HSSB :: Volume #14

#1362: White Lotus Pure Land

Hears „the younger generation four characters, nearby Chen Xuanzong slightly smiles. 听到“年轻一代”四个字,一旁的陈玄宗不禁微微莞尔。 Usually on the proper serious Yue Zhenbei face also left the happy expression. 素来端方严肃的越震北脸上也都出笑意。 Yan Di looks the smiling face similarly, looks to Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng two people. 燕狄同样面露笑容,看向燕赵歌封云笙二人。 Present Broad Creed Mountain high and low, regardless of any situation, regarding Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, will not treat as the younger generation disciple, the promising youth regards. 如今的广乘山上下,不论什么场合,对于燕赵歌封云笙,都不会当做晚辈弟子,后起之秀来看待。 However, they, will not inherit to wield Sect. 不过,他们两人,也都不会承继执掌宗门 Never displays the talent in this aspect, another is the will not in this. 一个从未表现出这方面的才华,另一个则是志不在此。 Therefore when considering the Sect Master successor, meets naturally but however removes them. 所以在考虑掌门后继者时,也会自然而然将他们排除。 Fortunately now other Broad Creed lineage/vein younger generation disciples gradually grew, Yan Di does not need to be worried to lack successors but actually. 所幸现在广乘一脉其他年轻一代弟子都已经渐渐成长起来,燕狄倒不用担心后继无人。 Yuan Zhengfeng, Fang Zhun and Fu Enshu and the others can also feel at ease in own practice, explores the martial arts truth the mystery. 元正峰方准傅恩书等人也都可以安心于自身修练,探索武学道理的奥秘。 Can arrive at certainly high martial artist, to martial arts itself, mostly is glad to the study exploration. 能走到一定高度的武者,对武学本身,大多都乐于钻研探索。 Naturally, now Broad Creed Mountain in Heaven Beyond the Heaven, status similarly things are very different now in Post-Great Cataclysm entire Taoism legacy. 当然,现在广乘山天外天,在大破灭后整个道门传承中的地位同样都今非昔比 The younger generation wanted to receive the flag to lift up bressummer from Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di and the others , the need accumulated much. 年轻一代想要从燕赵歌燕狄等人手里接过大旗扛起大梁,也需要更多积累。 However, the daily Sect affair and revolution, are Yan Di give up, has not obstructed greatly. 不过,日常宗门事务处理与运转,便是燕狄撒手不管,也已经没有大碍。 In fact, steps down in Fang Zhun secretly, practices martial art under with single-hearted devotion practice situation, now the Broad Creed Mountain interior revolution maintains, majority of affair, by being transferred to the Xu Fei control of Chief of Deacons' Hall, processing in good order. 事实上,在方准退居幕后,专心习武修练的情况下,如今广乘山内部运转维持,大部分事务处理,已经由调任执事殿首座徐飞接管,处理的井井有条。 After Xu Fei is transferred actually, the position of Chief of Punishment Hall vacates, takes over by whom, at present also in examination. 倒是徐飞调任之后,掌刑殿首座之位空出,由谁接掌,目前还在考核中。 compares, the Xia Guang opportunity is biggest. 相较而言,夏光的机会最大。 His nature of hating the wicked as if they were personal enemies is fierce and rigid, these years the disposition gradually restrains, the past years like that was not hot tempered. 嫉恶如仇的他性烈且刚直,这些年来脾性又渐渐收敛,已经不似当年那般暴躁。 Was majestically located Realm Above the Realm Eastern Blue Heaven Realm in initially Broad Creed Mountain, confronts with Kunlun Mountain Qilin Cliff, after having enough energy, Xia Guang personally has broken through Three Legged Mountain, the destruction, and will revenge for own family. 在当初广乘山雄踞界上界东方苍天境,同昆仑山麒麟崖对峙,有足够底气之后,夏光亲手攻破了三足山,将之覆灭,并为自己家族报仇。 The hatred anger extinguishes, passes through disciplines, Xia Guang way one treats people, like that was no longer shy now in the past. 仇恨怒火消弭,又多经磨练,夏光如今待人接物,已不复当年那般青涩。 However, present he still nature fierce like fire, whether therefore to take on a palace Chief responsibility, Yan Di, Yuan Zhengfeng and Fang Zhun and the others is still inspecting at present. 不过,如今的他仍然性烈如火,所以能否担起一殿首座职责,目前燕狄元正峰方准等人还在考察。 