HSSB :: Volume #14

#1360: Taoism Heavenly Lord line of sight institute and

In the Yan Zhaoge heart calculates rapidly, in surface has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, replied generously: Your majesty already has a life, Yan then walks this, lest only has defeated/carrying your majesty to hold.” 燕赵歌心中飞速盘算,面上则拱了拱手,慨然答道:“陛下既有所命,燕某便走这一趟,只唯恐有负陛下所托。” The thunderclap resounds: opportunity grasps appropriately, the possibility of not having accomplishing.” 雷声响起:“时机把握得当,并非没有成事的可能。” Does not know whether I can go back to prepare?” Yan Zhaoge said. “不知我能否回去准备一下?”燕赵歌言道。 Void , the sound of thunder is going far away gradually: Might as well, after you prepare to be appropriate, informs Ling Qing then.” 虚空里,雷霆之声在渐渐远去:“无妨,你准备妥当后,告知凌清即可。” Yan Zhaoge nods the head, saw with own eyes that South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor must leave, Yan Zhaoge makes noise suddenly. 燕赵歌颔首,眼见南极长生大帝已经要离开,燕赵歌突然出声。 Your majesty walks slowly, younger generation thanking your majesty bestowed the sentiment of my Broad Creed Mountain Lineage absolute art in the past.” “陛下慢走,晚辈谢过陛下当年赐我广乘山一脉绝学之情。” South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor had not replied that only has wild thunder ray to diverge gradually, the at present nebula restores the original design. 南极长生大帝没有回答,唯有狂暴的雷光渐渐散去,眼前的星云重新恢复原样。 Feng Yunsheng somewhat accidental looks to Yan Zhaoge: When South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor bestows humble sect absolute art... Is don't tell me refers to Life and Fortune Heavenly Book and Pleasant Thunder Incantation that Grand Master under the chance coincidence obtained in the past?!” 封云笙有些意外的看向燕赵歌:“南极长生大帝什么时候赐本门绝学…呃,难道说是指师祖当年机缘巧合下得到的生生造化天书如意雷咒?!” „Is that His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity has a mind to accomplish?” Feng Yunsheng first is shocking, if then gradually has become aware: Was, that Life and Fortune Heavenly Book, was most legitimate Primordial Beginning legacy!” “那是南极长生陛下有心造就?”封云笙先是震惊,然后渐渐若有所悟:“是了,那生生造化天书,乃是最正统的元始嫡传!” Same gate martial arts, different people practice comprehend, to the high deep place, will have own explanation and understanding. 同一门武学,不同的人来修练参悟,到了高深处,都会有自己的解读和理解。 The apprentice who even if the same master teaches, the apprentice also possibly has the difference to the comprehension of same gate martial arts. 哪怕同一个师父教出来的徒弟,徒弟彼此之间对同一门武学的领悟也可能有差别。 They teach their disciple again separately, possibly is then getting bigger and bigger to the final difference. 他们再分别传授自己的弟子,到最后差别便可能越来越大。 Even if can see clearly the vein leaves one, but same root with different branches, has the special place. 即使能清楚看出来脉络同出一宗,但同宗不同源,自有特别之处。 But so-called most legitimate Primordial Beginning legacy, is the Jade Pure founder, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning personally opens the altar|jar ** record. 而所谓最正统的元始嫡传,就是玉清祖师,元始天尊亲自开坛**的记载。 Although is the same sources, but such Heavenly Book sutra meaning, does not integrate the posterity to explain, most approaches the explanation of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning in person to Great Way. 虽然都是同一源头,但这样的天书经义,不融入后人解读,最为靠近元始天尊本人大道的阐释。 How to practice the comprehension, after must look, newcomer individual, the obtained achievement, certainly is not necessarily strong in other people. 如何修炼领悟,还是要看后来者个人,所得成果,未必一定强于他人。 Such Heavenly Book sutra meaning, without doubt is but purest, points to the source, most draws close to the explanation of Jade Pure Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning founder in person. 可是这样的天书经义,无疑最为纯粹,直指本源,最贴近玉清元始天尊祖师本人的解读。 In the past in Lower Realm of Taoism universe Realm Above the Realm subordination, in Jambudvīpa, Yuan Zhengfeng entered an ancient cave mansion, Life and Fortune Heavenly Book that obtained was such existence. 