HSSB :: Volume #14

#1359: Goes to the Five Elements mountain again

Listened to the South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor issue, in the Yan Zhaoge heart to move slightly. 听了南极长生大帝的问题,燕赵歌心中微动。 In the past after he just obtained Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, astrayed White Lotus Pure Land, has contacted some people, did not have to keep secret to see the person to kill people specially, eliminated a potential informant completely. 当年他刚刚得到玄霄紫金炉后,误入白莲净土,着实接触过一些人,也没有特意为了保密而见人杀人,全部灭口。 However, past his cultivation strength still lowered, cannot cause many people to pay attention. 不过,当年的他修为实力尚低,也着实引不起多少人关注。 South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor understood that the matter in this aspect, actually does not know what way from learned? 南极长生大帝了解到这方面的事情,却不知道是从什么途径获悉? In the heart thinks deeply about at the same time, the Yan Zhaoge facial color does not change, replied without hesitation: Truly has gone, at that time had not known Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss still, thinks Buddhism legacy only remaining that White Lotus Pure Land.” 心中思索的同时,燕赵歌面色不改,毫不犹豫答道:“确实去过,那时还不知西方极乐净土尚在,以为佛门传承只剩下那白莲净土。” „The Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss hidden world, just now has reappeared before this until the recent years.” The void in thunderclap said: But they, continuously.” 西方极乐净土此前一直隐世,直到近年方才重现。”虚空里的雷声言道:“但他们,一直都在。” Yan Zhaoge heard this, looking pensive. 燕赵歌闻言,若有所思。 Then you arrived at White Lotus Pure Land at that time, walks above, which world has been to?” The void in thunderclap asked at this time suddenly. “然则你当时到了白莲净土,在其上行走,都到过哪些世界呢?”虚空里的雷声这时忽然问道。 After a Yan Zhaoge slightly thinking, then in report the names of several world. 燕赵歌略一思索后,便即报上了十几个世界的名称。 Was he in the past astrayed White Lotus Pure Land, when attempted unceasingly found the road to come back, the Buddhism world of way. 都是他当年误入白莲净土,不断尝试找路回来时,途径的佛门世界。 And, included that side to let him until now still caring some obstructing line. 其中,也包括那一方让他至今仍然有些在意的遮行界。 However, is working as South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor surface, he has not mentioned initially his question, but obstructing the line doping in that several world, as if no any unusual form, one and said. 不过,当着南极长生大帝的面儿,他没有提及当初自己的疑问,只是将遮行界掺杂在那十几个世界里,仿佛没有任何异状,一并道出。 That side calls does to obstruct line the Buddhism world, you may still remember the position, can seek the way to look?” “那一方唤作遮行界的佛门天地,你可还记得方位,能寻路径找去?” Does not know that should say is expected, is unexpected, after listening to Yan Zhaoge's replied, in that was void the thunderclap to mention specially obstructed line. 不知该说是意料之中,还是意料之外,在听完燕赵歌的回答后,那虚空里的雷声却是专门提到了遮行界。 Yan Zhaoge replied dignified: Finding can find, does not know that His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity does have what instruction?” 燕赵歌泰然答道:“找到是可以找到,不知南极长生陛下可是有何吩咐?” The thunderclap resounds without consulting anybody: That obstructs line, space and time is special, to a past Pre-Great Cataclysm place, retained completely, the name called two mountains marking a border.” 雷声径自响起:“那遮行界,时空特殊,通往当年大破灭前一处地方,完整保留下来,名唤两界山。” If I receive the news not to be fake, there suppressed one to exist.” “如朕所收消息不假,那里镇压了一位存在。” Yan Zhaoge nods, has not said that but waits for the South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor following view relieved. 燕赵歌点点头,没接话,只是安心等待南极长生大帝接下来的说法。 You, if has leisure, might as well obstructs line to walk toward that.” Really, the thunderclap continues to say. “你若有闲,不妨往那遮行界走一趟。”果然,雷声继续说道。 