HSSB :: Volume #14

#1363: Weird two mountains marking a border

White Lotus Pure Land with Immortal Courtyard, among two families External Way competes for burning incense Wish Power, consolidates own belief, has extended for many years. 白莲净土仙庭,两家外道之间争夺香火愿力,巩固自身信仰,已经延绵多年。. Before because Suo Mingzhang slaughtered Immortal Courtyard group immortal to cause the both sides influence contrast to be unbalanced, White Lotus Pure Land seized the chance to attack Immortal Courtyard wantonly. 之前因为索明璋屠杀仙庭群仙而造成双方势力对比失衡,白莲净土趁机大肆攻打仙庭 Finally both sides drew the helper to help. 结果双方都拉了帮手助拳。 Is the Buddhism is authentic, inborn with Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss that Buddhism External Way does not cope with , helping one another Immortal Courtyard. 身为佛门正宗,天生跟佛门外道不对付的西方极乐净土,相助仙庭 But Monster Race actually stands on the side of White Lotus Pure Land. 妖族却站在白莲净土一边。 Does not know whether has the tacit understanding, the war between both sides, most of the time, is White Lotus Pure Land and Immortal Courtyard this fights to the old enemy, but Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss that helps launches the battle with Monster Race. 不知道是否有默契,双方之间的大战,大多数时候,是白莲净土仙庭这对老冤家交手,而助拳的西方极乐净土妖族展开争斗。 Each other overlapping time, are relatively few. 彼此交叉的时候,相对较少。 Because White Lotus Pure Land occupies the initiative offensive, therefore the both sides war also mostly launches in the Immortal Courtyard ground. 因为白莲净土占据主动攻势,所以双方大战也大多在仙庭地面上展开。 Only by Yan Zhaoge at present known news, this is Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Buddhism authentic descendant, after the war starts, first time visits the White Lotus Pure Land ground! 仅以燕赵歌目前已知的消息,这还是西方极乐净土的佛门正宗传人,大战开始后第一次踏足白莲净土的地面! Start that counter-attacks, fights further indication of promotion?” In the Yan Zhaoge mind has transferred many thoughts instantaneously: Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and can Monster Race, invest more powerhouses to enter the war?” “反攻的开始,还是大战进一步升级的征兆?”燕赵歌脑海中瞬间转过许多念头:“西方极乐净土妖族,都要投入更多强者参战了吗?” At the same time is transferring the thought that the Yan Zhaoge movement least bit is not slow, accelerates to continue to fire into with Feng Yunsheng together obstructs line. 一边转着念头,燕赵歌动作半点不慢,同封云笙一起加速继续冲向遮行界。 Entered has obstructed line, the at present scenery as before. 入了遮行界,眼前风景如故。 However was different from the past, Yan Zhaoge this time just came, near the ear transmitted that as if to resound through eternal calling out. 不过不同于以往,燕赵歌这次刚一进来,耳边就传来那仿佛响彻万古的暴喝。 Teacher?!” “老师?!” Resentful, unwilling, shocking and sad, doubts, disappointed and other mood, as if the time of penetration and Space, exist in this world eternal. 愤懑、不甘、震惊、悲伤、疑惑、失望等诸多情绪,仿佛穿越时间和空间,永恒存在于这世上。 When Yan Zhaoge the cultivation strength far strong first time comes to here in the past years now. 燕赵歌如今修为实力远强于当年第一次来这里时。 Roaring sound that but today his ear resounds, as if was also bigger than not to have the several fold the past years, deafening. 但今日他耳边响起的怒吼声,却仿佛比当年也大出无数倍,震耳欲聋。 Meanwhile, shakes the will of the people, the tyrannical mood attacked Yan Zhaoge's spirit platform to have was not instantaneously steady. 同时,更加撼动人心,暴虐的情绪冲击燕赵歌的灵台都有了瞬间不稳。 Really, cultivation realm is higher, instead hears to be clearer?” Yan Zhaoge turns the head to look to Feng Yunsheng, actually sees Feng Yunsheng to be bewildered. “果然,修为境界越高,反而听得越清楚吗?”燕赵歌转头看向封云笙,却见封云笙一脸茫然。 Contacts the vision that Yan Zhaoge inquires, Feng Yunsheng understands his meaning immediately, but on the face the color of vacant doubts is stronger: „Did you hear that sound?” 接触到燕赵歌探询的目光,封云笙立即明白他的意思,但脸上茫然疑惑之色更浓:“你又听见那声音了?” You... Hasn't heard?” In Yan Zhaoge heart imposing. “你…没听见?”燕赵歌心中凛然。 