HSSB :: Volume #14

#1364: Salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha

Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal, or can the Buddhism equivalent to Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal powerhouse, by Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable or Future Buddha, Yan Zhaoge is not forcefully good to determine. 道门大罗天仙,又或者佛门相当于道门大罗天仙的强者,会不会被无量天尊又或者未来佛祖强行度化,燕赵歌不好确定。 But from the demand or from benefit perspective, Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal on own initiative has not joined in the External Way necessity. 但从需求或者说从利益角度来讲,道门大罗天仙没有主动投身外道的必要。 Currently speaking, reports back and pays differs so much as to be beyond comparison completely. 从目前来看,回报与付出完全不成比例。 To initially see Nandikeśvara Buddha, Yan Zhaoge somewhat is accidental. 是以初见定光欢喜佛,燕赵歌还有些意外。 However after waiting for him to look at careful opposite party condition, in the heart approximately have several. 不过等他看仔细对方状况后,心中又大致有数。 Before the opposite party is very possible suffers a disaster, drops realm, then also did not have the hope of oneself again ascended to Great Encompassing, this has to join in External Way. 对方很可能之前遭劫,跌落境界,然后又没了自己重新登临大罗的希望,这才不得不投身外道 To this level, martial artist has estimated the practice world truth, outside returns to the world, in according to oneself body, all unified wholes, outside and inside without a gap. 到了这种层次,武者揣摩修练天地道理,外返天地,内照己身,一切浑然一体,表里无间。 Even if Nandikeśvara Buddha once also depended on own ascended to Realm of Great Encompasing, but after dropping realm, if cannot climb depending on oneself, but helps one another with the aid of Wish Power Buddha's aura, his strength level also can only be close with White Lotus Pure Land various Buddha, is inferior to true Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal. 所以哪怕定光欢喜佛曾经也凭自身登临大罗之境,但跌落境界后若不能凭自身重新攀登,而是借助愿力佛光相助的话,他的实力层次也只能同白莲净土诸佛相近,到底不如真正的大罗天仙 His foundation is deep, is good by a strength. 只是他毕竟根底深厚,是以一身实力也自不俗。 However, facing his present match, he was also insufficient. 不过,面对他现在的对手,他却又远远不足了。 Just a contact, Nandikeśvara Buddha was defeated, is utterly routed. 刚一接触,定光欢喜佛便败下阵来,溃不成军。 His is repulsed, blossoming white lotus the defense line collapses immediately, Gold Lantern and blue lotus keep spreading to proliferate, raise the dreadful potential, as if must proliferate White Lotus Pure Land, changing the Heaven and switching the Earth. 他这一败退,朵朵白莲所化的防线顿时坍塌,金灯与青莲不停蔓延扩散,掀起滔天之势,仿佛要遍布白莲净土,改天换地 Future Buddha battles with Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable in the battlefield of higher level, each other diversion. 未来佛祖在更高层次的战场同无量天尊交战,彼此牵制。 At this moment, the Buddhism authentic equivalent to Taoism Heavenly Lord Buddha, the threat to White Lotus Pure Land, the incisiveness that shows. 此时此刻,佛门正宗一位相当于道门天尊的佛陀,对白莲净土的威胁,展现的淋漓尽致。 However, White Lotus Pure Land after is Future Buddha Buddhist Country Pure Land, is the Buddhism authentic family background Supreme Being powerhouse, walks above, was still careful. 不过,白莲净土毕竟乃是未来佛祖佛国净土,便是佛门正宗出身的大能强者,在其上行走,也仍然要小心。 Said that Wish Power Buddha's aura runs out from side another side Buddhist Land, spreads across, as if weaves a fishing net, calling that blue lotus not to dare to be unscrupulous. 道道愿力佛光从一方又一方佛土中冲出,纵横交错,仿佛织网,叫那一朵朵青莲不敢肆无忌惮。 Who knows that Future Buddha can be suddenly cruel-hearted, strikes back? 谁知道未来佛祖会不会突然狠下心来,杀一个回马枪? Is pestering in both sides, from White Lotus Pure Land outside, suddenly has the intermittent evil wind to raid. 正在双方纠缠间,自白莲净土外,突然有阵阵妖风袭来。 The evil wind is similar to the black fog, hiding the sky and covering the earth, sweeps across in the universe, is dim including the brilliance of Gold Lantern blue lotus. 妖风如同黑雾,遮天蔽日,在宇宙中席卷,连金灯青莲的光彩都黯淡许多。 Monster Race... Great Saint!” Yan Zhaoge looks at each other one with Feng Yunsheng, in the heart the raising single layer clearly becomes aware. 妖族大圣!”燕赵歌封云笙对视一眼,心中都升起一重明悟。 As catches up with entering the war of the Monster Race Great Saint supports finally, the footsteps of Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss expansion victory finally for it. 随着终于赶来支援的这一位妖族大圣的参战,西方极乐净土扩大战果的脚步终于为之一顿。 Is that Buddha of head, immediately makes one group with the evil wind war. 