Your majesty Rong Bing, the younger generation does not shirk, is only Yan, although the rash was usually frivolous, but many also a little self-knowledge.” Yan Zhaoge asked: Does not know that who that suppression seal is sets up, my present cultivation strength, whether to take on this heavy responsibility?” “陛下容禀,晚辈绝非推脱,只是燕某虽然素来孟浪轻狂,但多少还有点自知之明。”燕赵歌问道:“不知那镇压封印是何人所设立,我如今的修为实力,能否担此重任?” At the same time was saying, his line of sight looks to nearby Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing. 一边说着,他视线看向一旁的月曜太阴上尊凌清 Gao Han and Ling Qing, goal originally is obvious.” The thunderclap does not think disobediently: I and North Star, do not have, when they, recently Fellow Daoist Suo, was easier to be impeded by the White Lotus Pure Land discovery.” 高寒凌清,目标本就明显。”雷声不以为忤:“朕和勾陈、无当他们,还有新近的索道友,就更容易被白莲净土发现掣肘。” You go to obstruct line, this time goes again familiar and easy, now your reputation was not small, is related with Hall of Pills, wants to come to be also remarkable, but I and Gao Han, Ling Qing they, will cover up for you, attracts White Lotus Pure Land and Monster Race attention for you.” “你去过遮行界,此次再去轻车熟路,如今你名声也已不小,又跟丹殿相关,想来也会引人注意,不过朕和高寒凌清他们,会为你遮掩,替你吸引白莲净土妖族的注意力。” At present White Lotus Pure Land with Immortal Courtyard battles the most intense time, even if can branch out some attention, eventually limited. 眼下白莲净土仙庭之间交战正是最激烈的时候,就算能分出些许注意力,终究还是有限。 When among them the flames of war subside, did not have such good opportunity. 等他们之间战火平息下来,就没这么好的时机了。 The South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor choice now this time, is just truly appropriate. 南极长生大帝挑选现在这个时间,确实正合适。 Please this going, is not for the seal of that suppression.” Thunderclap sound. “请你这次前去,并非为了那镇压的封印。”雷声响动。 The Yan Zhaoge vision dodges slightly: Your majesty is thinks how Yan does do?” 燕赵歌目光微微一闪:“那陛下是想燕某如何做?” Only needs to determine that was pressed existences under that two mountains marking a border, is actually who then.” South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor said. “只需要确定,被压在那两界山下的存在,究竟是谁即可。”南极长生大帝言道。 Respectfully follows your majesty decree.” After Yan Zhaoge slightly one next, said in a soft voice: Your majesty, two mountains marking a border names, the younger generation also hears.” “谨遵陛下谕令。”燕赵歌稍微顿了一下后,轻声道:“陛下,两界山这个名字,晚辈也有听闻。” As if was past Medieval Era time, the Monster Race Great Sage Equal of Heaven suppressed place, afterward the bodhisattva changed magically to rescue, finally was successful in the Western Paradise Spirit Mountain monastery obtains the Daoist scripture, directed Western Buddhism second penetrating eastward, the achievement Central Hovering Pure Land Daxing, vertical achieved Buddhahood, melts salutes Victorious Fighting Buddha?” “似乎是当年中古纪元的时候,妖族齐天大圣被镇压的地方,后来得佛子点化解救,最终成功在西天灵山宝刹求得真经,引西方佛门第二次东渐,成就中央娑婆净土大兴,立地成佛,化南无斗战胜佛?” The thunderclap is billowing, words that changing into the person can understand, moderate as before: This hearsay is not false, but recalled now, fishy.” 雷声滚滚,化为人能听懂的话语,语气平和依旧:“此段传闻不假,但如今回想,不无蹊跷。” Happen to recently discovered that there as if has unknown existence to be suppressed, two verify, has the verification necessity.” “正好最近发现那里似乎有未知的存在被镇压,两相印证,有查实的必要。” Yan Zhaoge whispered at heart. 燕赵歌心里嘀咕。 The incomplete truth, often compares the false rumor more deceptive. 不完整的真相,往往比虚假的谎言更具有欺骗性。 This truth, Yan Zhaoge did not oppose. 这个道理,燕赵歌不反对。 However, must say that South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor discovered under two mountains marking a border the suppression to have the person recently, Yan Zhaoge thinks to wait for discussing, not necessarily is the truth. 不过,要说南极长生大帝是最近才发现两界山下镇压有人,燕赵歌觉得有待商榷,未必是实话。 Why as for chooses to want him to go, Yan Zhaoge also thought that South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor is not the casual decision, as if also includes the secret facts. 至于为什么选择要他前去,燕赵歌也觉得南极长生大帝并非随便决定,似乎也含有隐情。 