No.” Feng Yunsheng nods first, latter shakes the head: In the past first time came time, you had raised, therefore my this coming, paid attention specially, but instead any sound has not heard, was just at heart strange.” “没有。”封云笙先点头,后摇头:“当年第一次来的时候,你曾经提过,所以我这次进来,专门有留意,但是反而什么声音也没听见,心里正奇怪呢。” In the past she had heard, if had the sound that did not have, was similar to the illusion, if this is not the case Yan Zhaoge asked specially, she also thinks that was misunderstands. 当年她曾经听到过若有还无的声音,如同幻觉,如果不是燕赵歌专门问起,她还以为是自己听错了。 Now her cultivation strength by far in the past, even tall Guo present Yan Zhaoge, has not wanted actually to have achieved nothing. 如今她修为实力远胜当年,甚至还高过眼下的燕赵歌,不曾想却一无所获。 Feng Yunsheng is still pondering over that the sound that broadcasts from two mountains marking a border, is interrupted, the person who also or makes the sound was not , the result looks at the Yan Zhaoge's appearance, she immediately thump a sound. 封云笙还在琢磨着那从两界山传来的声音,是不是间断的,又或者发出声音的人已经不在,结果一看燕赵歌的模样,她心里顿时咯噔一声响。 How is this matter?” Feng Yunsheng knits the brows: Somewhat is seriously weird!” “这是怎么一回事?”封云笙皱眉:“当真有些邪门!” Yan Zhaoge looking pensive, the line of sight looks to the directions of distant place two mountains marking a border. 燕赵歌若有所思,视线看向远方两界山的方向。 That calls out the sound, as if exist in the past present future every time, to continuous, kept surging the echo in his ear. 那暴吼声,仿佛存在于过去现在未来每时每刻,是以连绵不绝,在他耳边不停激荡回响。 Is thinking, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng their look slightly moves, simultaneously turns the head. 正思索间,燕赵歌封云笙两人神色都微微一动,齐齐转头。 Their lines of sight pass through obstruct line the space and time domain, looked that is void to the universe of outside. 他们的视线穿越遮行界的时空界域,看向外界的宇宙虚空。 In there, strength that shocks extremely presents, under Gold Lantern shine, above the blue lotus appears layer on layer light avatar, changes into one after another Buddhism powerhouse from Western heaven of heavens gradually. 在那里,极为震撼的力量呈现,一盏盏金灯照耀下,青莲之上现出重重光影,渐渐化为一位又一位来自西方极乐世界的佛门强者。 Is one, the body hides in golden light, making one unable to see clearly its appearance completely, but that as if shook the Zen of boundless Buddhist Land to sing, made clear, this was one can compare favorably with Taoism Heavenly Lord Buddhism Supreme Being! 为首一位,身藏金光里,令人完全看不清其模样,但是那仿佛撼动无边佛土的禅唱,还是昭示,这是一位可以媲美道门天尊的佛门大能 The White Lotus Pure Land reaction rate is not slow, quick, among the universes then also has blossoming white lotus to be in full bloom, does not make the blue lotus alone enjoy renown in Qian. 白莲净土的反应速度并不慢,很快,宇宙间便也有朵朵白莲盛开,不让青莲专美于前。 Although the brilliance on lotus flower is inferior to blue lotus to be prosperous, but the quantity is many. 虽然莲花上的光彩不如青莲鼎盛,但数量繁多。 Is existence of head, clearly is also equivalent to and Taoism Heavenly Lord Buddhism External Way powerhouse. 为首的存在,分明也是一位相当于道门天尊的佛门外道强者。 However, from the strength, actually compared with the person of opposite Western heaven of heavens lead, wanted weakly many momenta. 不过,从实力上来说,却比对面西方极乐世界领头之人,要弱了许多声势。 both sides directly has not fought, the Zen on blue lotus sang Brahma Sound, suppressed the sound that on white lotus spread. 双方都还没有直接交手,青莲上的禅唱梵音,就已经将白莲上传出的声音压制下去。 Buddha's aura thoroughly like colored glaze, but under flashing makes the person look not clearly the outcome, mentioned the contradiction, had mysteriously, agreeing without consultation sun. 佛光透彻如琉璃,但闪动之下让人看不分明其中究竟,说来矛盾,其中却自有玄奥,暗合天道。 However while at this time, because of the reason of both sides test of strength, falls into a leeward side to be suppressed, this mysterious also slowly dispersed. 不过正当此时,因为双方角力的缘故,落入下风的一方受到压制,这玄妙也就慢慢散了。 Buddha's aura on white lotus stands, gradually appears a Buddha form. 白莲上的佛光立,渐渐现出一尊佛陀身影。 Yan Zhaoge within the body hidden primordial chaos, Everlasting Heavenly Book revolves, extinguishes the influence that own vision brings, fixes the eyes on to look to that Buddha. 