当年在道门宇宙界上界统属的下界,阎浮大世界里,元正峰入了一古老洞府,得到的生生造化天书便是这样的存在。 Explained that the related sutra meaning record of this Life and Fortune Heavenly Book, stems from one to listen to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning personally ** person. 说明这生生造化天书的相关经义记载,源于一位亲自听过元始天尊**的人。 In addition Pleasant Thunder Incantation this kind, Yan Zhaoge in the past some faintly had suspected that is most likely to leave behind the person in that cave mansion, is the Jade Pure true line, entire sky Immortal Thunder main South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor! 再加上如意雷咒这样一门雷法,燕赵歌当年有隐隐有所怀疑,最有可能留下那洞府的人,便是玉清真传,诸天仙雷之主的南极长生大帝 At that time, about South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, the news about other Taoism authentic Supreme Being powerhouses knew limitedly, Yan Zhaoge has not then thought. 只是那个时候,关于南极长生大帝,关于其他道门正宗大能强者的消息都所知有限,燕赵歌便也没有多想。 Perhaps truly is other palace that past South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor left behind, was happen to cheap Yuan Zhengfeng and Broad Creed Mountain? 或许确实是当年南极长生大帝留下的一座别府,正好便宜了元正峰广乘山 But now Yan Zhaoge is very difficult to think like this. 可现在燕赵歌很难这样想了。 He now the issue of main thinking is, Broad Creed Mountain, or his does Yan Zhaoge, from, enter the line of sight of South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor? 他现在主要思索的问题是,广乘山,或者说他燕赵歌,是从什么时候起,进入南极长生大帝的视线? Before this, curls Life and Fortune Heavenly Book and Pleasant Thunder Incantation including that possibly is only others conveniently below idle chess, in advance invests, better than nothing. 此前,包括那卷生生造化天书如意雷咒,可能都只是人家随手下的闲棋,预先投资,聊胜于无。 Until nowadays, Yan Zhaoge and Broad Creed Mountain rose, just now has the official contact. 直到现如今,燕赵歌广乘山真的崛起了,方才有正式的接触。 However, from, opposite party starts to pay attention to itself? 但是,从什么时候起,对方开始注意自己呢? Perhaps changed other people also to be insufficient to think these many. 换了旁人或许还不至于想这么多。 But as past incarnation Heavenly Court Divine Palace Book Collection Pavilion Pavilion Spirit, along with Heavenly Court Divine Palace together Cataclysm, after experience long years, just now the rebirth for Yan Zhaoge of person, to years past Heavenly Court Divine Palace in can be counted on one's fingers big shot South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, was really beyond control he not to think more. 但作为当年化身天庭神宫藏书阁阁灵,随天庭神宫一起破灭,经历悠悠岁月后方才重生为人的燕赵歌,对着昔年天庭神宫屈指可数大佬南极长生大帝,实在由不得他不想多一些。 This time comes to meet with South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, originally has the meaning of inquisition. 这次来同南极长生大帝会面,本就有探究之意。 Currently speaking, before harvest recently, expected that must be bigger. 目前来说,收获比来之前预想中还要更大。 previously somewhat suspected, but does not have the basis.” Yan Zhaoge sound transmission answered Feng Yunsheng: But looks at this situation now, feared that has the possibility very much.” 先前有些怀疑,但没有依据。”燕赵歌传音答复封云笙:“但现在看这情况,怕是很有可能。” Although South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor already neither admits nor denies the manner, is possibly being mysterious to deceive him, but Yan Zhaoge this moment intuition rather believes its has. 虽然南极长生大帝既不承认也不否认的态度,可能是在故弄玄虚糊弄他,但燕赵歌此刻直觉宁可信其有。 Must clarify outcome, but also needs to verify more matters. 要弄清楚这其中究竟,还需要查明更多事情。 Greater Yang Seal and Greater Yin Royal Crown were kept Eight Extremities World, was very early matters, at that time your my also not stranger.” Although the Feng Yunsheng words so said that but expression obvious flood doubts: I from the Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Rāhu Sabre body...” 太阳印太阴冠冕被留在八极大世界,都是很早的事情了,那时候你我都还未生人。”封云笙话虽如此说,但语气明显泛着疑惑:“还有我得自暗曜罗睺上尊罗睺刀躯壳…” Yan Zhaoge said: At present we know limitedly, and first is not busy drawing a conclusion.” 