This matter, if these high-level big shot care, why formerly hadn't sent for verifying? 这件事,如果这些高层大佬们对此在意的话,从前为何不曾派人查证呢? Yan Zhaoge turns the head to look to Feng Yunsheng, that black jade bottle, rewards for services rendered without doubt. 燕赵歌转头看向封云笙,那个黑玉瓶,无疑就是酬劳。 South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor but actually also refreshed, earnest money directly on prepayment. 南极长生大帝倒也爽快,定金直接就先付了。 Leeway that Yan Zhaoge completely has not rejected actually, but he does not want to reject. 燕赵歌倒不是完全没有拒绝的余地,不过他不想拒绝。 To be honest, he to two mountains marking a border, or Five Elements Mountain there situation, truly also is interested. 说心里话,他自己对两界山,或者五行山那里的情况,确实也很感兴趣。 Other people are not perhaps clear, but had been in the past personally obstructs line, saunters outside that two mountains marking a border half-day Yan Zhaoge, has an intense intuition. 旁人或许不清楚,但当年亲自到过遮行界,更在那两界山外转悠半天的燕赵歌,却有一种强烈的直觉。 Under that mountain is pressing existence, extremely possibly is the monkey that should already get out of trouble! 在那山下压着的存在,极可能就是那头本该早已脱困的猴子! In the past the cultivation strength was low, the reputation did not reveal, accidentally went to White Lotus Pure Land to walk, was unremarkable. 当年修为实力低,名声也不显,偶然去白莲净土走一遭,还不引人注意。 Now wants to go again, compared with the past, was very not easy to arouse the interest of White Lotus Pure Land top Supreme Being powerhouse. 现在再想去一趟,可不比往日,很容易引起白莲净土顶尖大能强者的关注。 The rarity has South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and Gao Han and Ling Qing and the others helps itself cover to attract others attention, this time walks one without a doubt is the best opportunity. 难得有南极长生大帝高寒凌清等人帮自己打掩护吸引别人注意力,这次走一趟毫无疑问是最好的机会。 Heavenly Awakening Universe and Heaven Beyond the Heaven and Jade Green Stream Heaven's matter already basic appropriate, is insufficient to have any too big accident. 天苏宇宙天外天碧游天的事情已经基本妥当,不至于有什么太大变故。 Oneself just successfully crossed Immortal Tribulation, within certain amount of time closes door to dive to cultivate, the function was not already big. 自身刚刚成功渡过仙凡劫,一定时间内闭门潜修,作用已然不大。 To present Yan Zhaoge, whets walks, instead helps his accumulation. 对现在的燕赵歌而言,更多磨砺行走,反而更有利于他的积累。 To his nowadays realm, every so often, the patient and persistent work of good fee time was unable to be few, but light depends on the patient and persistent work decidedly not to have a more further possibility. 到了他现如今的境界,很多时候,好费时间的水磨工夫不能少,但光靠水磨工夫则断然没有更进一步的可能。 If under that mountain is really the monkey, perhaps his unique element, will implicate Monster Race and Buddhism is as for the Taoism multiple secrets. 如果那山下真是猴子,那他的特殊之处,恐怕将牵连妖族、佛门乃至于道门多重隐秘。 This to nowadays Yan Zhaoge, is the value surpasses the things above many rare book treasures. 这对现如今的燕赵歌来说,是价值远超许多秘籍宝物之上的东西。 Matter that needs to pay attention to only... 唯一需要注意的事情… Your majesty, does not know how much time I do have?” Yan Zhaoge opens the mouth to ask. “陛下,不知我有多少时间?”燕赵歌开口问道。 Since you visit White Lotus Pure Land at that moment, within a double-hour.” South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor replied. “从你踏足白莲净土那一刻起,一个时辰以内。”南极长生大帝答道。 Regarding has visited the Immortal Realm powerhouse, a double-hour, was not short, even if must be counted the time of back and forth hurrying along. 对于已经踏足仙境的强者来说,一个时辰,已经不短,哪怕要算上来回赶路的时间。 However, who knows that obstructs in line under that two mountains marking a border, is situation? 但是,谁知道遮行界里那两界山下,到底是怎么个情况 So looks like, a double-hour, is written in water simply. 如此看来,一个时辰,简直转瞬即逝。 Accidentally what to do must guard against this is a pit should.” Yan Zhaoge whispered at heart: But, was probably sufficient.” “还要防备这万一是个坑该怎么办。”燕赵歌心里嘀咕:“不过,也大约够用了。”
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