But generally speaking, present Broad Creed Mountain, all take the stock rail, so long as normal development then. 但总体来说,如今的广乘山,一切都走上正轨,只要正常发展即可。 The potential of being well-prepared started to manifest gradually, only requires the time to accumulate. 厚积薄发之势已经渐渐开始体现,只需时间积淀。 Hopes this line, can find Fellow Daoist Xie and Fellow Daoist Chu, can find to solve on the Jun'er mother and child the means of demon disaster hidden danger.” Yan Di austere allows to say. “希望此行,能找到解道友楚道友,也能找到解决钧儿母子身上魔灾隐患的办法。”燕狄肃容说道。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng corrected look similarly. 燕赵歌封云笙同样端正了神色。 Chen Xuanzong nods: „After preparing to be appropriate, us.” 陈玄宗点点头:“准备妥当后,吾等出发吧。” The people salute respectively, each other said goodbye. 众人各自行礼,彼此道别。 Yan Zhaoge sees Xue Chuqing with Yan Di together, the father and son must leave, making Xue Chuqing also slightly have does not abandon. 燕赵歌燕狄一起去见雪初晴,父子二人都要离开,让雪初晴也略有不舍。 Because she in the past the situation compelled, has to separate with husband son, left is dozens years. 她当年因为形势所迫,不得不同夫君儿子分离,一别就是数十年。 Now finally can reunite, enjoys 20 years of content time. 如今终于得以团聚,尽享20载美满时光。 Although previously Yan Zhaoge also goes out, but side the in any case husband always also remains. 先前燕赵歌虽然也有外出,但好歹丈夫总还留在身边。 Now although is keeps safe Heaven Beyond the Heaven, but actually another separates, only remaining she. 如今虽然是自己留在安全的天外天,但却又一家分离,只剩下她一人。 Must say that the one point feeling does not have at heart, that deceives oneself and others obviously. 要说心里一点感觉都没有,那显然是自欺欺人。 When were young past day of drifting about destitute, but now for the wife is mother, will yearn eventually for stable and reunion. 哪怕昔日年轻时过惯了颠沛流离的日子,但如今为人妻为人母,终究还是会向往安定和团聚。 However, Xue Chuqing always does not seek ordinary person, not loquacity, but urged the husband and son respective careful. 不过,雪初晴从来都非寻常人,并不多话,只是叮嘱丈夫和儿子各自小心。 Hall of Pills here array formation, I will maintain to take care, do not have the big accident, must not have the matter.” Xue Chuqing said: You are away from home actually respectively, many careful.” 丹殿这里的阵法,我会维持看顾,没有大意外,必不会有事。”雪初晴言道:“倒是你们各自出门在外,多多小心。” Yan Di supports her gently: Relax.” 燕狄轻轻拥住她:“放心。” Yan Zhaoge sees that with Feng Yunsheng, smiles. 燕赵歌封云笙见状,相视一笑。 Yunsheng, your many looks at Zhaoge one point, he is insane not to make sense.” Surrounds for two younger generations, Xue Chuqing is not angry, clashes Feng Yunsheng to say with a smile. 云笙,你多看着赵歌一点,他疯起来不像话。”为两个晚辈围观,雪初晴也不恼,笑着冲封云笙说道。 To Feng Yunsheng, she is very satisfied, although the mothers and daughters-in-law two people of disposition differences are not small, but is together appropriately actually continuously. 封云笙,她无比满意,虽然婆媳二人性格差别不小,但相处却一直得宜。 Feng Yunsheng should say with a smile: I as far as possible, but you also said that he is insane not to make sense.” 封云笙笑着应道:“我尽量,不过您也说了,他疯起来不像话。” He now is not your match, is really not good forcefully to tie up.” Saying that Xue Chuqing does not care about. “他现在不是你对手,实在不行就强行绑回来。”雪初晴不在意的说道。 Yan Zhaoge grinning, Yan Di has also smiled. 燕赵歌咧了咧嘴,燕狄也为之莞尔。 The whole families chatted, the atmosphere generally speaking, was quite throughout relaxed. 一家人说笑一番,氛围总体来说,始终还比较轻松。 The pressure and danger come from the outside environment mainly, but non- specific person or matter, can always be relatively more relaxed. 压力与危险主要来自于外界大环境而非具体的人或事,总是能让人相对轻松一些。 After all arrangements are appropriate, Yan Di with Chen Xuanzong first. 一切安排妥当后,燕狄陈玄宗先出发了。 Yan Zhaoge after prepares oneself plans to be minute, then also with Feng Yunsheng together once more leaves Heaven Beyond the Heaven, left Heavenly Awakening Universe, re-entry that endless Territory Beyond the Void. 