燕赵歌言道:“眼下咱们所知有限,且先不忙着下结论。” Two people ended the sound transmission exchange, Yan Zhaoge look to nearby Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing. 两个人结束传音交流,燕赵歌看向一旁的月曜太阴上尊凌清 Ling Qing the vision also looked at this time to them that the look is faint, the aura is chilly. 凌清这时目光也向他们看过来,神色淡漠,气息清冷。 Later must have work senior.” Yan Zhaoge stern said. “之后还要有劳前辈。”燕赵歌正色说道。 „Before you leave, notes my one, I relate His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity and Gao Han, diverts the White Lotus Pure Land attention for you.” Ling Qing nods. “你动身前,照会我一声,我联系南极长生陛下高寒,为你牵制白莲净土的注意力。”凌清点点头。 Yan Zhaoge replied: This is naturally.” 燕赵歌答道:“这是自然。” Feng Yunsheng to Ling Qing good a ritual: Senior takes care.” 封云笙凌清行了一礼:“前辈多保重。” They said good-bye Ling Qing, the personal appearance flew together upwardly, is separated from at present this nebulas. 两人辞别了凌清,身形一同向上飞去,脱离眼下这片星云。 Left the nebula, they speed along together, return to Hall of Pills. 出了星云,两人一同飞驰,返回丹殿 Walks on the road, naturally still carefully alerted, cleaning up passed by the trace that stays behind, in order to avoid followed up a clue, follows secretly. 走在路上,自然仍小心戒备,清理路过留下的痕迹,以免被人顺藤摸瓜,暗暗跟上。 Against person's heart must have, even if unexpected South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and Gao Han and the others, if only also other against enemies. 防人之心不可无,哪怕不防南极长生大帝高寒等人,也自要防其他对头。 This treasured vase, seems is the treasure of His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity newly refinement.” Yan Zhaoge received the black jade bottle from Feng Yunsheng, strokes gently to size up: This material quality, sole material builds by no means that but fused many spirit soil spirit earth, the burning paper resembling money sacrifice refining up together.” “这宝瓶,看上去是南极长生陛下自己新炼制的宝物。”燕赵歌封云笙手里接过黑玉瓶,摩挲打量:“这材质,并非单一材料打造,而是融合了多种灵壤灵土,一起烧纸祭炼而成。” Hissing... Inside also has Nine Netherworld Soil, has the profound shape demon crystal, has Nine Nether Desolate spirit stone, rare treasure that in Nine Nether is in sole possession, in this smelted seven types most minimum.” “嘶…里面还加有九幽冥壤,有玄形魔晶,有九幽灵石,啧啧,九幽里独有的异宝,这里面最起码熔炼了七样。” Yan Zhaoge shakes the head gently: Even if by the energy of His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, must collect these many precious Heavenly Material Earthly Treasure, cannot complete in a short time, particularly such bad environment of Post-Great Cataclysm to our Three Pure Ones Orthodox.” 燕赵歌轻轻摇头:“即便以南极长生陛下之能,要收集这么多贵重天材地宝,也不是短时间内可以完成,尤其是大破灭后对我们三清正宗来说这么恶劣的环境。” This early was prepared, specifically is used to support the Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu motion the treasure?” Feng Yunsheng talked to oneself in a soft voice: „After Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu succeeds, can apply.” “这是原先早有准备,专门用来支持暗曜罗睺上尊行动的宝物?”封云笙轻声自语:“待暗曜罗睺上尊成功后,就能派上用场了。” Yan Zhaoge said: not bad, but goal originally is Demon of Yang Metal, has not thought Jian Shunhua to independently decide, the attempt steals the End of World Heavenly Demon prestige to be able unexpectedly authority.” 燕赵歌言道:“不错,只是原本的目标乃是庚金之魔,不曾想简瞬华自作主张,竟然尝试窃取末法天魔的威能权柄。” Therefore this black jade bottle , can only assist you from side, but does not play the decisive effect, therefore you must be careful.” “所以这黑玉瓶,也只能从旁协助你,而不是起到决定性作用,因此你自己还需多小心。” Feng Yunsheng said: This our province.” 封云笙言道:“这个我省得。” She brings back the black jade bottle from Yan Zhaoge, sizes up carefully: But, has this treasure to assist, my following step can let loose one point, the courage can also enlarge one point.” 她从燕赵歌手里取回黑玉瓶,细细打量:“不过,有此宝相助,我接下来步子可以放开一点,胆子也可以放大一点了呢。” ( Ps: In order to adjust the work and rest, stops today, did not continue to stay up late, but also owed first watch, I have recorded, has not forgotten, everybody felt relieved.) (ps:为了调整作息,今天到此为止,不继续熬夜了,还欠一更,我一直记着,没有忘,大家放心。)
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