HSSB :: Volume #14

#1361: No lack of successors to carry on spirit foot

Yan Zhaoge looks to the black jade bottle, said: Was a pity that cannot help the Jun'er mother and child and His Majesty the Mercury Sovereign they.” 燕赵歌看向黑玉瓶,说道:“可惜呀,帮不到钧儿母子和辰皇陛下他们。” the first person to bury funerary dolls Jian Shunhua, is present fortune and misfortune difficult material Feng Yunsheng, their themselves is not End of World Heavenly Demon or the Demon of Yang Metal appropriate rebirth depending on the body. 不论是始作俑者简瞬华,还是如今祸福难料的封云笙,她们本身都不是末法天魔或者庚金之魔合适的重生凭体。 Nowadays appearance, is Jian Shunhua, in South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and North Star Great Emperor they support under the help, the result on own initiative planning. 现如今的模样,乃是简瞬华南极长生大帝勾陈大帝他们支持帮助下,主动谋算的结果。 In this period had spent many painstaking efforts, consumed many tremendous resource, feared that was hard to count, in a short time did not have the possibility that the duplication came again. 期间花了多少苦功,耗费多少宝贵资源,怕是难以计数,短时间内也不具备复制重来的可能。 But regardless of Chen Xuanzong, Chu Lili or Shi Jun and Ying Yuzhen, all passively withstands the demon disaster. 而不论陈玄宗楚黎黎还是石钧赢雨真,皆是被动承受魔灾。 Their originally is the Great Demon rebirth most appropriate depending on body, early stared by Demon of Yin Water and other Great Demon, waits to look for the opportunity. 他们本就大魔重生最合适的凭体,早早被癸水之魔大魔盯上,就等着寻找机会。 Chen Xuanzong previously sees Ling Qing , helping to the Yan Zhaoge belt words time, Ling Qing once mentioned, regardless of South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor or Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang Gao Han, has not eradicated this aspect issue temporarily the means. 陈玄宗先前见到凌清,帮忙给燕赵歌带话的时候,凌清就曾经提及,不论南极长生大帝还是日曜太阳上尊高寒,暂时都没有根除这方面问题的办法。 Supreme Lord of the Shadow Luminary Ketú is Gao Han doppelgänger, in the past also once studied on the Chu Lili matter in Realm Above the Realm for many years. 隐曜计都上尊乃是高寒分身,当年在界上界也曾就楚黎黎的事情研究多年。 Although there is a harvest, but also is at present not enough to solve the basic issue. 虽然有收获,但目前还不足以解决根本问题。 In recent years, Yan Zhaoge and Chen Xuanzong have to estimate the discussion similarly, present mutual recognition, but must wait for opportunity, but grasps is insufficient. 这些年来,燕赵歌陈玄宗同样多有揣摩商议,眼下的共识,还需等待时机,而把握不足。 This is also but the action, only has attempts it slowly. 这也是无奈之举,唯有徐徐图之。 Now obtains this black jade bottle from South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, at least the Feng Yunsheng difficulty certainly has been alleviated, may celebrate finally encouraging. 现在从南极长生大帝手里得到这个黑玉瓶,至少封云笙的难关得到一定缓解,总算可喜可贺。 Returns to Heavenly Awakening Universe, re-entry Heaven Beyond the Heaven, Yan Zhaoge says goodbye Yan Di, Yue Zhenbei and Chen Xuanzong and the others. 返回天苏宇宙,重入天外天,燕赵歌再见燕狄越震北陈玄宗等人 Listens to Yan Zhaoge to rephrase in own words matter , the people ponder: Unexpectedly also has this grade of matter?” 燕赵歌转述事情经过后,众人都不禁沉思:“居然还有这等事?” In the past Yan Zhaoge first time astrayed White Lotus Pure Land, afterward had raised with Yan Di approximately, actually so was accidental by Yan Di, but asked: „The meaning of His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, as if does this line belong to you? Can this have other plan actually?” 当年燕赵歌第一次误入白莲净土,事后曾经同燕狄大致提过,是以燕狄倒不是那么意外,只是问道:“南极长生陛下之意,似乎此行非你莫属?这其实会不会有别的打算?” His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, as if really has its meaning, as for whether has the plan, now has not said.” Yan Zhaoge nodded. 南极长生陛下,似乎确有其意,至于是否另有打算,现在还不好说。”燕赵歌点了点头。 Yue Zhenbei asked: When do you prepare to leave?” 越震北则问道:“你准备何时动身?” Yan Zhaoge early has had considered: „The matter prepares after slightly, again, I also need to make some arrangements.” 