Mountain be exceptional? Because this was Spirit Mountain Buddha take action had suppressed the Victorious Fighting Buddha place in the past personally?” 燕赵歌望着山岭出神:“为什么斗战胜佛和这五行山可以例外呢?因为当年这是灵山佛祖亲自出手镇压过斗战胜佛的地方?” I still could not hear any sound.” Feng Yunsheng said at this time. “我仍然听不见任何声音。”封云笙这时说道。 Yan Zhaoge muttered replies: I am every time can hear.” 燕赵歌喃喃答道:“我则是每时每刻都能听见。” Wait a bit.” After Feng Yunsheng thinks deeply about one next, closes pair of eyes. “稍等。”封云笙思索一下后,闭上双眼 Her aura, fast becomes dark weak. 她一身气息,飞快变得暗弱。 Because the spell of good or bad fortune is special, Feng Yunsheng is very also quenchless own cultivation to low realm. 因为际遇特殊,封云笙现在也很难压制自身修为到较低境界 However, short moment time, but can also achieve. 不过,短短片刻时间,还能做到。 She returned to the Great Martial Scholar Realm level own cultivation direct pressure. 她一路将自身修为直接压回到了大宗师境界的层次。 Yan Zhaoge looks to her. 燕赵歌看向她。 After a little while, Feng Yunsheng long put out a breath: Presses the Fusion Phase Martial Saint level, can hear a sound once more reluctantly, but cannot hear clearly the content.” 少顷,封云笙长长吐出一口气:“压到合相武圣层次,能再次勉强听到点动静,但听不清内容。” Surpasses Fusion Phase Martial Saint, achieves Seeing Divinity Martial Saint, cannot hear, is lower than Martial Saint realm, cannot hear.” “超过合相武圣,达到见神武圣,就听不到,低于武圣境界,也听不到。”
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