为首的那位佛陀,当即同妖风战作一团。 White Lotus Pure Land, may is much huger than the Taoism universe and Heavenly Awakening Universe. 白莲净土,可比道门宇宙和天苏宇宙都要庞大得多。 But at this time two equivalent to Taoism Heavenly Lord Supreme Being powerhouses launch to fight, immediately makes the perfect square universe as if occur to shiver. 但此时两位相当于道门天尊大能强者展开交手,顿时让整方宇宙仿佛都发生颤抖。 How?” Yan Zhaoge has not looked above battle both sides with, Feng Yunsheng catches the eye to look that the double pupil turns into a Nether Dark blue-black color. “如何?”燕赵歌没有拿眼去瞧上面交战双方,封云笙抬眼看去,双瞳则变成一片幽暗蓝黑之色。 She observes, while said: That Buddha is born with 20 heads, 18 hands, take the string of pearls separately, the canopy, the colored pot, the fish intestines, in addition holds the valuable pestle, the valuable file, [gold/metal] bell, [gold/metal] bow, silver halberd, streamer flag, jeweled flagpole, even/including Hua, token, earthen bowl container, sharp spear|gun, extravagant sword, sariputra, Confucian classics.” 她一边观察,一边说道:“那佛陀生就20头,18只手,分别拿璎珞,伞盖,花罐,鱼肠,加持宝杵,宝锉,金铃铛,金弓,银戟,幡旗,宝幢,连花,令牌,钵盂,尖枪,阔剑,舍利,经书。” His head has Gold Lantern, on lamp also has sariputra...” “他头上有金灯,灯上还有舍利…” The Yan Zhaoge eyebrow raises: This appearance is listening quite familiar-soundingly, but the Buddhism Supreme Being buddhist image always many similarities, pour cannot draw the conclusion anxiously.” 燕赵歌眉毛扬起:“这模样听着好耳熟,不过佛门大能的宝相总有许多相似之处,倒也不能急着下定论。” That Great Monster...” The Feng Yunsheng complexion becomes strange: That Great Monster appearance, very likely is legendary Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven.” “那大妖…”封云笙脸色变得古怪起来:“那大妖的模样,很像是传说中平天大圣啊。” Yan Zhaoge one surprised: Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King?” 燕赵歌一愕:“平天大圣牛魔王?” Just hit Immortal Ruyi in an extremely difficult situation, bumps into others elder brothers finally immediately, Yan Zhaoge also has to sigh with emotion oneself fate to be really not much. 刚刚才把如意大仙打得狼狈不堪,结果立即就碰上人家哥哥,燕赵歌也不得不感慨自家运道着实不怎么样。 He did not worry actually Feng Yunsheng will admit mistakes. 他倒是不担心封云笙会认错。 20 years ago competes for Hall of Pills time has had to do on same group Bull Monster, a short time ago just to Immortal Ruyi, Heaven Beyond the Heaven high and low naturally must alert the opposite party back Supreme Being powerhouse carefully. 20年前争夺丹殿的时候就同一群牛妖打过交道,前不久刚刚才对上如意大仙,天外天上下自然要小心戒备对方背后的大能强者。 Feng Yunsheng formerly not familiar Bull Demon King, now also crams ferociously many related knowledge, looks at the image that Yan Zhaoge has painted earnestly. 封云笙就算从前不熟悉牛魔王,现在也恶补许多相关知识,认真看过燕赵歌作画的图像。 Wears the levigation silvery bright wrought iron helmet, body approves the fabric to put on exquisite silk yellow gold armoured, treads the volume sharp base muntjac leather boots fully, the waist bunch wire-work three lions brings. 头戴水磨银亮熟铁盔,身批绒穿锦绣黄金甲,足踏卷尖粉底麂皮靴,腰束攒丝三股狮蛮带。 pair of eyes light like bright mirror, two eyebrow colorful as rainbows. If mouth large-mouthed vessel, tooth row of copper coin. 双眼光如明镜,两道眉艳似红霓。口若血盆,齿排铜板。 The roar sound shakes the mountain spirit to fear that the motion imposing malicious ghost flusters. All sea has the name to mix the world, Western vigorously number Demon King. 吼声响震山神怕,行动威风恶鬼慌。四海有名称混世,西方大力号魔王 Feng Yunsheng looks at this image, who early looks at can also draw exactly the same, where also has the possibility of admitting mistakes. 封云笙看这图像,早都看的自己也能画得一模一样,哪里还有认错的可能。 Only if others changes this appearance intentionally. 除非是别人故意变化成这幅模样。 But if the change, the both sides battle is so intense, but can also not reveal the real shape, in that Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal, feared that is only then Demon of Yin Wood can achieve. 但如果是变化而成,双方交战如此激烈,还能不露真形,那大罗天仙里,怕是只有乙木之魔才能做到了。 Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven and that Buddha, as if are the old acquaintances . Moreover the appearances of some gratitude and grudges?” Feng Yunsheng some not affirmative saying. 平天大圣与那佛陀,似乎是旧相识,而且有些恩怨的模样?”封云笙有些不肯定的说道。 Yan Zhaoge heard this, on the face the facial expression becomes is stranger than her: 20 heads, 18 arms, go against Gold Lantern, holds sariputra... Has a grudge with Old Bull...” 