燕赵歌体内暗藏混沌,无极天书运转,消弭自身目光所带来的影响,定睛向那佛陀看去。 The both sides cultivation disparity was still big, usually in so looks straight ahead the opposite party, unavoidably was realized. 双方修为差距仍大,平日里这般直视对方,难免被察觉。 However Buddha on that white lotus stage by the match was being compelled, actually to be distressedly hard to discover that at this moment hid in Yan Zhaoge that obstructing line looked. 不过那白莲台上的佛陀此刻正被对手逼得狼狈,却难以发现藏在遮行界里看过来的燕赵歌了。 Feng Yunsheng nowadays cultivation realm is actually not far with it, is fixes the eyes on to look that is away from the single layer world, under that Buddha diverts attention is also unobservable. 倒是封云笙现如今的修为境界与之相去不远,便是定睛看去,隔着一重世界,那佛陀分心之下也难以察觉。 Saw clearly the opposite party appearance, the Yan Zhaoge facial expression becomes strange. 看清楚了对方模样,燕赵歌神情不由变得古怪。 Feng Yunsheng looked at his one eyes: Recognizes?” 封云笙瞄了他一眼:“认得?” Was unascertainable, to see only the portrait before, but looks at was really similar.” Yan Zhaoge curls the lip: Also calculated famously, once Long Eared Setting Light Immortal, later entered the Buddhism, said that Nandikeśvara Buddha that was.” “还不能确定,以前只见过画像,但看着着实相似。”燕赵歌撇撇嘴:“也算大名鼎鼎了,曾经的长耳定光仙,之后入了佛门,称定光欢喜佛的那位便是。” Feng Yunsheng is stunned: That... His afterward entered White Lotus Pure Land?” 封云笙愕然:“那位啊…他这是后来又入了白莲净土?” Evidently was, but was somewhat strange.” Yan Zhaoge has taken back the vision: Regardless of that person conduct attitude how, in hearsay Long Eared Setting Light Immortal Ancient Investiture of the Gods Era then already achievement Realm of Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal, but he now this appearance, clearly is only the External Way Heavenly Immortal level.” “看样子是了,不过有些古怪啊。”燕赵歌收回了目光:“不论其人行事作风如何,但传闻中长耳定光仙上古封神纪元时便已经成就大罗天仙之境,可他现在这模样,分明只是外道天仙的水平。” The Buddhism has own division about cultivation realm. 佛门内部关于修行境界自有自己的划分。 Buddha, Bodhisattva and arhat, uncover attentively such name, more often politely calls the polite expression, but the name of non- realm level. 佛陀、菩萨、罗汉、揭谛这样的称谓,更多时候是尊称敬语,而非境界层次的命名。 Taoism is familiar with defer to by this own is familiar with, corresponds with Heavenly Immortal, Primordial Immortal, Profound Immortal and True Immortal, facilitates the discrimination. 只是道家更习惯以此来按照自家习惯,与天仙元仙玄仙真仙加以对应,方便区分。 Therefore will sometimes present some big Bodhisattvas and person spars, the strength is not inferior, even also strong all Buddha situation. 于是有时候就会出现一些大菩萨与人斗法,实力不逊色,甚至还强过诸佛的情况 For example Mañjuśrī, Puxian, Goddess, ksitigarbha and situation to and other Bodhisattvas, are not Taoism Primordial Immortal Heavenly Monarch may compare, but is existence of equivalent to Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal. 例如文殊、普贤、观世音、地藏、大势至等菩萨,并非道门元仙天君可比,而是相当于道门大罗天仙的存在。 However, that Nandikeśvara Buddha, truly before into Buddhism, then already the position of ascended to Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal. 不过,那位定光欢喜佛,确实在入佛门以前,便已经登临大罗天仙之位。 However now looks at his strength, actually likely is Taoism Primordial Immortal, after accepting Future Buddha, can succeed goes a step further, ascends the Great Encompassing appearance again. 但是现在看他实力,却像是道门元仙,接受未来佛祖度化后,得以成功更进一步,再登大罗的模样。 What a pity, is the External Way Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal level. 可惜,是外道大罗天仙的水平。 Although in External Way is the high level, but before there are him to achieve Buddhahood strong, but also is really uncertain. 虽然在外道中是较高的水平,但有没有他成佛前强,还真不一定。 Once suffered a disaster?” In the Yan Zhaoge heart thinks: Actually does not know other one side, under that Gold Lantern, on blue lotus which is?” “曾经遭劫了吗?”燕赵歌心中思索:“却不知另外一边,那金灯下,青莲上的又是哪一位?”
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