燕赵歌早有过考虑:“稍事准备之后再出发,我还需要做些安排。” I will also leave this side Heavenly Awakening Universe , to continue to seek Mingkong and Lili.” Chen Xuanzong said at this time: This goes, the date and time is perhaps longer, does not need to worry about.” “吾也将离开这方天苏宇宙,继续去寻明空黎黎。”陈玄宗这时说道:“这一去,时日或许就久一些,诸位无需挂怀。” In recent years, Chen Xuanzong went out to seek for Xie Mingkong and Chu Lili two disciples frequently, the clue has also resulted in much, but just missed throughout. 近些年来,陈玄宗经常外出寻找解明空楚黎黎两个弟子,线索也得了不少,但始终失之交臂。 Before Jade Green Stream Heaven migration he made an appearance, on the one hand attracts the enemy attention, the ideas of line of luring the enemy out of his stronghod. 之前碧游天迁移时他露面,一方面是吸引对头注意力,行调虎离山之计。 On the other hand truly is also taking the trouble to seek for his two apprentices. 另一方面也确实在费心寻找他两个徒弟。 Now Heavenly Awakening Universe thorough set up the sacred cauldron, all safe, he does not need to close up the self-torture in a short time, naturally plans to go out once more , to continue to search. 如今天苏宇宙彻底鼎定,一切平安,他短时间内又无需闭关苦修,自然打算再次外出,继续搜寻。 Senior Chen, if did not mind how I and you do travel together?” Yan Di said at this time: Has to take care, also helps the member.” 陈前辈若不介意,我与您同行如何?”燕狄这时说道:“有个照应,也帮一把手。” Yan Zhaoge looking pensive looks to own father: „Can you cut to lock?” 燕赵歌若有所思看向自家老爹:“您要斩锁了吗?” Has not calculated, but truly needs to exit to take a walk.” Yan Di shows a faint smile. “还不算,只是确实需要出去走动走动。”燕狄微微一笑。 20 years ago, when the Yan Zhaoge and the others volume hole Realm Above the Realm five boundaries and many Lower Realm first time leaves the Taoism universe, Yan Di secluded cultivation, has stood outside Immortal Gate, Realm of True Immortal is extremely easy to obtain. 20年前,燕赵歌等人卷洞界上界五境和诸多下界第一次离开道门宇宙时,燕狄闭死关,就已经站在仙门外,真仙之境唾手可得。 Afterward he really successfully took that step, the body of achievement leakless True Immortal, ascended to Immortal Realm. 后来他果然成功迈出那一步,成就无漏真仙之身,登临仙境 After that for 20 years, turnover of Yan Di in Hall of Pills past took Pill Qi that in various medicinal pill essence and Hall of Pills survive, the self-torture accumulates silently, the cultivation strength constantly grows, the progressive speed shocks everybody. 其后20年来,燕狄丹殿内吞吐昔日服用各种丹药精华和丹殿内残存的丹气,默默苦修积累,修为实力更是不断增长,进步速度惊世骇俗。 Generally speaking, cultivation realm is higher, then the realm winding speed is slower, time-consuming is longer. 一般而言,修为境界越高,则境界提升速度越慢,耗时越长。 Can shove open the Immortal Gate’s powerhouse, which is not easy with it generation. 能推开仙门的强者,哪个也不是易与之辈。 But even if the potential completely, had not wanted to bridge over Heavenly Moat to continue upwardly to Immortal Realm, needs to accumulate much diligently. 但即便潜力未尽,到了仙境想要跨过一道道天堑继续向上,也需要多多积累努力。 The Immortal Realm powerhouse practices, in realm stops for over a hundred year and millennium even several thousand years and other other people's business, is normal. 仙境强者修练,一个境界里停上百年、千年甚至数千年不过等闲事,再正常不过。 Is the talent is shocking, price that the road that some must take, must pay , the province can not. 再是天才惊艳,有些必须要走的路,必须付出的代价,也省不得。 But Yan Di's situation is quite special. 燕狄的情况比较特殊。 The good fortune change, rolling the strength ideal condition forward, unifies with his in person aspects, not only when manifests with the person preys to spar, in daily practice, similar display significant role. 造化变迁,滚滚向前的力量意境,同他本人方方面面结合,不仅仅体现在与人搏杀斗法时,在日常修练中,也同样发挥重要作用。 By many difficulties to other people, to Yan Di, can grind directly forcefully! 是以对旁人来说的许多难关,对燕狄来讲,都可以直接强行碾过去! This is his blessed by Heaven individual superiority, the decendants is also hard to reappear. 