燕赵歌闻言,脸上神情变得比她还古怪:“20头,18臂,顶金灯,托舍利…跟老牛有仇…” Feng Yunsheng this is also second obstructs line Five Elements Mountain, before coming, has made the understanding to here specially. 封云笙这也是第二趟来遮行界五行山,来之前对这里专门做过了解。 She with Yan Zhaoge look at each other in dismay, loses sound track: Salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha?” 她同燕赵歌面面相觑,失声道:“南无斗战胜佛?” The ancient people hand down, Medieval Journey to the West Era, Monster Race Great Sage Equal of Heaven by Tathagata Buddha suppression, afterward bodhisattva Tripitaka was changed magically to rescue, finally is successful in the Western Paradise Spirit Mountain monastery obtains the Daoist scripture, directs Western Buddhism second penetrating eastward, the achievement Central Hovering Pure Land Daxing, vertical achieves Buddhahood, melts salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha. 故老相传,中古西游纪元,妖族齐天大圣被如来佛祖镇压,后来得佛子三藏法师点化解救,最终成功在西天灵山宝刹求得真经,引西方佛门第二次东渐,成就中央娑婆净土大兴,立地成佛,化南无斗战胜佛 Great Sage Equal of Heaven Handsome Monkey King, in years past with Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King, was sworn brothers, the old friend good friend. 齐天大圣美猴王,昔年与平天大圣牛魔王,乃是结拜兄弟,故交好友。 But in taking west longitude process, the both sides mutual hatred, the conflict is frigid. 但在取西经过程中,双方却交恶,冲突惨烈。 Afterward Great Sage Equal of Heaven like Central Hovering Pure Land, the achievement Buddhism fruits of virtue, melted salutes to fight war-god Buddha. 后来齐天大圣中央娑婆净土,成就佛门正果,化南无斗战神佛。 In the hearsay, Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven is captured toward the Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, the result is unclear. 传闻中,平天大圣则被擒往西天灵山,结局不明。 But nowadays, when although does not determine is, but is very obvious, Bull Demon King has gotten out of trouble, retrieval free body, and entered the Chen Mountain Sea of Stars living in seclusion training, now enter the world, must stir wind and rain again, presently he in years past the power and prestige of Monster Race Great Saint. 而现如今,虽然不确定是什么时候,但很显然,牛魔王已经脱困,重获自由身,并且入了辰山星海隐居修养,如今重新入世,要再搅一番风雨,现他昔年妖族大圣之威风。 Entered Central Hovering Pure Land Victorious Fighting Buddha, looks at the appearance, then likely after Lord Buddha Maitreya takes over the dancing world, the revolutions has thrown Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. 本来入了中央娑婆净土斗战胜佛,看模样,则很可能在弥勒尊佛祖接掌婆娑世界后,转投了西方极乐净土 Now, Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss with Monster Race, together again enter the world, reappears magnificently. 现在,西方极乐净土妖族,都一起重新入世,再现辉煌。 Old brother who in years past a pair of gratitude and grudges dispute was hard to talk clearly, old enemy, bumped into the same place once more, fought out again! 昔年一对恩怨纠葛难以说清的老弟兄,老冤家,也再次碰到一起,再决胜负! Victorious Fighting Buddha, fights Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King! 斗战胜佛,大战平天大圣牛魔王 Among the universes, the Buddhist doctrine Zen sang and Ox Houmou moo the sound are lingering on faintly. 宇宙间,佛法禅唱声和牛吼哞哞声不绝于耳。 both sides syllable mysterious complex, making one be hard to understand meaning, the anger of but in that good roar containing, actually took in everything at a glance. 双方音节都玄奥复杂,令人难以听懂其中意思,但那牛吼声中蕴含的愤怒情绪,却一览无余。 two families puts together True Fire, that Buddha also has to pay attention the attention, that Great Monster already no matter gradually periphery also has the White Lotus Pure Land various world lives, raises the Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth offensive, attacks to the match. 两家拼出真火,那佛陀还有留心注意,那大妖已经渐渐不管周围还有白莲净土诸世界生灵,掀起毁天灭地攻势,攻向对手。 Obstructs line suddenly also the somewhat precarious shape. 遮行界一时间也有几分风雨飘摇之象。 Yan Zhaoge places, stabilizes the personal appearance hastily. 燕赵歌身处其中,连忙稳定自己身形。 But to own safety, he cares about the war of outside at this moment: Unexpectedly is really Victorious Fighting Buddha, but also into Western heaven of heavens.” 但相对于自身安危,他此刻更关心外界之战:“竟然真的是斗战胜佛,还入了西方极乐世界。” „But if Great Sage Equal of Heaven has proven to result in the Buddhism fruits of virtue, and had not been suppressed again, under that present Five Elements Mountain is pressing where is the person sacred?” “可如果齐天大圣已经证得佛门正果,并且也没有被再次镇压,那现在五行山下压着的人又是何方神圣?”
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