燕赵歌在将自身准备规划周详后,便也同封云笙一道再次离开天外天,出了天苏宇宙,重入那无尽的域外虚空 They shuttle back and forth in the boundless space and time, Yan Zhaoge depends on remembers that seeks for one to return to the White Lotus Pure Land path. 两人在茫茫时空里穿梭,燕赵歌凭记忆,寻找一条重回白莲净土的道路。 In the past he universes dealings between White Lotus Pure Land and Taoism, wants to find White Lotus Pure Land now again, cannot the old route return. 当年他是在白莲净土道门宇宙间往来,现在想要再找到白莲净土,自不能原路返回。 However is lucky he to record firmly is obstructing line the position, takes this as the direction, to also really gives him to discover an invisible way in void. 不过万幸他牢牢记着遮行界的方位,以此为指引,到也真给他在虚空里找出一条无形的路径。 After approaches White Lotus Pure Land finally, Yan Zhaoge stops the footsteps with Feng Yunsheng, relates Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing. 在终于靠近白莲净土之后,燕赵歌封云笙停下脚步,联系月曜太阴上尊凌清 In the past the cultivation strength lowered, was unremarkable. 当年修为实力都低,不引人注意。 Nowadays cultivation realm, in addition the Hall of Pills reason, oneself became target of a multitude of arrows, Yan Zhaoge has to be careful. 现如今的修为境界,再加上丹殿的缘故,自己已经成为众矢之的,燕赵歌不得不小心。 After patient waiting, the Ling Qing that side feeds in the message. 经过耐心的等待后,凌清那边传回音讯。 According to the agreement, this expressed that side has prepared appropriately, will move little while. 按照约定,这就表示那边已经准备妥当,一时三刻间,就将行动。 Sure enough, after the moment, Yan Zhaoge feels immediately, the side universe that Buddhism External Way occupies, had the mighty waves. 果不其然,片刻后,燕赵歌立刻感觉到,佛门外道所占据的这一方宇宙,起了波澜。 That invisible wall, even is shivering the vibration. 那无形的“墙”,甚至都在颤抖震动。 Walks!” Yan Zhaoge looks at each other one with Feng Yunsheng, they with one voice, then simultaneously forward. “走!”燕赵歌封云笙对视一眼,两人异口同声,然后齐齐向前。 Passed through that invisible wall, the Yan Zhaoge two people are then equal to visiting White Lotus Pure Land officially. 穿越了那面无形的“墙”,燕赵歌二人便等于正式踏足白莲净土 The time is only a double-hour, even are less. 时间只有一个时辰,甚至更少。 Has not hesitated, they immediately to obstructing the direction of line hurry. 没有丝毫犹疑,两人立即向遮行界的方向赶去。 At this moment, ascended to Immortal Realm Yan Zhaoge looked at this piece of Buddhism universe again, sees only along the way everywhere Buddha's aura, fills the entire world. 此刻,已经登临仙境燕赵歌再看这一片佛门宇宙,只见沿途遍地佛光,弥漫寰宇。 But in the distant place, Buddha's aura flashes, then mysterious flowing light are palpitating. 而在远方,佛光闪动间,则有一道道玄妙流光在悸动。 That obviously is the calamity that South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and the others does, thus makes the shield for the two people. 那显然就是南极长生大帝等人搞出来的乱子,从而为己方二人做掩护。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng as far as possible restrain sound to move. 燕赵歌封云笙都尽量收敛声息行动。 But when they approach obstructs line, suddenly from elsewhere transmits the big sound! 但就在他们靠近遮行界的时候,突然间从别处传来大动静! Yan Zhaoge looks back to look in consternation, in seeing is difficult to distinguish the direction the universe to be void, suddenly makes a debut a colored glaze gloss. 燕赵歌愕然回首望去,就见难辨方向的宇宙虚空里,突然多出道道琉璃般的光泽。 Among the universes Gold Lantern shine, blue lotuses are in full bloom. 宇宙间一盏盏金灯亮起,一朵朵青莲盛开。 Gold Lantern, blue lotus... Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss person?” Feng Yunsheng also stunned. 金灯,青莲…西方极乐净土的人?”封云笙也一阵错愕。 Their look at each other in dismay: „Was some Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss people attacks White Lotus Pure Land?” 两人面面相觑:“这是西方极乐净土有人来攻打白莲净土了?”
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