这是他得天独厚的个人优势,后代子孙也难以重现。 But, this breadth of spirit similar advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. 可是,这气魄同样有利有弊。 The Yan Di practice, must be unprecedented, does not back up, cannot constrain. 燕狄修练,必须一往无前,倒退不得,压抑不得。 These years, the father somewhat tied up actually.” Yan Zhaoge sighed at heart. “这些年来,老爹其实是有些受缚的。”燕赵歌心里叹息一声。 After arriving at Realm Above the Realm, most of the time, the Broad Creed Mountain cream of the crop powerhouse, often is the Yan Zhaoge father and son. 来到界上界后,大多数时候,广乘山最顶尖的强者,往往便是燕赵歌父子二人。 Limited to the past Realm Above the Realm’s environment, enemy friend was mixed, many personal enemies, therefore was calm and steady for Sect, if their two fathers and sons the person went out, then another person must strive to keep Broad Creed Mountain oversees as far as possible, to guard the foreign enemy to seize the chance to intrude on. 限于当年界上界的环境,敌友交杂,不少仇家,所以为了宗门安稳,他们两父子如果有一人外出的话,那么另一人要争取尽量留在广乘山坐镇,以防外敌趁机进犯。 Many and varied reasons, the majority of times are Yan Zhaoge go out, but Yan Di remains. 多种多样的原因,大部分时候都是燕赵歌外出,而燕狄留守。 The past years has not reunited with Xue Chuqing time, Yan Di wants to go out to look for oneself wives to be unavailable. 以至于当年尚未同雪初晴团聚的时候,燕狄想要外出寻访自己妻子都不可得。 This is he is the Broad Creed Sect Master responsibility. 这是他身为广乘掌门的责任。 Yan Di in person does not take this as the burden actually, the responsibility instead changes into the power, making him dedicate. 燕狄本人倒是不以此为负担,责任反而化为动力,让他更加尽心。 But objectively, this truly is an invisible fetter, is suppressing Yan Di. 但从客观上来讲,这确实是一种无形的束缚,在压制燕狄 Because he special characteristics of Good Fortune Sabre sabre intent in practice, is out of the ordinary, cannot by common sense it. 他因为造化刀刀意在修练上的特质,毕竟与众不同,不能以常理度之。 Therefore in recent years, Yan Di keeps among Broad Creed Mountain to practice most of the time, goes out unusually. 所以这些年来,燕狄大多数时候都留在广乘山间修练,少有外出。 Although the enemy are many for these years, does not lack the actual combat, but regarding the martial artist practice, still had a flaw. 虽然这么多年来敌人不少,不缺实战,但对于武者修练来讲,仍然有所缺失。 Pure close-door self-torture, can never cultivate unparalleled expert constantly. 单纯一味闭门苦修,永远修不出盖世高手 Now situation is different, the Heavenly Awakening Universe concealment and independence, do not reveal under the premise of whereabouts theoretically, absolutely does not have top powerhouse oversees, was found very much difficultly. 现在情况则不同,天苏宇宙隐匿而又独立,理论上来讲,不泄露行踪的前提下,完全没有顶尖强者坐镇,也很难被人找到。 Let alone, besides Heaven Beyond the Heaven, Jade Green Stream Heaven now also, Yue Zhenbei with Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan and the others. 更何况,除了天外天以外,碧游天如今也在,越震北高清漩龙星泉等人在此间。 In Heaven Beyond the Heaven, Broad Creed Mountain and Invincible, then also leaves by the Yan Zhaoge father and son, might as well matter. 天外天中,广乘山无敌手,是以燕赵歌父子二人便是同时离开,也不妨事。 Xue Chuqing returned, the matter of Jade Green Stream Heaven settles similarly, constrains many years of Yan Di, today also calmly extremely thinks. 雪初晴已回,碧游天之事同样了结,压抑多年的燕狄,今日也静极思动了。 The person of familiar Yan Di cultivation advancement, mostly wants to understand the truth, Chen Xuanzong nods gently: From may all.” 熟悉燕狄修为进境的人,大都想明白其中道理,陈玄宗轻轻点头:“自无不可。” „The business in Sect, wants to come you to have the consideration.” Yan Zhaoge asked. 宗门里的事务,想来您已经有考虑。”燕赵歌则问道。 Yan Di said: Second Senior Apprentice Brother is the same with the master, is in recent years more dedicated in estimation of individual martial arts attainments, but the younger generation grew, selfenergy processing is appropriate.” 燕狄言道:“二师兄和师父一样,近些年来也更专注于个人武学造诣的揣摩,不过年轻一代都已经成长起来,自能处理妥当。”
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